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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação dos distúrbios do movimento em pacientes com doenças desmielinizantes(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-11-30) Silva, Carolina Candeias da [UNIFESP]; Borges, Vanderci [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Enedina Maria Lobato de [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To describe the prevalence and characteristics of movement disorders in patients with MS (multiple sclerosis) and NMOSD (neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder) followed at the Neuroimmunology clinic at Universidade Federal de São Paulo. In addition, to investigate the association between MS, NMOSD, disability, movement disorders and quality of life. Methods: A cross-sectional study of patients with demyelinating diseases was conducted from June 2015 to September 2016. Patients aged 18 years or older, without significant cognitive impairment and with diagnostic criteria for MS or NMOSD were eligible. We evaluated 268 patients, 15 were excluded. The main exclusion criteria was other possible cause related with the movement disorder. Patients were evaluated with interview and physical exam by a neurologist specialist in movement disorder. We used the following tools: the EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale), the Fahn Tolosa and Marín tremor rating scale, the modified Ashworth scale, for assessment of spasticity, and EuroQoL- 5 Dimensions questionnaire, for analysis of quality of life. Results: From 253 patients included, 26% presented with movement disorders. The majority of the patients was female (74.3%), with a mean age of 40.36 years (SD = 11.74). The median EDSS score of included patients was 2.5 with interquartile range of 1.0- 6.0. Paroxysmal dystonia (n=32) was the most common movement disorder, followed by tremor (n=27). The prevalence of tremor in MS was 12.5% and intention tremor was the most common (82%). Patients with MS and low EDSS score (<4,0), compared to NMOSD, have fewer movement disorders. Paroxysmal dystonia was strongly associated to NMOSD diagnosis (OR=22.07, 95%CI=2.56 - 189.78; p=0.005). The mean of utility scores of quality of life was 0.58 (SD=0.26), patients with MS have 0.15 points higher on average than patients with NMOSD, and patients with movement disorders have 0.083 points lower than those without them. Conclusion: The presence of movement disorders in patients with demyelinating diseases seems to be related with severity and progression of the disease. Paroxysmal dystonia is significantly more associated with NMOSD, and may be a clinical marker of this. Intention tremor was the most common movement disorder in MS. It has been demonstrated an impact on the quality of life of patients with demyelinating diseases and movement disorders.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Chin tremor in full-term neonate after hypoxia(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2012-01-01) Scattolin, Mônica Ayres de Araújo [UNIFESP]; Marx, Catherine [UNIFESP]; Guinsburg, Ruth [UNIFESP]; Masruha, Marcelo Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Vilanova, Luiz Celso Pereira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)CONTEXT: Newborns may present a range of motor phenomena that are not epileptic in nature. Chin tremor is an unusual movement disorder that typically starts in early childhood and may be precipitated by stress and emotion. Its pathophysiology has not been fully elucidated. CASE REPORT: We describe a full-term newborn that, immediately after neonatal anoxia, presented body and chin tremors that were unresponsive to anti-epileptic drugs. Subsequent neurological evaluation revealed signs of pyramidal tract damage and chin tremor triggered by percussion and crying. We discuss the hypothesis that the anatomopathological abnormality may lie at the level of the higher cortical centers or midbrain. CONCLUSIONS: Further studies are needed in order to gain greater comprehension of neonatal tremors. Recognition of the various etiological possibilities and consequent management of treatable causes is essential for care optimization.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeitos da estriatotomia posterior estereotáxica unilateral no tremor induzido pela harmalina em ratos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2006) Vilela Filho, Osvaldo [UNIFESP]; Ferraz, Fernando Antonio Patriani [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivos: Embora compreenda a mais prevalente desordem do movimento, a fisiopatologia do tremor essencial (TE) e ainda controversa. Conforme a hipotese mais aceita, trata-se de um tremor central causado por uma disfuncao do complexo olivar inferior, provavelmente secundario a uma hipofuncao do sistema GABAergico. Vilela Filho et al (2001), por outro lado, relataram o caso de uma paciente com TE da mao direita que foi completamente eliminado apos uma isquemia restrita ao putamen posterior contralateral e sugeriram que o TE poderia representar a manifestacao clinica da hiperatividade do putamen posterior. O presente estudo foi realizado para testar essa hipotese no mais frequentemente usado modelo animal de TE, o tremor induzido pela harmalina em ratos e, empregando-se o mapeamento fisiologico por estimulacao, melhor determinar a organizacao somatotopica do striatum no rato. Metodos: 54 ratos Wistar machos (peso=250-350g) foram aleatoriamente distribuidos em tres grupos: experimental-GE (n=26), controle cirurgico-GCC (n=18) e controle farmacologico-GCF (n=10). Animais do GE foram submetidos a estriatotomia posterior estereotaxica unilateral (coordenadas: 1.8mm posterior/4.6mm lateral/5.85mm inferior; eletrodo: 0.35mm em diametro