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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A escolha do alimento por bugios-ruivo (Alouatta clamitans, Primates, Cabrera, 1940) e muriquis-do-sul (Brachyteles arachnoides, Primates, e Geoffroy, 1806): composição da dieta e resistência à fratura de itens alimentares(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2014-04-25) Andrade, Enrico Sala de [UNIFESP]; Gomes, Mauricio Talebi [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Food plants have chemical and physical defence mechanisms to avoid herbivory whereas primary consumers have adaptations to cross this barrier so as to reach their specific nutritional requirements. Southern Muriquis (Brachyteles archnoides) and Brown Howlers (Alouatta clamitans) are primates essentially herbivorous and have adaptations related to folivory and frugivory. Toughness is a physical property of food that describes the difficulty of propagating a fracture on some material. It is assessed by animals during biting and when indicate the digestibility of food (fiber content) probably passively influences the food selection by primates. This study verified if toughness influenced the food choice of Southern Muriquis and Brown howlers. Behavior informations about activity patterns of the studied species was collected using the scan sampling method (sample period of 10 minutes and, sampling interval of 5 minutes). It was calculated from activity patterns data, the diet composition by time spent feeding (TSF) on each consumed food type (fruits, leaves and flowers, both immature and mature). Sampling were conducted on rainy and dry seasons over four periods (December 2012 and October 2013, rainy, and also in May 2013 and August 2013, dry) on Carlos Botelho State Park (PECB, 24°06 e 24°14 S e 47°47 e 48°07 O) (in situ). Beside, samplings of food preferences of two females of Alouatta clamitans and two males of Alouatta caraya were conducted at Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo (FPZSP), São Paulo-SP. Ten specimens of each food consumed by the animals were tested to get toughness values using a portable tester. The Chapter I of this dissertation presents the activity patterns and diet in situ whereas in Chapter II are presented the toughness values of the different food types consumed by the studied primates (in situ and ex situ). For activity patterns and diet, it was observed that feeding was the second most common activity performed (33.4% Muriqui; 30.3% Howlers) and the food type ?fruit?, rather mature ones, the most often chosen for both species. The highest proportion of fruit observed, indicative of frugivory, probably reflects the high-quality habitat of the primates, with proper availability of fruits over the annual cycle. For toughness of foods, it was observed that there is no apparent preference for a specific toughness range, but toughness seems to influence Howlers (particularly leaves) more than Muriquis in their food choice: Howlers consumed leaves with higher toughness values than Muriquis. For fruits and flowers, Howlers presented a trend to avoid consume food types with high toughness values, whereas for Muriquis, some foods with this feature were consumed in high proportion. Thus, this study suggests that toughness is relevant parameter in the study of food preferences of Brown Howlers and Southern Muriquis, especially to folivory, and probably herbivory.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstudo do transporte de calor de calor e das alterações físicas em solo brasileiro associadas com a remediação térmica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-06-07) Rodrigues, Fabio Minzon [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Juliana Gardenalli de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The increase of contaminated areas in urban zone represents a serious risk to human health and the environment. An alternative attend in the removal of volatile organic compounds (vocs) is the thermal remediation technique based on direct heating of the soil. The lack of studies in tropical environments justifies the necessity to evaluate heat transfer and dissipation in brazilian soils as well as changes in the physical properties of soil may change the destination of contaminates. So the present search had as objective to analyze the main effects caused by the heating process on the physical characteristics of a brazilian soil and also to improve the efficiency of this technique. The heat transfer evaluation and temperature effect were realized in a 3d physical model with an undisturbed column of silt soil collected on the pedological c horizon. The soil on this model was subjected to heating up to 450oc for 14 hours and the variation of the temperature over time monitored in detail. So the soil was