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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Aspectos da organização do trabalho e da carga psíquica em professores do ensino médio no serviço público(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-12-05) Vieira, Bruna Caroline Guimarães [UNIFESP]; Casetto, Sidnei José [UNIFESP]; Aguillera, Fernanda [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Na sociedade contemporânea o trabalho é algo central, interferindo diretamente no cotidiano, nas relações econômicas, nas relações de poder, na constituição da identidade e até na saúde física e mental dos trabalhadores. De acordo com a teoria da psicodinâmica do trabalho, todo trabalho envolve sofrimento. Entretanto, nem todo sofrimento é adoecedor; o destino desse sofrimento depende de como a organização do trabalho impacta o aparelho psíquico: se permite a descarga psíquica, realizando uma tarefa que gera prazer, este trabalho é considerado equilibrante; se sobrecarrega a carga psíquica, este trabalho é considerado fatigante, podendo levar ao adoecimento. A organização do trabalho se refere à divisão do trabalho, ao conteúdo da tarefa, ao sistema hierárquico, às modalidades de comando, às relações de poder, às questões de responsabilidade etc. Os professores do serviço público são uma categoria com números significativos de afastamento por adoecimento. De acordo com o Censo Escolar e o PNAD do ano de 2009, 82,4% dos professores atuam em escolas públicas. No ensino médio, de acordo com dados do MEC/INEP de 2010, 76,37% dos professores estão atuando na rede estadual, rede esta que comporta também o maior número de alunos de todo o país, 85,87%. Os professores no ensino médio dão aula para 11 turmas em média, e 44,5% trabalham em mais de uma escola, de acordo com os microdados do Censo Escolar/ INEP de 2009. Uma jornada de trabalho ampliada e baixa remuneração são características marcantes dessa categoria, que pode estar mais vulnerável ao adoecimento. Essa pesquisa pretende investigar aspectos da organização do trabalho do ensino médio do serviço público estadual que sejam equilibrantes e fatigantes da carga psíquica de professores, e as possíveis estratégias defensivas por eles utilizadas. Para realização desse objetivo foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual foi realizada uma entrevista semi-estruturada com dez professores que atuam no ensino médio no serviço público estadual do estado de São Paulo. Também foi utilizado o Inventário de Trabalho e Riscos de Adoecimento (ITRA), que consiste em um instrumento com quatro escalas interdependentes que avaliam o contexto de trabalho, o custo humano no trabalho, os indicadores de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho e os danos relacionados ao trabalho. As entrevistas e a aplicação do inventário foram feitas no mesmo dia. Os dados foram analisados segundo a teoria da psicodinâmica do trabalho. Os resultados apontaram que os aspectos equilibrantes para os professores são o aprendizado e progresso dos seus alunos; saber que de alguma forma os inspiram; a autonomia no processo de trabalho; a possibilidade de criatividade; a boa relação com a gestão da escola; a boa relação com os colegas de trabalho. Já os aspectos fatigantes para os professores são o desinteresse e indisciplina dos alunos; a falta de recursos para realizar as aulas; a falta de apoio e de reconhecimento do estado; o excesso de cobranças do estado; a extensa carga horária de trabalho. Já as estratégias defensivas identificadas foram: o excesso de produção pela supervalorização do trabalho; a atribuição de todos os problemas da escola aos alunos; individualismo, realizando o trabalho sem relações; a justificação e o não questionamento das regras da organização do trabalho; a abordagem individualizada dos alunos; o não vínculo com os alunos e colegas; a aquisição, com o próprio dinheiro, dos materiais da escola. A correção dos aspectos fatigantes na organização do trabalho dos professores, potencialmente adoecedores exigiria a atuação do estado com criação de políticas públicas, maior investimento na educação, e valorização social do professor.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Conhecimento pedagógico de conteúdo do professor para o ensino de frações(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-07-01) Santos, Débora Erbert dos [UNIFESP]; Testoni, Leonardo André [UNIFESP];; ensino de frações parece ser algo desafiador em todo o ensino fundamental, tanto para professores pedagogos, bem como para professores especialistas. Como professora de matemática, essa situação de dificuldade dos alunos em compreender os conteúdos envolvendo números fracionários me despertou grande interesse. Deste modo, o objetivo principal da pesquisa é observar de perto quais elementos do conhecimento pedagógico de conteúdo os professores que lecionam matemática nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental lançam mão para facilitar a aprendizagem. Como referencial teórico, utilizamos o Conhecimento Pedagógico de Conteúdo de Shulman (1987) e as pesquisas de Ball et. al. (2008) referente ao conhecimento matemático para o ensino. Os saberes docentes de Gatti (2010, 2016) e Pimenta (1996) também compõe o aporte teórico, pois os estudos são desenvolvidos para a realidade de formação de professores do nosso país. A observação de aulas de uma professora do 5º ano do ensino fundamental foi o instrumento da pesquisa. A metodologia abordada nesse trabalho foi estudo de caso, para isso, a dissertação contou com a aprovação no Conselho de Ética e Pesquisa (CEP). A escolha dessa professora não foi feita de maneira aleatória, mas sim com base no referencial teórico saberes docentes. Uma professora com experiência, que está em constante formação e que sente prazer na profissão docente. Deste modo, conseguirmos observar o conhecimento pedagógico de conteúdo ao longo das aulas de ensino de frações e constatamos que seus subdomínios dificilmente podem ser analisados dissociados.