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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A cultura periférica como resistência frente ao estado penal-racial: do batuque á batida a crônica da vida do samba ao funk(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-07-16) Dias Filho, Odair [UNIFESP]; Souza, Edvânia Ângela de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A atual forma do Estado penal-racial implementa territórios carcerários, por meio de uma política de repressão e de exclusão da população negra e pobre dos processos de trabalho e da sociedade em geral. Se apresenta nesses espaços através do processo de necropolítica e militarização das periferias. O conceito de necropolítica, a partir de Mbembe (2018), se relaciona ao poder de decisão sobre quem vive e quem morre, com destaque para a destruição de grupos populacionais considerados descartáveis. O direito de matar é acompanhado de justificativas de extermínio, ou o estado de exceção como dito por Agambem (2004) quando a morte contra outrem, já não é assassinato ou homicídio e ocorre impunimente, em geral, sob o pretenso discurso de “segurança”. Todavia, nesses territórios sitiados se consolida também expressões culturais de resistência protagonizadas especialmente pelos jovens, seja na sua forma de vestir, andar, se divertir - neste caso, com destaque para o funk “proibidão” e os “pistões”, mas também na forma como denunciam a violência de Estado, a desigualdade social e temas cotidianos expressados por meio das letras de músicas de funk. Frente ao cenário atual de aprofundamento do Estado neoliberal que destitui direitos mas garante a repressão contra a população periférica, cabe a problematização: o Funk pode ser visto como uma crônica das desigualdades oriundas das relações sociais constituídas no capitalismo? Esse estudo objetivou analisar as formas de resistência das classes subalternizadas a partir de suas expressões artísticas musicais, com foco no funk, especificamente, as letras de músicas críticas ao Estado Penal. A metodologia consta de pesquisa bibliográfica e a seleção e análise de músicas de uma dupla de MC 's moradora de uma comunidade da Baixada Santista. Esperamos com este estudo contribuir para identificar elementos que se particularizam nas letras de funk, mas que são mediações necessárias para o entendimento do Estado penal-racial, numa perspectiva de totalidade e a partir de autores da periferia.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstado e Sociedade no pensamento conservador brasileiro: Alberto Torres e Oliveira Vianna(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010) Bueno, Thiago Martins Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Fernandes, Maria Fernanda Lombardi [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In this study, from the categories of “lines of thought” formulated by Gildo Brandão in his Linhagens do Pensamento Político Brasileiro (2007), we propose to examine how two authors, Alberto de Seixas Martins Torres and Francisco José de Oliveira Vianna, seen as emblematic of the “line conservative”, faced questions like: what are the ills of Brazilian society? What tools and solutions proposed to overcome these evils? More specifically, what role the state in this process, and what the state structure more suited to Brazil? In summary, our proposed research, mapping some of the characteristics of conservative thought expressed in the works of Brazilian to Torres and Vianna, it boils down to check: If you can set up an “identity of thought” between Alberto Torres and Oliveira Vianna, the from the "diagnoses" and proposed “prophylaxis” that both authors make Brazil - promoting approaches and distancing needed - which allows us to consider them part of the same lineage of Brazilian political thought, in this case, conservative which, following the arguments of Carvalho (1993) and Brandão (2007), largely dating from the Viscount of Uruguay ?
- ItemSomente MetadadadosGoverno Lula (2003-2010): elementos de continuidade e de ruptura com o neoliberalismo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-11-28) Leda, Iann Longhini [UNIFESP]; Silva, Carlos Alberto Bello e [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Following Research Seeks To Understand The Relation Between The Lula Government (2003-2010) And The Neoliberalism, Highlighting The Elements Of Continuity And Rupture Concerning The Paradigms Brought By The Neo-Liberal Ideas, Notably When It Relates The Question Of The State Reconfiguration, That Would Cease To Be The Promoter Of Economic Growth To Become An Institution Which Main Goal Is Guaranteeing A Good Environment For Financial Investments.