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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Adsorção de manganês em meio aquoso pelas escamas de tainha (Mugil liza)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-02-09) Cerquini, Gabriela [UNIFESP]; Barbosa, Renata de Faria [UNIFESP]; Torrente-Vilara, Gislene [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)As concentrações de metais têm aumentado cada vez mais, a partir de atividades industriais, ações antropogênicas, trazendo uma grande preocupação ambiental e ecológica. A bioacumulação de substâncias tóxicas pode ocorrer através da cadeia alimentar, podendo causar danos estruturais e funcionais aos organismos por interferir em seu mecanismo fisiológico e bioquímico. Na água, a presença de metais em níveis acima do permitido afeta diretamente os seres humanos, por ser a principal via de intoxicação pelo consumo de itens pescados contaminados. A princípio, os organismos aquáticos apresentam maior capacidade de concentrar elementos traço em concentrações mais altas do que as presentes no ambiente. O manganês é um metal que pode ser considerado contaminante, é um elemento natural que se encontra facilmente em rochas e nunca ocorre em sua forma pura, nos seres humanos, a exposição de manganês pode ocorrer através de alimentos, na ingestão de água e no ar que respiram. O seu excesso ou falta pode causar sérias complicações. As escamas de peixes geralmente são descartadas no lixo, ou coletadas para o artesanato em algumas pequenas comunidades, demonstrando ser um material de baixo custo e abundante, além disso, em estudos recentes, têm sido avaliadas na sorção de metais pesados, devido à presença de compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos que permitem interações com diversos solutos em processos de sorção em meio aquoso. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo de adsorção por batelada com uma solução de sulfato de manganês diluída em 1L de água destilada, ocorreu em uma mesa agitadora com uma frequência de 120 rpm, usando quatro béqueres, em cada béquer com 0,75g, 1,5g, 3,00g e 4,50g de quantidades de escamas, o experimento teve a duração de 4 horas, neste tempo 12 amostras foram coletadas de 4 béqueres (T1=5, T2=15, T3=30, T4=60, T5=90, T6=120, T7=145, T8=160, T9=190, T10=205, T11=220 e T12=240 minutos). As medições da adsorção do metal manganês foram realizadas através da técnica de Fluorescência de Raios X por Reflexão Total (TXRF), com a quantidade de massa de escamas de 4,5, alcançou 94% de remoção do metal manganês.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder dimensionality: the reliable 'g' and the elusive 's' dimensions(Springer, 2016) Wagner, Flavia; Martel, Michelle M.; Cogo-Moreira, Hugo [UNIFESP]; Moreira Maia, Carlos Renato; Pan, Pedro Mario [UNIFESP]; Rohde, Luis Augusto; Salum, Giovanni AbrahaoThe best structural model for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms remains a matter of debate. The objective of this study is to test the fit and factor reliability of competing models of the dimensional structure of ADHD symptoms in a sample of randomly selected and high-risk children and pre-adolescents from Brazil. Our sample comprised 2512 children aged 6-12 years from 57 schools in Brazil. The ADHD symptoms were assessed using parent report on the development and well-being assessment (DAWBA). Fit indexes from confirmatory factor analysis were used to test unidimensional, correlated, and bifactor models of ADHD, the latter including "g" ADHD and "s" symptom domain factors. Reliability of all models was measured with omega coefficients. A bifactor model with one general factor and three specific factors (inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity) exhibited the best fit to the data, according to fit indices, as well as the most consistent factor loadings. However, based on omega reliability statistics, the specific inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity dimensions provided very little reliable information after accounting for the reliable general ADHD factor. Our study presents some psychometric evidence that ADHD specific ("s") factors might be unreliable after taking common ("g" factor) variance into account. These results are in accordance with the lack of longitudinal stability among subtypes, the absence of dimension-specific molecular genetic findings and non-specific effects of treatment strategies. Therefore, researchers and clinicians might most effectively rely on the "g" ADHD to characterize ADHD dimensional phenotype, based on currently available symptom items.