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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise do modelo de assistência em saúde mental na gestão Erundina - 1989-1992(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-05-30) Migliari, Fabricia De Freitas Faria [UNIFESP]; Marcolan, Joao Fernando [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Brazilian Psychiatric Reform was characterized by mental health care services restructuration and working process with new ways of care, it occurred from a political process of social transformation based on great political and social mobilization during Brazilian re-democratization process in the Health Reform context. Innovative experiences in Brazil particularly involving the mental health care in São Paulo city which was highlighted due to the intense aim of social, political and technical movements and its innovative approach of service networks. This study aims to analyze the mental health care model implanted in the period between 1989-1992 in the São Paulo City, disclosed by its collaborators; the technical-welfare and theoretical-conceptual influences in the choice of the implemented Mental Health Care model; to verify the changes undertaken by this Mental Health Care model and to analyze the influence of this implanted model in the changing of the mental illness social paradigm through participants' perception. We used the oral history method to revisit past experiences from the managers’ narrative of the Mental Health Program of the São Paulo city. As a result, we introduce the social political engagement of health professionals in student movements and, later, in the social movements of Mental Health against the hospital-centered model. The São Paulo City model was built inside the Mental Health Nucleus of the Workers Party (PT), its creators were linked to the unions, popular movement and a political party, with influences on the Health Reform conceptual ground and from the epistemological data of the population. The network of Mental Health Care was established in a decentralized and hierarchical way, consisting of Basic Health Units (UBS), UNCOVITI, Day Hospital (HD), General Hospital (HG), Emergency Room (PS), Therapeutic Residential Service SRT) and Coexistence and Cooperative Center (CECCO). The Model had a great impact on the amount of implemented services, reduction of hospitals beds and the closing of psychiatric hospitals. The health care professionals’ training and qualification, developed by this management, was one of the factors responsible for the transformation of psychiatric care and for the breaking of the paradigm of madness in society. Despite all innovation of the São Paulo City model, its purposes were not considered by Health Mental Care National Policy. The incorporated and chosen model was in the CAPS (Center of Psychosocial Attention) type implement format, which maintained the excluding view of the person with mental disorder of health services in general and society. We conclude that the choice of the assistance model in Mental Health, both in São Paulo City and in Brazil, was caused through the political bias, in agreement with the directions of the political-ideological groups.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA critical view on singular therapeutic projects(Univ Sao Paulo, Escola De Enfermagem De Ribeirao Preto, 2016) Kinker, Fernando Sfair [UNIFESP]This article discusses the issue of unique therapeutic projects within the mental health services built in the Brazilian psychiatric reform process. Starting from the concepts that have gained strength in both the psychiatric reform as in the collective health, this study proposes that current notions of the therapeutic project still are influenced by biological, psychological or social paradigms that simplify the complexity of the experience suffered by the subjects. Despite therapeutic projects are an essential achievement for the qualification of mental health care, it is still necessary to produce an epistemological rupture in the relationship with mental suffering so that they can achieve the greatest potential for transformation. Therefore, the article suggests that the practice of therapeutic projects should hold discussions with the reality of users life of and their relationships in the territories of existence, to transform the relations of power and knowledge that reproduce the subjects annulment. Thus, it is possible to dialogue with the complexity of the mental suffering experience, producing changes in the scenes that produce it.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Histórias da volta para casa: o tempo, a transição e os testemunhos de um processo municipal de desinstitucionalmização(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-12-03) Bessoni, Enrique Araujo [UNIFESP]; Moreira, Maria Inês Badaró [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Investigamos a produção de narrativas sobre a vida em liberdade de pessoas egressas de longas internações psiquiátricas, cadastradas no Programa De Volta Para Casa. Defendemos as narrativas como revelações de um contexto histórico. Especificamente, sobre o tempo e o espaço da desinstitucionalização, as histórias de vida são sobre as pessoas, como enfrentam o cotidiano como desvelam uma relação territorial e ampliação dos processos de emancipação. O objetivo foi compreender histórias de vida em um processo municipal de desinstitucionalização – Camaragibe, PE –, a partir do cotidiano e da vida em liberdade. Especificamente, buscamos compreender como as vidas das pessoas foram impactadas pelo acesso à renda, ao benefício do PVC; quais relações se estabeleceram a partir da vida nos territórios; qual o estatuto dessas histórias, a partir da perspectiva da desinstitucionalização. Apoiados na Psiquiatria Democrática Italiana, nos estudos narrativos de Tzvetan Todorov, Paul Ricoeur e no testemunho de Primo Levi, produzimos uma análise hermenêutica-crítica dialógica sobre dez narrativas de histórias de vida de pessoas em