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- ItemSomente MetadadadosApplicability of ft-ir techniques and goniometry on characterization of carbon fiber surfaces(Inst aeronautica & espaco-iae, 2016) Oliveira Junior, Mauro Santos [UNIFESP]; Diniz, Milton Faria; Lazzarini Dutra, Rita de Cassia; Massi, Marcos; Otani, ChoyuCarbon fibers have been widely used as structural reinforcement in aeronautical composites, because of their exceptional mechanical properties. However, carbon fibers present few polar groups on their surfaces inducing a weak interaction with some thermosetting and thermoplastic matrices. Surface treatments, such as thermal and electrochemical oxidation, are generally followed by sizing in order to improve interfacial adhesion between carbon fibers and some matrices. The precise surface characterization, by means of its chemical groups and radical identification, has been pointed out as an effective tool of carbon fibers finishing assessment process. Goniometry and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy are widely used to characterize some materials applied in industry, but not for carbon fibers, mainly because of their filamentary shape and the high concentration of carbon even in their near surface. In this paper, unsized and sized Torayca T300 carbon fibers were characterized by goniometry tests to evaluate hydrophilic or hydrophobic character. Qualitatively, it was noticed the effect of sizing on carbon fibers by their hydrophilic behavior, which has not been observed in unsized samples. Chemical analysis was performed by Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy using different setups: photoacoustic, attenuated total reflectance and universal attenuated total reflectance. The Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy/attenuated total reflectance/Germanium was shown to be the most promising technique to analyze carbon fibers surface, despite the low level of relative intensities of some bands. By this technique, it was possible to observe differences between unsized and sized carbon fibers spectra.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeitos da prática do exercício físico em jejum e a oxidação de substratos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-08-27) Alves, Renan Luiz da Silva [UNIFESP]; Santos, Ronaldo Vagner Thomatieli dos [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Estudos mostram que para que atingir o emagrecimento deve-se aliar: rotina de exercícios combinado com uma alimentação saudável, melhorando a qualidade de vida. A prática de exercícios em jejum se tornou uma prática comum, porém arriscada. O jejum se caracteriza por um longo período de tempo sem a ingestão de alimentos. Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender os efeitos do exercício físico realizado em jejum, e sua relação com a oxidação de substratos. Em diálogo com a literatura, foi possível concluir que os efeitos da prática de exercícios físicos em jejum possui relação com a oxidação de substratos, de forma que outras vias energéticas podem ser utilizadas. Em síntese realizar exercícios físicos em jejum não oferece benefícios quando comparado ao estado alimentado.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosElectrochemical degradation of benzene in natural water using silver nanoparticle-decorated carbon nanotubes(Elsevier B.V., 2013-08-15) Cesarino, Ivana; Cesarino, Vivian; Moraes, Fernando C.; Ferreira, Tanare C. R.; Lanza, Marcos R. V.; Mascaro, Lucia H. [UNIFESP]; Machado, Sergio A. S.; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In this study, a novel methodology for the electrochemical degradation of benzene in natural water using silver nanoparticle-decorated carbon nanotubes has been investigated. the morphology, the structure, and the electrochemical performance of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes-silver (MWCNT-Ag) nano-composite film were characterised by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and cyclic voltammetry (CV), respectively. Electrocatalytic oxidation of benzene in an aqueous solution was studied to evaluate potential applications of the MWCNT-Ag modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode in environmental science. the benzene removal efficiency in natural water containing 10 mg L-1 benzene yielded 77.9% at an applied potential of +2.0 V for 2 h using the MWCNT-Ag-GC electrode. in comparison, the removal efficiency reached only 8.0% with the bare GC electrode, showing the suitability of the MWCNT-Ag nanocomposite modified GC electrode for electro-oxidation of benzene in natural water. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstudo dos parâmetros de nitretação por laser de Co2 no Aço Maraging 18Ni (300) para melhoria da resistência à oxidação(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-02-21) Giacomelli, Joao Paulo [UNIFESP]; Reis, Danieli Aparecida Pereira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloClassified as ultra-high-strength steel, maraging steel presents itself as a good material for applications in several sectors, like the aerospace industry, but its high affinity with oxygen could end up limiting its applications. In order to mitigate the effects of oxidation, especially at high working temperatures, surface treatments are used. The main objective of this study is to validate the laser nitriding process to increase the oxidation resistance of solubilized Maraging 300 steel. In order to verify changes in their properties, specimens were laser-nitrided, with a laser beam burning the entire useful surface of the specimen in an atmosphere fully rich in nitrogen. For the characterization and fractographic analysis of the material techniques of thermogravimetry, optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and hardness were used before and after the nitriding treatment in order to compare the gains in mechanical and thermal property of the material. The first tests had shown that the laser was able to provide enough energy to the material for generate a nitriding surface layer, however the X-ray diffraction analysis identified oxides in the sample with nitrides. For that reason, the nitrogen-rich atmosphere configuration needed be improved in order to down grade the formation of those oxides. With the improvement of the nitriding configuration, the samples with the best results were again nitrided in same laser, with a speed of 10 mm / s and 20 mm / s. When analyzed, they had positive results with a god formation of a nitrided layer, less oxidation rates in addition to a improvement in oxidation resistance when subjected to thermogravimetric analysis, especially for the sample submitted to nitretation in a laser speed of 20 mm / s with 50% overlap between passes, where the mass gain (due to oxidation) was in the order of four times smaller than the control sample.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estudo teórico sobre a conversão de aminas a nitrocompostos mediada por perácidos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-12-15) Gonçalves, Murillo Hortolan [UNIFESP]; Sensato, Fabricio Ronil [UNIFESP]; estudo investigou-se, via métodos químico-computacionais, o mecanismo molecular da oxidação, por perácidos, de aminas primárias aos correspondentes nitrocompostos. Os cálculos foram feitos em nível DFT/M06-2X e os centros atômicos foram descritos com o conjunto de base 6-311G+(2df,2p). Rearranjos eletrônicos e interações orbitais que acompanham a conversão de reagentes a produtos dos principais caminhos reacionais foram escrutinados empregando-se a análise NBO (natural bonding orbital) e o método CDA (charge decomposition analysis). Efeitos de solvente (tolueno, clorofórmio e acetato de etila) foram incorporados dentro da aproximação PCM (polarized continuum model). Métodos quimiométricos foram empregados aos conjuntos de dados obtidos - quando aplicável. Um conjunto de três aminas (metilamina, etilamina e anilina) e quatro perácidos (perfórmico, peracético, perbenzoico e metacloroperbenzoico) foram empregados como modelos, resultando na consideração explícita de 12 pares de reagentes. A descrição físico-química do processo envolveu a consideração explícita de seis processos químicos associados à sequência: amina ® N-óxido de amina ® hidroxilamina ® N-óxido de hidroxilamina ® dihidroxilamina ® nitroso ® nitrocomposto. Destes, 3 processos são oxidativos (OAT, oxygen atom transfer), 2 estão associados ao prototropismo e 1 se refere a uma desidratação. Para cada processo químico, distintos caminhos reacionais plausíveis foram perscrutados. A conversão da amina no correspondente nitrocomposto é fortemente exoérgica. A etapa determinante da velocidade da reação é a conversão do nitroso no correspondente nitrocomposto. Os valores de G‡ para essa etapa estão intervalados entre 35,4 – 39,0 kcal mol-1 dependendo na natureza química dos substituintes da amina e do perácido. A reatividade das aminas aromáticas difere marcadamente das alifáticas nesse tipo de reação. A reatividade química das reações OAT é marcadamente influenciada pela interação de transferência de carga do tipo doador-aceptor na formação do correspondente TS. O principal processo de transferência de carga é aquele que ocorre entre o par de elétrons do nitrogênio (HOMO do composto organonitrogenado) e o nível s*(O─O) (LUMO do perácido). O populacionamento do nível antiligante s*(O─O) desestabiliza a ligação peroxo facilitando, assim, a ruptura da ligação O─O e a subsequente transferência do oxigênio ao substrato. Em geral, G‡ para as reações OAT diminui com o aumento da polaridade do solvente. Um comportamento inverso é encontrado para as etapas associadas ao prototropismo e à desidratação. G‡ em solução se relaciona linearmente com ln(e).