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desempenho docente no contexto PBL: essência para aprendizagem e formação médica(Associação Brasileira de Educação Médica, 2013-06-01) Almeida, Enedina Gonçalves; Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVES: To investigate the opinions of teachers from the medical course at Unimontes about experiences in active learning and the PBL curriculum. METHODS: A group of 38 teachers, tutors, module builders and coordinators, instructors and preceptors, from the first, fourth and sixth years. Quantitative (questionnaire, analyzed and expressed in graphs) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews with subsequent content analysis) approaches were used. RESULTS: A change in posture was identified by the teachers, particularly in terms of: greater responsibility for student learning (44 mentions), teacher's active participation in the curricular construction (37 mentions) and a learning facilitation role played by teachers (32 mentions). A lack of teacher commitment/involvement was found (27 mentions) and teachers' inexperience with the PBL (12 mentions). CONCLUSION: Active learning has been recognized as the basis for future professional activities and the PBL as a potential curriculum-guiding strategy. The curriculum proved to be essentially challenging in relation to teacher commitment/ability to play diverse, multidisciplinary and learning facilitator roles. Further studies are still required into the repercussions of teacher performance and the learning differentials of the PBL on medical practice and public health needs.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEfeitos de um programa para o desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais em professores(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-06-27) Marques, Alcione Moreira [UNIFESP]; Tanaka, Luiza Hiromi [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The teacher´s profession is one of the most stressful professional activities because of the great emotional demand imposed by the complexity that the activity has assumed and the insufficient preparation of the teacher. Better understanding of one's own emotional dimension and developing skills to deal with it are factors in promoting health, well-being, and improving teacher practice. There is evidence that intervention programs to promote the social-emotional skills of the teacher have effects on increasing well-being, decreasing stress and improving teaching practice. This qualitative and participative study aims to evaluate the effects of the Program of Emotional Education for Teachers (PEEP) of a Brazilian public school focused on the development of self awareness and emotional self-management skills as a resource for well-being and stress reduction. The methodological strategy of participatory action research was used with a group of 18 teachers. The techniques of data collection used were dialog circles, individual interview, participant observation, field diary and focus group. The Program of Emotional Education was carried out in 10 meetings of an hour and a half each. The data were analyzed through thematic content analysis. Teachers perceived an increase in self awareness and emotional self-management skills, reporting improvements in their ability to deal with their own emotions, better managing the emotional demands of daily school life with positive reflexes in their well-being and in teaching practice. This study connects with a few others about the effects of intervention programs on the teacher's social and emotional learning. It was evidenced that following the steps of the methodology of action research allowed the researcher to approach the teachers more closely, creating a bond of trust and a genuine knowledge about the reality to be researched. With this safe basis, real problems related to the emotional dimension of the teacher emerged and the actions and results were legitimized by the participants.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeitos moderadores das estratégias de supressão e reavaliação cognitiva na relação entre estresse e sono em docentes da educação básica.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-09-24) Ory, Sandra Virgínia Ribeiro (UNIFESP); Cardoso, Thiago da Silva Gusmão (UNIFESP);; adoecimento físico e mental dos professores tem aumentado nas últimas décadas. Fatores como altos níveis de sobrecarga, condições de trabalho inadequadas, violência no contexto escolar, além das realidades sociais desafiantes e das rápidas transformações tecnológicas, foram identificados como estressores e associados a um sono ruim em professores. Por sua vez, estratégias de regulação emocional vêm sendo relacionadas a melhores desfechos em saúde, maior redução de estresse e aumento de bem-estar no trabalho. Administrar o estresse diário pode ser a diferença entre dormir bem ou mal e é possível que a forma como os indivíduos regulam as suas emoções influencie essa relação. Com o objetivo de analisar as associações entre a qualidade do sono, o estresse percebido e o uso das estratégias de supressão expressiva e reavaliação cognitiva pelos professores, desenvolveu-se um estudo observacional analítico, com um recorte temporal transversal e uma abordagem quantitativa. A hipótese testada foi a de que a reavaliação cognitiva e a supressão expressiva moderam a relação entre o estresse e o sono. A população-alvo foi constituída por 350 professores do ensino básico, selecionados randomicamente, em São Luís do Maranhão, Brasil. Os instrumentos utilizados para medir as variáveis de interesse foram o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh, a Escala de Estresse Percebido, o Questionário de Regulação Emocional e um questionário sociodemográfico, aplicados entre fevereiro e maio de 2024. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se o teste de Equação Estimada Generalizada para testar a hipótese, bem como a análise inferencial da variância das medidas. Os dados foram processados utilizando o programa SPSS (versão 27). Os resultados mostraram uma relação positiva entre o estresse percebido e a má qualidade do sono, indicando que o estresse é um preditor de um sono de má qualidade. No entanto, as táticas de reavaliação cognitiva e de supressão expressiva não tiveram um efeito significativo na moderação da relação entre estresse e sono. Novos estudos devem utilizar métodos diferentes, levando em conta o tempo e a complexidade dos processos de regulação do sono, do estresse e das emoções, assim como adotar diferentes instrumentos de medida, tanto de autorrelato, como marcadores fisiológicos, com indução de emoções, além de aumentar a abrangência na investigação de outras estratégias de regulação emocional.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Formação cultural de professores : perspectivas a partir da análise de ações educativas em museus da cidade de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-07-28) Sacuman, Jessica [UNIFESP]; Gomes, Marineide de Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research has as a theme the relation among the areas of education, culture and teacher training and, specifically, the cultural training of early childhood education and early years of elementary school (childhood schools) in museums. This theme emerged from our trajetory on pedagogy course in the Federal University of São Paulo - School of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (EFLCH) ? Guarulhos Campus. Making use of qualitative approach with literature review and document analysis, we analyzed the perspectives of cultural training and teacher training in two art museums of the state of São Paulo: museum of modern art (MAM) and art gallery of the state of São Paulo (PESP). Documents produced by educational sectors of both institutions were analyzed so that previous questions of this research were answered. From the readings of the theoretical framework and of the analysis of the documents produced in the museums, we considered that these institutions perform the cultural training of teachers of early childhood school (preschool). There were differences between the actions performed in each one of them. Starting off the considerations of triangular approach, we consider that MAM realize the formation actions according to this methodological approach, so in this way teachers have the possibility to learn the history of art, appreciate works of art and experience practical moments (artistic and creation). In PESP, the documents analyzed are focus in appreciation of art works and history of art, teachers do not have the chance of create directly in the cultural formation in this institution. However, PESP presents a specific material for small children, considering their time of living the childhood. Consequently, the materials complement each other, contributing for continuous cultural formation of professors and for the intersection between Education and Culture like spaces of education not to formal and increase the teacher?s cultural repertoire. In the concluding remarks we also emphasized the problem of neglecting the public social rights with good quality and has no cultural democratisation, tha has direct correlation with the cultural teacher training.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosHistória De Vida Em Voz: Narrativa Sobre A Arte De Ensinar E Encenar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-04-04) Mendes, Adaise Malvezzi [UNIFESP]; Imbrizi, Jaquelina Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Voice is an essential means of communication for social interaction and a vital tool for some professional categories, among them, the classes of actors and teachers. The professional that works in the performing arts needs to deepen in the history of his character and build it, making his own body and his own voice recipients of a new person, to which he will give life on stage. The drama teacher, in turn, must pass on his artistic knowledge to his apprentices using his vocal abilities, in order to teach them how to act. In view of this, this research aims to analyze the teaching activity and the vocal aspects of the “teachers-actors”, who give theater classes, in three different working environments: non-governmental organization (NGO), private school and public school. The objective of this research is to understand the vocal use and working conditions, correlating them, as well to analyze the participants’ perceptions of a speech therapist's performance in the theater and in the performing arts classes. This work is justified by the very small number of studies carried out so far with this public, especially with those who consider the singularity of being on stage and the experience of teaching to act, interconnecting them with the use of their voice. Therefore, it is a qualitative study whose instruments for the production of data comprise the field diaries and the written production of narratives of life histories of the “teachers-actors”. It was possible to consider that the vocal use differs in the scenic performance, when compared to the exercise of teaching in performing arts. Working environments have similar conditions, both with regard to the physical aspects as the organizational. Concerning the speech therapist’s performance in the theater, only one participant considered that this professional works together with the actor in the construction of his character, going beyond technical aspects and vocal health.