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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAprendizagens compartilhadas na residência multiprofissional em saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-02-25) Perego, Maira Gabriela [UNIFESP]; Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of the residents, preceptors and tutors of the Health Multiprofessional Residency in the campus of Baixada Santista about the training for team work from the standpoint of the integrality of the care. In order to achieve what was proposed, an exploratory research was conducted, with descriptive and analytical nature, cross-sectional type, and a quantitative approach aiming at expanding the researches and knowledge on this subject. The research was approved by the Ethics Research Committee under the number of protocol 513.735, dated January 22 2014. The context of the research was the Health Care Multiprofessional Residency of Baixada Santista campus, considering graduates of the years 2010, 2011 and 2012, as well as the preceptors and tutors of the Program. From the universe of the research population (70 professionals) 62 have participated on the research, which corresponds to 88,6% of the general population. All participants have signed the Term of Free and Informed Consent. In order to achieve one of the research?s goals, a Likert-type attitudinal scale was built, applied and then validated by statistical methodology; the scale presented four options of answers varying from ?I fully agree? to ?I fully disagree?, with the values attributed to each of the options varyi ng from 1 to 4. The full agreement was scored 4 points and the full disagreement was scored 1 point, thus reflecting the perception and comprehension of the respondents in the assertions made. The presented partial results are 1) a tool for evaluation of shared learning in the Multiprofessional Residency from three factors/dimensions: Shared Learning in the Multiprofessional Residency, Training for Team Work and Development of competences for Collaborative Practices. The scale has presented 95,24% of validated assertions (only one loss) and a reliability coefficient of 93%. 2) The three dimensions are in comfort zone, showing averages of 3,20, 3,21 and 3,25 respectively, without statistically relevant differences for their interpretation. As lines of analysis we have adopted: gender, professional training, job position (divided in tutor, graduate or preceptor) and college education (divided between private or public institution). Only the line of job position has shown a more significant difference, which indicates a more positive perception of the preceptor and the tutor when compared to the multiprofessional residents in all the dimensions studied. The respondents? behavior in each of the validated assertions shows that the Health Care Multiprofessional Residency is a space for shared learning, which develops skills for the health-care professionals to work in teams, starting with the interbranch education. For that, it is important to highlight the importance of shared objectives, of horizontal communication and of institutional support as essential factors to the development of team work. The attitudinal scale statistically validated, product of this research, must also be highlighted, given the importance of evaluating learning and of continuously improving the formation processes in the Multiprofessional Residency, also considering the possibility that this scale might be used in other Programs.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A atuação do Técnico em assuntos educacionais na formação inicial em Educação Física(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-11-30) Oliveira, Carlos Fernando Barreto de [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Rogério Cruz de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the professional performance possibilities of the Techniciam in Educational Issues in Physical Education (TEI/PE) with regard to the training of physical education course studentes - Health Mode Campus Baixada Santista of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP/BS). As one method autoethnography was performed using as data collection tools, document analysis, interview and fielddiary. Participated as research volunteers, in addition to the researcher, teachers and TEI/PE of the UNIFESP/BS Physical Education course. Research shows a difficulty in defining the limits anda subsequently a better delineation of performance possibilities of the TEI/PE, especially with regard to the initial training of studentes. The function of the TEI/PE is related to the built assignments historically dated the charge of creation. However, such activities do not match the need of the contemporary university and with these professional performance possibilities. They suggest as possibilities, in addition to administrative issues already undertaken by the TEI/PE, reater engagement in the monitoring and development of educational activities of the course of Physical Education.