externo e 1.0mm de ponta exposta; parametros da lesao eletrolitica: 5.0mA/6o/60Hz) apos estimulacao eletrica do alvo (parametros: 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 e 2.0mA/monopolar/6o/60Hz). Nos animais do GCC, o eletrodo foi introduzido no alvo e retirado, sem se proceder a estimulacao ou lesao. Animais do GCF serviram apenas como controles para os efeitos da harmalina, nao tendo sido operados. Todos os animais (7o dia pos-operatorio naqueles operados) receberam harmalina intraperitonial (20mg/kg/ml), tendo sido o tremor induzido filmado 45 e 110 minutos apos sua administracao. A intensidade do tremor apendicular foi avaliada, independentemente, por um observador ocegoo, enquanto a dos tremores axiais, bem como a latencia e duracao de todos os tremores, pelos pesquisadores. Apos o teste da harmalina, os animais do GE e GCC foram sacrificados e seus cerebros enviados para o exame histopatologico. Resultados: Conforme criterios estabelecidos, 13 animais foram excluidos do estudo. O tremor apendicular mostrou-se reduzido ipsolateralmente a cirurgia em 20/21 animais do GE e em 2/9 do GCC e assimetrico em 1/10 do GCF; tais diferencas foram estatisticamente significantes entre GE e GCC e GE e GCF, mas nao entre GCC e GCF. Curiosamente, a latencia e duracao dos tremores axiais foram menores no GCF que no GE e GCC. A percentagem de reducao media do tremor apendicular foi 43.70%±14.22, tendo sido maior nas patas anteriores que posteriores e apos a estriatotomia posterior direita que esquerda. Lesoes estriatais laterais proporcionaram melhores resultados que as mediais. Conclusoes: Esses resultados sao sugestivos de uma provavel participacao do striatum posterior no tremor induzido pela harmalina em ratos e reforcam a hipotese determinante da realizacao do presente estudo. Os resultados derivados do mapeamento fisiologico estriatal por estimulacao e da resposta do tremor a cirurgia, por sua vez, sugerem a seguinte organizacao somatotopica no striatum dorsal do rato: patas dianteiras (muito provavelmente superpostas), posteriores e ventrais; tronco e cauda, anteriores; e patas traseiras, em posicao intermediaria entre as duas anteriores, anterior e dorsalmente as patas dianteiras, situando-se a contralateral posteriormente a ipsolateral
- ItemSomente MetadadadosLaryngoscopy evaluation protocol for the differentiation of essential and dystonic voice tremor(Assoc brasileira otorrinolaringologia & cirurgia cervicofacial, 2016) de Moraes, Bruno Teixeira [UNIFESP]; de Biase, Noemi Grigoletto [UNIFESP]Introduction: Although syndromes that cause voice tremor have singular characteristics, the differential diagnosis of these diseases is a challenge because of the overlap of the existing signs and symptoms. Objective: To develop a task-specific protocol to assess voice tremor by means of nasofibro-laryngoscopy and to identify those tasks that can distinguish between essential and dystonic tremor syndromes. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy protocol, which consisted of the assessment of palate, pharynx and larynx tremor during the performance of several vocal and non-vocal tasks with distinct phenomenological characteristics, was applied to 19 patients with voice tremor. Patients were diagnosed with essential or dystonic tremor according to the phenomenological characterization of each group. Once they were classified, the tasks associated with the presence of tremor in each syndrome were identified. Results: The tasks that significantly contributed to the differential diagnosis between essential and dystonic tremor were /s/ production, continuous whistling and reduction of tremor in falsetto. These tasks were phenomenologically different with respect to the presence of tremor in the two syndromes. Conclusion: The protocol of specific tasks by means of transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy is a viable method to differentiate between essential and dystonic voice tremor syndromes through the following tasks: /s/ production, continuous whistling and reduction of tremor in falsetto. (C) 2015 Associacao Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cervico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosProtocolo de avaliacao por nasofibrolaringoscopia para diferenciar tremor vocal essencial e distonico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011) Moraes, Bruno Teixeira de [UNIFESP]
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Respostas comportamentais de ratos jovens e idosos após administração de oxotremorina(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 1997) Espinola, Eduardo Bezerra [UNIFESP]; Carlini, Elisaldo Araujo [UNIFESP]O envelhecimento da populacao mundial vem causando grande impacto na vida socio-economica dos paises. Por outro lado, varios estudos neuroquimicos e comportamentais em animais e humanos tem revelado mudancas relacionadas a idade. Sabendo-se que poucos estudos tem investigado a resposta farmacologica de agentes que atuam no sistema colinergico em funcao da idade, este trabalho investigou as respostas central e periferica a oxotremorina (OXO) entre ratos jovens (3-6 meses) e idosos (24-30 meses). Os ratos idosos apresentaram respostas farmacologicas mais intensas, tanto a nivel periferico (cromodacriorreia) como a nivel central (tremor), apos tratamento com OXO 0,25 a 1,0 mg/kg (ip.). Tais dados sugerem alteracoes farmacocineticas e/ou alteracoes na funcionalidade e mostram ainda que, possivelmente, os sistemas colinergico periferico e central sao igualmente afetados com a idade. Ratos idosos mostraram um retardo na aprendizagem de uma tarefa no labirinto em T. Todavia, apos aprendida a tarefa, nao se observaram diferencas entre os grupos, apesar do tratamento dos animais com OXO 0,1 mg/kg