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosHistória de vida em voz: narrativas sobre a arte de ensinar a encenar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017) Mendes, Adaíse Malvezzi [UNIFESP]; Imbrizi, Jaquelina Maria [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Voice is an essential means of communication for social interaction and a vital tool for some professional categories, among them, the classes of actors and teachers. The professional that works in the performing arts needs to deepen in the history of his character and build it, making his own body and his own voice recipients of a new person, to which he will give life on stage. The drama teacher, in turn, must pass on his artistic knowledge to his apprentices using his vocal abilities, in order to teach them how to act. In view of this, this research aims to analyze the teaching activity and the vocal aspects of the “teachers-actors”, who give theater classes, in three different working environments: non-governmental organization (NGO), private school and public school. The objective of this research is to understand the vocal use and working conditions, correlating them, as well to analyze the participants’ perceptions of a speech therapist's performance in the theater and in the performing arts classes. This work is justified by the very small number of studies carried out so far with this public, especially with those who consider the singularity of being on stage and the experience of teaching to act, interconnecting them with the use of their voice. Therefore, it is a qualitative study whose instruments for the production of data comprise the field diaries and the written production of narratives of life histories of the “teachers-actors”. It was possible to consider that the vocal use differs in the scenic performance, when compared to the exercise of teaching in performing arts. Working environments have similar conditions, both with regard to the physical aspects as the organizational. Concerning the speech therapist’s performance in the theater, only one participant considered that this professional works together with the actor in the construction of his character, going beyond technical aspects and vocal health.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Impacto de um programa para o desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais no estresse do professor(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2019) Fóz, Adriana Queiroz Botelho [UNIFESP]; Dias, Álvaro Machado [UNIFESP];ção: O professorado é uma das classes trabalhadoras mais expostas aos altos níveis de estresse e de pressão externa. Este quadro acarreta menor competência de regulação emocional e piora da capacidade de executar sua função docente, refletindo de maneira prejudicial em sua saúde física e mental. As habilidades de regulação emocional são intrinsecamente relacionadas com emoções e cognição. São poucos os programas voltados para as habilidades socioemocionais do professor no Brasil, apesar de evidentes estudos internacionais discorrerem sobre a relevância desses, os quais podem auxiliar tanto no manejo interno das emoções como no controle dos eventos externos, favorecendo lidar melhor com o estresse. O Programa Socioemocional para Professores (PEEP) utiliza estratégias cognitivas e técnicas de atenção plena e rodas de conversa. Ele foi realizado em uma escola pública de ensino fundamental e médio de São Paulo. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do PEEP no desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais, assim como o reconhecimento e manejo do estresse pelo professor. Método: O grupo experimental (GE) de 20 professores recebeu as 12 intervenções do PEEP e o grupo controle (GC) não as recebeu. Os instrumentos de avaliação, como a Escala de Estresse Percebido (PPS14), a Escala de Regulação Emocional (ERQ), Escala de Beck para Depressão (BDI) e o Questionário de Saúde Geral (GHQ-12) mediram os níveis de estresse, regulação emocional / depressão encontrados antes (T0), após (T1) e depois de 6 meses da finalização do programa (T2). Resultados: Na comparação dos grupos foram usados o Teste t de Student para as variáveis com distribuição normal, o teste de Quiquadrado para as variáveis categóricas e o Teste de Mann-Whitney para as variáveis numéricas que não tiveram distribuição normal. Para a comparação entre as avaliações de linha de base (T0), após (T1) e depois de 6 meses (T2) foi usado o teste de MANOVA para medidas repetidas. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos experimental e controle nas variáveis BDI, EEP, QSG e ERQ entre os tempos T0, T1 e T2 F(2) = 1,555, p = 0,204, 2 = 0.396, OP = 0.513. Análises univariadas realizadas posteriormente indicaram que para a variável BDI houve efeito da intervenção F(2) = 4,392, p = 0,017, 2 = 0.145, OP = 0.734. Conclusão: As constatações desta pesquisa evidenciaram melhoria nos sintomas de depressão no momento T2, ou seja, 6 meses após a realização do programa, apesar de não apresentarem significância para mudanças positivas na regulação emocional e percepção do estresse.