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosContribuição na graduação em tecnologia para a prática do tecnólogo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-09-30) Santos, Daniel Marques dos [UNIFESP]; Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Beatriz Jansen;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The degree in Technology in Radiology should consider the education of a professional who is able to fully and innovatively develop activities related to diagnostic imaging. They must be trained for the application and development of technological research and innovation, the diffusion of technologies, management of the production processes of goods and services, the development of entrepreneurial skills and process of keeping their skills in line with the world of work. The degree course plays a fundamental role in achieving this. The goal of this research was to analyze the current education and training of the Radiologic Technologist, in relation to the demands of professional practice. To achieve this, a quantitative and qualitative study of a descriptive and exploratory nature was carried out, using 38 Radiologic Technologists that work at the Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo Campus. Through a Likert-style attitudinal scale, an approximation to reality was carried out and applied to the professionals. The data was subject to the relevant statistical analyses. The research highlighted important issues in the education of a Radiologic Technologist, demonstrating that the technologists show an awareness about the importance of a technical/scientific education linked to strong ethical principles, but they do not acknowledge the presence of this type of education at the institutions where they graduated. They point out that despite the shortcomings in their education they feel able to exercise a humanized care. They identify a lack of workload in internship activities, highlighting in particular the emergency rooms, as well as in the study of a greater range of modalities in diagnostic imaging. They advocate the need for a syllabus that keeps in line with interdisciplinarity, with a strong focus on integration between education and service, from the perspective of developing an interprofessional profile. We hope these results subsidize intervening proposals that may allow the Radiologic Technologist to gain further knowledge and improved training opportunities during the course and upon graduating, and are able to better contribute to the general population as well as the multi-professional team in which they work.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEducação e saúde no cotidiano do trabalho portuário de Santos/SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-09-12) Silva, Jenefer de Alencar [UNIFESP]; Medeiros, Maria Angélica Tavares de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The National Health Policy of the Worker, of 2012, to be consolidated within the public health care system must achieve all production sites, including the ports. The Port of Santos since its inauguration has an important role in the economic development of the region and the country; daily legions of workers with heterogeneous characteristics employ its workforce in the continuity of port activities. Among the actors involved in this scenario are the professional worker health, which through the educational process has a role to seek to respond to the demands of the health of sets of port workers, as historical beings with rights, among them the dignity of life and work. This study aims to identify the actions of health education developed by professional health worker in the coverage and what are the emplacements that have guided their praxes. In order to achieve the proposed objectives carried out a qualitative study in which data collect was done through focus groups and data analysis through the content analysis method. Identified that the pedagogical practices of health professionals port worker is conducted by concepts, objectives and methodology that reduces port workers to its biological dimension and ignore its historical role not favoring production of more healthcare changes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O enfermeiro não faz marketing pessoal: a história explica por quê?(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2009-12-01) Gentil, Rosana Chami [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Reflection on the nurse's personal marketing based on beliefs and values explained by the history of the main characters that care for patients. It brings to the surface reflections on the ambiguity between the social image of nursing and scientific, technological and humanistic knowledge developed over the time. It recognizes that there is still a fixation on the attributes relating to attitude and moral of the professionals to the detriment of having high regard for the technical and scientific knowledge. It verifies that the History of Nursing allows understanding that the fight against prejudice in the collective imagination lends weight to the social acceptance and recognition of this profession through the promotion of Nursing Science and the demonstration of its application in the professional practice.