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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Aspectos psicológicos em usuários de prótese ocular(Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia, 2003-10-01) Botelho, Nara Lucia Poli [UNIFESP]; Volpini, Marcos; Moura, Eurípedes Da Mota; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Hospital Sírio Libanês; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Santo Amaro Setor de Plástica Ocular; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)PURPOSE: To evaluate psychological disturbances caused by acquired unilateral anophthalmia, the struggle for aesthetic recuperation on use of the ocular prosthesis, as well as involved interpersonal factors and psychosocial reintegration of these patients. METHOD: Thirty (30) patients with acquired unilateral anophthalmia without any other deformities in the orbital region and users of ocular prosthesis (16 males, 14 females) aged between 12 and 66 years, mean age 31.6 years, were submitted to an ophthalmic examination and psychological evaluation through a standardized questionnaire focusing on 66 questions lasting two hours in the period from January, 2000 to March, 2001. RESULT: The highest incidence of acquired anophthalmia (47%) was in the age ranging from 0 to 6 years old. Seventy (70)% of the patients are in the process of elaboration of their loss (n=21). The most used mechanisms of defense in the current situation were rationalization, repression, denial and displacement. Thirty (30)% accept the present situation. After the triggering event (TE) 36% manifested a depressive state 64% of whom got over the symptoms of depression. Sixty percent (60%) adapted the ocular prosthesis right after the surgical treatment while 40% adapted it two or more years after the TE. Aesthetically 70% are satisfied while 30% are unsatisfied. Fifty-three (53)% show low self-steem, 37% distorted self-image. CONCLUSION: An integration among various elements of the multidisciplinary team made up of surgeons, ocularists, psychologists and support from family and friends is fundamental during the whole process of mourning due to the loss. A positive attitude towards the person dealing with the issue minimizes the loss in all of its aspects, offering recovery of interpersonal aspects and psychosocial reintegration as he/she is given adequate resources to become more secure. The prosthesis has two functions: on the one hand it returns to the patient self-image and self-steem allowing his/her exposure without discrimination, which allows his psychosocial reintegration. On the other hand it becomes an instrument, which removes the possibility of the loss to be lived in its totality, which contributes to behavior of repression of the patients instead of acceptance of the new reality - mainly when the prosthesis is adapted after the TE. There is no direct relationship between the obtained aesthetic result and the degree of satisfaction of the patients. Prejudice is another important factor because it may interfere or not in the rehabilitation.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desigualdade de gênero no processo admissional sob a perspectiva da economia comportamental(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-01-09) Belam, Camila Aparecida; Araújo, Veneziano de Castro; trabalhos apontam as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas mulheres devido a discriminação de gênero para assumirem papéis importantes no mundo empresarial, científico e político. Esses entraves estão associados a comportamentos estereotipados e viesados que permeiam a própria sociedade e muitas vezes levam longos períodos para serem superados. No mundo empresarial, a desigualdade compõe este processo mesmo quando não consciente, dado às mulheres nos processos seletivos. Por isso, buscando promover um mercado de trabalho mais equitativo, é necessário encontrar formas de promover tratamento mais igualitário para as mulheres nos processos seletivos das empresas. No entanto, até o período recente, poucos mecanismos (fora a adoção de cotas de gênero para vagas de trabalho) foram propostos. Neste contexto, a presente monografia busca utilizar elementos da Economia Comportamental para explicar as origens de alguns vieses discriminatórios neste processo e propor formas de nudges para mitigar tais vieses sem ter que necessariamente recorrer à adoção das cotas. A presente proposta poderia servir para complementar essa lei ou para ser utilizada em locais onde não seja oportuna a adoção de tais medidas.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Discrimination, stigma, and AIDS: a review of academic literature produced in Brazil (2005-2010)(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2012-01-01) Monteiro, Simone; Villela, Wilza Vieira [UNIFESP]; Knauth, Daniela; Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Faculdade de MedicinaGiven the implications of stigma for HIV/AIDS prevention and control of the epidemic, as emphasized by UNAIDS, this study analyzes the Brazilian academic production on health, AIDS, stigma, and discrimination, available in the SciELO database from 2005 to 2010. Brazilian research on the theme is modest as compared to the international literature, but the studies follow the same trend of focusing on individual experiences of discrimination as opposed to analysis of stigma and discrimination as social processes associated with power relations and domination (macro-social structures) and the characteristics of individuals and social groups that shape social interactions. The current study seeks to analyze the reasons for the scarcity of studies on the social perspective towards stigma and discrimination in the field of public health and the implications for the development of proposals to deal with HIV/AIDS-related discrimination.