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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Adolescentes em conflito com a lei e adolescentes escolares: suas trajetórias, intersecções e distanciamentos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-12-01) Silva, Maria Angelica Alves Da [UNIFESP]; Avallone, Denise De Micheli [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloOBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify, analyze, and relate the profiles of adolescents in conflict with the law (ACL) and school teenagers (AE) on the indicators: school trajectory, quality of life, use of psychoactive substances, resilience, and anger. METHODS: The profiles of 474 adolescents, 203 adolescents institutionalized in Fundação CASA (ACL) and 271 adolescents from state public schools (AE), aged 12 to 21, and were analyzed. The instruments used were a Sociodemographic Questionnaire and a School Trajectory, DUSI - Drug Use Screening Inventory, STAXI - Anger Expression Inventory as a Trait and State, Resilience Scale and WHOQOL-bref. RESULTS: The groups showed differences in family configuration, highlighting the predominance of single-parent families ACL (63%) and AE (34.3%); lag and conflicting relationships were identified in the school ACL’s context, the use of psychoactive substances was also more frequent in this group; however the AE group showed a discrepancy between substance use behavior and related problems. There was a difference regarding the psychoactive substances in which they showed evidence of ACL dependence: marijuana, 73%; alcohol, 48% and tobacco, 44%; AE: alcohol, 32%; tobacco, 12% and marijuana, 10%. On the STAXI scales, ACL had higher scores for State and Trait of Anger, Anger out and in with statistically significant differences. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups regarding the measurement of Resilience. In the WHOQOL-bref AE showed greater satisfaction regarding the general quality of life, while ACL showed greater satisfaction with their health, between the domains there were differences between the groups in DOM4 - Environment (AE: 60.6 ± SD 15.2; ACL: 57.7 ± SD 15.3) and DOM2 - Psychological (AE: 63.6 ± SD19.4; ACL 69.7 ± SD 16.3). In the binary logistic regression, the results showed that the scores of the instruments WHOQOL-bref, DOM1 - Physical and DOM2 - Psychological, DUSI - Area 1 and STAXI - Anger status increase the chances of belonging to the ACL group, while the odds reasons for belonging to the AE group were associated with the highest Resilience scores, WHOQOL-bref at DOM4 - Environment and STAXI – Temperament. CONCLUSION: It is understood that family and school must be invested in public policies that help them to configure in fact the important protective factors that they represent to overcome the vulnerabilities of adolescents and the risk factors of these contexts.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAssociação entre desenvolvimento socioemocional da primeira infância e o ambiente familiar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-06-08) Perrone, Marina Bianco [UNIFESP]; Caetano, Sheila Cavalcante [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction: Children spend most of their time growing up within the social environment of their family, where they can experience potentially stressful situations such as marital aggression, non-cohesive environment, parental drinking problems, parental depression, and other mental health issues. All these factors are associated with children developmental delays. Aims: The aims of this study were to systematize the literature on family stress and family resilience associated with child emotional development and to examine family emotional conditions associated with child development. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of studies published between January 2010 to February 2020 using epidemiological samples. Results: Databases searches identified 10,848 different records. Total of 25 articles were included in the review. Three main findings emerged from this review: (1) parental mental health problems, especially mothers’ depression, was associated with developmental delays; (2) better parenting practices were positively associated with better child development; and (3) a cohesive home environment was associated with a decrease in child stress and better quality of child development. Conclusion: Family environment is a fundamental area of study and intervention for mental health professionals. Studies show that promoting better family dynamics and increasing family cohesion and parenting abilities are beneficial to child’s socioemotional development. In addition, increasing family and children’s resilience improves quality of life within family units.