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Leadership styles and personal and professional profile of intensive care unit nurses(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008-01-01) Balsanelli, Alexandre Pazetto [UNIFESP]; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm [UNIFESP]; Whitaker, Iveth Yamaguchi [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To verify the relation between leadership styles and personal and professional profile of a nurse facing another team member when performing ICU patient care. METHODS: Samples were collected on seven nurses and seven practical nurses working as partners. Throughout three months, the nurses were inquired about the leadership style applied when the practical nurse, under their assessment, performed ICU patient care. RESULTS: Persuasion style prevailed among other styles, followed by determining and sharing between leaders and their subordinated team member. CONCLUSION: In this ICU, nurses stand out due to their persuading situational leadership style where they explain their decisions and provide the opportunity for clarification to the subordinated team. No relation between the nurses' leadership style and their professional and personal profile was shown.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Modelo assistencial do hospital alemão Oswaldo Cruz: um estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-11-29) Gerolin, Fatima Silvana Furtado [UNIFESP]; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: Modelo Assistencial em Saúde diz respeito ao modo como são organizadas, em uma dada sociedade, as ações de atenção à esta área, envolvendo os aspectos tecnológicos e assistenciais. O RelationshipBased Care – Cuidado Baseado no Relacionamento propõe a transformação da entrega do cuidado, por meio do fortalecimento das relações entre pacientes, familiares e a equipe multiprofissional. O Primary Nursing (Enfermagem de Referência) é um modelo holístico que consiste em políticas, procedimentos, relacionamentos, comportamentos, atitudes e competências. Objetivo: Analisar a implantação do Modelo Assistencial do Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz sob a ótica da equipe assistencial multiprofissional, líderes assistenciais e pacientes. Métodos: Estudo de caso descritivo com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, sendo uma investigação avaliativa por triangulação de métodos. O estudo foi baseado nos conceitos do Relationshipe Based Care – Cuidado Baseado no Relacionamento e do Primary Nursing (Enfermagem de Referência). A coleta de dados foi realizada em três etapas, sendo a primeira, aplicação de questionário para a equipe assistencial. A segunda etapa foi a realização de quatro encontros com as lideranças assistenciais utilizando a técnica de grupo focal e a terceira etapa consistiu na aplicação de questionário a pacientes internados nas Unidades de Internação. A população e a amostra variaram, conforme as etapas. Resultados e Discussão: Os dados obtidos por meio do questionário aplicado aos profissionais apresentaram média de 92,96% de concordância nas seis dimensões analisadas, demonstrando que o modelo instituído é de conhecimento da equipe e o mesmo está sendo aplicado. A aplicação do coeficiente Alfa de Crombach revelou que o questionário entregue à equipe assistencial apresentou alta confiabilidade. No resultado obtido dos encontros com líderes assistenciais, foram enfatizadas as dimensões: “Liderança”, “Trabalho em Equipe” e “Prática Profissional”. Esta análise demonstrou envolvimento e ênfase nos aspectos relacionados ao papel do líder, preocupação em relação à atuação daqueles que de fato entregam o cuidado ao paciente, bem como a percepção de que o paciente é considerado o centro do cuidado, além do profissional ser reconhecido como referência. Na investigação com os pacientes, o foco foi dado às dimensões: “Prática Profissional” e “Entrega do Cuidado ao Paciente”, com 88,5% e 84,6% de resposta positiva, respectivamente. Conclusão: Este estudo possibilitou analisar e compreender a percepção dos profissionais, das lideranças assistenciais e dos pacientes em relação à implantação do Modelo Assistencial. Os resultados foram considerados positivos, levando ao entendimento de que o Relationshipe Based Care – Cuidado Baseado no Relacionamento e o Primary Nursing são premissas possíveis de serem utilizadas no embasamento de um modelo assistencial.