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosJataí, Itapura e Avanhandava, colônias militares na Consolidação do Estado no Brasil (1850- 1870)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-12-06) Bezerra, Jéssika de Aquino [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Maria Luiza Ferreira de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research analyzes the installation of the military colonies of Jatai, and Itapura Avanhandava in Sao Paulo and Parana, that had occurred during the formation of the Brazilian State. The military colonies were part of a project that covered all Brazilian territory that was converted in law in 1850 and had the purpose to prevent conflicts with the people considered dangerous and, simultaneously, allow the territorial conquest. Between the years 1850 and 1860, those ventures had attracted various sectors of society and, after 1870, most of them became villages, small towns or cities. Based on this knowledge, to develop this work it was studied the period between 1850 and 1870 in order to understand the dynamics and conflicts around the creation of military colonies, and identify interests around those projects. For the analysis, the laws and the administrative sanctions prepared by the Brazilian Empire were mapped, as well as speeches about the subject - produced in the central and provincial centers of political power.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosMorphologic and sedimentologic patterns of active aeolian dune-fields on the east coast of maranhao, northeast brazil(Wiley-blackwell, 2016) Hilbert, Natalia Naches; Guedes, Carlos Conforti Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Giannini, Paulo César FonsecaThe eastern portion of the MaranhAo coast is characterized by large active dune-fields located in a tropical setting. This article combines the analysis of dune-field morphologic patterns with the classical analysis of grain size and heavy minerals to study the sedimentary dynamics of the active aeolian system in this region. Based on the heavy mineral analysis, the main sedimentary suppliers feeding the system are the westward alongshore drift bringing sand from the coast east of the Parnaiba River mouth and the river itself. The absence of well-defined variation patterns of the two morphometric parameters studied, dune spacing and crest length, reflects complex sedimentary dynamics and transport pathways, inside the aeolian system, despite the unidirectional wind. During the wet season, the interdune plains are flooded and the system is intensely reworked by intermittent drainages. During the dry season, the deposits formed by the drainages and interdune lakes become temporary internal sedimentary sources for the system. Due to this combined aeolian-fluvial transport, the sediment source area has a planar geometry, with contributions from the beach and interdune plains, and not linear as expected in a typical case of source only in the beach. The areal limits of the dune-fields is the main boundary condition controlling the dune-field patterns, as dune spacing and crest length, by changing the sedimentary inflow-outflow balance and interactions between migration dunes. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)As mulheres e as sentenças judiciais de acolhimento institucional na sociedade do valor(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-02-26) Tiba, Helene Yuri Anaguchi [UNIFESP]; Nozabielli, Sônia Regina [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)State institutionalization of poor children and adolescents is a common practice since the expansion of industrialization in Brazil. However, the protection of childhood and adolescence by the State overwhelms, especially, women who remain legally responding to the care and protection of their children by historically occupying the private domestic space. In this situation, the Judiciary is often called upon to prosecute women accused of negligence, mistreatment, violence and abandonment of children and adolescents, in cases requesting the application of a protective institutional measure. When the Judiciary decides for this institutional reception measure, it manifests the state power to prevent the sentenced woman from exercising custody. This same individualized legal act that discriminates and blames a particular woman reaffirms, by its structural foundations, the place of women in bourgeois sociability. This impediment of custody and the consequent withdrawal of the woman's social function of caring for her / his children are legal acts that make it possible to analyze the intentionality and justification of the way in which state power operates. Thus, this work aims to understand how the value form determines the repressive and ideological control of women, present in judicial sentences of institutional reception, using the method of "new Marxism" presented by Mascaro (2013). Bibliographical and documentary research has shown that the form of legal subjectivity and the state political form operate so that women, marked by deep adversities and sufferings constituted by patriarchy, racism and the unprotected classes to which they belong, are found guilty of non-care to infancy, a consequence of the "lower value" attributed to them in social relations. The judicial sentences produced in these processes largely blame women, poor and alone, with legal arguments crossed by social forms derived from the value-commodity form.