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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O agir leigo e o cuidado em saúde: a produção de mapas de cuidado(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2014-07-01) Cecilio, Luiz Carlos de Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Carapinheiro, Graça; Andreazza, Rosemarie [UNIFESP]; Souza, Ana Lúcia Medeiros de; Andrade, Maria da Graça Garcia; Santiago, Silvia Maria; Meneses, Consuelo Sampaio [UNIFESP]; Reis, Denizi Oliveira; Araújo, Eliane Cardoso de [UNIFESP]; Pinto, Nicanor Rodrigues da Silva [UNIFESP]; Spedo, Sandra Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)This study aimed to characterize which regulatory logics (other than government regulation) result in healthcare output, using a two-stage qualitative study in two municipalities in the ABCD Paulista region in São Paulo State, Brazil. The first stage included interviews with strategic actors (managers and policymakers) and key health professionals. The second phase collected life histories from 18 individuals with high health-services utilization rates. An analysis of the researchers’ involvement in the field allowed a better understanding of the narratives. Four regulatory systems were characterized (governmental, professional, clientelistic, and lay), indicating that regulation is a field in constant dispute, a social production. Users’ action produces healthcare maps that reveal the existence of other possible health system arrangements, calling on us to test shared management of healthcare between health teams and users as a promising path to the urgent need to reinvent health.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAspectos subjetivos envolvidos no processo de recuperacao apos o primeiro episodio psicotico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2009) Eisenstadt, Paula [UNIFESP]
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Atuação dos coordenadores de grupos de saúde na rede docente assistencial(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2010-02-01) Santos, Luciane de Medeiros dos [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Eleonora Menicucci de [UNIFESP]; Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida; Aurélio da Ros, Marco; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Centro de Ciências Humanas e Filosofia; UFSC Centro de Ciências da SaúdeOBJECTIVE: To analyze the model for actions by health promotion group coordinators, in primary healthcare units with links to professional training. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: A qualitative study was carried out in the municipality of Florianópolis, Southern Brazil, in 2001. Four groups were evaluated, over a total of 24 sessions at primary healthcare units. Participant observation was performed to start the fieldwork. The reports were analyzed by means of the technique of enunciative-pragmatic discourse analysis. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: The types of action among the coordinators that were congruent with the preventive model were: oppression, bench teaching, biologism and higienism, prescription of approaches, blame apportionment, infantilization, reduction of collective problems, denigration of group settings and use of monologue. The types of action consonant with the new promotion model were: facilitation of free expression and autonomy, empathetic communication, constructivism, receptiveness, active listening and promotion of overcoming of violence and alienation. CONCLUSIONS: The coordinators acted primarily by means of the preventive model, without using technical and theoretical resources that allude to group methodology in the field of healthcare. The actions within the preventive and new health promotion models that were identified reveal characteristics that are grounded in, respectively, the ethics of oppression/subordination of users and cooperation/acceptance of users as free and responsible for their choices and consequences.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da rede de centros de atenção psicossocial: entre a saúde coletiva e a saúde mental(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2009-08-01) Onocko Campos, Rosana Teresa; Furtado, Juarez Pereira [UNIFESP]; Passos, Eduardo; Ferrer, Ana Luiza; Miranda, Lilian; Gama, Carlos Alberto Pegolo da; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal FluminenseOBJECTIVE: To analyze the assistance, management and workers' education models of a network of psychosocial healthcare services (CAPS). METHODS: This is a qualitative evaluation research, supported by the Gadamerian hermeneutics, carried out in the city of Campinas, Southeastern Brazil, in 2006-2007. Data were collected through 20 focus groups in centers known as CAPS III, with different groups of stakeholders (workers, municipal managers, users, family members and local managers). After the transcription of each group's recorded material, narratives were constructed following Ricoeur's theoretical framework. At the second stage of the focus groups, these narratives were presented to