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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Educação ambiental no âmbito escolar: análise do desenvolvimento da elaboração e aprovação da base nacional comum curricular (bncc).(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-03-15) Oliveira, Lucas De [UNIFESP]; Neiman, Zysman [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In spite of being an approach foreseen since the constitution of 1988 and regulated by National Guidelines as well as by several instruments of the legislation, Environmental Education was only consolidated in the formal education curriculum (fundamental and average) from the approval of the National Curricular Parameters ( PCN) in the late 1990s. The "Cross-Cutting Environment" theme suggested by the NCPs ensured an interdisciplinary approach at the school level that fulfilled the need for a debate that is extremely important for the current times, and to promote sustainability as a fundamental principle. However, the current federal government is proposing a reformulation in both elementary and middle schools in order to implement a new National Curricular Common Base (BNCC), which was approved and endorsed at the end of 2018 and in which cross-cutting themes Environmental) are not explicitly addressed. This paper aims to describe the process of elaboration and approval of the BNCC seeking to analyze its implication for the future of Environmental Education in formal education. For that, a documentary analysis of the debated versions of the National Curricular Base and other official documents (laws, directives, PCN, and the São Paulo City Hall curriculum) was carried out. In addition to face-to-face and distance discussion BNCC. It was found that the new BNCC does not address the transversal themes of teaching in the way that it should, not giving its due importance, so much that Environmental Education is mentioned only once in the whole file, putting responsibility to education systems and schools contextualized. When analyzing, however, the new Curriculum of the Municipality of São Paulo, it is perceived that this approach is not present satisfactorily either.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e os Debates sobre o Ensino de Frações(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-12-19) Silva, Diego Rodrigues da [UNIFESP]; Valente, Wagner Rodrigues [UNIFESP];; Dissertação analisa os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN), referências oficiais para o ensino, elaborados na década de 1990. Trata especificamente do Ensino Fundamental, mirando a Matemática do 2 o Ciclo de ensino desse nível escolar. Mais particularmente, considera as propostas para o ensino de frações. Tendo em vista que a literatura sobre o tema aponta um não consenso sobre a ordem em que se deva ensinar frações ordinárias e números decimais, o estudo analisa as respostas dadas por pareceristas à proposta de versão preliminar dos PCN sobre o tema. Tais pareceres compõem o Arquivo Pessoal Maria Amábile Mansutti, um dos acervos do Centro de Documentação do GHEMAT. A análise dessa documentação mostra que os pareceristas, de um modo geral, corroboram a proposta elaborada pelo núcleo de experts convocados para sistematizar esta referência curricular: o ensino dos números decimais deverá preceder àquele das frações ordinárias.