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeitos de uma intervenção baseada em mindfulness na inteligência emocional e resiliência de enfermeiros líderes: ensaio clínico randomizado cruzado(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-05-31) Santos, Teresa Maria dos [UNIFESP]; Souza, Káren Mendes Jorge de [UNIFESP]; Balsanelli, Alexandre Pazetto [UNIFESP];;; Analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção baseada em mindfulness na inteligência emocional e resiliência de enfermeiros líderes. Método: Ensaio clínico randomizado e cruzado, de lista de espera, realizado no período de janeiro a setembro de 2021, de forma on-line. A amostra (n=32) foi distribuída aleatoriamente em grupo A (n=18) e grupo B (n=14). As variáveis de desfecho foram inteligência emocional, resiliência e mindfulness, medidas em 3 tempos, em ambos os grupos, com as escalas Medida de Inteligência Emocional, Questionário das Cinco Facetas de Mindfulness e Escala de Resiliência de Connor & Davidson. Os dados foram analisados por meio do software IBM SPSS, versão 28.0, com nível de significância estatística adotado de 5% (p ≤ 0,05). Resultados: A média de idade dos participantes foi de 42,6 ± 9,2 anos, e o intervalo entre as idades foi de 30 a 65 anos. 100% se referiram como sendo do gênero feminino. Foram registradas interações significativas dos efeitos dos fatores grupo versus momento nos escores das competências de automotivação (p=0,005), sociabilidade (p<0,001), autocontrole (p=0,013), e total (p=0,002) de inteligência emocional; e das facetas observar (p=0,042) descrever (p=0,008), não-julgar (p<0,001), agir com consciência (p=0,004), e no escore total (p<0,001) de mindfulness. No pós-teste houve aumento estatisticamente significante nos domínios sociabilidade (p=0,009) e autocontrole (p=0,015) de inteligência emocional; e não julgar (p=0,022); e total (p=0,002) de mindfulness. No seguimento foi observado aumento significativo nas facetas não julgar (p=0,024) e no escore total (p=0,026) de mindfulness. A variável resiliência não apresentou efeito com significância estatística na interação grupo versus momento, nem no pós-teste ou seguimento. Conclusão: A intervenção baseada em mindfulness utilizada apresentou efeitos positivos sobre as competências de inteligência emocional e sobre as facetas de mindfulness de enfermeiros líderes, mas não sobre a resiliência desses profissionais.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEfeitos de uma intervenção psicoterapêutica breve nos níveis de resiliência e no comportamento em pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial resistente e recidiva tardia em crises após cirurgia(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-06-01) Brandalise, Maria Helena [UNIFESP]; Jackowski, Andrea Parolin [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloSeizure recurrence (SR) after epilepsy surgery in patients with medically resistant temporal lobe epilepsy and mesial temporal sclerosis (TLE-MTS) can compromise medical treatment and quality of life (QOL). However, there is a scarcity of purpose of intervention among these patients in literature. We aimed to evaluate the impact of a four-week psychotherapeutic intervention on levels of resilience, behavioral symptoms and on QOL in patients with drug-resistant TLE-MTS submitted to cortico-amygdalohippocampectomy (CAH) who presented late SR. Fifty patients followed-up at the outpatient clinic of epilepsies of Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo diagnosed with TLE-TMS and submitted to CAH who presented late SR were included. The instruments included a clinical and socio-demographic questionnaire and the Brazilian versions of Connor-Davidsom Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-10), Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (NDDI-E), Interictal Dysphoric Disorder Inventory (IDDI) and Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory (QOLIE-31). Significant reductions of IDDI (p<0.001) and NDDI-E (p<0.001) scores, improvements on CD-RISC-10 (p<0.001) and QOLIE-31 (p<0.001) scores, and positive correlations between resilience levels and QOL (p<0.01), as well as a negative correlation between depressive symptoms and resilience (p<0.01) and QOL (p<0.01), were observed after psychotherapeutic intervention. Improvements of resilience levels and QOL, with concomitant reductions of depressive symptoms, in patients with TLE-MTS and late SR after a brief psychotherapeutic intervention were observed. Since there is a gap of studies that measured the impact of interventions in those patients, these results may support the development of interventional strategies for this specific population.