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Lauro de Oliveira Lima e a escola secundária: um estudo de sua produção intelectual ao longo de sua trajetória profissional (1945-1964)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-12-15) Ando, Lia Marcia [UNIFESP]; Revah, Daniel [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This is an investigation about Lauro de Oliveira Lima?s proposal of pedagogical renovation of the secondary level (i.e., ?ginásio? and ?colégio?) during the 50?s and 60?s, taking for basis his intellectual production throughout his professional life. It deals with a didactic model formulated about Jean Piaget?s genetic epistemology theory, which has been denominated psychogenetic method. The proposal consisted on setting the student in an active and participative form within the learning process, instead of the traditional pedagogical system in which prevailed the teacher?s verbalism, and the memorization of the contents as well. Through work in groups, and with the use of researches and dynamic activities, the student was challenged to solve problem-situations in a sequential process of evolution, in order to develop feelings of solidarity, cooperation, and reciprocity, and to reach both maturing of thinking (until he could reache reflexive thought), and moral (until he could reach his autonomous phase). The method was developed and applied by his creator Lauro de Oliveira Lima, within the courses promoted by the Second Level Improvement Campaign (CADES), which prepared teachers for the exams that enabled them to give classes in secondary schools by the time of the expansion of this teaching level. The pedagogical proposal, which involved planning suggestions, administrative organization, curricula, material resources, evaluating process, and other issues, was propagated through Lauro de Oliveira Lima?s texts, that became periodic articles and books, as well, such as The modern secondary school: organization, methods and processes, which arrived to its eleventh edition. The study of such printings follows the principle of the Cultural History, in which the thinking of a certain author is not disconnected from his production conditions and diffusion, always being important the material way through what his ideas are vehiculated, for the materiality of its support also produces senses that must be considered. After occupying the highest rank in charge of the secondary teaching level within the Ministry of Education before the military coup, Lauro de Oliveira Lima changes his professional trajectory to business activities. Among such activities he funds an educational institution to apply the psychogenetic method to small children. From the middle of the 80?s, he was strongly influenced by the conceptions of Jean Piaget ? precisely during the period on which the scientist?s and his constructivism were most talked about, a lot linked to literacy and to the first levels of teaching. His presence and his name tended to vanish from the educational debates, and nowadays he is no longer a reference for teacher?s training, especially regarding to childhood education, as for the initial years of elementary education. The signs in his ideas and works ? secondary and method, as well ? were decisive for his trajectory.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO professor no lugar do Outro(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-12-15) Costa, Márcia Duarte [UNIFESP]; Revah, Daniel [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)On the topic of issue Psychoanalysis and Education, the present report will broach possibilities of a teacher be in place of The Other, by the Transfer, in a way that will take into account the whole constitutive process of their students and their practices in class rooms . This is because Psychoanalysis came to shows us we are beings constituted in the field of the other. Endowed with an unconscious that manifests even against our desire interfering in our behavior and thoughts, showing that DEVELOPMENTAL theories with goals and methods already prepared may not be so useful for the teacher in the classroom. This research seeks to answer the following questions: How can Psychoanalysis contribute to teacher practice, so that he stands in place of the other by transferring and promotes learning and child development ? Aiming to analyze the discussions of Freud and contemporary authors to check the possibility of the teacher be in place of the other so that education can be effective. This work was made through a qualitative literature search, since I consider it the best means for the way it needs to be developed. Emphasis is given to studies of authors who provide a dialogue between these two knowledge, such as Maria Cristina Machado Kupfer and Leandro Machado de Lajonquière, and mainly having as basis the theories of Freud and Lacan. We have verified that these contributions help us in a way we could understand how the subject of Psychoanalysis is constituted and how, by castration, the subject will be able to (re) construct the knowledge. This will be done in a unique way through the speech of the Teacher, this holder of the knowledge that will be transmitted to their students positioning themselves as the Other.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Professor pesquisador, professora pesquisadora: faz diferença?(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-01-25) Guglielmo, Luísa Alves Motta [UNIFESP]; Rangel, Flaminio de Oliveira [UNIFESP];; cursos de graduação em Licenciatura e Pedagogia se mostram insuficientes para lidar com os problemas educacionais da educação básica. Stenhouse, Elliot e Pimenta abordam a importância da pesquisa realizada pelos professores na escola para a formação de um profissional crítico e reflexivo, para além da dimensão individual, transformando a escola em um espaço de enriquecimento cultural, propício para discussões de injustiças sociais e desenvolvimento reflexivo dos estudantes. Contudo, são muitas barreiras que o professor encontra ao tentar fazer pesquisa, como a falta de preparo dos docentes, o distanciamento entre Universidade e escola, a baixa (ou inexistente) remuneração e a falta de espaços das escolas que permitam a consolidação de pesquisas para melhoria do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Desta forma, o professor acaba sendo o principal responsável por buscar espaços para se apropriar e produzir novas pesquisas. Porém, esses espaços são alheios às necessidades do sujeito que faz pesquisa. Considerando que as mulheres são maioria na docência, e que a produção acadêmica da mulher que se torna mãe diminui nos 4 primeiros anos após o primeiro filho, era de se esperar meios que