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O Mundo do Trabalho na Graduação Médica: a visão dos recém-egressos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-05-26) Macedo, Douglas Henrique de [UNIFESP]; Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)O desenvolvimento tecnológico após a Revolução Industrial fez com que a prática médica fosse calcada num modelo tecnicista em detrimento ao modelo humanista. Em virtude disto, muito se tem discutido sobre a influência das Humanidades e das Ciências Biomédicas no processo de formação médica. No entanto, a visão econômica e trabalhista do exercício profissional do médico, numa dimensão individual, foi negligenciada. Este estudo se propôs a responder a questão: A graduação prepara os futuros médicos para lidarem com as influências das variáveis econômicas e trabalhistas do Mundo do Trabalho sobre o seu exercício profissional? Para tal foi realizado um estudo quanti-qualitativo com residentes médicos recémegressos de vários cursos de Medicina do Brasil. Num primeiro momento, 26 residentes responderam questões fechadas acerca da presença desta temática durante a graduação e dos aspectos trabalhistas e econômicos do exercício profissional. Num segundo momento, 10 residentes foram entrevistados, a fim de aprofundar a temática da pesquisa. Os dados quantitativos foram dispostos em gráficos, tabelas e quadros, e os dados obtidos da entrevista foram submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo. As 276 unidades de registro obtidas neste momento e os resultados obtidos na primeira fase foram agrupados em três partes: preparação, visão atual e expectativa em relação aos aspectos econômicos do exercício profissional. Nós verificamos que houve uma carência da temática durante a graduação em virtude do tradicionalismo educacional, de uma inércia (discente e institucional) e de uma supervalorização de áreas tecnicistas. Quando houve contato, ele foi tangencial tanto no currículo informal, quanto no formal. Uma maior profundidade da temática no currículo formal esteve restrita a disciplinas eletivas. Os residentes referiram que saem da graduação com dificuldades para interagir com a temática. Eles também constataram que há a necessidade de se abordar tal temática durante a graduação, não necessariamente na forma de disciplina. Ao entrar no mercado de trabalho, os residentes tiveram dificuldades em caracterizar as diversas formas de inserção no mercado e a tipologia da tributação. Além disto, eles reconhecem que a Residência Médica é um momento, onde se pode corrigir esta deficiência. Ao caracterizar o mercado de trabalho, os recém-egressos identificaram a dificuldade da prática exclusiva como profissional liberal, a necessidade da multiplicidade de vínculos trabalhistas, a carga excessiva de plantões no início da carreira, a ênfase na prática especializada da profissão médica e a possibilidade de queda da qualidade dos formandos em virtude do aumento recente na oferta de vagas nas escolas médicas. Os residentes associaram a maior remuneração com especialização, atividade em consultório e realização de procedimentos. Eles apresentaram uma boa expectativa em relação à remuneração laboral, apesar de relatarem dificuldades em estabelecer metas profissionais a médio e longo prazo. A fase da aposentadoria, de certa forma, foi negligenciada pelos residentes, embora tivessem se posicionado a favor de uma reflexão sobre o tema no início da carreira. Acreditamos que alguma forma de aproximação sistematizada do estudante de Medicina com os aspectos econômicos e trabalhistas do Mundo do Trabalho é inevitável para que ocorra um início da carreira mais consciente por parte do médico recém-formado.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O papel do profissional gerontólogo bacharel na percepção de outros profissionais da saúde de São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2018) Mota, Cristiane Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Maia, José Antonio [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The population ageing is an undeniable reality. This phenomenon is due, among others, to the availability of a range of diagnostic and therapeutic technological resources focused on the disease prevention and health promotion. Alongside the technology, the training of professionals involved with the attention to health plays a key role, expanding the look on human aging. In this context, it has been created the career in Gerontology in Brazil, forming generalist professionals with a full and comprehensive view on the aging process. Since the first graduates formed in the year 2009, the career is in consolidation process, there are few professionals working in the labor market. In this sense, the aim of this study was to characterize the recognition of primary health care professionals about the gerontologist performance in the team, and to correlate the social recognition of the profession as a possible determinant of the professional insertion in the working team. For that purpose, interviews were carried out with professionals from the Center for Family Health Support and from a Basic Health Unit, linked to an Integrated Health and Education Center focused on the third age of São Caetano do Sul city. This city was chosen due it concentrates a large contingent of elderly individuals, for whom health care policies have historically been formulated. The results, recorded and subsequently transcribed, were objects of the analysis of content from the perspective of Laurence Bardin, being grouped together by similarity of meanings. It was observed that the interviewees had had little or no contact with the graduate in gerontology. Most of them were unaware of the functions and formation of the gerontologist, often confusing him with the figure of the doctor geriatrician. It was also observed a flagrant omission in the non-inclusion of a gerontologist in the health team, which, according to the participants themselves, could not only improve attention to the individuals served, but positively influence in their own view of the aging and care needed for the elderly.