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The impact of knowledge about diabetes, resilience and depression on glycemic control: a cross-sectional study among adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes(Biomed Central Ltd, 2013-09-28) Santos, Fabio R. Munhoz [UNIFESP]; Bernardo, Viviane [UNIFESP]; Gabbay, Monica Andrade Lima [UNIFESP]; Dib, Sergio Atala [UNIFESP]; Sigulem, Daniel [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: the purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between glycemic control and the factors of knowledge about diabetes, resilience, depression and anxiety among Brazilian adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes.Methods: This cross-sectional study included 85 adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes, aged between 11-22 years, with an average age of 17.7 +/- 3.72 years. Glycemic control degree was evaluated through HbA1c. To assess psychosocial factors, the following questionnaires were used: resilience (Resilience Scale, RS) and anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS). the Diabetes Knowledge Assessment Scale (DKNA) was used to assess knowledge about diabetes.Results: Significant correlations were found between HbA1c and resilience, anxiety and depression. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the only variable which presented significant association with the value of HbA1c was depression.Conclusions: Depression has a significant association with higher HbA1c levels, as demonstrated in a regression analysis. the results suggest that depression, anxiety and resilience should be considered in the design of a multidisciplinary approach to type 1 diabetes, as these factors were significantly correlated with glycemic control. Glycemic control was not correlated with knowledge of diabetes, suggesting that theoretical or practical understanding of this disease is not by itself significantly associated with appropriate glycemic control (HbA1c <= 7.5%).
- ItemSomente MetadadadosModos de enfrentamento da família no cuidado à criança e ao adolescente com defeito do tubo neural(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-11-28) Pontes, Estela de Castro Duarte [UNIFESP]; Mandetta, Myriam Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivo: compreender os modos de enfrentamento das famílias de crianças e adolescentes com defeito do tubo neural. Método: estudo de abordagem qualitativa, em que se utilizou como marco teórico os conceitos da Teoria Motivacional do Coping e da Resiliência Familiar, e como referencial metodológico a Análise Qualitativa de Conteúdo, conduzido em um ambulatório de neurocirurgia pediátrica de um hospital de ensino, vinculado a uma instituição de ensino superior, no município de São Paulo. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre os meses de fevereiro e abril de 2018 e foi realizada por meio de entrevista individual semiestruturada com cada família, além da construção do genograma, do ecomapa e da linha do tempo da família. A análise dos dados seguiu os passos da análise qualitativa de conteúdo. Resultados: participaram seis famílias de criança/adolescente com defeito do tubo neural. A categoria central Aprendendo a lutar diariamente pelas melhores condições de tratamento da criança revelou que a partir do diagnóstico, a família se mobiliza em uma busca diária para conseguir os recursos especializados para o tratamento da criança utilizando modos de enfrentamento positivos, identificados nas categorias ‘resolução de problemas’, revelando esforço e determinação na busca por recursos e inclusão da criança no ambiente escolar; ‘busca de apoio’, revelando múltiplas fontes de ajuda no percurso do tratamento, com destaque para o apoio do pai, tios e avós, além de amigos, dos profissionais de saúde e da espiritualidade; ‘acomodação’, revelando a busca por atividades prazerosas para amenizar as dificuldades do tratamento; ‘negociação’, mostrando que a família elege as prioridades com o tratamento da criança; ‘busca de informações’, para ajudar a compreender a doença, o tratamento e os recursos após o choque da descoberta do diagnóstico. Assim como modo de enfrentamento negativo, representado na categoria ‘ruminação’, revelando que a família apresenta preocupação constante, focando nos aspectos negativos do tratamento. A partir desses modos de enfrentamento, a família altera seus sistemas de crenças, padrões de organização e processos de comunicação, tornando-se resiliente. Conclusão: os modos de enfrentamento apresentados pela família são construídos ao longo da experiência do tratamento da criança. O estudo contribui para a compreensão das situações vivenciadas pelas famílias e expõe a necessidade dos profissionais de saúde planejarem ações e proporem intervenções que possibilitem um suporte para os membros da família, fortalecendo-a e potencializando suas estratégias positivas, contribuindo com o processo de resiliência da família. Além disso, são necessárias políticas públicas para o acolhimento e a garantia dos direitos dos pacientes e familiares. Objective: To understand the family’s coping in caring for children and adolescent with neural tube defect. Method: A qualitative approach study in which the Motivational Coping Theory and the