permitissem com que elas desenvolvessem pesquisa de forma igual aos homens. Assim, essa dissertação busca delimitar os entraves existentes para o gênero feminino nas diferentes relações entre a docência e a pesquisa na educação básica, de forma a compreender se o gênero feminino deve ser um fator estruturante nesta relação. Para isso, será realizado um ensaio teórico (auto)biográfico, baseado na experiência vivenciada por mim no mestrado em Educação do PECMA, com o intuito de levantar questionamentos para o leitor acerca dos conceitos que entrelaçam a docência e a pesquisa, de forma a trazer e evidenciar a importância da questão de gênero para esses conceitos. Os resultados do estudo indicam que os cursos de mestrado e doutorado em educação analisados não possuem nos regimentos nenhuma questão a respeito da licença maternidade, fazendo com que a mulher que fica grávida durante o curso tenha que concluí-lo no mesmo prazo que os demais estudantes, tampouco os editais de ingresso desses cursos possuem uma análise diferenciada ao analisar o currículo de uma mulher que foi mãe recentemente para entrada nos cursos de stricto sensu. Além disso, uma análise realizada sobre os dados dos anos de 2019 a 2023, a respeito da quantidade de professores e professoras da Educação Básica 1 e 2 da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo identificou que na maioria dos anos analisados, tanto na Educação Básica 1, como na Educação Básica 2, o percentual de professores que fazem mestrado (em relação ao total de professores) é maior que o percentual de professoras que fazem mestrado (em relação ao total de professoras). Tais dados nos permitem evidenciar que a relação entre o professor e a pesquisa estão entrelaçadas com as questões de gênero e que, para que a escola consiga se apropriar da pesquisa, é necessário haver legislações e políticas públicas que favoreçam o acesso à pesquisa de forma igualitária para homens e mulheres.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosQuadrinhos Na Sala De Aula: O Olhar Do Professor(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-03-21) Zurdo, Francielle De Queiroz [UNIFESP]; Ramos, Paulo Eduardo [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This dissertation aims to collect the voices and views of a group of teachers that teaches on basic education in Guarulhos, São Paulo, about the use of comics in classroom. Our real wish is to contribute to the Language student‘s formation as well as actual and future teachers, opening possibilities to reflect upon each data that we tabulated and demonstrate other research paths. To do so: a) we raised possible definitions concerning the comics, taking into consideration their previous knowledge as well as their familiarity with the HQs through their answers; b) we comprehended the ways proposed in the formulation of the activity with comics that were suggested by each teacher. We searched for theoretical background about comics in Cagnin (1975, 2014), Vergueiro (2014), Ramos (2011, 2012, 2014), concerning the multimodality, Kress (2010). About text aspects, Marcuschi (2008) and Koch (2009). To support the definition of genre and hipergenre, we asserted, respectively the studies of Bakhtin (2001 [1979]) and Mangueneau (2006, 2015). Other authors collaborated with this dissertation: Eco (2012), Pina (2012) and Gonçalo Junior (2004). Concerning the reading profile of the teachers, we searched for, also, references of the Brazilian through the results of the national research Portraits of Reading in Brazil. For us, it seems that there is a possibility of, within teachers‘ answers, there is a dialogue with the ideas established from the twentieth century, that is to say, the comics are not ―good‖ due to their more playful aspect than didactic. We long to know if the point of view of the group of teachers is related to the reason of the lack of researches that dialogue on this issue. The methodological way covered by this research is divided in: a) a survey on the public schools from Guarulhos; b) contact the schools in order to present the project to the coordination and to teachers; c) clarify the application of the questionnaire to the ones who demonstrated an interest in; d) application of the questionnaire to tabulate the profile of the teachers in relation to comics reading as well as their teaching experience; e) conversation circle on the use of comics in the classroom; f) teachers proposed an activity to students using a comic. Thus, we realized some common points among the teachers‘ responses: 1) understand that the comics have a playful statute, even though they collaborate as an entry route for reading; 2) they read and use comics in classroom, but, some of them say that the materials used in classroom do not present comics; 3) there is an idea among the group of teachers that comics are more attractive in relation to form, that is to say, comics would draw more students‘ attention. We know that this research aims to contribute with the actual outlook about the work with comics and, further on, other researchers may contribute with assorted bias and establish other ways of analysis.