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosDiscussões de gênero e sexualidade no ensino de biologia sob a perspectiva dos estudantes(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-08-21) Amaral, Patricia Regina [UNIFESP]; Testoni, Leonardo Andre [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThe present study aimed of identify and reflect on conceptions of teachers and students from the public school system, about gender and sexuality issues beneath a sociocultural perspective, in order to analyze what are the challenges and possibilities of approaching the theme in science and biology teaching. These questions have been analyzed to highlight the multiple dimensions of sexuality and the breaking of heteronormative patterns that intensify prejudiced and discriminatory behaviors. This is a qualitative investigation, which consisted of two stages: (a) the first stage - conducting interviews with teachers and applying questionnaires to their students. With the appreciation of the obtained material were observed, mainly through the answers of the students, relevant information for research with great potential for analysis, justifying the next stage: second phase – conducting workshop and conversation with students who participated in the first stage. The methodological instruments used consisted of: conducting semi-structured interviews, application of questionnaires; conducting workshop, contemplating dynamic conversation and experience sharing. The results point to a teaching practice of science and biology, focused on the biological dimension of sexuality, emphasizing themes of prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and teenage pregnancy, gender issues, sexual diversity, discrimination and prejudice do not take up space in this approach. With the reports obtained by the students, approaches involving sexual abuse, violence against women, sexism, discrimination and prejudice, were identified as those who should have greater relevance in pedagogical practice. This assumption brought reflection about the school and teaching of science and biology’s role facing the gender and sexuality approach, which shows a concern to require knowledge only in the biological bias and may differ from the real demands and needs of students. Based on discursive analysis of the statements about gender and sexuality, it can be seen the strong influence of cultural markers in society, with normative practices and actions that perpetuate and naturalize the sexist ones, misogynistic and homophobic practices, even in the school environment. Among the findings of this study, emphasizes the need for introducing new pedagogical practices, capable of giving new significance to behaviors that contribute to the establishment of hegemonic and discriminatory relations, present not only in the biological determinism of science and biology teaching, but also rooted in nowadays’ society.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Educação inclusiva: escolha e rejeição entre alunos(Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social, 2013-01-01) Crochík, José Leon; Freller, Cintia C.; Dias, Marian Ávila de Lima e [UNIFESP]; Feffermann, Marisa; Nascimento, Rafael Baioni do; Casco, Ricardo; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São PauloThis work reports a research about inclusive education which objective was to verify if there are differences in preferences and rejections made by students considered as an inclusive status by the schools and their classmates, as well as the reasons for the preferences and rejections. A Proximity Scale has been built among the students and was applied in two classrooms: in a public school (one student considered in an inclusive status) and in a private school (three students considered in an inclusive status). It was observed that there was no difference among students, in both classes, regarding the frequency of choice or rejection and the reasons therefore. Reasons presented for choosing or not choosing classmates for school assignments denote an ideal of productivity and competitive relations. In social relations like playing or visiting classmates, being cool or friendly was appreciated.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Esquizofrenia e participação social: a percepção do portador em relação ao estigma e discriminação(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-01-27) Pimentel, Fernanda de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Jorge, Miguel Roberto [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Studies show attitudes and discriminatory behaviors of the general population in relation to people who have schizophrenia. Moreover, anticipated discrimination and self stigma lead to feelings of devaluation, and contribute for a negative perception of themselves and their illness leading to increased isolation and poor self esteem. Stigma and discrimination harm the users´ life and have negative effects in their social participation. Objective: To examine the phenomenon of discrimination, both experienced and anticipated, in the everyday life of people who have schizophrenia. Methods: The study was carried out in São Paulo, with 50 users at the Schizophrenia Program (PROESQ) of the Federal University of São Paulo and at the Orientation Services in Schizophrenia (S.O.eSq.) of the Brazilian Schizophrenia Association (ABRE). Study design: A transversal cohort with a convenience sample, through the application of a semistructured questionnaire “Discrimination and Stigma Scale – DISC-10, developed by Thornicroft et al. (2009), translated to Portuguese and culturally adapted to Brazilian socio-cultural reality. The scores for the analysis of the answers of the questionnaire were divided according to the categories of lived discrimination