Family Resilience were used as a theoretical framework and the Qualitative Content Analysis as a methodological framework, conducted in a pediatric neurosurgery ambulatory of a teaching hospital, linked to a higher education institution, in the municipality of São Paulo. Data collection occurred between February and April 2018 and was performed through semi-structured individual interviews with each family, as well as the construction of the family's genogram, ecomap, and timeline. Data analysis followed the steps of qualitative content analysis. Results: Six families of children/adolescents with neural tube defect participated. The central category Learning to struggle daily for the best treatment conditions of the child revealed that from the diagnosis the family mobilizes in a daily search to obtain specialized resources for the treatment of the child using positive coping identified in the categories ‘problem solving', revealing effort and determination in the search for resources and inclusion of the child in the school environment; ‘seeking support’, revealing multiple sources of assistance in the treatment’s path, including support from the father, relatives and grandparents, as well as friends, health professionals and spirituality; ‘adjustment’, revealing the search for pleasurable activities to ease treatment difficulties; ‘negotiation’, showing that the family chooses priorities with the child's treatment; 'information search' to help understand disease, treatment, and resources after the impact of discovering the diagnosis. As well as negative coping, represented in the category "rumination", revealing that the family has constant concern focusing on the negative aspects of treatment. From these coping, the family alters its belief systems, organizational patterns, and communication processes, becoming resilient. Conclusion: Coping presented by the family are built along with the child's treatment experience. The study contributes to the understanding of situations experienced by families and exposes the need for health professionals to plan actions and propose interventions that provide support for these families, strengthening them and enhancing their positive strategies, contributing to the resilience process of the families. In addition, public policies are required for the reception and guarantee of the rights of patients and families.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Percursos da gravidez na adolescência: estudo longitudinal após uma década da gestação(Univ Federal Rio Grande Sul, 2010-01-01) Oliveira-Monteiro, Nancy Ramacciotti de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This article presents a longitudinal qualitative research about maternity in adolescence in a context of social vulnerability, seeking to check psychosocial indicators along the years of the study. Eight dyads of mothers in adolescence and their firstborns were interviewed when their children were less than five months old; three and a half years old and ten years old. The instruments used in their daily environment were free speech interviews and observation submitted to scales for screening the competence and psychological conditions of the children. The results are presented in thematic axis, indicating valorization of maternity, distance from violent scenarios and instability in residence associated to school/professional damages and, children who do not present developmental problems. Maternity in adolescence may represent protection for the mothers concerning environmental risks associated to violence and drugs.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPesca artesanal e resiliência na região estuarina de Santos: uma proposta de avaliação com base em conhecimentos locais.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2019-11-11) Costa, Henrique Simoes de Carvalho [UNIFESP]; Choueri, Rodrigo Brasil [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)New coexistence scenarios have been imposed on fishermen in the estuarine region of Santos / SP. Whether due to the expansion of port activities or the environmental liabilities associated with this expansion, thousands of workers from fishing communities are looking for new forms of subsistence in the face of the gradual decrease in their fishing territories. The construction of terminals for loading and unloading containers, the continuous dredging of the canal, competition with other fishermen, the decrease in the abundance of fish and the passive history of contamination of water and soil make fishing in the region every day. More challenging. Thus, the aim of this investigation was to understand the dynamics of the resilience of the socio-ecological system of artisanal fisheries in the region over the last fifty years, characterizing the activity and evaluating, based on local knowledge, nine attributes of socio-ecological resilience for different periods. The