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosQualidade de vida e burnout de docentes de uma universidade pública federal da Amazônia ocidental brasileira(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-06-25) Passos, Kleyton Goes [UNIFESP]; Belasco, Angelica Goncalves Silva [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloObjective: To evaluate the quality of life and the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome among professors at the Floresta Campus of the Federal University of Acre. Method: exploratory, analytical, transversal research, carried out with professors from the Federal University of Acre. Sociodemographic, economic, work data, laboratory exams, and different aspects of life were collected using the Short Form Health Survey quality of life questionnaire; and the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire. Continuous variables were expressed as means or medians (minimum and maximum) and categorical variables were expressed as proportion. The Chi-square test was used for associations between Burnout syndrome and demographic variables; for quality of life and Spearman's correlation burnout syndrome; associations between clinical variables were obtained using Pearson's correlation coefficient and the T test (2 categories) or ANOVA (3 and more categories) was used to compare burnout syndrome and categorical variables. Result: 87 teachers surveyed, 51.72% from undergraduate courses, 57.5% female, 69.0% married/stable union, 40.2% masters, 20.8% specialists. In the emotional exhaustion domain, 27.59% of the teachers had a high level and 34.48% had an average score. Concerning depersonalization, 3.44% had a high level and 24.14%, medium. In low professional achievement, whose negative score is the lowest, 41.37% had a low level and 33.34% scores. The quality of life scores ranged from 57.18 (vitality) to 82.87 (functional capacity). The worst, in addition to vitality, were General Health Status (58.52) and Emotional Aspects (60.91). Being a woman showed an increase in emotional exhaustion by 24.81 points and a decrease in low professional achievement by 36.01 points, more than one work contracts was significant correlated with the professional exhaustion domain, being married or having a steady partner significantly decreased the scale score of emotional exhaustion. Regarding laboratory tests, 4 (8.88%) and 15 (33.33%) undergraduate teachers had high levels of cortisol and blood glucose, respectively, and 6 (16.7%) teachers in bachelor' courses presented blood glucose levels above normal values. Conclusion: Women, married and professionals with two or more work contracts exhibited lower quality of life, teachers with medium and high scores of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and medium to low score of low professional achievement have the potential to develop burnout syndrome.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO ser docente e o tempo: relação entre o tempo de docência e os processos de prazer e sofrimento no trabalho do professor da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Santos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017) Marques, Ana Cláudia Sierra [UNIFESP]; Lima, Laura Camara [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The main environment of the teaching practice is the school, where this study is built. The studies investigate the relation between the career time and the processes of sufferings and pleasure of the teachers, besides a certain analysis of the occupational stress generated, going into the aspects related to the work organization and the teaching career. Working with the richness of the field of Work - related Mental Health, the research is based on the conceptual framework of Stress Theory and Burnout, but includes the proposition of constructs created from the concepts of pleasure and suffering, extracted from the psychodynamic theory of job. The aim of this research is to find grounds for the construction of action / reflection in favor of the professional exercise, as well as to deal with the teaching being, in face of the demands of the work organization, the experiences lived during the career, and the relations of these factors with the perceptions Of stress, suffering and pleasure at work expressed by the subjects. It is a field study, descriptive, transversal, articulating quantitative and comprehensive-interpretative methods. The procedure was the direct request of information to teachers of the Department of Education of Santos, in teaching activity, about the hypothesis, which affirmed, the longer the career time, the greater the suffering and the stress. The data collection was done with a selfadministered questionnaire, created for this purpose, containing 32 direct questions, 24 of which were multiple choice and 8 were open. The topics discussed are related to the main variable, teaching career time, as well as recognition, appreciation, pleasure and suffering at work. In two questions, the technique of free association of words, differential of the instrument was used because it places the subject in a more subjective reflection in the contact with the motives and feelings in relation to his profession. The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 115 teachers who accepted an invitation to participate in the study, after approval of the Education Department of Santos. Data were analyzed from relative frequencies and inferential analyzes. The degree of suffering and pleasure were measured on a scale of 0 to 10, and presented complementary means: 4.42 for the degree of suffering and 6.76 for the degree of pleasure. Another highlight is the words expressed by the subjects, where dedication, commitment, fulfillment, vocation, love, fatigue, which formed the clouds of words, an analyzer of frequencies. The final product, was conceived and created, from the results, with a playful character. It is a game that can be used with the teachers, in a itinerant way in the spaces of permanent education, enabling the work with the questions raised in this research on the teaching career. It seeks to bring lightness to work, even dealing with the experiences associated with career time and the experiences of pleasure and suffering at work. This initiative aims to contribute to the well-being of teachers and so that the municipality can become a reference in the treatment of the theme.