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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise morfofuncional de órgãos reprodutivos masculinos e investigação do comportamento sexual em modelo animal de mucopolissacaridose do Tipo I (MPS I)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-03-29) Nascimento, Cinthia Castro do [UNIFESP]; D'Almeida, Vania [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A Mucopolissacaridose do Tipo I (MPS I) é uma doença de depósito lisossômico causada pela mutação do gene IDUA, codificador da enzima α-L-iduronidase. Trata-se de uma hidrolase lisossômica que degrada heparan e dermatan sulfatos, dois tipos de glicosaminoglicanos (GAGs). GAGs são moléculas estruturais e sinalizadoras, abundantes na matriz extracelular e importantes para a manutenção fisiológica de células e tecidos. Devido à deficiência enzimática, os GAGs são continuamente acumulados em inúmeros tipos celulares, o que caracteriza a doença como multissistêmica e progressiva. Com o aumento da expectativa de vida dos pacientes em decorrência das possibilidades terapêuticas, julgou-se relevante avaliar o efeito da doença sobre parâmetros reprodutivos masculinos e sobre o comportamento sexual do modelo animal de MPS I. Utilizamos camundongos machos C57BL, de 6 meses de idade, com genótipo normal (Idua+/+) e afetado (Idua-/-) para avaliar a morfologia de testículos, epidídimos, vesículas seminais e próstatas. O comportamento sexual foi observado aos 3 e 6 meses de idade. Alguns acasalamentos foram monitorados para que a ocorrência de prenhez fosse registrada. As quantificações hormonais e de GAGs também foram obtidas. Na análise morfológica, encontramos células intersticiais vacuolizadas em todos os órgãos avaliados referentes ao grupo Idua-/-. Danos epiteliais epididimários foram detectados, embora a morfologia e motilidade espermáticas estivessem mantidas. As vesículas seminais apresentaram menores pesos absolutos e relativos (p=0,013 e p=0,009; respectivamente) e sinais de atrofia, enquanto as próstatas foram bastante comprometidas, contendo alguns ácinos com sinais de necrose. Sob análise ultraestrutural, detectamos alterações nas células mioides, de Leydig e de Sertoli. As últimas com maior quantidade de vesículas contendo material em digestão semelhantes a autofagossomos (p=0,0005) e menor número de vesículas semelhantes a lisossomos (p=0,01). Porém, sob análise molecular, não comprovamos aumento de proteínas autofágicas oriundas do homogenato testicular. Quanto ao comportamento sexual, detectamos maiores latências de montas no grupo Idua-/- independentemente da idade (p=0,05) e também de intromissões no grupo Idua-/- de 3 meses (p=0,02), provavelmente devido à limitação motora comprovada pelo teste do campo aberto, que indicou menor atividade horizontal e vertical independentemente da idade dos animais Idua-/- (p=0,01 e p=0,04 respectivamente). As concentrações de hormônios foram similares entre os grupos e houve acúmulo de dermatan sulfato nos testículos (p<0,0001), epidídimos (p=0,007) e próstatas (p=0,0004). Concluímos que a deficiência da enzima IDUA afeta a morfologia de importantes órgãos reprodutivos, porém, os gametas são morfologicamente normais e móveis. Embora apresentem limitações motoras, machos Idua-/- são aptos à copula e muitos foram capazes de emprenhar fêmeas e gerar filhotes.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosBrazilian Residents' Attitude and Practice Toward Sexual Health Issues in Pregnant Patients(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-10-01) Vieira, Teresa Cristina Souza Barroso [UNIFESP]; Souza, Eduardo de [UNIFESP]; Abdo, Carmita Helena Najjar; Torloni, Maria Regina [UNIFESP]; Santana, Tânia das Graças Mauadie; Leite, Alessandra Plácido Lima; Nakamura, Mary Uchiyama [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Hosp Perola Byington; Univ Estadual Ciencias Saude AlagoasIntroduction. Sexual difficulties and questions regarding sexual function are frequent in pregnancy, yet they are infrequently discussed in academic communities, medical schools, and residency programs. Embarrassment, lack of experience, inadequate communication skills and insufficient knowledge on how to deal with sexual complaints, and questions in pregnancy are common, especially among young health professionals. Aim. the aim of this study was to assess and compare the attitude and behavior of Brazilian residents in three different medical programs (obstetrics-gynecology, internal medicine, and psychiatry) toward sexual health issues of pregnant patients. Methods. Survey conducted in a single Brazilian university using anonymous self-responsive questionnaires on how residents deal with sexual health issues of obstetric patients. A total of 154 residents from the three different programs (47 obstetrics-gynecology, 33 psychiatry, 74 internal medicine) participated. Main Outcome Measures. Attitude and practice of medical residents regarding sexual health issues of pregnant patients. Results. Less than 20% of the residents reported that they routinely asked obstetric patients about their sexual health, although almost 70% stated this should be part of every history. Psychiatry residents were significantly more likely to actively seek information about the