fulfillment of this purpose occurred through the collection of primary data obtained in interviews and questionnaires addressed to fishermen, master craftsmen and local leaders. Scores attributed to questions of each evaluated resilience attribute (diversity, variability, modularity, recognition of slow variables, feedback, social capital, innovation, governance and ecosystem services) in current times (2018), twenty-five years ago (approximately 1993) and fifty years ago (approximately 1968), they generated graphs representative of the resilience of each period. The results showed a decrease in socioecological resilience in the last fifty years and the resilience assessed by ecological attributes showed a significant decrease in the same period (associated with anthropic pressures on ecosystems with losses to diversity, modularity and variability) and the resilience assessed by social attributes not presented significant variation although it has a slight increase in the evaluated period. The attributes recognition of slow variable, feedback and governance contributed to this increase.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPolice officers under attack: Resilience implications of an fMRI study(Elsevier B.V., 2011-06-01) Peres, Julio F. P. [UNIFESP]; Foerster, Bernd; Santana, Leandro G.; Fereira, Mauricio Domingues; Nasello, Antonia G.; Savoia, Mariangela; Moreira-Almeida, Alexander; Lederman, Henrique [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); São Paulo State Militarized Police Force; Univ Fed Juiz de ForaObjective: Crime is now a top-priority public-health issue in many urban areas. São Paulo's state police force was the target of gunfire attack on an unprecedented scale. Several officers were killed or wounded, and many more were affected by psychological trauma. We investigated the brain activity underlying trauma, the coping effect of psychotherapy, and resilience in a highly homogenous sample that experienced the same traumatic event. the design applied was a between-group comparison of cerebral blood-oxygenation-level-dependent signals and symptom scores of police officers with and without partial Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (pPTSD).Method: We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the retrieval of traumatic memories of 36 volunteers divided in three groups: (1) pPTSD policemen submitted to psychotherapy: (2) pPTSD policemen on the wait list: and (3) symptom-free (resilient) policemen. All participants were given a baseline fMRI scan and a follow-up scan some 40 days later. Not given psychotherapy, groups 2 and 3 were controls.Results: Group 1 showed 37% fewer PTSD symptoms post-psychotherapy and their scores and neural expressions were comparable to Group 3 resilient policemen. A marked increased in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) activity was concomitant with decreased amygdala activity during traumatic memory retrieval in both resilient and pPTSD participants (after psychotherapy) and these findings were associated with symptom attenuation.Conclusions: Our results provide neurophysiological evidence of resilience in a high-risk group for PTSD. Psychotherapy may help to build narratives and resilient integrated translations of fragmented traumatic memories via mPFC, and thus weaken their sensory content while strengthening them cognitively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPsychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Nonattachment Scale (NAS) and Its Relationship with Mindfulness, Decentering, and Mental Health(Springer, 2016) Feliu-Soler, Albert; Soler, Joaquim; Luciano, Juan V.; Cebolla, Ausias; Elices, Matilde; Demarzo, Marcelo [UNIFESP]; Garcia-Campayo, JavierNonattachment is a Buddhism-rooted construct, which can be defined as the relative absence of fixation on ideas, images, or sensory objects, as well as an absence of internal pressure to get, hold, avoid, or change circumstances or experiences. The present study was aimed at exploring the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Nonattachment Scale (NAS) and at delimitating the relationship between the NAS and measures of mindfulness, decentering, and negative emotional symptoms. Pooling the NAS data from Spanish meditators (n = 335) and nonmeditators (n = 270), we performed an exploratory factor analysis and then estimated the fit of two competing models (one-factor model vs. one-factor model + method effects) via confirmatory factor analysis. Data analyses showed that the Spanish version of the NAS is unifactorial in nature and has excellent internal consistency. As expected, high (positive) significant correlations were found between NAS and mindfulness and decentering measures, as well as high significant (negative) relations between NAS and depression, anxiety, and stress scores. Positive relations were also observed between NAS and variables of meditation practice. Large differences among the meditative, nonmeditative, and clinical groups (n = 39 patients with borderline personality disorder) were observed regarding NAS scores. Scores on the NAS were significant predictors of negative emotional symptoms (depression, anxiety, and stress) and, especially, resilience. Furthermore, NAS provided a unique contribution in the regression models, going beyond mindfulness facets and decentering. In conclusion, the Spanish version of the NAS is a psychometrically sound instrument with a promising future in the field of mindfulness and meditation research and in clinical settings.