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO Ser Docente E O Tempo: Relação Entre O Tempo De Docência E Os Processos De Prazer E Sofrimento No Trabalho Do Professor Da Secretaria Municipal De Educação De Santos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-08-09) Marques, Ana Claudia Sierra [UNIFESP]; Lima, Laura Camara [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The main environment of the teaching practice is the school, where this study is built. The studies investigate the relation between the career time and the processes of sufferings and pleasure of the teachers, besides a certain analysis of the occupational stress generated, going into the aspects related to the work organization and the teaching career. Working with the richness of the field of Work - related Mental Health, the research is based on the conceptual framework of Stress Theory and Burnout, but includes the proposition of constructs created from the concepts of pleasure and suffering, extracted from the psychodynamic theory of job. The aim of this research is to find grounds for the construction of action / reflection in favor of the professional exercise, as well as to deal with the teaching being, in face of the demands of the work organization, the experiences lived during the career, and the relations of these factors with the perceptions Of stress, suffering and pleasure at work expressed by the subjects. It is a field study, descriptive, transversal, articulating quantitative and comprehensive-interpretative methods. The procedure was the direct request of information to teachers of the Department of Education of Santos, in teaching activity, about the hypothesis, which affirmed, the longer the career time, the greater the suffering and the stress. The data collection was done with a self- administered questionnaire, created for this purpose, containing 32 direct questions, 24 of which were multiple choice and 8 were open. The topics discussed are related to the main variable, teaching career time, as well as recognition, appreciation, pleasure and suffering at work. In two questions, the technique of free association of words, differential of the instrument was used because it places the subject in a more subjective reflection in the contact with the motives and feelings in relation to his profession. The non-probabilistic sample consisted of 115 teachers who accepted an invitation to participate in the study, after approval of the Education Department of Santos. Data were analyzed from relative frequencies and inferential analyzes. The degree of suffering and pleasure were measured on a scale of 0 to 10, and presented complementary means: 4.42 for the degree of suffering and 6.76 for the degree of pleasure. Another highlight is the words expressed by the subjects, where dedication, commitment, fulfillment, vocation, love, fatigue, which formed the clouds of words, an analyzer of frequencies. The final product, was conceived and created, from the results, with a playful character. It is a game that can be used with the teachers, in a itinerant way in the spaces of permanent education, enabling the work with the questions raised in this research on the teaching career. It seeks to bring lightness to work, even dealing with the experiences associated with career time and the experiences of pleasure and suffering at work. This initiative aims to contribute to the well-being of teachers and so that the municipality can become a reference in the treatment of the theme.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Teachers’ characteristics and quality of implementation of an early schooling oral language intervention program: an exploratory study(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-07-07) Ramacciotti, Mirela Cunha Cardoso [UNIFESP]; Puglisi, Marina Leite [UNIFESP];; We explored teachers’ characteristics and performance in the implementation of an oral language intervention program originally designed for early childhood education. The objectives were to identify, from a review study, teachers’ characteristics most related to the quality of the implementation of interventions (Study 1) and to test associations between these characteristics and student gains in a study derived from a randomized clinical trial (Study 2). Methods: In Study 1, we used a PICOS search strategy to operationally define teachers’ characteristics in a combination of personality, wellbeing, style and qualifications in relation to the quality of implementation of intervention programs. We searched 12 databases from the beginning of each database to the date of July 7, 2020. The studies selection was carried out in three phases: inclusion by title, by abstract, and by content. Out of the 335 studies initially identified, we reviewed 17. In Study 2, we followed 26 teachers who implemented a school intervention program called PROLIN, although only 20 qualified for the study analysis. We collected data regarding training, quality of implementation and factors related to acceptance, fidelity, intervention support as well as the emotional state, beliefs and practices and training of teachers during rollout. Results: In Study 1, there was a notable preponderance of technical characteristics (style and qualifications) over personal characteristics (personality plus wellbeing) both in the number of studies and in the reported efficacy. Review findings indicated that teachers’ characteristics affect the quality of implementation and vice versa. In Study 2, we found a positive correlation between teacher qualifications and quality of implementation whereas style showed negative correlations with all variables. The results of the mixed linear models did not reach significance. Conclusions: Although the literature review indicated that technical characteristics (style and qualifications) may be more related to the quality of the implementation of interventions, we identified that only teachers’ qualifications were positively correlated with the quality of the implementation in our study.