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Perfil da fisioterapia na reabilitação cardiovascular no Brasil(Universidade de São Paulo, 2008-12-01) Mair, Vanessa [UNIFESP]; Yoshimori, Darlene Yuri [UNIFESP]; Cipriano Junior, Gerson [UNIFESP]; Castro, Shamyr Sulyvan De; Avino, Renato; Buffolo, Enio [UNIFESP]; Branco, João Nelson Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de Brasília; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)This exploratory study aimed at knowing physical therapy practices in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) services in Brazilian hospitals, as well as the professional profile and scholarly background of physical therapists who work therein, besides getting information on Pt services management. A websurvey was carried out using a 52-item questionnaire consisting in: 25 questions on the model of action; 14 on procedures performed during evaluations; 3 on scholarly and professional profiles; 6 on administration of the CR service, plus four open-ended questions for suggestions. In about a third of the 67 respondent institutions, there is no CR physical therapy; among those where there is one, 63% of the services begin CR in the pre-intervention period. Physical therapy monitoring in the post-intervention period is performed in 74% of services. In phase III of CR, 65% of patients undergo supervised treatment. Physical therapists are the main professionals linked to the administration in 32% of the services (n=18), and most of them have master degrees. This study points to the need to further studying the subject, so as to help service standardization and the production of guidelines for CR physical therapy.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Perfil do administrador de clínica oftalmológica na Grande São Paulo(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2003-12-01) Neves, Jorge Wilson Nogueira [UNIFESP]; Maia, Marcio Boaventura [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To check the profile of the ophthalmology clinic administrator in Great São Paulo. METHODS: Several questionnaires were sent to clinics at random. Sex, age, schooling, graduate and postgraduate courses, partnership in the clinic, working hours, career plan, payment system and the amount of appointments per month in the clinic. RESULTS: 55% of them were men, and 60% of them were 30 to 59 years old. For 60% of them, this was their first experience in the area. 56% were in charge of clinics with more than 1,000 appointments per month. Among those with college degrees (70%), 56% had a degree in Business Administration. Half of the researched people had post-graduate courses, and the most frequent were Hospital Administration (40%) and MBA (30%). Only 10% were partners in the clinic. 75% work more than 40 hours per week. At present 60% are not attending specific courses and 56% think that it is the clinic's responsibility to incentive their careers. Benefits: 75% have private health insurance and/or are registered workers. Earning: salary with participation in the clinic's income (48%) and a fixed salary (42%). CONCLUSIONS: In this study we found the profession of administrator of clinics being structured, with the participation of male and female professionals, graduated in Business Administration, some with post-graduate courses on a related subject, working over 40 hours per week, thinking that the clinic should invest in their professional growth. Further research is required for a better understanding of this professional.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Práticas profissionais em um ambulatório oncológico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-08-22) Crecencio, Salete Santos da Hora [UNIFESP]; Silva, Gilberto Tadeu Reis da [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: No campo da saúde o trabalho em equipe pode ser definido como a integração das disciplinas e das profissões que, durante o desenvolvimento de uma tarefa, almejam o mesmo objetivo, para a execução das práticas de saúde, com base na nova concepção biopsicossocial do processo saúde-doença. Considerando o atendimento ambulatorial a pacientes oncológicos, os profissionais que compõem a equipe podem perceber necessidades específicas relacionadas a esse universo, por alterações causadas pela doença. Tais necessidades envolvem as esferas biológica, emocional e sociocultural, o que justifica a necessidade de inter-relação entre as diferentes especialidades. Objetivo: Identificar as concepções dos profissionais que compõem a equipe multiprofissional de um Ambulatório Oncológico de Quimioterapia e Radioterapia sobre a prática profissional. Métodos: O estudo teve como cenário o ambulatório oncológico de quimioterapia e radioterapia de um hospital de ensino, tendo como participantes os profissionais que compõem as equipes multiprofissionais desses ambulatórios, com atuação diretamente ligada à área assistencial. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, de natureza qualitativa, tendo como abordagem metodológica o estudo de caso. Adotou-se, para coleta de dados, a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, e a análise de dados baseou-se na técnica de análise de conteúdo. Todos os procedimentos éticos foram seguidos, havendo aprovação dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa. Os relatos direcionaram para o desenvolvimento de quatro eixos temáticos. Resultados: No primeiro eixo intitulado Compreensão do Trabalho em Equipe os relatos sobre a concepção dessa forma de atuação demonstraram um olhar multiprofissional, devido a uma interação limitada no contexto de equipe, distorção na caracterização das diferentes perspectivas de trabalho e valorização do envolvimento entre os profissionais, por favorecer o aprendizado sobre as outras profissões. O segundo eixo Desenvolvimento das Práticas identificou momentos de atuação profissional isolada na perspectiva multidisciplinar, bem como de integração entre os membros da equipe, e a valorização da prática colaborativa que pode favorecer o cuidado e a resolução de questões práticas dentro da organização. No eixo Fatores Dificultadores os participantes relataram dificuldades no cotidiano das equipes que podem desfavorecer uma atuação integrada entre os profissionais, como sobrecarga de trabalho e deficiência na interação profissional por falha no processo de comunicação. No último eixo, intitulado Fatores Facilitadores, os relatos evidenciaram situações que contribuem para uma comunicação entre as diferentes especialidades, como o acesso facilitado aos profissionais por meio do diálogo, as reuniões multiprofissionais, que permitem importantes trocas e discussões, e a perspectiva interprofissional, como direcionadora do trabalho em equipe. Considerações finais: O estudo permitiu identificar o conhecimento dos profissionais que compõem as equipes multiprofissionais sobre a prática profissional e o trabalho em equipe, além de revelar como as práticas interprofissionais são desenvolvidas sob a ótica desses profissionais e a presença de momentos que expressam a integração entre os membros da equipe. Acredita-se que os resultados apresentados possam contribuir para o debate sobre as práticas profissionais na área da saúde, de modo que as instituições, os profissionais de saúde e as equipes criem condições para a realização de um trabalho em equipe integrado.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Processo de trabalho do enfermeiro: visão de professores de uma universidade pública(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008-01-01) Tanaka, Luiza Hiromi; Leite, Maria Madalena Januário [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to understand the working process of the nurse according to the perspective of professors of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). METHODS: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach, having 14 professors as its subjects; the focus group technique was chosen for data collection, and the material was analyzed according to the method of content analysis. RESULTS: The meaning of the nurses' working process comprised three categories: composition of the nurses' working process, differentials of the nurses' work when compared to other healthcare professionals and dichotomies of the nurses' working process in education. CONCLUSION: The meanings of this process were the group of the working processes: caring, managing, teaching and researching, whose working core is the process of caring. However, healthcare management was not evidenced by the focus group. The nurses' working process was considered complex and confusing.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Processos de acreditação para o enfermeiro: um recorte histórico(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2009-02-01) Gentil, Rosana Chami [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)To identify, describe and analyze the historical milestones of nurses' accreditation in the critical care area, a research was carried out at LILACS and MEDLINE, unearthing 16 publications, led to the 4 categories. In the USA, the CCNE and NLNAC focus on evaluating Nursing courses and educational institutions, whilst generalist nurses are evaluated by NCLEX, and experts are evaluated by professional associations. Accrediting nurses is also a matter of interest in Spain, Canada, South Africa and Australia. In the USA, the process began in the 40's, whilst in Spain it began in the 90's. It was concluded that the professional certification and accreditation in Nursing occur mainly in developed countries and began in the middle of the last century.