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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Denúncias por erro médico em Goiás(Associação Médica Brasileira, 2009-01-01) Fujita, Reginaldo Raimundo [UNIFESP]; Santos, Ilian Cardoso dos; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: Strengthening of citizenship reinforces the instruments to defend individual rights. The health care models currently used minimize communication between doctors and patients. There has been an increasing number of formal complaints against attitudes of physicians. The social impact of these accusations is great, but studies in Brazil and in the state of Goiás are not sufficient to make them meaningful. This work was intended to quantify and qualify complaints submitted to the Regional Medical Council of the state of Goiás against medical acts. METHODS: Descriptive, retrospective study of the processes formally registered in the state of Goiás between 2000 and 2006; interpretative reading of the procedural development of filed complaintes at the Regional Medical Council of the state of Goiás and calculation of the efficacy of the ensuing actions. RESULTS: Variation in the complaint frequency between 2000 and 2006 was not high; 62% of complaints concerned professional incompetence and inadequate patient -physician relationship. The number of complaints regarding plastic surgery and orthopedics was significant. In 60% of cases accusations were made by individuals. DISCUSSION: The Regional Medical Council session resulted in warnings and reprimands in some cases, deferment (5%), and suspension of the licence to practice medicine (3%). Over 90% of the yearly cases were solved. CONCLUSION: This problem has been effectively and efficiently approached, in spite of severe imperfections in data base management, preventing qualitative analyses of this matter.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)“Há mister de saber que os subalternos também têm o direito de ser respeitados”: processos disciplinares contra professores paulistas (1887–1896)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-11-30) Barros, Gabriel Meneses [UNIFESP]; Warde, Mirian Jorge [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThe last two decades of the 19th century have been agitated throughout the Brazilian territory, especially in São Paulo. With the republican ideology gaining more and more followers, the political reforms that are taking place indicate the rationalization of bureaucratic structures. In this society, an educated people is necessary, so that they vote and respect the laws; thus, education gains a relevance that it had not had until then by the leaders, since it becomes an angular piece in the formation of the citizen. For this reason, the teaching role is of great importance in the civilizing process, and in the irradiation of lights for the population; it is for this reason that there is an increase in the control and disciplinary processes of this professional, so that he/she would follow the legal presuppositions, as a mark of the strategy of the agents for their conduct. However, any pressure exerted generates reactions and conduct outside the norm, which causes the application of disciplinary processes. This dissertation intends to study three forms of disciplinary processes against teachers from São Paulo at the turn of the Empire to the Republic, in the years 1887 ― the year in which the new Regulation for Public Instruction in São Paulo was promulgated ― in 1896 ― the year of the new reform of the São Paulo public instruction, reducing the number of district inspectors. There are three possible occurrences of processes analyzed: against teachers who are absent from their duties; against those who disrespect the superior; and against those who inculcate values contrary to morals and good habits in students. The proposal is to clarify the changes in the laws regarding the processes ― their nuances, modifications and alterations ― and which tactics the teachers use in their defenses ― which arguments and resources are used. The disciplinary proceedings were collected at the Public Archives of the State of São Paulo (APESP) and additional information on the proceedings was found in newspapers of the time, such as the Correio Paulistano and A Província/O Estado de São Paulo. As conclusions, it is clear how the defense movements of teachers have distinctions in cases against men and against women; how disciplinary processes collaborate in the constitution of controlled teachers. The processes also reveal disputes that took place within the Public Instruction.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO PCC e a metrópole: O processo que levou a organização criminosa Primeiro Comando da Capital, (PCC) a paralisar São Paulo em maio de 2006(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-12-07) Dionisio, Mario Junior [UNIFESP]; Welch, Clifford Andrew [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The objective of this study is to reconstruct the history that created the conditions for the criminal organization of the First Capital Command (PCC), attacked and paralyzed the social and economic activities in São Paulo, on May 15, 2006. Imposing the single greatest curfew Brazilian and world history. This approach is investigated to what extent the policies of repressive social control and the treatment accorded the less prosperous classes, especially the prison population, contributed to its foundation, growth and strength. Was analyzed the role and influence policy, or failing that, the public safety sector to the success of the PCC. Can not be left also been observed as a consequence of the preceding sentence, the role of neoliberal policies and ideology of the state minimum. Finally, with the purpose of bringing a new approach that helps explain how the PCC has reached such a degree of social and political influence, this study examined the role hitherto ignored by studies of the PCC, its dogmatic document: the statute.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Perícia contábil: ética e compliance(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-12) Almeida, Mateus de Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Henrique, Marcelo Rabelo [UNIFESP]; Saporito, Antonio [UNIFESP]; origem do termo perito vem do latim peritus e significa aquele que entende, conhece profundamente, que sabe por experiência; em inglês, derivou para expert, aquele que conhece e entende determinados fatos, ou pela sua técnica ou ciência, normalmente, interpreta o significado de tais fatos. O perito é a pessoa, que nomeado pelo juiz ou escolhido pelas partes, em um litígio vai participar ou realizar uma perícia considerando a utilidade de seus conhecimentos específicos sobre matéria da qual versa o juiz. O perito contábil existe em função das necessidades de apreciação de uma técnica que escape ao conhecimento dos juízes, autoridades que o nomeiam, considerando-o um assessor, pois esclarece o que o juiz percebe, mas não compreende em toda a extensão. Após a nomeação do perito, podem as partes indicar assistentes técnicos os quais devem ser profissionais de sua confiança. Existem inúmeros casos de litígios com caráter financeiro no Brasil, por consequente é essencial que haja um meio de prova que possa esclarecer e apurar os fatos, trabalho este efetuado pela área de perícia contábil; para atuar como perito contador é necessário estar regularmente registrado no Conselho Regional de Contabilidade (CRC), para exercer a função é fundamental que o profissional esteja alinhado com as diretrizes das Normas Brasileiras de Contabilidade. Com o estudo de caso consegue-se verificar que o perito não realizou as juntas da documentação para elaborar o seu laudo técnico, com isso trazendo diversas divergências do parecer frente ao assistente técnico e acabando por formular um laudo inconclusivo.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA proteção dos direitos humanos do sujeito envolvido em processos judiciais e acometido por transtorno mental advindo do uso de drogas ilícitas - o papel do profissional do direito em auxílio ao usuário de drogas ilícitas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-04-17) Grecco, Leonardo [UNIFESP]; Castro-Silva, Carlos Roberto de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)People Who Are Addicted To Illicit Drugs And Who Are Involved In The Judicial Process Should Be Seen Not Only As Possible Crimes Practitioners, But Also As Subjects Of Rights That Deserve Health Care, Which Is Guaranteed To Protect Human Rights. The National Legislation Provides For The Health Care Of These People And Invests The Operators Of The Law As Responsible For This Function. The Present Work Analyses To What Extent These Rights Have Been Guaranteed In The Judicial Processes That Process In The City Of Santos, Before The State Justice. The Method Used Was Documentary Analysis. 50 Legal Proceedings Were Evaluated Of People Who Are Addicted To Illicit Drugs. Results Showed That People Who Are Addicted To Illicit Drugs And Who Are Involved In The Judicial Process Were In The Highest Degree Of Vulnerability. Indicators Of Better Understanding Of Individuals' Mental Health Conditions Were Found, Carried Out Through The Requisites Requested By Prosecutors And Lawyers. However, The Present Study Did Not Noti