sexual health of obstetric patients than others (57.6%, 17%, 4.1%, psychiatry, obstetrics-gynecology, internal medicine, respectively, P < 0.001). Although over 80% answered that most obstetric patients react well or indifferently to questions about sexual function, less than 25% of the residents reported being completely confident answering these questions, and 71% of them admitted that they lacked specific knowledge in the area of sexual dysfunctions. the two main obstacles in evaluating patients' sexuality were lack of specific knowledge and not enough time to explore these aspects in medical consultations, reported by 71% and 20% of all participants, respectively. Conclusions. Most residents do not feel comfortable or confident and lack specific knowledge and skills to deal with questions related to sexual problems during pregnancy. Vieira TCSB, de Souza E, Abdo CHN, Torloni MR, Santana TGM, Leite APL, and Nakamura MU. Brazilian residents' attitude and practice toward sexual health issues in pregnant patients. J Sex Med **;**:****.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosCriminality and sexual behaviours in substance dependents seeking treatment(Consel Brasil Oftalmologia, 2016) Diehl, Alessandra [UNIFESP]; Pillon, Sandra Cristina; dos Santos, Manoel Antonio; Hussein Rassool, G.; Laranjeira, Ronaldo [UNIFESP]The aim of this study was to investigate the link between violence, crime, and sexual behavior among patients with substance-related disorder admitted to a specialized inpatient care unit. This was a cross-sectional study using a questionnaire on socio-demographic characteristics, drug of choice (DOC), questions about sexual behavior, and instruments to evaluate the severity of dependence (SADD, DAST, FTND), level of impulsivity (BIS-11), and a screening sex addiction scale. The sample consisted of 587 adult subjects, of which 82.3% were men, 66.4% had used cocaine (sniffed and smoked) as their DOC, 24.4% had a history with the criminal justice system, 26.8% had committed crimes, 19.3% had engaged in violent behavior, and 12.2% had been involved in drug trafficking. In this sample, crime was strongly associated with various sexual behaviors and the severity of substance dependence.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEffects of Abdominoplasty on Female Sexuality: A Pilot Study(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-03-01) Azevedo de Brito, Maria Jose [UNIFESP]; Nahas, Fabio Xerfan [UNIFESP]; Bussolaro, Rodolpho Alberto [UNIFESP]; Shinmyo, Lia Mayumi [UNIFESP]; Barbosa, Marcus Vinicius [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Lydia Masako [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction. Changes in the pubic region resulting from abdominoplasty may have a psychosexual impact. Thus, it is important to study the influence of physical changes on the sexuality of patients after abdominoplasty. Aim. To evaluate the effects of the elevation of the mons pubis and consequent exposure of the clitoris in the vulvar commissure on the sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction of women who underwent abdominoplasty. Methods. Data were presented as mean +/- standard deviation. Nineteen women with a mean age of 35 +/- 7 years, mean body mass index of 23 +/- 2 kg/m(2) and who expressed a desire to undergo abdominoplasty were selected from consecutive patients attending the abdominal plastic surgery outpatient unit of a university hospital. Main Outcome Measures. Physical change (measured by the distance between the xiphoid process and vulvar commissure [xipho-vc]), sexual functioning, and sexual satisfaction (assessed with the Sexuality Assessment Scale), and body image (measured using the Body Shape Questionnaire [BSQ]) were evaluated preoperatively and 6 months after abdominoplasty. Results. There was a significant reduction (P = 0.0004; z = -3.53) in the xipho-vc distance 6 months after abdominoplasty compared with baseline (mean difference 3.63 +/- 2.79 cm), corresponding to an elevation of the mons pubis and consequent exposure of the clitoris. All patients reported a significant improvement in sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction 6 months after abdominoplasty when compared with baseline (P = 0.0001; z = -3.83). BSQ scores indicated an improvement in the patients' concerns about body shape (P = 0.0003; z = -3.58). Conclusion. Our results suggest that physical change and the new position of the clitoris may have a positive impact on sexuality. de Brito MJA, Nahas FX, Bussolaro RA, Shinmyo LM, Barbosa MVJ, and Ferreira LM. Effects of abdominoplasty on female sexuality: A pilot study. J Sex Med 2012; 9: 918-926.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Gravidez na adolescência: perfil sócio-demográfico e comportamental de uma população da periferia de São Paulo, Brasil(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2007-01-01) Chalem, Elisa [UNIFESP]; Mitsuhiro, Sandro Sendin [UNIFESP]; Ferri, Cleusa Pinheiro [UNIFESP]; Barros, Marina Carvalho de Moraes [UNIFESP]; Guinsburg, Ruth [UNIFESP]; Laranjeira, Ronaldo [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); King's College London Institute of PsychiatryTo identify the socio-demographic behavioral profile of low-income pregnant teenagers, 1,000 adolescents admitted to a Brazilian public maternity hospital from July 24, 2001, to November 27, 2002, were interviewed. Socio-demographic and behavioral variables were assessed through a questionnaire. Over the 492 days of the study, 24.3% of admissions were adolescents (930 for childbirth and 70 for miscarriage). Mean maternal age was 17 years. Most teenagers (72.9%) lived near the hospital. 