um processo municipal de desinstitucionalização. Observamos em duas perspectivas analíticas, nuances de um processo local de desinstitucionalização e as experiências de vida em liberdade, com seus avanços e desafios: na primeira perspectiva, os principais elementos apontaram para a compreensão das intervenções para o fechamento de hospitais e para as ações do território como centrais para a manutenção e a expansão da garantia de direitos e do cuidado como direito garantido; na segunda, as especificidades de cada história de vida apontaram para o estatuto de testemunho da desinstitucionalização, mesmo diante de impasses no cotidiano. Estes elementos e estas especificidades foram organizados em quatro eixos compreensivos – O texto de um contexto; Somos o que somos, inclassificáveis; Quem conta um conto, aumenta um ponto; Os testemunhos de um processo de desinstitucionalizaçao. Ao final, pensamos criticamente a respeito da centralidade nas histórias de vida como propulsores de um percurso de desinstitucionalização. As relações, em tempos e espaços distintos, refletem a potência da vida em liberdade.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Um olhar dos agentes comunitários de saúde sobre a violência doméstica e saúde mental(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-09-13) Gabricio, Claudia Pereira [UNIFESP]; Moreira, Maria Inês Badaró [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Present Work Consists Of A Qualitative Research With The Objective Of Understanding The Conception Of Community Health Agents From São Bernardo Do Campo Of The Domestic Violence Involving People With Serious Mental Suffering. In Order For This Objective To Be Achieved Were Made Conversation Wheels With The Community Health Agents Of Three Basic Units Of Health Of The Districts: Demarchi, Batistini And Jardim Represa For Discussion On The Topic In Question. It Was Necessary To Raise With The Professionals What Is Their Conception About The Phenomenon Of Domestic Violence And The Existence Of That Problem In The Territory And Before This Context, To See How The Professionals Deal When They Realize That A Person Who Has Mental Suffering Is The Victim Of A Domestic Violence Situation, As Well As The Issues And Anguish Related To How These Professionals Deal With This Situation. It Was Used For The Processing Of Data The Content Analysis Recommended By Bardin, Through Systematic Procedures And Objectives Of De
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPelos Caminhos Do Caps: Um Olhar Sobre A Oferta E A Demanda Produzidas Em Um Serviço De Saúde Mental(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-08-23) Angel, Natalia Camargo [UNIFESP]; Lima, Laura Camara [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform is a process of restructuring and reorganization of mental health care in Brazil, which has been consolidated over the years and had the creation of the Centers for Psychosocial Attention (CAPS), from the perspective of deinstitutionalization. I start from the assumption that mental health care is fragmented in the different offers available in the service, due to the way it is conceived and made feasible by the public administration and the way it is put into practice in the daily practice of professionals. This research was conceived as a reference of Institutional Analysis, as concepts of analysis of implications, institute and instituted, analysis of supply and demand, and analyzers. This is an application that is based on the intention to broaden understanding, considering how different institutions involved in CAPS as mental health equipment, as well as different recipients of desires and dynamics of relationships involving professionals, users, management and society. What is the concept of organization does not suffer interference from political actions, since, in accordance with a perspective of Institutional Analysis, as described by Baremblitt (1992), the concept of institution does not end in formal organization, which carries with it its Norms and rules, but constitution in products historically constructed by a society that produces and reproduces as social relations and if instrumental in establishments and / or devices. Thus, the mental health institution goes far beyond the CAPS as an organized service, and, above all, this service in which the research took place, and brings with it a whole history of paradigms. Therefore, this equipment is constituted by a tangle of forces reflected in the actions produced by professionals. The service is organized with pre-established flows, and these flows (it applies to the service of the service and to the network) determine how relationships of the professionals themselves and these with the users, considering what we can call multiple CAPS within one, or A CAPS that allows multiple paths for professionals and users, in a multiplicity of resources for the service in its particularities. These flows served as analyzers, allowing a better understanding of the offers, and the demands that come to us. This study aimed to analyze the supplyand demand of care in a CAPS III, from the understanding of the dynamics involved in the practices of professionals in the construction and effectiveness of user flows in the service, seeking to reflect on the proposal of the mental health policy And the complexity of its execution, and of what can be built with the resources available in the sphere of the real. Therefore, considering the research perspective adopted, in line with the proposal of the Professional Master's Degree, I carried out an analysis of the implication in order to understand my involvement, feelings, motivations and perceptions regarding service and research; I also tried to map the stream of users; Identify analyzing elements in the service organization in the management of demand and service provision; And to analyze the institute and the instituted in the dynamics of the organization of the service. In this sense, I have sought to look more broadly at this particular mental