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- ItemSomente MetadadadosCirculação das idéias educacionais de tsunessaburo makiguti no Brasil: a educação soka gakkay e as publicações da editora Brasil seikyo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-10-16) Santos, Marcos Roberto dos [UNIFESP]; Vieira, Cleber Santos [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In criticizing the Japanese education of his time Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871 - 1944) was prevented by the government of his country to act as a pedagogue. Because their convictions in the defense of an education without privileges and anti-militarist, and was chased away from his activities as a teacher and school principal. Along the Josei Toda (1900 - 1958), also an educator, and whom he regarded as his disciple were arrested and confined to prison, where Makiguchi died on November 18, 1944 Through its experience with Makiguchi education could concatenate seemingly disparate ideas, generating records in his diary that swelled over thirty years, but also took notes taken in drafts, doodles and short essays. This accumulation of notes made in 1930 to publish his work Soka Kyoikugaku Taikei (Educational System of Value Creation). Unable to devote to training school, founded also in 1930, the same day of release of his book Soka Kyoikugaku Taikei, November 18, the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai organization (Educational Value Creation Society), later renamed Soka Gakkai only (Society of Human Value Creation). The Makiguchi himself declared it was not his intention to initially publish this material. This way, your thoughts circulating in Brazilian society, since 1960, through the publications made by Editora Brasil Seikyo ¬ (EBS), publisher that related with the Associação Brasil Soka Gakkai Internacional (BSGI) founded in 1960; other dissemination is through Makiguchi in Action Program in which some public elementary schools of São Paulo, and other states like Amazonas and Paraná, have adopted the program that consists of activities aimed at the creation of human values system. Having issues as corpus of child RDez magazine, published by this publisher, this research aims to provide a reflection on the concerning the circulation of printed RDez by the Divisão dos Estudantes (DE) of BSGI representations, and forms that can be seized their readings through its events and activities. The methodology used is a perspective of cultural history book, conducting intensive study of diffusion and appropriation in Brazilian society's educational system advocated by Makiguchi, data collection and analysis were made through readings, book report and relevant notes to researched topic. In this sense, the purpose of this investigation was to study the printed publications of BSGI, particularly RDez, demonstrating the specificity of the circulation of educational ideas Makiguchi in Brazil.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A formação de professoras e professores polivalentes nos cursos de pedagogia em instituições de ensino superior privadas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-12) Kassis, Renata Nassralla [UNIFESP]; Pinto, Umberto de Andrade [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as contribuições da Formação Inicial, ocorrida em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) privadas da Grande São Paulo, na prática docente polivalente das professoras que atuam nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. O problema da investigação centra-se em compreender em que medida essa formação dialoga com as práticas docentes das professoras polivalentes iniciantes que atuam em escolas públicas estaduais. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, examina o conteúdo das falas de treze professoras polivalentes obtidas em encontros de Grupo Focal. Os dados empíricos são interpretados à luz do referencial teórico de Pimenta, Libâneo, Freire, Tardif, Silva Cruz, Fusari, Brzezinski, entre outros. O estudo demonstra que a formação inicial em Pedagogia nas IES privadas está muito distante das necessidades da escola pública, preparando professoras polivalentes com pouca fundamentação teórica e distanciamento da realidade das salas de aula. Nota-se que a noção de polivalência, característica formal de sua profissão, não é levada em conta na formação inicial e que seus saberes são constituídos na socialização com as professoras mais experientes. Aponta, ainda, para a necessidade da reestruturação do estágio curricular obrigatório oferecido pela IES no sentido de firmar parcerias com escolas das redes públicas. Infere-se, portanto, a urgência do Estado comprometer-se com a formação dos professores e professoras polivalentes, em IES públicas, a partir da construção de políticas que tornem isso possível ou que, minimamente, possa regular as IES privadas para que atuem com qualidade e em consonância com as necessidades da educação escolar pública.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Formação de professores para a educação infantil: um estudo a partir dos projetos pedagógicos do curso de Pedagogia das Universidades Federais do sul e sudeste do Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-07-02) Dantas, Marilene Aparecida Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Bello, Isabel Melero [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present dissertation discourses about the initial formation of Early Childhood Education teachers in Pedagogy courses of Federal Universities of the capital cities in South and Southeast regions in Brazil. Its general objective is to analyse the Pedagogical Projects of Pedagogy course (known as ‘PPCs’ in Brazil) of the Federal Universities of the capital cities of Brazilian South and Southeast regions, using as methodological reference the conception of ‘Policy Cycle’, proposed by Stephen Ball and Richard Bowe; and from these data understand how this training in Pedagogy for teaching in Early Education is structured. The specific objectives are: A) Raising and collecting some of the research already done about this subject; B) Analysing the 7 PPCs of the courses of Pedagogy in the Federal Universities located in the capital cities of the states of South and Southeast regions in Brazil, with a focus on teacher training for working in Early Childhood Education; c) Understanding how PPCs represent the National Policies for Early Education and training of teachers, structured in the Context of Influences; d) Analysing the official documents (curricular guidelines) and those produced by class entities that represent Early Childhood Education area in Brazil. This search is qualitative, documentary, with prose analysis, based on the propositions of André (1984). From the documentary analysis of the PPCs, we conclude that, in a general way, the specificities of Early Childhood Education are contemplated in different ways in Federal Universities considered in this research; and despite considering the National Curricular Guidelines for Graduation in Pedagogy, and what determines the Brazilian basis law (LDB) and the Curricular Guidelines for National Child Education, the workload and the disciplines that focus on teaching training in this area still occupy an insignificant position in most of the courses analysed.