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Resiliência aos impactos da Covid-19 dos principais bancos brasileiros(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-01-31) Pina, Stella Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Carrera Junior, José Marcos [UNIFESP]; instituições bancárias fazem parte do Sistema Financeiro Nacional do Brasil e exercem funções essenciais dentro do mercado, tais como a captação de recursos, distribuição e transferência de valores entre os agentes econômicos. Assim, este trabalho buscou mapear os reflexos da pandemia através do Estudo de Eventos e do cálculo do Retorno Anormal Acumulado (CAR) das instituições da amostra, buscando investigar se existe alguma característica nas observações que as tornem mais ou menos resilientes, ou seja, capazes de superar-se e adaptar-se a crises, como a da COVID-19. Foram utilizados dados diários dos quatro maiores bancos brasileiros listados na B3 – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão, sendo eles o Banco Bradesco S.A., Banco do Brasil S.A., Banco Santander S.A, e Itaú Unibanco S.A., no período de fevereiro de 2018 a novembro de 2021. O estudo demonstra que ocorre melhor recuperação pelos bancos privados em detrimento do banco público, sendo que tal resultado decorre provavelmente da visão do mercado acerca da estrutura societária da empresa.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Resiliência, perfil tipológico, e correlação com o comportamento auditivo em adultos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-10-31) Faria, Sonia Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Liliane Desgualdo [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To identify the correlation between the pillars of resilience, the psychological types, and the auditory behavior of the adolescent and adult patients of the neuroaudiology clinic of the Federal University of São Paulo. Methods: We selected 89 individuals of both genders, between 16 and 60 years. The volunteers were submitted to tools of resilience scales, typology questionnaire, auditory behavior evaluation questionnaire and auditory processing evaluation battery. Results: Regarding gender, 65.2% were female and 34.8% were male. Of the 16 typologies, 12 were identified in the sample, 16.9% were Extroversion, Sensation and Feeling and 15.7% of the typology Introversion, Feeling and Sensation, both with greater expressiveness. The two typologies show the perceptual sensation function and the evaluative feeling function with a greater participation in the sample. As for the neurophysiological mechanisms of auditory processing, 24.7% impairment of in selective attention, 20.2% of temporal processing and 20.2% impairment of both selective attention and temporal processing. Statistical significance was identified between the resilience pillar of sociability and the 12 typologies of the sample, as well between the pillars of self-efficacy, good mood and positive orientation for the future and the neurophysiological mechanisms of hearing, selective attention and temporal processing. Conclusions: There was a positive correlation between the profiles of the psychological types, the pillars of resilience and the auditory behavior of the adolescent and adult patients of the neuroaudiology clinic.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A rua tem um ímã, acho que é a liberdade: potência, sofrimento e estratégias de vida entre moradores de rua na cidade de Santos, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo(Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.Associação Paulista de Saúde Pública., 2014-12-01) Andrade, Luana Padilha; Costa, Samira Lima da; Marquetti, Fernanda Cristina [UNIFESP]; aff1; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The text presents discussions on life strategies among homeless persons in the city of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil. The survey of data took place in 2009 and 2010, by tracking the pathway in the territory and gathering narratives of life memories of all those who claimed to be homeless persons, were over 18 years of age, and agreed to participate in the research. Data reveal numerous everyday strategies of life production and future projects, both on the streets and out of them. We also identify the need to deepen debate on public policies aimed at this population that, so far and according to respondents’ reading, are focused on proposing intervention models restricted to the purpose of removing people from the streets, something which does not promote personal and collective transformation initiatives. These public policies show up as authoritative, since they are ruled by disciplining social behavior.