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Mulheres gestantes que vivem nas ruas: um olhar a partir do acesso (ou não) à política de saúde no município de Santos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2020-10-22) Silva, Alessandra Gomes Conessa da [UNIFESP]; Bovolenta, Gisele Aparecida [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esse Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso propõe analisar como a mulher gestante em situação de rua acessa (ou não) os serviços de saúde na região central de Santos. De acordo com Carneiro Junior et al. (1998), compreender a saúde das pessoas em situação de rua pressupõem um olhar diferenciado do processo saúde-doença já que elas vivem em condições de grande vulnerabilidade social e, portanto, sofrem influência do trabalho ou da falta dele, da violência urbana, da ausência ou fragilidade de vínculos familiares, da cultura, da renda e etc. o que impacta na promoção de seu bem estar e no acesso aos serviços. A análise bibliográfica, documental e legal apresenta-se como fonte de extrema importância para identificar o processo histórico de pobreza e suas consequências no mundo contemporâneo para a população em situação de rua, em específico no que tange a Política de Saúde. Dentro desse grupo heterogêneo, destacam-se as mulheres gestantes que estão imersas em dois tipos de violência: a do Estado, que contribuiu para a condição que se encontram e a de gênero, marcada pela desigualdade que a sociedade patriarcal e machista impõe a elas. A Política de Saúde no Brasil sofreu inúmeras mudanças no decorrer dos anos sendo o maior destaque a criação do SUS, a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, e os ataques ocorridos com o avanço da política neoliberal que impactam diretamente na vida das mulheres em situação de rua. O Ministério da Saúde prevê em sua “Nota Técnica Conjunta 001 – SAS e SGEP” que o Estado cumpra com sua função de garantir acesso igualitário e universal à elas assim como as diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde, porém explicita que há dificuldades observadas para essa garantia o que contribui por justificar a importância dessa pesquisa.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Mulheres negras e o estado brasileiro: Políticas de desproteção, violações de direitos e invisibilidade(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-03-25) Teixeira, Diana do Carmo [UNIFESP]; Silva, Maria Liduina de Oliveira e [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar, em linhas gerais, a dinâmica de atenção destinada as mulheres negras pelas chamadas políticas de proteção desenvolvidas pelo Estado brasileiro. Objetiva-se também apontar conhecimentos que possibilitem contribuir para a promoção de equidade e efetividade nas políticas de proteção voltadas às mulheres negras no Brasil. Para o alcance desses objetivos, este estudo foi embasado em leituras, informações e dados relacionados à política de proteção social, estatísticas, legislações sociais e estudos de autores sobre raça, gênero e violência. Neste sentido, a metodologia adotada envolverá pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A pesquisa bibliográfica será focada em autores e doutrinas que abordam a relação entre raça e violência. Já a pesquisa documental analisará legislações nacionais, como a Constituição Federal, e as Leis: n° 11.340/06, nº 12.288/10, n° 14.723/2023, n° 12.711/2012, n° 11.096/2005 e a n°10.639/2003. Além disso, serão consideradas reportagens que retratam a situação das mulheres negras no Brasil, juntamente com a análise de dados estatísticos públicos obtidos por meio de plataformas específicas. Compreende que após a análise de todos esses dados, os resultados achados com a pesquisa demonstram que após abolição, verificou-se uma considerável demora jurídica voltada para equiparar os negros dos brancos, cujo lapso promoveu uma hierarquia social, com uma casta com acessos a direitos formada por pessoas brancas, em detrimento de uma população feminina negra carente políticas públicas de proteção Estatal. Por fim, apesar da existência, nos dias atuais, de diversas políticas públicas de caráter protetor no papel, nota-se uma lacuna na abordagem da aplicabilidade para o subgrupo mulheres negras, reflexo de criações de legislações voltadas genericamente para o grupo mulheres, sem análise de dados estatísticos, construção histórica, perfil do que mais morre, perfil financeiro.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)As políticas do estado e a indústria de bens de capital: os impactos no emprego e na estrutura produtiva nacional da indústria parapetrolífera no período de 2003 a 2013(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-02-20) Cardoso, Andre De Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Tessari, Claudia Alessandra [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the policies of the Brazilian State from 2003 to 2013 for the capital goods industry and the impact of these policies on the employment and productive structure of the the parapetrolifer industry (IPP). It sought to analyze the existence of the relationship of the country's economic development and the growth of its industry as a result of the intentional measures of the Brazilian government. The method used was based on the historical analysis of the Brazilian reality in the capitalist system from the development and underdevelopment theories, from the analysis of the public policies