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Formação do pedagogo para atuar na classe hospitalar: desafios e perspectivas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2016) Bonfim, Evandro Luiz Soares; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador;; Hospital Pedagogy is a branch into the Pedagogy field comprising the procedures needed for a long-term teaching for children and adolescents who are sick and hospitalized for a period exceeding 15 days. Praxis and specific teaching techniques are expected, which requires the formation of educators prepared to meet this demand. Although official documents report on the educator´s performance in different settings of the traditional classroom in regular schools, professional formation at the undergraduate level is still incipient to prepare this professional to work in hospital settings. This is a descriptive qualitative study, aiming to analyze the perception of educators in relation to the training received to work in hospital settings, challenges and perspectives. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of UNIFESP under Opinion No. 1267627/2015. After visiting in loco to confirm the institutions that developed activities in hospital classes, the electronic addresses of 10 heads of the respective services were obtained. The positive feedback was received from nine hospitals. Among the18 educators contacted, eight professionals with training in pedagogy participated of the study. They all agreed with the terms of the research and they met criteria to work in hospital settings in the school attendance of children and adolescents in treatment of chronic diseases. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews held in a place and time the participants chose, ensuring a quiet environment and with little outside interference. The interviews lasted an average 60 minutes, all recorded and transcribed in full immediately after the performance. After transcription of all interviews, data were analyzed in relation to content analysis in the thematic mode. Reading was performed to obtain the values implied in the statements; they all were organized into a summary table to identify the Context Units, Registration Units and categorization from the significances acquired from speaking. Two oriented nuclei were previously defined: "the role of the educator and the training to work in hospitals" and “proposals for the improvement of pedagogical practices in hospitals", of which eight categories and 31 subcategories emerged The results allowed to identify relevant aspects to act in a long-term teaching of children and adolescents in hospital, being possible to know, beyond the initial or continuing education, experiences of pedagogical praxis, the sensitivity of educators in hospital settings, their fears, anxieties, questions about the professional performance and the importance of this professional as part of health teams in hospitals. The educational product was developed with training strategies that may contribute to the education of educators to work in hospital settings, particularly in hospital classes
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Proposta pedagógica para o ensino da natação: um diálogo com a saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-12-17) Lotti, Alessandro Demel [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Rogério Cruz de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: A natação é uma modalidade que tem sua prática amplamente influenciada pelo modelo tecnicista, reduzindo suas aulas a sessões de repetição de gestos técnicos. Estudos apontam que esta perspectiva é causa de descontentamento para os praticantes, e que muitas vezes repercute no abandono da prática. Paralelamente, as políticas de promoção da saúde da atualidade têm sido enfáticas em conferir centralidade às práticas de atividade física/esportiva como estratégias de produção de saúde. Além disso, há o apontamento de que tais práticas devem ser acessíveis a todos, priorizando intervenções comprometidas com a dimensão sociocultural das pessoas. O campo da pedagogia do esporte tem priorizado discussões para além de um ensino esportivo centrado na técnica, valorização do conhecimento prévio e consideração dos aspectos socioculturais das pessoas envolvidas na prática. Assim, é de se notar a existência de proximidade entre o campo da pedagogia do esporte e da promoção da saúde. Essa relação tem impacto positivo para o ensino da natação. Objetivo: Sistematizar uma proposta de ensino da natação calcado nos princípios da pedagogia do esporte; compreender as possibilidades didático-pedagógicas do ensino da natação, e; analisar uma possível relação entre a sistematização do ensino da natação com os ideários da promoção da saúde. Método: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica, sendo abrangidos periódicos nacionais do sistema Qualis Capes da Educação Física e com política editorial de livre acesso. Tal levantamento alicerçou a elaboração de uma proposta para o ensino da natação. Resultados: Verificamos a ausência de estudos que discutiam a temática da promoção da saúde no campo esportivo e vice-versa. Apesar disso, autonomia e humanização foram temas comuns em todos os artigos selecionados. Quanto ao ensino da natação, é necessário que o processo esteja centralizado nos alunos, gerando autonomia nos mesmos e permitindo vivências mais amplas. Conclusão: Acreditamos que a contribuição deste trabalho se dá pela possibilidade de compreender o ensino da natação por outras perspectivas, alternativas ao modelo profissional. Um ensino da natação realizado à luz dos pressupostos da pedagogia do esporte agrega conteúdos que vão além dos de caráter técnico, permitindo que os alunos experimentem as possibilidades de seu corpo no meio líquido antes de aprender o gestual formal da modalidade