the participants, who could contest, correct and validate them. The preliminary results were discussed in workshops, with the aim of developing a good practice guide in CAPS III. RESULTS: The study identified strong points and weaknesses concerning the care provided during the crisis, articulation with the primary care network, formulation of therapeutic projects, management and organization in reference teams, educational background and psychological distress. CONCLUSIONS: The network of psychosocial care centers in Campinas stands out due to its originality in the implementation of six CAPS III and to its efficacy in providing comprehensive assistance to users and family members in the moment of crisis and in rehabilitation. The organization in reference technician and/or team prevails, as well as the development of therapeutic projects. Night teams reduction is the most important problem and the main source of workers' stress. The professionals' education proved to be insufficient to deal with the challenges faced by these services.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Buscando mobilizar-se para a vida apesar da dor ou da amputação(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2006-03-01) Matheus, Maria Clara Cassuli [UNIFESP]; Pinho, Fátima Soares; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Méd Salva AssistênciaAIM: to understand how patients cope with the consequences of the chronic obstructive arterial disease. METHODS: Symbolic Interaction and Grounded Theorie served as theoretical frameworks for this study. Ten individuals with chronic obstructive arterial disease participated in the study. Data were collected through interviews and analyzed with the technique of comparative analysis. RESULTS: Three themes emerged: having life restricted by pain, feeling overwhelmed, and trying to overcome barriers to normal life. The central element subsidizing patients' decisions, feelings, and behaviors, indicated that they are always symbolically and concretely TRYING TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE IN SPITE OF PAIN OR AMPUTATION. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the results of this study may expand nurses' knowledge about patients' experience with chronic obstructive arterial disease. This knowledge will increase nurses' competency to perform a comprehensive psychosocial assessment and intervene appropriately.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Caracterização da cultura de crack na cidade de São Paulo: padrão de uso controlado(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2008-08-01) Oliveira, Lúcio Garcia de [UNIFESP]; Nappo, Solange Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Centro de Informações sobre Saúde e Álcool; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To characterize the situation regarding crack cocaine use in the city of São Paulo, along with the sociodemographic profile of its users. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Qualitative ethnographic study carried out with an intentional sample of crack cocaine users (n=45) and former users (n=17). The participants were recruited by means of the chain sampling method and they underwent a semi-structured interview guided by a questionnaire, in 2004 and 2005. The combination of each question and its respective responses gave rise to specific reports that were interpreted individually. ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS: The predominating profile of the crack cocaine users was that they were single young men of low socioeconomic class and low schooling level, without formal employment ties. The pattern of use most frequently cited was compulsive, characterized by multiple drug use and carrying out illegal activities in exchange for crack cocaine or money. However, controlled use was also identified. This consisted of non-daily use of crack cocaine mediated by individual factors that were developed intuitively by the user. Controlled use was similar in nature to the strategies adopted by former users to achieve a state of abstinence. CONCLUSIONS: The culture of crack cocaine use has undergone changes regarding the pattern of use. Although most users do so compulsively, the existence of controlled use was observed. This deserves to be investigated in more detail, particularly with regard to the strategies adopted to attain this.