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEvaluation of the resistance to oxidation of niobium treated by high temperature nitrogen Plasma Based Ion Implantation(Elsevier Science Sa, 2017) Oliveira, Rogerio M.; Hoshida, Lilian; Oliveira, Aline C. [UNIFESP]; Silva, Matheus M. N. F.; Pichon, Luc; Santos, Nazir M.Niobium is a technological material used in very distinct applications. Most of them as an alloying element, making part of superconducting radio frequency cavities, nuclear reactor components, missiles, rockets, aviation and space-system engineering. Nevertheless, although refractory, pure niobium presents as the main drawback the poor oxidation resistance in moderate and high temperatures. Different treatment methods have been used to mitigate this issue, as is the case of cementation, conventional nitridation, CVD and PVD processes. The evaluation of the resistance to oxidation of Nb treated by high temperature nitrogen plasma based ion implantation (HTPBII) has been described herein. The implanted nitrogen in this case easily diffuses to inner layers of niobium heated up to 1250 C-o during treatment, reaching depths of about 7 pm, while its atomic concentration of about 25% remains stable for almost the whole treated surface. This allows the formation of thick nitride layers. The produced interstitial nitrides have outstanding properties as the high hardness and strength, like ceramics, and high thermal and electrical conductivities, like metals. In addition, these refractory nitrides also present good chemical resistance and superior resistance against oxidation. The investigation performed herein includes a series of characterization performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The oxidation of the ion-implanted niobium was retarded in comparison with the untreated counterpart in about 130 C-o. Isothermal analysis revealed reduced oxidation rate when treatment time was extended from 4 h to 8 h. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)LDL: da síndrome metabólica à instabilização da placa aterosclerótica(Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 2006-04-01) Siqueira, Antonela F.a. [UNIFESP]; Abdalla, Dulcineia Saes Parra; Ferreira, Sandra Roberta Gouvea [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)The dyslipidemia of the metabolic syndrome (MS) confers an elevated cardiovascular risk and is characterized by increased concentrations of triglycerides, decreased HDL-cholesterol and qualitative alterations in LDL which renders it more atherogenic, like the small dense LDL. Modified forms of LDL (mLDL) have been detected in vivo in the plasma and atherosclerotic plaques. A minor fraction of the total LDL has an electronegative charge and is represented by a heterogenic subpopulation of particles [LDL(-)], with higher potential to induce endothelial injury. It could be derived from oxidation, glication or other processes that alter its chemical composition and is increased in diabetic, hypercholesterolemic subjects, and in those with established coronary artery disease. mLDL are internalized by macrophages through scavenger receptors, originating foam cells and inducing an immune-inflammatory reaction. In the atherosclerotic process, the action of mLDL continues until plaque rupture and thrombogenesis, when it promotes apoptosis in endothelial and smooth muscle cells, and activates matrix metalloproteinases, weaken the fibrous cap, and further enhance the inflammatory process that ends in the thrombus formation. Development of new laboratory methods is necessary to enhance the clinical applicability of mLDL and the predictive power of the conventional lipid profile and other cardiovascular risk factors of the MS.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosStudy of high temperature mechanical behavior of the thermally oxidized Ti-6Al-4V alloy(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014-04-01) Severino, B. P.; Couto, A. A.; Reis, D. A. P. [UNIFESP]; Aguiar, C. L.; Castagnet, M.; Moura Neto, C.; IPEN CNEN SP; Univ Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The influence of oxidation of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy at 800 degrees C on its tensile properties at 600 degrees C has been studied. Specimens of this alloy were oxidized at 800 degrees C for 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20 and 40 h. Tensile tests at 600 degrees C were carried out and the fracture surfaces were also examined. Oxidation of the specimens resulted in the formation of an oxide layer that spalled and another oxide layer that adhered to the substrate. Oxide formation increased with increase in duration of oxidation. in this investigation, density curves of the oxide layer as a function