collected along the column according to the degree of heating. These heated samples and the original soil without heating were analyzed to obtain data of chemical composition, micromorphology, grain size, mineralogy, porosity and carbon content. From the analysis of these data was verified that the degree of heating caused some changes in the physical characteristics of the soil. In the zone where the heating was higher 450oc a change in soil texture and grain size occurred probably due because the decomposition of aluminosilictic minerals present in the clay fraction that served cement to add some particles of the soil. This observation is confirmed by chemical data indicating the decrease of silicon and aluminum contents in this zone as well as the increase of titanium (more resistant to heat and responsible for the white color of the soil). Porosity analysis indicated an increase of up to 9% in the heated soil samples. This change is related with results obtained by hydraulic conductivity which practically doubled the value after heating. The increase of the temperature more than 250oc caused a decrease of soil organic matter by up to 89% and increasing soil ph. During the tests was verified a delay on the heating by the influence of the water saturation on the soil heating process. The thermal conductivity was estimated for saturated was 4,6 w m-1 oc-1 and unsaturated soil was 1,5 w m-1 oc-1. The reduction was observed in unsaturated conditions besides a significant variation between samples.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Farinha de pinhão como ingrediente alimentar: inovação na formulação de pães sem glúten(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-08-17) Araujo, Marielle Batista da Silveira [UNIFESP]; Capriles, Vanessa Dias [UNIFESP]; Aguiar, Etiene Valéria de [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: Estudos prévios mostram que existe uma lacuna entre a realidade científica e comercial de pães sem glúten no Brasil, especialmente em relação às abordagens para aumentar a diversidade de formulações e melhorar a qualidade nutricional deste produto. O incentivo a uma dieta biodiversa com inclusão de espécies alimentícias nativas e subutilizadas vem recebendo atenção devido a sua contribuição na segurança alimentar e nutricional. A Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O.Ktze, conhecida popularmente como pinheiro-do-Paraná, é uma emblemática conífera nativa da América do Sul e a principal gimnosperma do Brasil. O pinhão, semente do pinheiro brasileiro, ainda é pouco explorado como ingrediente alimentar e apresenta potencial para contribuir com o incremento do teor de nutrientes e de compostos bioativos, além da diversificação de produtos isentos de glúten. Objetivo: Nesse contexto, o objetivo do estudo é avaliar os limites máximos e as proporções ideais de uso da farinha de pinhão de modo a obter pães sem glúten (PSG) com boas propriedades tecnológicas e nutricionais. Metodologia: Foram desenvolvidos dois tipos de farinha de pinhão, farinha integral de pinhão (FP) e farinha branca de pinhão (FBP), ambas com potencial para a panificação sem glúten de acordo com os testes preliminares. O planejamento fatorial 2² foi utilizado para investigar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de FP e da água nas características termomecânicas das massas (Mixolab®), nas propriedades físicas e na composição centesimal dos PSG. A variação dos níveis de farinha de pinhão foi de 0 a 100% da base farinha (bf), em complementação com a farinha de arroz, e os de água de 80 a 100% (bf). Resultados e Discussão: Os resultados mostram que é possível utilizar apenas FP na formulação de PSG. No entanto, a sua combinação com diferentes níveis de farinha de arroz contribui para aumento do volume e maciez do produto. É necessário aumentar o nível de água das formulações elaboradas com mais de 50% FP, possibilitando obter efeito positivo desta matéria prima na estrutura e textura do produto. A incorporação de FP contribuiu para o incremento dos teores de fibra alimentar, micronutrientes e decréscimo no teor de carboidratos disponíveis, obtendo-se melhoria do perfil nutricional do produto. No que diz respeito ao perfil termomecânico das massas de PSG analisadas pelo Mixolab®, os valores evidenciaram um efeito positivo do uso de FP nas formulações, apresentando maior consistência da massa e menor tendência a retrogradação do amido que a farinha de arroz, podendo assim contribuir para o aumento de vida de prateleira dos PSG. Considerações finais: Os resultados promissores indicam a viabilidade de uso da farinha de pinhão para o desenvolvimento de pães sem glúten, com melhor perfil nutricional do que os produtos atualmente disponíveis, podendo contribuir com a nutrição e saúde das pessoas com doenças relacionadas ao glúten.