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Cartografia do Processo de Cuidado num Serviço de Atenção Domiciliar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-08-03) Pozzoli, Sandra Maria Luciano [UNIFESP]; Cecilio, Luiz Carlos de Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: The practice of caring for sick people in their homes refers to immemorial times. Since the last century, due to the aging of the population, there has been a growing institutionalization of such practice in home care services, which had assumed very different models and work processes in different countries. The main objective of this research was to know the process of care in the Home Care Service (SAD) of a medium-sized municipality in the State of São Paulo as a component of the Emergency and Urgency Network (RUE). Method: It is a case in which I take on a cartographic ethos in every way of the research, participating in the routine of SAD and recording in a field diary the daily scenes. I also have recorded interviews with caregivers and a hospital nurse, and I have conducted a focus group with Primary Care nurses (AB). As a data analysis strategy, the first approximation of the empirical material was the definition of Cutting Plans, that is, intentional cuts made from elements or components of home care policy. In the second analytical approach, there are the Visibility Plans, that are scenes of the daily life that reveal the complex relationships between the prescribed work (that the official policy defines) and the actual work (that is how care is performed by the teams in their concrete conditions of work). Results and Discussion: Through the cutting plans and visibility plans, it was possible to identify problems related to management, in particular those that establish limits for the team work; limitations in the use of the information system; the positive aspects and also the tensions present in the multiprofessional work; the conflicts present in the daily work; deficiencies in the training of workers; the isolation of SAD in relation to other health equipment; the limitations of AB to effectively support SAD; the overload of the caregiver and the inescapable need of strategies to support their work and elements of the patient universe, marked by the loss of autonomy and often by the lack of perspective of future building, showing human vulnerability in different perspectives and the sense that each family gives to the suffering experienced by the dependent family member of long-term care. Conclusions: The study evidenced that home care is a model of innovative care, if assumed by the health system with sufficient human resources, materials, equipment, transportation and agile and flexible information system to include real information. Caregivers suggested that care must to be integrated among professionals and with other points of the Health Care Network (RAS). There are difficulties for AB to assume this model of care, and the experience indicated the need of social support services to contribute to the quality of life of the caregiver.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosCompreendendo a questão da violência física contra crianças e adolescentes no ambiente doméstico: um estudo qualitativo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2007) Andrade, Elisa Meireles [UNIFESP]; Martin, Denise [UNIFESP]
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Concepções sobre educação em sexualidade de profissionais da Rede Municipal de Educação em São Paulo.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013) Gava, Thais Cristina Montaldi [UNIFESP]; Villela, Wilza Vieira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esta dissertacao apresenta uma pesquisa exploratoria, de carater qualitativo, sobre as concepcoes de profissionais da educacao acerca da educacao em sexualidade. Foram realizadas 15 entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais de sete escolas municipais da cidade de São Paulo. Nas entrevistas os profissionais compartilharam suas opinioes e vivencias sobre as situacoes ocorridas nas escolas. Narraram tambem as estrategias utilizadas para abordar os temas relacionados a sexualidade em sala de aula. Apresentaram suas consideracoes a respeito do que e pertinente ser trabalhado no ambiente escolar no que se refere a sexualidade. A referencia utilizada no trabalho foi Educacao em Sexualidade, este conceito amplia as discussoes sobre a sexualidade para alem do ambito reprodutivo, englobando as questoes sociais, culturais e economicas. Ele e construido a partir do ideario de direitos humanos e engloba o direito a informacao e a construcao de uma sexualidade que corresponda ao que cada sujeito escolhe como projeto de vida. Neste sentido, a Educacao em Sexualidade pressupoe a participacao dos profissionais da educacao como mediadores dos processos vividos por estudantes, assim como o subsidio de informacoes e reflexoes capazes de ampliar os repertorios dessas pessoas a ponto de viverem sua sexualidade de maneira integral. Este conceito tambem propoe uma ruptura com as formas hierarquizadas do processo de ensino aprendizagem, colocando alunos e alunas como produtores de sentido para suas vidas. Dai a escolha do outro marco teorico para esta pesquisa ser a ideia de criancas, adolescentes e jovens como sujeitos de direitos, em especial, dos direitos relacionados a sexualidade. A analise das entrevistas apontou a coexistencia de diferentes concepcoes sobre o trabalho com o tema da sexualidade na escola e a incapacidade de separacao dos valores pessoais dos propostos pelas politicas educacionais vigentes. Apesar de distintas, essas concepcoes apresentadas apontaram para um ideal de normalidade, que cada profissional, a seu modo, busca realizar na relacao com os alunos. Este ideal pode explicar a dificuldade