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A relação entre Universidade e serviço: com a palavra os profissionais de saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-10-13) Vasconcelos, Ana Cláudia Freitas de [UNIFESP]; Frutuoso, Maria Fernanda Petroli [UNIFESP]; Stedefeldt, Elke [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Baixada Santista campus (UNIFESP-BS) presents innovative pedagogical proposal with broad inclusion of students? activities in health services in the city of Santos, in the perspective of an interprofessional teamwork and integrality care. It is believed that the teaching-service integration brings moments of reflection and changes the practices of the professional in their units, causing a new way to produce health. This project aims to describe and analyze the insertion of the activities of UNIFESP-BS, in the perspective of health professionals. An exploratory research was conducted from the qualitative approach using documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews applied to the primary health care professionals (community health workers, nurses and unit chiefs) and the SEATESC team (Care in Community Health Work) involved in actions in UNIFESP-BS (Health Work Axis modules, mandatory internships and Integrated Multi Professional Residence in Health Care). Interviews were analyzed according to the content analysis, the thematic type. UNIFESP-BS services actions have been recognized by professionals and considered important when related to the reflections on practices and care, bringing a new look to how the health professional acts. However, professionals point out the difficulty of identifying and / or differentiate each action, often with indirect participation, without participating in the whole planning of activities, among others. The academy-service partnership as a driving force of changing practices can highlight as positive, since many professionals feel provoked to seek new knowledge and new doings as well. They can recognize a more dedicated care look when monitoring students in their activities, but do not feel responsible for training, considering sometimes the monitoring of students work overload. The Multidisciplinary Residence is the activity pointed by professionals as the most relevant to the transformation of practice. The vocational training proposed by UNIFESP-BS, in accordance with the policy guidelines of national and international training comes in construction with advances and challenges. Several strategies have been implemented in order to strengthen the relationship between UNIFESP-BS and the SMS-Santos as Care specialization course in network and planning meetings and shared assessment of actions at different levels of management. This way of approach between academia and service has advanced the promotion of qualified meetings and has been recognized as beneficial for all actors in this journey: professionals, teachers, students, users and managers.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Ressignificando a formação profissional do cirurgião-dentista para a Saúde Pública(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2009) Piccinini, Denise Pinto da Fonseca [UNIFESP]; Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)O debate sobre a formação universitária perpassa o perfil do profissional que está sendo formado nas universidades e sua futura inserção no mercado de trabalho, especialmente no serviço público. Os processos profundos de transformação de recursos humanos são complexos e envolvem mudanças que demandam um tempo de construção. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os princípios que orientam a formação profissional em Odontologia vinculados ao ensino para a prática no serviço público. A investigação foi centrada em uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, coletando informações relevantes à compreensão teórica e prática do tema estudado. Foram realizados questionários com dezesseis cirurgiõesdentistas que atuam na atenção básica do sistema de saúde dos oito municípios que fazem parte da Baixada Santista e Costa da Mata Atlântica. Resultaram em pilares direcionadores das entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas à oito cirurgiões-dentistas egressos à até cinco anos. Com os dados coletados, procedeu-se à análise por meio de três eixos temáticos: a prática, a formação e propostas e sugestões. A pesquisa mostrou que os cirurgiões-dentistas inseridos no sistema de saúde vigente aprendem com a prática diária, enfatizando a Educação Permanente. A formação com ênfase tecnicista se confronta com a realidade e as diretrizes da política nacional de saúde, reafirmam a necessidade de revisão curricular, com base nas diretrizes e reforçam a importância de maior estreitamento da relação com o serviço público de saúde enquanto campo de prática e formação, de tal forma que os profissionais possam contribuir efetivamente para qualificação dos Sistema Único de Saúde, através de uma análise contextualizada e propositiva.