930 (93%) belonged to socioeconomic classes C, D, and E. School dropout was identified in 67.3% of the total. 80.1% of the subjects were giving birth for the first time. 81.2% had not planned the pregnancy, and 23.8% had been using some contraceptive method. 67.4% had vaginal deliveries. Some 13.3% of the newborns were premature and 15.9% had low birth weight. 17.3% of these adolescent mothers reported smoking during pregnancy, with 2.8% reporting alcohol and 1.7% illicit drugs. Teenage pregnancy is a complex phenomenon associated with various economic, educational, and behavioral factors. The study provides importance references for public policies to prevent teenage pregnancy.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)HIV/AIDS entre idosos: uma revisão integrativa(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-07-22) Monteiro, Beatriz Fernanda [UNIFESP]; Lombardi Júnior, Imperio [UNIFESP]; Zihlmann, Karina Franco [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A epidemia de AIDS nos anos 80, trouxe grande impacto no comportamento sexual das pessoas nos anos consecutivos. As campanhas de prevenção foram de grande importância para conscientização da população sobre as maneiras de transmissão do vírus HIV. A prevalência era observada em homens homossexuais, usuários de drogas injetáveis e pessoas com hemofilia, o mesmo foi o público alvo nas campanhas de prevenção. Percebeu-se com o tempo, que a propagação do vírus se deu em muitos outros grupos, classes sociais, faixas etárias, entre outros. Porém, neste século houve um grande aumento de casos de HIV/AIDS entre os idosos, e as campanhas de prevenção se mantiveram voltadas para os jovens, e pessoas consideradas sexualmente ativas. O objetivo da presente revisão integrativa investigar a prevalência e através da incidência, as causas do aumento de casos de HIV/AIDS no público idoso, bem como, identificar situações que envolvam preconceitos e estigmas voltados para esta população, incluindo as relações de assistência em saúde e o cuidado pelos profissionais de saúde, também na prevenção de HIV/AIDS entre os idosos. Foi feita busca nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scielo, LILACS e MEDLINE, bem como, 11 boletins epidemiológicos oficiais publicados pelo Ministério da Saúde brasileiro e boletim oficial da UNAIDS, para levantar dados do aumento da infecção pelo HIV entre os idosos, de acordo com o gênero. Foram analisados 14 artigos científicos publicados entre 2010 e 2022, nas bases de dados. Encontrou-se neste campo tão subjetivo e amplo, que o idoso tem boas condições gerais de conhecimento quanto à prevenção do HIV/AIDS, mas não os colocam em prática, por diversas questões, entre elas, os estigmas, a dificuldade de negociação com o parceiro,e principalmente por não se verem vulneráveis às ISTs. Assim como, os profissionais e políticas de saúde, que não os visibilizam nas campanhas, ações de saúde ou exames de rotina. Entre os idosos mais vulneráveis, encontramos os que tiveram menos acesso à educação, baixa renda, autodeclarados pardos e heterossexuais. E consequentemente são os mesmos que apresentam menor qualidade de vida. Através deste estudo, percebe-se a necessidade de incluir os idosos em ações de saúde que promovam a saúde sexual, incentivando a prevenção e exames de ISTs nos exames de rotina, promovendo diagnóstico rápido no serviço primário de saúde.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosImpairment of Sexual Function in Rats with Epilepsy(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-09-01) Andersen, Monica L. [UNIFESP]; Alvarenga, Tathiana A. [UNIFESP]; Scorza, Fulvio A. [UNIFESP]; Matos, Gabriela [UNIFESP]; Sonoda, Eliza Y. [UNIFESP]; Hirotsu, Camila [UNIFESP]; Cavalheiro, Esper A. [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction. Epilepsy is a chronic disease that affects men and women of all ages, with different levels of severity. Many individuals with epilepsy also suffer from impairments in sexual function. However, it is difficult to differentiate between the impact of the disease and the impact of antiepileptic drugs on sexual function in human subjects. Aims. To evaluate sexual behavior in adult male rats submitted to chronic pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. Methods. First, non-epileptic rats were exposed to nine training sessions to acquire sexual experience, and their baseline sexual performance was evaluated. Then, the same rats were given pilocarpine to induce status epilepticus followed by chronic epilepsy. Once the animals had developed spontaneous recurrent seizures, their sexual behavior was evaluated during three sessions. Main Outcome Measures. Examine changes in latencies to first mount, intromission, and ejaculation, and the total number of mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations. Results. All outcome measures related to sexual motivation and sexual performance were markedly impaired during chronic epilepsy compared with the baseline and the control group. Conclusion. These findings will aid in understanding the interaction between sexual behavior and epilepsy, as well as encouraging further experimental studies in human patients with epilepsy suffering from sexual dysfunction. Andersen ML, Alvarenga TA, Scorza FA, Matos G, Sonoda EY, Hirotsu C, Cavalheiro EA, and Tufik S. Impairment of sexual function in rats with epilepsy. J Sex Med 2012;9:22662272.