em reconhecer as diferentes manifestacoes sexuais de criancas, adolescentes e jovens. Desta forma, a proposta de trabalho com o tema da sexualidade e unidirecional, pautada na ideia do adulto como detentor do saber e, de criancas e adolescentes, como depositarios deste saber. A partir desta atitude, alunos e alunas sao tomados como objeto do saber e do poder dos professores e da instituicao escolar, nao sendo reconhecidas suas liberdades e privacidades prerrogativas da sexualidade humana. E possivel dizer que nao ha o entendimento de criancas e jovens como sujeitos de direito, com possibilidades reais de participacao na construcao, mais concretamente, das normas de convivencia no ambiente escolar. Finalmente este trabalho apresenta a importancia da construcao de uma escola que contemple uma proposta de educacao em sexualidade que proponha acoes que garantam aos estudantes o acesso a informacao, mas, ao mesmo tempo, crie espacos para a reflexao sobre as distintas dimensoes da sexualidade humana
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Contribuição da psicoterapia de grupo para o estudo de pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-03-28) Eberlein, Marina Cardoso Smith [UNIFESP]; Blay, Sergio Luis [UNIFESP]; Fiore, Maria Luiza de Mattos [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objectives: reflect about the experience of group brief psychotherapy impact applied on three sets of patients from Temporomandibular Disorder Clinic at the Hospital São Paulo (UNIFESP) and to examine how such approach can promote raise of their emotional experiences awareness advancing beyond their body expressions. Analyze how this approach can increase the symbolic expression of the affection and which are the most recurrent themes brought into the three groups. Methods: the investigation design is a clinical qualitative retrospective research with three separate brief psychotherapy groups, each one performed with 12 therapy sessions, in a psychodynamic theoretical approach, totaling 18 patients (Group I with 6 participants, Group II with 8 and Group III with 4). The participants were selected by a personal psychological interview after a dentist referral. The sessions were documented and subsequently examined by the most significant and frequent thematic axes. Each group and each individual therapeutic process were analyzed. Results: The author observed a female gender prevalence in 8:1 in relation to male. The age group found was 36 to 77 years, most were professionally inactive (15), predominance of traumatic life stories with losses, abandonments, violence, poverty, fragility of reliable links. It was observed some varied group dynamics, from more structured and organized groups, where a reliable link was built, to less structured and disorganized experiences, where no link was established. It was observed a plurality of individual trajectories, without a homogeneous profile. The majority showed interest to continue the self-knowledge process. The most frequently topics were subjects related to the narcissistic issues like non-differentiation between self and not-self, the trauma, the violence, aggression and the body expression of suffering. Conclusion: The therapeutic group as an embracing model and tie stimulator could develop an experience of psychic integration and differentiation to patients with pain.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Contributions of Public Health to nursing practice(Assoc Brasileira Enfermagem, 2017) Jorge de Souza, Karen Mendes [UNIFESP]; Seixas, Clarissa Terenzi; Scherlowski Leal David, Helena Maria; da Costa, Aline QueirozObjective: Analyze the perceptions of undergraduate nursing students about the contributions of public health to nursing practice in the Unified Health System. Method: Qualitative Descriptive Study. Data collection was carried out through semi-directed interviews with 15 students. The language material was analyzed according to content and thematic analysis. Results: Thematic categories were established, namely: "Perceptions about Public Health" and "Contribution of Public Health to nursing practice in the Unified Health System". Final considerations: Perceptions about Public Health are diversified, but converge to the recognition of this field as the basis for training nurses qualified to work in the SUS with technical competence, autonomy and focusing on the integrality in health care.