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O significado dado pelo profissional de saúde para trabalho de parto e parto humanizado(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008-01-01) Mabuchi, Alessandra dos Santos [UNIFESP]; Fustinoni, Suzete Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To understand the meaning the healthcare professional in charge of the woman in childbirth gives to labor and humanizing delivery. METHODS: This is a qualitative research with a phenomenological perspective. Seven physicians and four nurses working at the obstetric center of a public hospital in the city of São Paulo were interviewed. RESULTS: After data analysis, two subthemes emerged: Understanding labor and humanizing delivery as a group of differentiated healthcare and behavioral measures, and Identifying failures in the search for healthcare humanization. CONCLUSION: The study showed that there are still disagreements regarding what is understood as humanizing delivery and what is done in practice. Humanization remains a government policy that is far from efficient, not only because of infrastructural deficits or financial shortages, but because of a lack of contact with the theme, resulting in healthcare that is not individualized or human.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSurvey on physicians' knowledge of sepsis: Do they recognize it promptly?(Elsevier B.V., 2010-12-01) Assuncao, Murillo [UNIFESP]; Akamine, Nelson; Cardoso, Guttemberg S. [UNIFESP]; Mello, Patricia V. C.; Teles, Jose Mario M.; Nunes, Andre Luis B.; Maia, Marcelo Oliveira; Rea-Neto, Alvaro; Machado, Flavia Ribeiro [UNIFESP]; SEPSES Study Grp; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ Estadual Piaui; Hosp Portugues; Hosp Sao Camilo São Paulo; Hosp Santa Luzia; Univ Fed ParanaPurpose in Brazil, sepsis has a high mortality, and early recognition is essential in outcome the aim of the study was to evaluate physicians knowledge about systemic Inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock conceptsMethods This was a prospective, observational study performed in 21 hospitals in Brazil, which enrolled physicians working in the participant institutions A previously validated questionnaire was applied to physicians including 5 clinical casesResults Twenty-one Brazilian institutions enrolled 917 physicians the percentage of physicians correctly recognizing SIRS infection sepsis severe sepsis, and septic shock was 78 2% 92 6%, 27 3%, 56 7%, and 81 0%, respectively Intenswists performed better in all diagnoses There was a significantly higher rate of correct answers for SIRS (P < 001), sepsis (P = 001) and severe sepsis (P = 032) among physicians from university hospitals as compared with those from public hospitals A mean global score of 3 36 1 08 was found, with better performance for residents (P = 012) and intensivists (P < 001) but no difference was found for emergency physicians (P = 875)Conclusion the prompt recognition of sepsis and its severity is not satisfactory This difference is probably due to the difficulty in the recognition of organ dysfunction, which hampers early identification of septic patients Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Treinamento muscular na face: a prática dos fonoaudiólogos de Belo Horizonte(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2008-06-01) Coutrin, Grazielle Costa; Guedes, Luciana Ulhôa; Motta, Andréa Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Centro FEAD de Fonoaudiologia; Centro de Estudos Superiores de Juiz de Fora; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Departamento de FonoaudiologiaPURPOSE: To verify the practice of the speech-language pathologist who acts in orofacial myology in Belo Horizonte - MG (Brazil) concerning facial muscular training, and to compare orofacial myology specialists and nonspecialists' conducts. METHODS: Sectional study, with application of a questionnaire to 60 speech-language pathologists (SLP) from Belo Horizonte - MG (Brazil) who attend orofacial myology patients: 30 graduate without specialization and 30 specialized in orofacial myology. The questionnaire presented a case report and 12 questions regarding conducts in myotherapy. Data analysis used Chi-square and Fisher's Exact Test, and considered a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: In the researched sample, 88.3% of the SLP mentioned isometric exercises, 63.3% requested a training frequency of three times a day and 81.7% seven days a week. The variation of time of muscular contraction was mentioned by 61.7%, and 40% recommend time increase. They indicated the need to vary the number of series of exercises along the therapeutic process in 50% of the interviews, and 26.7% of these mentioned decrease of this number. Regarding frequency, 43.3% considered necessary to vary the frequency of exercises along the therapeutic process: 20% reducing the number of repetitions of the exercise per day and 23.3% reducing the number of days a week. More than half of the professionals (56.7%) informed that the average time of intervention for orofacial myology varied from four to six months. CONCLUSION: The majority of the SLP interviewed for this study employ isometric exercises, three times a day, seven days a week, for an average period of four to six months of therapy. There was no significant difference between the conduct of specialized and nonspecialized speech-language pathologists.