perceived as disadvantageous, indifferent, and advantageous, and of the presence or the absence of anticipated discrimination and self stigma. Results: People with schizophrenia perceived their experience of lived discrimination as indifferent more than disadvantageous or advantageous. Negative discriminatory attitudes (disadvantageous) were perceived mainly as a result of having the diagnosis of schizophrenia, in their relationship with relatives and in making or maintaining friends. Experiences of positive discrimination (advantageous) were rare. People with schizophrenia who had been involuntarily admitted do hospital, in the majority of situations, perceived their experiences of discrimination as disadvantageous. In relation to anticipated discrimination and self stigma, users reported having experienced it in association with feeling the need to hide the diagnosis of the mental illness, giving up to competing or in applying for work, apprenticeship or study, giving up searching for a relationship or in keeping an intimate relationship, and in giving up doing something important due to the diagnosis of mental illness. Users who have been involuntarily admitted a psychiatric hospital felt more disrespected, humiliated or punished in their contact with mental health professionals. However, they didn’t experience in any aspect, a denial of the social benefits or social security that they were entitled to. Moreover, users that felt disrespected, humiliated or punished in their contact with mental health professionals described more experiences of disadvantageous discrimination. The study found a positive association between the presence of anticipated discrimination and self stigma and the experience of discrimination felt as disadvantageous. Being involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric hospital increased almost seven times the chance of the discrimination experienced as disadvantageous. Conclusions: We found that users perceive stigmatized and discriminatory attitudes in several domains of life and experiment self stigma, and that these experiences have a negative impact in their opportunities of social participation. The present study contributes to affirm the importance of the users` view in the planning of actions to address these issues, having them as active participants in such process.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Forum on stigma, discrimination, and health: policies and research challenges. Introduction(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2012-01-01) Monteiro, Simone; Villela, Wilza Vieira [UNIFESP]; Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Instituto Oswaldo Cruz; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This introduction outlines the Forum on stigma, discrimination, and health: policies and research challenges, including four articles and a final commentary. The first article reviews the development of international research on the relationship between discrimination and health. The second analyzes the recent Brazilian research output on AIDS, stigma, and discrimination. The third article addresses conceptual and methodological aspects of the relations between discrimination and health from an epidemiological perspective. The forth examines the process of affirming sexual rights in Brazil, involving the judiciary system, public policies, and the executive and legislative branches of government, among others. The fifth paper presents comments and questions on the contents discussed in the first four articles. The reflections aim to provide conceptual and methodological contributions for research and health policies on stigma and discrimination, given the gaps identified in the international and Brazilian literature.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Transtorno do espectro autista e a medicalização da educação: o que dizem as professoras(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-02-15) Monteiro, Milena Correa Galvão de Castro Renno; Dias, Marian Ávila de Lima;; Este trabalho busca compreender o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) no campo da educação escolar. Parte de uma contextualização histórica de sua etiologia, das principais mudanças em seus modos de reconhecimento e diagnóstico, trazendo as contribuições da psicanálise para uma compreensão do papel da educação diante da formação deste indivíduo bom como as contribuições de Foucault para pensar sobre a disciplinarização dos corpos na escola fazendo uma reflexão sobre o modelo escolar que ainda hoje impera sobre a educação brasileira, abordando os estigmas e preconceitos que permeiam a vida escolar e cidadã de uma pessoa com deficiência. Também foi aplicado um questionário a 38 professoras da educação básica visando compreender como é a relação das professoras com o aluno com TEA, como compreendem a sua presença e participação em sala de aula. As respostas evidenciam uma contradição no discurso destas profissionais que, ao mesmo tempo em que referem-se ao saber médico como fundamental para guiar sua conduta perante esse aluno, diante de um laudo médico afirmam não ter condições de trabalhar adequadamente com ele por não terem “formação”. De outra parte, as professoras percebem aspectos positivos na inclusão desses alunos na sala de aula, mencionando principalmente aspectos ligados à socialização entre alunos que passam a demonstrar mais respeito às diferenças. No que se refere a está relação entre professores e a inclusão de alunos com TEA é possível observar uma visão positiva, mas desafios ao efetivá-la, caminhando para uma patologização do ensino na qual o laudo tem um papel muito importante e ao mesmo tempo limitador dentro da sala de aula. Palavras chave: Autismo, Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), Educação Básica, Estigma e Preconceito.