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosCorpo e sexualidade na mulher menopausada de zona rural do municipio de Barbalha-CE(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2012) Tiburcio, Maria Aparecida [UNIFESP]Embora incitados a se manifestarem, corpo e sexualidade na menopausa ainda aparecem silenciados, com representacoes negativas por acomodarem tabus, mitos e preconceitos com necessidade de desconstrucao. Este estudo tem como objetivo geral apreender a vivencia da sexualidade da mulher menopausada de zona rural do municipio de Barbalha-CE e como objetivos especificos identificar se as mulheres menopausadas de zona rural tem ou nao vida sexual ativa e parceiro fixo; conhecer o sentido da vida sexual dessas mulheres e a percepcao que essas mulheres menopausadas tem sobre seu corpo. Fundamentado na metodologia investigatoria qualitativa, utilizou como instrumentos para a coleta de dados a entrevista com roteiro semi-estruturado e o diario de campo. Realizado de 07 de maio a 13 de dezembro de 2011, contemplou 44 mulheres residentes na zona rural do municipio de Barbalha-CE. As categorias emergentes nos resultados, a partir das narrativas, suscitaram a construcao de unidades tematicas, que na discussao, foram analisadas numa triangulacao com informacoes do diario de campo e dados da literatura. A menopausa aparece como uma fase rotulada de sentido negativo, expresso em discurso mitico so vencido na sua vivencia. Tal conjuntura socializa o biologico e faz a mulher sofrer por antecipacao e se apresentar angustiada por limitacoes que teme vivenciar. Na experiencia transcorre sem grandes repercussoes clinicas e com manutencao do desejo e prazer sexual. A menstruacao aparece ainda velada e recheada de mitos. O corpo, construcao social distanciada da contaminacao midiatica da urbe, envelhece conservando seu encanto. A vivencia sexual feminina mantem-se na passividade com desenvoltura e satisfacao condicionada a presenca do masculino; num estado de resignacao anulam-se os sonhos, desejos e as fantasias na interdicao do prazer em face da disfuncao sexual masculina. O alcoolismo masculino interfere na qualidade de vida sexual feminina em diversas etapas da vida. Como consideracoes finais, ressaltamos a importancia do profissional de atencao a Saúde da mulher na desconstrucao de mitos, que ao associar a menopausa com perdas podem causar impacto na sensacao de bem-estar de uma mulher. Neste estudo a representacao negativa da menopausa aparece ressignificada somente na experiencia, e comporta peculiaridades inerentes a historia individual no seu entrelacamento com o social
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O cotidiano de trabalho do ACS: trilhando caminhos entre prescrições e invenções(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-08-16) Barros, Luciana Soares de [UNIFESP]; Cecilio, Luiz Carlos de Oliveira [UNIFESP];; ttp://; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: This study focus on the work process of the Community Health Agents (ACS), an strategic actor in Brazilian National Health System (SUS) due to its role as “mediator”; between the community and the Primary Care Unit Health (UBS). Objective: This study aims give visibility to elements in the daily work of ACS, trying to understand how he organizes his care practices; builds his relationship with the health team; reflects on their performance in the context of the Family Health Strategy; and the main difficulties encountered to carry out his work. Method: Cartographic method made by participant observation in six UBS of the metropolitan region of São Paulo city that provides the production of field diaries with records of scenes observed in team meetings, group activities, home visits, walking through the territories and other activities. For analysis the concept of “visibility plan”; was used, which means what is highlighting or becomes visible / speakable from the connections of the scenes of similar “nature”; as recorded in field diaries. Results and discussion: From the visibility plans was possible to discuss issues relating to acquaintanceship of ACS with the refusal of the population; to violence and drug trafficking in the territory; to the difficult management of the community’s secrets; and to the multiple dimensions of the complex relationship with the community due to his dual resident / worker status. It was possible to understand a process of transformation of this worker, which has been presented as a multipurpose worker at UBS, occupying the role on an interim manner. This is different from the profile idealized by the ACS policy, which has a certain “militancy”; as a constitutive characteristic of the function. In addition it highlights the connection of the ACS with the rationalization of health practices, that has as elements the bureaucratization and the setting of production targets, increasing his work overload, but also his strategies to handle the flows, exercising their autonomy in the territory. The relationship of ACS with the health team points to domination and subordination of ACS, but also to his resistance movements, inventiveness and cooperative work. Conclusion: This study has highlighted a health worker in mutation that reproduces biomedical and bureaucratic practices, which can disfigure his role as a community link, but can also be quite creative, permanently (re)inventing his practices, in a way much more complex than prescribed in the original formulation of health policy, due, among other things, the complexity of the territories in which he operates.