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA theoretical framework informing research about the role of stress in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder(Elsevier B.V., 2012-10-01) Brietzke, Elisa [UNIFESP]; Mansur, Rodrigo Barbachan [UNIFESP]; Soczynska, Joanna; Powell, Alissa M.; McIntyre, Roger S.; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ TorontoBackground: the staggering illness burden associated with Bipolar Disorder (BD) invites the need for primary prevention strategies. Before preventative strategies can be considered in individuals during a pre-symptomatic period (i.e., at risk), unraveling the mechanistic steps wherein external stress is transduced and interacts with genetic vulnerability in the early stages of BD will be a critical conceptual necessity.Methods: Herein we comprehensively review extant studies reporting on stress and bipolar disorder. the over-arching aim is to propose a conceptual framework to inform research about the role of stress in the pathophysiology of BD. Computerized databases i.e. PubMed, PsychInfo, Cochrane Library and Scielo were searched using the following terms: bipolar disorder cross-referenced with stress, general reaction to stress, resilience, resistance, recovery stress-diathesis, allostasis, and hormesis.Results: Data from literature indicate the existence of some theoretical models to understand the influence of stress in the pathophysiology of BD, including classical stress-diathesis model and new models such as allostasis and hormesis. in addition, molecular mechanisms involved in stress adaptation (resistance, resilience and recovery) can also be translated in research strategies to investigate the impact of stress in the pathophysiology of BD.Limitations: Most studies are retrospective and/or cross sectional, do not consider the period of development, assess brain function with only one or few methodologies, and use animal models which are not always similar to human phenotypes.Conclusion: the interaction between stress and brain development is dynamic and complex. in this article we proposed a theoretical model for investigation about the role of stress in the pathophysiology of BD, based on the different kinds of stress adaptation response and their putative neurobiological underpinnings. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Transgenerational transmission of trauma and resilience: a qualitative study with Brazilian offspring of Holocaust survivors(Biomed Central Ltd, 2012-09-03) Braga, Luciana Lorens [UNIFESP]; Mello, Marcelo Feijo [UNIFESP]; Fiks, Jose Paulo [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: Over the past five decades, clinicians and researchers have debated the impact of the Holocaust on the children of its survivors. the transgenerational transmission of trauma has been explored in more than 500 articles, which have failed to reach reliable conclusions that could be generalized. the psychiatric literature shows mixed findings regarding this subject: many clinical studies reported psychopathological findings related to transgenerational transmission of trauma and some empirical research has found no evidence of this phenomenon in offspring of Holocaust survivors.Method: This qualitative study aims to detect how the second generation perceives transgenerational transmission of their parents' experiences in the Holocaust. In-depth individual interviews were conducted with fifteen offspring of Holocaust survivors and sought to analyze experiences, meanings and subjective processes of the participants. A Grounded Theory approach was employed, and constant comparative method was used for analysis of textual data.Results: the development of conceptual categories led to the emergence of distinct patterns of communication from parents to their descendants. the qualitative methodology also allowed systematization of the different ways in which offspring can deal with parental trauma, which determine the development of specific mechanisms of traumatic experience or resilience in the second generation.Conclusions: the conceptual categories constructed by the Grounded Theory approach were used to present a possible model of the transgenerational transmission of trauma, showing that not only traumatic experiences, but also resilience patterns can be transmitted to and developed by the second generation. As in all qualitative studies, these conclusions cannot be generalized, but the findings can be tested in other contexts.