health service that we are studying, considering its peculiarities. I also sought to better understand the relationships between the various lines of force that constitute the service as it is at this time, in this specific context, from all the historical influences involved in its construction and maintenance. In order to characterize the demand that arrives at the service and the initial referrals, I carried out a survey of all the medical records open for a period of 11 months, from August 2015 to June 2016, in a total of 266 medical records. The data obtained in the documentary research were analyzed by means of an analysis tool described by Merhy (1997), called "flow chart analyzer of the care model of a health service". This flowchart allowed the identification of some analyzing elements that allow a better understanding of the dynamics of the service and of the institutions involved. For an expanded view of the organization of the service, considering the singularities of the individuals involved and the complexity of the dynamics involved in the effectiveness of care, the focal group's resource was used in conjunction with the unit's workers, aiming at apprehending the dynamic forces involved in the service. View of professionals as they come across their practice of talking about it in the organization of the flow in relation to the supply in response to the demands that are assimilated as such. The material of the focus group was analyzed using Discourse Analysis, taking as reference of analysis the concepts of Institutional Analysis. The realization of this study was a cut, a look from the inside, at a very peculiar moment. And that, with its peculiarities, was building and rebuilding the CAPS throughout the history. It has been seen that both the history of mental health, and the history of madness and the Psychiatric Reform, are at all times constructed, deconstructed, reconstructed. This study at no time set out to find answers to the various issues raised. It left open a series of questions, which serve more to problematize and enable reflections than to seek answers about our daily construction of the CAPS.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosOs significados da desinstitucionalização no cotidiano de um serviço residencial terapêutico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-07-01) Dias, Maria Rachel Martins [UNIFESP]; Kinker, Fernando Sfair [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In the Psychiatric Reform scenario, therapeutic residences appear in the mental health politics as a possibility of housing for people who have been hospitalized for long periods in psychiatric institutions and without a family and / or community support network. Aiming to discuss the processes of deinstitutionalization, this study intends to describe and analyze the implementation of a therapeutic residential service. The research had a qualitative descriptive exploratory approach and, in line with the methodological framework, participant observation and research journals were used for data collection to describe the beginning of the therapeutic residence and the focus group to assess the perception of professionals in this implementation of the therapeutic residential service. The data were processed and analyzed using the content analysis technique. The results obtained were the description of the perception of those involved about the deinstitutionalization process and the confirmation of the importance of the local network for the implementation of public mental health politics.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Os sujeitos da história: um estudo compartilhado com familiares referente às estratégias para lidar com o cuidado do sofrimento psíquico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-03-20) Covelo, Bárbara Souza Rodriguez [UNIFESP]; Moreira, Maria Inês Badaró [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In psychosocial rehabilitation is highlighted the role of the family as important to the caring of mental ilness. Therefore, the mental health policy aims to integrate the family in the singular therapeutic project of mental health service users. In addition to coordination with mental health services as an important support area, the family can also be organized in other ways to deal with living with mental ilness everyday life. As a result, this study aimed to understand the strategies of family members to deal with the care of mental distress. The research is characterized as qualitative hermeneutic-narrative. The delimitation of the study is described through experience in visits to users and family associations. Fieldwork and focus groups was conducted with family from two Psychosocial Care Centers (Caps) in Santos-Sp. Discussions of meetings were organized in narratives. The narrative, field journals, focus group reports and transcripts were submitted to hermeneutic analysis. The deinstitutionalization is a new way of thinking the relation between mental ilness and society. Family members perceive the medico-centered paradigm does not help totally in care. Then they use their affection and sensivity as internal resources that promote both well-being, approaching the psychosocial model. In this way, strategies of coping as caring technologies created by family members are constructed based on ther lay actions in health. The use of territorial resources as strategy happens mainly in crisis situations. Despite the constant contact with health professionals and participation in family groups and therapetic activities, it is noticed that the involvement of the family with the service is reduced. Regarding social participation, the majority of family caregivers showed little knowledge about this resource tha could contribute to care. It can be concluded that positive relational situations are very powerful in the mobilization of the different forms of daily dealings. It is also noted that family caregivers is immersed in weaknesses which could be cared in mental health services.