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Crenças atribuídas à opção de não usar MDMA (ecstasy): estudo qualitativo entre não usuários, usuários experimentais e ex-usuários(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-01-26) Comis, Maria Angélica de Castro [UNIFESP]; Noto, Ana Regina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Although ecstasy (MDMA) is a drug mostly consumed in the eletronic scene context, not all individuals who faces an opportunity to use ecstasy do it. This study aimed at understanding the reasons ascribed to not using or stop using ecstasy in order to contribute to preventive actions or damage reduction activities. Methods: Snowball sampling was applied. By means of individual semi-structured interview, 53 participants were allocated in three groups: non-users (NU, n = 23), experimental users (EXP, n = 12) and ex-users (EX-US, n = 18). Literal transcriptions were submitted to content analyses using NVivo8. Results: Non-users (NU) and experimental users (EXP) attributed reasons mostly related to fear of effects and moral, family or religious principles. Ex-users (EX-U) claimed reasons related to health complications and being apart from the context of use, but they did not discard the possibility of future use. Aspects related to health, values and context were present at all groups. Final considerations: Negative effects and/or adverse consequences seem to lead the decisions among the different groups, and such information should be used by universal preventive actions. For those who have already used ecstasy, both social and environmental context seem to be the most important factors for decision making, evidencing the importance of context for selective prevention and damage reduction actions.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosDo que se trata e o que trata a psiquiatria(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008) Silva, Liliane Calil Guerreiro da [UNIFESP]
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAs drogas psicotropicas e a imprensa brasileira: analise do material publicado e do discurso dos profissionais da area de jornalismo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2006) Mastroianni, Fabio de Carvalho [UNIFESP]
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)As drogas psicotrópicas e a imprensa brasileira: Análise do material publicado e do discurso dos profissionais da área de jornalismo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2006-01-01) Mastroianni, Fábio de Carvalho [UNIFESP]; Noto, Ana Regina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)O jornalismo exerce um importante papel na construção social da realidade e está diretamente relacionado ao processo de formação da opinião pública. A presente pesquisa buscou unir aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos objetivando analisar e comparar o conteúdo dos textos jornalísticos sobre drogas, publicados na imprensa brasileira nos anos de 2000 e 2003, assim como compreender o processo de construção dessas notícias a partir do referencial de seus autores. Para tanto, foram realizados dois estudos complementares: a) a análise de conteúdo de 2.510 matérias (1.110 em 2000 e 1.400 em 2003) extraídas por clipping dos principais jornais e revistas do Brasil; e b) a análise do discurso dos profissionais da área de comunicação (N=22) autores de matérias sobre drogas, obtidos por entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas e transcritas literalmente. Entre as matérias jornalísticas analisadas verificou-se que tanto para o tabaco quanto para o álcool, predominaram temas relativos a políticas públicas, enquanto que para as demais drogas (maconha, derivados da coca e textos sobre drogas de maneira geral) os textos foram mais restritos às conseqüências negativas do uso e ao tráfico de drogas. Entre os anos de 2000 e 2003 foi observado um aumento de matérias sobre políticas relacionadas ao álcool enquanto que para maconha e cocaína aumentou o número de matérias que utilizaram termos pejorativos. Cerca de metade dos textos analisados em ambos os anos foram do tipo nota. Em relação ao discurso dos profissionais, a maioria considerou inadequada a cobertura jornalística sobre o tema, apontando dificuldades tais como a falta de conhecimento mais amplo sobre o assunto, assim como o tempo escasso para a elaboração de matérias com maior profundidade. Os resultados confirmam o descompasso entre imprensa e epidemiologia, bem como a superficialidade com que um tema tão complexo é tratado. Além disso, para que haja uma cobertura mais adequada do tema é necessária uma maior capacitação dos profissionais da área de comunicação, assim como uma aproximação maior destes com profissionais e acadêmicos da área de saúde.