of the Brazilian State for the capital goods and parapetrolifer industry and, finally, proceeded to the empirical analysis of the sector, with the construction of economic indicators that made it possible to capture the transformations studied in the IPP, the main indicators related to employment are employment growth rate, global and discounted turnover rate, growth rate of average remuneration, workers' education index and overall productivity and production. The main indicators related to the productive structure are the growth rate of companies, production density, investment rate, export coefficient, import coefficient and import penetration coefficient. The analysis showed that the policies of the Brazilian State for IPP, although they have presented positive results for the labor market, with the expansion of jobs, income and qualification, did not have any impact on the transformation of the national productive structure, with the specialization of the national parapetroliferous industry in the products with lower added value.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPolypharmacy and polymorbidity in older adults in brazil: a public health challenge(Hindawi Ltd, 2016) Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]; Leao Tavares, Noemia Urruth; Bertoldi, Andrea Damaso; Farias, Mareni Rocha; Oliveira, Maria Auxiliadora; Luiz, Vera Lucia; Dal Pizzol, Tatiane da Silva; Dourado Arrais, Paulo Sergio; Mengue, Sotero SerrateOBJECTIVE: To analyze variations in the prevalence of chronic use of medicines by older adults in Brazil according to its possible association with the most prevalent chronic diseases and demographic and health factors, and to identify risk factors for polypharmacy. METHODS: A study based on data from the National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines (PNAUM), a cross-sectional, population-based survey with probability sampling in Brazilian urban areas. The independent variable was the number of chronic-use medicines taken by older adults, linked to eight chronic diseases investigated. The intervening variables were gender, age group, marital status, level of education, socioeconomic status, Brazilian region, body mass index, smoking, self-perceived health, hospitalization in the previous year and having health insurance, besides the investigated chronic diseases. A multivariable analysis identified risk factors for polypharmacy. RESULTS: Prevalence of at least one chronic-use medicines among older adults was 93.0%. Of the total number of older adults, 18.0% used at least five medications (polypharmacy). Polypharmacy was higher among the oldest individuals (20.0%), in the South region (25.0%), in those with poor self-perceived health (35.0%), in obese individuals (26.0%), in those with reported health insurance (23.0%) or hospitalization in the previous year (31.0%), and among those who reported any of the investigated diseases, particularly diabetes (36.0%) and heart diseases (43.0%). The variables remaining in the final risk model for polypharmacy were age, region, perceived health, health insurance, hospitalization in the previous year and all investigated diseases except stroke. CONCLUSIONS: Older adults with specific diseases have risk factors for polypharmacy modifiable by actions aimed at the rational use of medicines. With the current population aging and successful drug access policy, the trend is an increase in drug use by older adults, which should feature as a priority in the planning agenda of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS).
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPrometeu acorrentado: o fetiche do novo ensino médio e a crise no mundo do trabalho(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-11-23) Souza, Ricardo Agnelo De [UNIFESP]; Abreu, Claudia Barcelos De Moura [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThe object of our research is the relationship between the reform of high school. (Law nº 13.415/2017) and the metamorphoses in the world of work, taking as source the bibliography of the theoretical field of Education and Work, as well as documents of international agencies. Our starting point was that the "new" High School and the deepening precarization of working conditions and relations are linked to the structural crisis of capitalism (MÉSZÁROS, 2002; 2012). The central objective is to understand the reform of High School articulates itself to the changes in the world of work and corroborates for a restricted, lightened and devoid of commitment to a paradigm of integral formation, that is, the easing of the last stage of basic education is in line with the flexible accumulation regime (HARVEY, 1992). From the perspective of the International Division of Labor (DIT), however, it is important to emphasize that labor in the context of financial and speculative capitalism must have as a characteristic the integral capture of the subjectivity of the working class (ALVES and ANTUNES, 2004), orchestrated by lowering the value of the labor force with the subtraction of labor and social rights. With regard to the results of the research we can assure that the "new" high school is fully in line with the requirements