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosInfluence of Progesterone on Sexual Performance in Male Rats(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010-07-01) Alvarenga, Tathiana A. [UNIFESP]; Andersen, Monica L. [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction.It has been documented that copulatory experience can alter or improve sexual performance in male rats. However, the hormonal basis and the number of sexual encounters needed for a rat to acquire sufficient performance remains unclear.Aim.The aim of this study was to examine whether levels of testosterone and progesterone are associated with sexual performance in male rats.Methods.Adult male Wistar Hannover rats were exposed to a receptive female for 15 minutes every other day for 9 days for acquiring sexual experience.Main Outcome Measures.After training protocol, rats were scored as low or high sexual performers. Hormonal levels (testosterone and progesterone) were evaluated in both trained and non-trained control groups.Results.Our results showed that a 9-day training period was not sufficient for some male rats to acquire a good level of sexual performance. While 42.5% of the rats displayed excellent sexual performance during the training sessions, 17.5% showed adequate performance, 7.5% had low sexual activity, and 32.5% of the rats did not display any sexual behaviors whatsoever. Additionally, after 4 days of training, rats with excellent/adequate performance showed a significant decrease in ejaculation latency relative to the first day of training. the rats with low or no sexual activity had lower progesterone levels relative to those displaying the highest sexual performance after 9 days of training. Testosterone, in turn, was also significantly reduced in animals with low/no sexual performance compared with excellent/adequate rats.Conclusion.In conclusion, progesterone may be a limiting factor to promoting sexual performance in male rats. Alvarenga TA, Andersen ML, and Tufik S. Influence of progesterone on sexual performance in male rats. J Sex Med 2010;7:2435-2444.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosParadoxical Sleep Deprivation Influences Sexual Behavior in Female Rats(Wiley-Blackwell, 2009-08-01) Andersen, Monica L. [UNIFESP]; Alvarenga, Tathiana A. F. [UNIFESP]; Guindalini, Camila [UNIFESP]; Perry, Juliana C. [UNIFESP]; Silva, Andressa [UNIFESP]; Zager, Adriano [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction.Sleep disturbances are a frequent complaint in women and are often attributed to hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. Rodents have been used as models to examine the effects of sleep deprivation on hormonal and behavioral changes. Among the many comorbidities common to sleep disorders, sexual behavior remains the least well studied.Aim.To determine whether paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) can affect sexual receptivity (male acceptance) and proceptivity (male solicitation) behaviors in female rats.Methods.Female Wistar rats were subjected to PSD or were maintained as controls. After this period, the estrous cycle (proestrus, estrus, and diestrus) was determined, and all females were placed with a sexually experienced male. in order to investigate the role of hormones in sexual behavior, we included additional groups that were artificially induced to be sexually receptive via administration of a combination of estradiol and progesterone.Main Outcome Measurements.Receptivity and proceptivity behaviors, as well as progesterone and corticosterone concentrations were monitored.Results.Selective sleep loss caused a significant increase in proceptivity and receptivity behaviors in females exclusively during the proestrus phase. the rejection response was increased in PSD rats during the estrus and diestrus phases, as compared with PSD-receptive and proestrus females. PSD reduced progesterone levels during the proestrus phase relative to the respective control group during the same phase of the estrous cycle. the PSD-proestrus females that displayed the most robust sexual response exhibited greater concentrations of corticosterone than PSD-diestrus females, with an absence of sexual solicitation behaviors.Conclusions.PSD produced a distinct response in the hormonal profile that was consistent with the phase of the estrous cycle. These results show that sleep loss can affect sexual motivation and might lead to important clinical implications, including alterations in female physiology and reproductive abnormalities. Andersen ML, Alvarenga TAF, Guindalini C, Perry JC, Silva A, Zager A, and Tufik S. Paradoxical sleep deprivation influences sexual behavior in female rats. J Sex Med 2009;6:2162-2172.