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A educação permanente em um hospital público na perspectiva dos gestores: conhecer para intervir(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-06-27) Querino, Simone Leticia Souza [UNIFESP]; Pinto, Ana Maria de Souza [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The National Policy of Permanent Education in Health (PNEPS) was established in 2004, as an Integrated Health System (SUS) strategy to train and develop workers for the public health sector. In this way, the permanent education plan must be built on the effective participation of the workers in the sector, wide-ranging collective debate, and bottom-up participative planning. The aim of this study was to check, from the perspective of the managers, if the process of Health Permanent Education (EPS) in a public school hospital refers to its legal basis as its guide. The research methodology was transversal, descriptive in nature, with a qualitative approach. The study occurred in a public school hospital that specializes in vascular medicine, cardiology, and nephrology. The hospital is located in Salvador, Bahia. Fifteen PES managers participated in this study. The data collection occurred through semi-structured interviews according to a script. Thematic type analysis of content was applied to the qualitative data. The study concluded that both the National Policy of Permanent Education (NPPE) and the Hospital's Permanent Educacion Structure (EPS) are unknown to the interviewed personnel, who manifested difficulty to conceptualize Permanent Education (PE), Continuing Education, and In-Service Education. Significant learning and the participation of the multi-professional team were not mentioned in the process of building a professional collective from the survey and problematization of PE needs. There is a need for monitoring the results of the educational actions; investing in the human and financial resources management, and of an enhanced appreciation of the workspace as a transforming space. The institutional EPS does not communicate with its referring legal basis; it is up to the employees to demand and to the managers to implement it.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA esquizofrenia como assunto midiatico: uma abordagem qualitativa(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2005) Ribeiro, Luiz [UNIFESP]
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA Estratégia Saúde da Família como cenário de aprendizagem: Análise de uma experiência de interação ensino-serviço na formação médica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-04-26) Fassina, Vanessa [UNIFESP]; Mendes, Rosilda [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The implementation of National Curricular Guidelines for medical graduation, from 2001, led to initial changes in training through the integration of teaching with the health system and also through the decentralization of the hospital learning scenario to Primary Care. The update, in 2014, has maintained the objective of providing a generalist, humanistic, critical and reflexive education, which favors the interaction of users and health professionals since the first years of graduation. From this perspective, it is proposed the use of new teaching methodologies and expansion of the learning scenarios that privilege the active participation of the student in the knowledge construction. As the activities take place in a practice context, the challenge is to permanently involve the professionals in the training process. This qualitative study, with the researcher's implication, aims to analyze the perception of students and teachers of a private university in the state of São Paulo, health professionals and municipal management in order to identify the contributions that the teaching-service interaction can offer for the production of a meaningful learning space in medical training. To obtain the data, it was conducted round table discussions with the students of the first, third and fifth periods of the Medicine course, semi-structured interviews with health professionals and municipal management and university teachers, as well as the elaboration of a research diary. The data were analyzed using the Content Analysis technique, with the disclosure of three categories of meaning. The first, Learning scenario: the practice in the health unit, which revealed that the insertion of students in a Family Health Unit favored the development of the physician patient relationship, experience the physician's work routine besides knowing the specificity and complementarity of the professions, however, there was little opportunity to practice what they learned in theory. The second, Learning scenario: opportunities and limitations of Home Visit, the home was a scenario in which students could learn more about the patients' life and not only have the punctual contact in the search of diseases; they could also develop skills such as communication and listening, but they complained about the repetitive frequency that they go to the houses and stay with the same families. The last one, (Un) meetings between students and health professionals, the fragile contact between them led to a lack of opportunity for creating a relationship and acquiring knowledge through the interprofessional practice. This study showed that the Family Health Strategy can contribute as a space for the production of meaningful learning, and it is necessary to recompose the relationships between subjects involved, as well as a permanent space for discussion about this new role of services training.
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