of duration of oxidation at 800 degrees C were used to identify a parabolic oxide growth law. the results of this study revealed coherence between the experimental data and calculations based on the Pilling-Bedworth law. the mechanical strength of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy did not vary significantly with oxidation, but reduction in cross sectional area with increase in oxide layer thickness, as well as the slope of the stress-strain curve decreased beyond the ultimate tensile strength. Fracture of the tensile tested specimens was predominantly ductile with microcavities. At certain regions of the oxide layer, brittle fracture with radial cracks was observed indicating intergranular fracture.Der Einfluss der Oxidation auf das Zugverhalten der Ti-6Al-4V Legierung bei 600 degrees C wurde untersucht. Proben dieser Legierung wurden bei 800 degrees C fur 0,5, 1, 5, 10, 20 und 40 h oxidiert. Zugversuche wurden bei 600 degrees C durchgefuhrt und auch die Bruchflachen wurden untersucht. Die Oxidation der Proben fuhrte zu einer Oxidschicht, die abblatterte, und zu einer Oxidschicht, die auf der Probe haftete. Die Oxidbildung nahm mit der Oxidationsdauer zu. Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchungen wurde Dichtekurven der Oxidschicht als Funktion der Oxidationsdauer bei 800 degrees C verwendet, um ein parabolisches Wachstumsgestz zu identifizieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zeigten eine ubereinstimmung zwischen den experimentellen Daten und den Berechnungen, die auf dem Pilling-Bedworth Gesetz basierten. Die mechanische Festigkeit der Ti-6Al-4V Legierung anderte sich nicht merklich durch die Oxidation, jedoch reduzierte sich die Querschnittsflache mit zunehmender Dicke der Oxidationsschicht und die Steigung der Spannungs-Dehnungs-Kurve reduzierte sich nach der Maximalspannung. Das Versagen der Zugproben war weitgehend duktil, wobei Mikroporen auftraten. in gewissen Regionen der Oxidschicht wurde Sprodbruch mit radialen Rissen beobachtet und dieses Verhalten lasst auf intergranulares Versagen schlie ss en.
- ItemRestritoUso de bactérias para recuperação avançada de petróleo (meor)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2020-07-10) Borges, Leonardo Sorence [UNIFESP]; Perpetuo, Elen Aquino [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A exploração mundial de petróleo ocorre de forma intensa no mundo todo, mas as tecnologias atuais conseguem extrair apenas 1/3 do óleo presente nos reservatórios, utilizando as técnicas convencionais. Estima-se que, aproximadamente 300 bilhões de barris de petróleo tenham ficado no subsolo dos Estados Unidos, mesmo após o uso de técnicas avançadas de exploração petrolífera como injeção de água ou gás. Assim, conseguir extrair ainda que uma fração dessas reservas, pode representar um grande aproveitamento econômico, por se tratar de grandes volumes de óleo. No entanto, o papel dos micro-organismos que interagem diretamente com hidrocarbonetos, podendo aumentar o nível de extração, é em sua maioria ignorado ou subestimado em projetos de exploração. Potenciais técnicas de recuperação avançada utilizando MEOR (Microbial Enhancend Oil Recovery) são geralmente suprimidas e escassas, por apresentarem resultados inconclusivos, os quais, geram incertezas de sua confiabilidade e eficiência, pois na pior das hipóteses, coloca-se em risco o reservatório petrolífero. Esse risco, deve-se ao fato da falta de entendimento de como controlar as bactérias que podem ser inseridas no reservatório. O entendimento da atividade microbiana representa um desafio para ciência moderna, pois entender o mundo e as interações entre micro-organismos apresenta diversas dificuldades e traduz-se em entender as condições físico-químicas e nutricionais solicitadas pela cultura no seu desenvolvimento, além de mecanismos genéticos e biomoleculares de sintrofia. Todos esses fatores exibem a complexidade da compreensão das interações microbiana em um meio e a complexidade em dominar as reações bioquímicas adequadas a jazida. Porém, a influência de bactérias nos mais diversos meios terrestres, aquáticos ou em reservatórios no subsolo sempre ocorre, mesmo que ignorada ou incompreendida, mesmo em exploração de reservas naturais de petróleo. Deste modo, fica claro a importância do entendimento das condições de crescimento bacterianas e suas interações, como núcleo fundamental do desenvolvimento da técnica de recuperação avançada. Também a simulação dos efeitos da colonização bacteriana em experimentos de reatores com plugs ou cores de rochas, podem dar uma ideia dos efeitos que podem ocorrer. Para isso, técnicas de cultivo e caracterização de cepas bacterianas benéficas ao processo de exploração petrolífera são essenciais, para que se possam utilizar meios biológicos a fim de recuperar hidrocarbonetos dos reservatórios.