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder dimensionality: the reliable 'g' and the elusive 's' dimensions(Springer, 2016) Wagner, Flavia; Martel, Michelle M.; Cogo-Moreira, Hugo [UNIFESP]; Moreira Maia, Carlos Renato; Pan, Pedro Mario [UNIFESP]; Rohde, Luis Augusto; Salum, Giovanni AbrahaoThe best structural model for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms remains a matter of debate. The objective of this study is to test the fit and factor reliability of competing models of the dimensional structure of ADHD symptoms in a sample of randomly selected and high-risk children and pre-adolescents from Brazil. Our sample comprised 2512 children aged 6-12 years from 57 schools in Brazil. The ADHD symptoms were assessed using parent report on the development and well-being assessment (DAWBA). Fit indexes from confirmatory factor analysis were used to test unidimensional, correlated, and bifactor models of ADHD, the latter including "g" ADHD and "s" symptom domain factors. Reliability of all models was measured with omega coefficients. A bifactor model with one general factor and three specific factors (inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity) exhibited the best fit to the data, according to fit indices, as well as the most consistent factor loadings. However, based on omega reliability statistics, the specific inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity dimensions provided very little reliable information after accounting for the reliable general ADHD factor. Our study presents some psychometric evidence that ADHD specific ("s") factors might be unreliable after taking common ("g" factor) variance into account. These results are in accordance with the lack of longitudinal stability among subtypes, the absence of dimension-specific molecular genetic findings and non-specific effects of treatment strategies. Therefore, researchers and clinicians might most effectively rely on the "g" ADHD to characterize ADHD dimensional phenotype, based on currently available symptom items.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação subjetiva de recuperação muscular: elaboração de instrumento multidimensional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-12-10) Ramirez, Dimas [UNIFESP]; Antunes, Hanna Karen Moreira [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A avaliação da recuperação muscular se faz necessária para a elaboração de um plano eficaz de exercícios físicos e muito dos métodos avaliativos são invasivos, caros e necessita de pessoas especializadas e laboratórios, tornando-os inviáveis para o uso no dia-a-dia. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo a criação de uma nova ferramenta que fosse capaz de avaliar o nível de recuperação muscular e detecção do período de supercompensação de uma forma não invasiva, barata e de rápida aplicabilidade. Para criação desta ferramenta, foram utilizadas outras ferramentas já existentes, como questionários de humor e escalas de dor e de recuperação já consolidados, incluindo na nova ferramenta somente itens relevantes à recuperação muscular. Após a criação, a nova ferramenta foi testada em 7 (sete) voluntários aptos à prática de exercícios físicos que realizaram uma sessão de treinamento de resistência, sendo a aplicação da ferramenta em cinco momentos distintos (basal, pós-treino, 8 horas após, 24 horas após e 48 horas após a sessão de treinamento). Como resultado, a ferramenta se mostrou capaz de avaliar a recuperação muscular, sendo esta sensível aos parâmetros de dor e de estado de recuperação, sugerindo que o período de supercompensação ocorreu 24 horas após a sessão de treinamento. A pesquisa foi de caráter qualitativo-quantitativo, sendo adotado para os dados quantitativos p< 0,05 e para os dados qualitativos adotou-se uma análise subjetiva.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Nurses' attitudes towards alcoholism: factor analysis of three commonly used scales(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 1998-03-01) Pillon, Sandra [UNIFESP]; Laranjeira, Ronaldo [UNIFESP]; Dunn, John [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To investigate the psychometric properties of three scales commonly used to measure attitudes and beliefs about alcoholism. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study using a systematic sample. SETTING: Hospital São Paulo (a public general tertiary hospital) and the adjoining Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil. PARTICIPANTS: 310 nurses and nursing teachers. INSTRUMENTS: The Marcus Alcoholism Questionnaire, The Seaman Mannello Nurses' Attitudes Towards Alcohol and Alcoholism Scale and The Tolor-Tamarin Attitudes Towards Alcoholism Scale, which were combined into one self-administered questionnaire. ANALYSIS: The scales were re-grouped into their original formats and each underwent a principal components analysis with orthogonal rotation of factors. RESULTS: Each scale was found to consist of three main factors. There was some degree of overlap in the nature of the factors that the scales measured but each scale also measured something unique. COCLUSION: The results of this comparative analysis could be used as a basis for developing a new scale covering all the important attitudinal groups identified by this study.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Psychometric properties of the sixth version of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI-6) in Brazil(Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP, 2012-03-01) Kessler, Felix; Cacciola, John; Alterman, Arthur; Faller, Sibele; Souza-Formigoni, Maria Lucia Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Cruz, Marcelo Santos; Brasiliano, Sílvia; Pechansky, Flavio; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Center for Drug and Alcohol Research; University of Pennsylvania Treatment Research Institute (TRI) and Department of Psychiatry; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Psychiatric Institute; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)BACKGROUND: There are few research tools in Brazil to assess more broadly the alcohol and other drug related problems. OBJECTIVE: To test the psychometric properties of ASI in its sixth version (ASI-6). METHODS: A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in four Brazilian state capitals. Four research centers interviewed 150 adult inpatients or outpatients, and one research center interviewed 140 patients. A total of 740 substance abusers were selected. Training and supervision of interviewers were performed to assure the quality of dada collected. RESULTS: Most areas of the ASI showed good reliability between the instrument and the interviewers, with no statistically significant differences between the ASI-6 Summary Scores for Recent Functioning (SS-Rs) of both interviews. Cronbach's alpha for ASI-6 subscales ranged from 0.64 to 0.95. Correlations between the ASI-6 Alcohol and Drug scores and the concurrent instrument (ASSIST) were high (0.72 and 0.89, respectively). There was a significant negative correlation between the scores in psychiatric, medical and drug areas and the scores of WHOQOL. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the psychometric properties of ASI-6 both in outpatients and inpatients in Brazil indicate a good reliability and validity of this instrument for the Brazilian culture. The development of this instrument in Brazil is an important advancement, which will certainly have implications for the prevention, clinical research, and social rehabilitation fields.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosStandards of care for obsessive-compulsive disorder centres(Pontificia Universidade Catolica Campinas, 2016) Menchon, Jose M.; van Ameringen, Michael; Dell'Osso, Bernardo; Denys, Damiaan; Figee, Martijn; Grant, Jon E.; Hollander, Eric; Marazziti, Donatella; Nicolini, Humberto; Pallanti, Stefano; Ruck, Christian; Shavitt, Roseli; Stein, Dan J.; Andersson, Erik; Bipeta, Rajshekhar; Cath, Danielle C.; Drummond, Lynne; Feusner, Jamie; Geller, Daniel A.; Hranov, Georgi; Lochner, Christine; Matsunaga, Hisato; McCabe, Randy E.; Mpavaenda, Davis; Nakamae, Takashi; O'Kearney, Richard; Pasquini, Massimo; Rivera, Ricardo Perez; Poyurovsky, Michael; Real, Eva; Conceicao do Rosario, Maria [UNIFESP]; Soreni, Noam; Swinson, Richard P.; Vulink, Nienke; Zohar, Joseph; Fineberg, NaomiIn recent years, many assessment and care units for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have been set up in order to detect, diagnose and to properly manage this complex disorder, but there is no consensus regarding the key functions that these units should perform. The International College of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (ICOCS) together with the Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders Network (OCRN) of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) and the Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Section of the World Psychiaric Association (WPA) has developed a standards of care programme for OCD centres. The goals of this collaborative initiative are promoting basic standards, improving the quality of clinical care and enhance the validity and reliability of research results provided by different facilities and countries.