of the flexible accumulation regime and the training of labor force for temporary jobs, outsourced, uberized, pejotizados, precarizated, Besides long-term unemployment, therefore, for the capitalists it makes no sense to proletarians with an enlightenment education that has as prerequisites access to science, culture, art, articulated with the mastery of writing and calculation. That being said, the capitalists at the global level use education for the transmission of values of bourgeois sociability and for the formation of a mass of proletarians that will be optimized in a marginal way in the labor market. In this sense, it is evident in the documents of the multilateral bodies, as well as in the new High School, the idea of flexibility that, coupled with neoliberal modernity, induces the unwary to believe that creative processes will solve the issues posed by work, but the more visible face of flexibility has been the removal of elementary rights. Thus, we can say about the interest of these agencies, especially those of the OECD and the WB (WORLD BANK GROUP), in influencing the educational process of countries. Another point to highlight concerns the formation of flexible workers conditioned to accept the rules and values of bourgeois society and devoid of the critical mass, essential instrument for the leap of consciousness in the class struggle and overcoming capitalist sociability. According to the research that education is a social mediation created and controlled by the bourgeois state in the midst of neoliberal orthodox policies, it is in this context that the reform of high school took place, tangential for the setbacks in the rights and achievements of the working class. The documents of international organizations symbolize the suppression, easing, commodification, precarization of education and the "new" High school illustrates the paradigm of formation that the state should make available notably to the poor and concomitantly satisfy the filibusters who negotiate education as a common commodity and glimpse the profit from the vilification of a universal right.
- ItemEmbargoReflexões sobre o Conselho de Direitos das Mulheres de Santos: avanços, desafios e a necessária representatividade das lutas e demandas das mulheres(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-01-17) Santos, Gabriela Alves dos Santos [UNIFESP]; Cardoso, Priscila Fernanda Gonçalves [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender a representatividade no interior do Conselho Municipal dos Direitos das Mulheres de Santos. Para tanto, realiza pesquisa documental entre o período de 2012 a 2020, problematizando a representação qualitativa, as condições de participação e a autonomia do Conselho Apontamos que sua representatividade é frágil, num contexto em que a maior parte das entidades civis não são vinculadas com a temática de gênero. Ao longo do estudo propomos uma revisão de literatura sobre a relação do liberalismo clássico com o patriarcado moderno, apontando a construção de uma cidadania burguesa que apartou as mulheres dos espaços deliberativos. Direcionamos nosso olhar para realidade brasileira e propomos reconhecer as interseções entre raça, classe e gênero que imprimem diferentes vivências às mulheres. Consideramos a importância dos feminismos para a subversão dos papéis associados ao feminino e masculino, bem como as estratégias de luta para o fortalecimento dos seus direitos, com ênfase na participação do Conselho da Mulher nesse processo. Situamos o lócus dessa pesquisa: o munícipio de Santos e, a partir de pesquisa documental problematizamos a representatividade do Conselho da Mulher e fazemos um balanço de suas ações (2012 a a 2020). Apontamos a necessidade de fortalecimento dos mecanismos de controle social e reafirmamos que estes são espaços (possíveis) de resistência frente aos desafios na contemporaneidade. Apresentam limitações aos parâmetros da democracia burguesa e, portanto, devem ser acompanhados das lutas anticapitalistas mais amplas.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSegregação sócio-espacial na periferia metropolitana: uma análise do município de Guarulhos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010) Becceneri, Leandro Blanque [UNIFESP]; Alves, Humberto Prates da Fonseca [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This paper addresses the socio-spatial segregation in the city of Guarulhos, the main objective is the identification of segregated areas by spatial analytical tools. Besides the conceptual discussion regarding the segregation, the paper intends to present strategies to identify segregated areas and a model of analysis capable of measuring the impact of segregation in different areas of the city, reflecting on the conditions of life of residents of the suburbs, being an issue always associated with segregation. Thus, besides a theoretical effort toward the consequences of segregation and its causes, this paper presents an empirical effort to draw up indicators to identify segregated areas and measure the impact that it has on the living conditions of the population, comprising also the areas of employment, income, education and residence time in the city.