- ItemEmbargoProposta Pedagógica para o Ensino do Futebol em sua Relação com a Saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-02-10) Silva, Douglas Verônico Alves da [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Rogério Cruz de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Os objetivos da pesquisa consistem em compreender as possibilidades didático pedagógicas do ensino do futebol em sua relação com a saúde, bem como elaborar uma proposta didático pedagógica do ensino do futebol que atenda os ideários da promoção da saúde no contexto de um programa esportivo do terceiro setor. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa propositiva, com sistematização de uma proposta pedagógica para o ensino do futebol que dialogue com o campo da promoção da saúde a partir do cerne da discussão pedagógica ancorada no porquê (sentido) e no como (instrumento), que embora seja uma reflexão advinda do terreno da educação escolar, acredita-se que pode ser aplicado em propostas educacionais extraescolares, no caso desse estudo para programas esportivos do terceiro setor. Compreendeu-se que, para o ensino se relacionar com a saúde, há a necessidade da ampliação do conceito desta e de uma mudança paradigmática da pedagogia do esporte, voltada ao desenvolvimento do educando. Desta forma, a proposta foi elaborada pautada na imbricação dos objetivos relacionados às competências para a saúde, chamados de plano pessoal, plano social e plano ecológico, junto com o reforço das ações essenciais do jogo, chamadas de competências essenciais. A imbricação das duas propostas nos evidencia a compreensão das possibilidades didático pedagógicas do ensino do futebol na sua relação com a saúde, por carregar procedimentos didáticos fundamentais à proposta: rodas de conversa, para reflexões, desenvolvimento do senso crítico, compreensão e percepções relacionadas às competências, e jogos, por atenderem os princípios pedagógicos da proposta. Assim, conclui-se que uma proposta de ensino de futebol que objetiva a promoção da saúde deva conceituar saúde de forma ampliada, dialogar com propostas educacionais advindas da educação física escolar, dentro de uma visão pedagógica do esporte voltada para o desenvolvimento do educando e pautada no jogo e no debate de ideias e verbalização dos alunos como métodos de ensino. The objective of this study is to understand the didactic and pedagogical possibilities of the teaching of football in relation to health, and to formulate a didactic and pedagogical proposal of the teaching of football that meets the ideas of health promotion in the context of a sports program in the third sector. It is a propositional qualitative research, with systematization of a pedagogical proposal for the teaching of football that dialogues with the field of health promotion, from the heart of the pedagogical discussion anchored in why (meaning) and how (instrument). Although it is a reflection coming from the field of school education, it is believed that it can be applied in extra-school educational proposals, in the case of this study sports programs in the third sector. It was understood that the teaching related to health needs a broadened concept of health and a paradigmatic change of sports pedagogy, aimed at the development of the learner. Thus, the proposal was elaborated based on the imbrication of objectives related to health competences, called personal plan, social plan and ecological plan, together with the reinforcement of the essential actions of the game, called essential competences. The imbrication of the two proposals makes us understand the pedagogical didactic possibilities of football teaching related to health, for carrying didactic central procedures for the proposal: group discussions, for reflections, critical sense development, understanding and perceptions related to the competences, and games, which meet the pedagogical principles of the proposal. In conclusion, a proposal for the teaching of football that aims at promoting health should conceptualize health in broader definition, and dialogue with educational proposals arising from school physical education. This should be done within a pedagogical view of sport aimed at the development of the student as well as the game and debate of ideas verbalization of students as teaching methods.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosTecendo a Formação Universitária e Contínua no Programa de Residência Pedagógica da Unifesp - Guarulhos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-11-22) Costa, Virginia Fernandes [UNIFESP]; Gomes, Marineide de Oliveira [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This work presents itself as a further search of Undergraduate Research and aims to understand the limits and possibilities in the process of implementing a new curricular program on the Pedagogy course of Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP – Guarulhos, known as Educational Housing Program. We assume that the process of deploying an innovative internship, in which the activities are designed to be a collaborative activity of training of future professionals and contribute to continuing professional education taught in the schools involved, presents challenges that must be overcome in the pursuit of a formation capable of giving subsidies for these professionals to meet the challenges that educational practice requires. The interviews with teachers / educators and students seek to understand the meanings the subjects attributed to this experience, as well as possible impacts on their education. Were also reviewed documents from the program, seeking to understand its concepts of training and teacher training. The results allow us to perceive and reflect on important aspects of these two training periods: Undergraduate Education Students / Residents and Continuing Education (professional of-school field). Thus, we believe that understanding how the program was accomplished through some of the protagonists of such process can improve the knowledge about the practices of teacher education developed by educational institutions, providing a high quality of that training, and consequently, the quality of education offered in educational institutions.