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- ItemSomente MetadadadosRemuneração, condições de trabalho e perfil dos professores do Estado de São Paulo comparado ao dos professores do Brasil de educação básica: análise dos dados do Saeb/ Prova Brasil (1995 – 2007)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011) Carnaval, Marilya Mariany [UNIFESP]; Minhoto, Maria Angélica Pedra [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The objective of this research was to analyze the evolution of the remuneration of teachers of basic education in the period from 1995 to 2007, in Brazil and in the State of São Paulo, through the data collected in a contextual questionnaire, present in the tests of the SAEB and Prova Brazil, aimed at teachers and dealing with their working conditions. The goal was to explore the possible relationships between remuneration and the qualification and experience of the São Paulo teacher. A bibliographic survey was carried out in this research regarding the remuneration and working conditions of basic education teachers, such as: cost-student-quality; the National Professional Salary Floor (PSPN); appreciation of the teaching profession; Career Plan incentives and salary structure; limits of merit and performance pay principles; teaching work and contradictions of professionalization. Research shows that among the main components responsible for the quality in education and for the growth of a teacher's remuneration in public schools are the professional experience and the level of teacher training, therefore, this research had the following central hypothesis: the main variables that influence the salary differences among São Paulo teachers, observed in the SAEB/Prova Brasil databases, are the length of service and the teacher's level of education. In other words, our hypothesis was that the longer teachers have professional experience and the higher their level of education, the better their salary. In addition, we also analyzed the existence of a relationship between salary fluctuation and other variables, such as the teacher's employment relationship, the administrative dependency where he works, in order to better understand this variation. After selecting the variables from each of the databases, we performed a comparison of the results obtained in each year, to observe the variations over time, for example, in the “Gross Salary” of the teachers, in the proportion in terms of sex, age etc. In the case of some variables, it was necessary to reorganize the data, as they were not always standardized throughout the historical series. The frequencies of responses were calculated for the following variables: Administrative Dependency, Location, Stage of education, Gender, Age, Employment status, Education, Teaching experience and Salary. Regarding the definition of salary ranges, we tried to relate it to the minimum wage (MW). Four ranges were defined, respecting the following intervals whenever possible: Range 1 - up to 4 SM; Range 2 - from 4 to 6 SM; Band 3 - from 6 to 10 SM and Band 4 - more than 10 SM. In addition to describing and comparing the frequency of variables throughout the editions of the SAEB/Prova Brasil, the salary variable was related to the other variables in order to show more accurately the teacher's remuneration situation, for example, when differentiating the remuneration of teachers according to the administrative dependency in which they work or their employment situation. With this, it was possible to draw a more accurate profile of the situation of teachers in Brazil and in the State of São Paulo. We basically arrived at two profiles of teachers: those who earn up to 4 SM and those who earn more than 10 SM. The first consists of women between 30 and 40 years old, who work in the 1st cycle of PE, in the State network, with experience between 6 and 15 years, licensed and statutory. The second is made up of men over 40 years old, who work in the EM, in the private network, are CLT workers, licensed and have more than 20 years of experience.