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- ItemSomente MetadadadosO afastamento do trabalho de sujeitos acometidos por doenças da coluna lombar: necessidades e desafios(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-03-11) Montrezor, Janaina Bussola [UNIFESP]; Alencar, Maria do Carmo Baracho de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To investigate the process of illness and departure from the affected subjects working for diseases of the lumbar spine, relations with the organization of work; needs and challenges. Materials and Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and retrospective study with quantitative and qualitative data. Step (1) : documentary analysis of medical records (2010-2011) of subjects treated CEREST, being selected the medical records of subjects with a clinical diagnosis for ?Other dorsopathies? (M50 to M54), according to CID-10, of both genders, of different professional categories and that were experiencing or who have experience the absence from work process by these diseases. Step (2): script elaboration with semi-structured questions and interviews lasting about 60 minutes, recorded and transcribed for content analysis categories. Results: Analyzed the medical records (n=431), 15.77% (n=68) had a diagnosis of ?other dorsopathies?, and 52.9% (n=36) were male and 47.1% (n=32) female, being the most affected age group 41-50 years. 57.4% (n=39) were in absence from work situation, and 13.2% (n=9) also showed clinical diagnosis for mental disorders. Participated ten subjects, six females and four males, aged between 35 and 58 years, with diverse professions and all affected in the lower back. It was identified in interviews that some aspects of the conditions and organization of work that influenced in back pain, such as repeatability, efforts and physical burdens, fast-paced, undersized team; even the presence of pain at work; self-medication; fear of unemployment; functional difficulties in activities of daily living, work and leisure, generating feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness. Needs and challenges were questioned based on public policy discussions. Considerations: There are deficiencies in public policies that consider the real needs of workers and have interconnected actions, with the need to take into account the subjectivity of the worker, and interventions that go beyond traditional physical rehabilitation; it will also be necessary psychosocial rehabilitation and interdisciplinary interventions.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Assédio moral entre docentes de instituição pública de ensino superior do Brasil(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-01-01) Caran, Vânia Cláudia Spoti; Secco, Iara Aparecida de Oliveira; Barbosa, Dulce Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Robazzi, Maria Lúcia do Carmo Cruz; Iindústria Sucro Alcooleira no Estado de São Paulo; Universidade Estadual de Londrina Hospital Universitário; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)OBJECTIVE: To identify the existence of moral harassment (SA) among professors in a public university in Brazil. METHODS: This was a quantitative, descriptive and sectional research; the sample consisted of 54 professors (62.8%) who answered questions about moral harassment at work. RESULTS: Most were women (92.6%), between 40 and 59 years (72.2%), working at the institution less than 15 years (61.1), 40.7% admitted being victims of SA at work, 59.3% knew the fellow who had suffered SA and 70.4% stated that it is a common problem in the institution. The cases described participation of: chiefs, superiors, peers, teachers and advisers. CONCLUSION: Universities are places where there is competition for positions and for research/publication resources, which facilitates the occurrence of this phenomenon. The individualities must be overcome with ethical values such as equity and solidarity to avoid the happening of moral harassment.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do algoritmo da distribuição da carga de trabalho para técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem em unidades de clínica médica e cirúrgica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-02-22) Nishio, Elizabeth Akemi [UNIFESP]; Wainer, Jacques [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Aims: To identify the nursing hours spent by technicians and nursing assistants in the Units of Clínical Medicine (CM) and Units of Clínical Surgery (CC) for the comple-tion of nursing care in different shifts, morning, noon and night. Method: This is an original study prospective, analytical approach to quantitative standard time and mo-tion. Four nurses from the General Hospital Pirajussara (HGP) observed and meas-ured the time spent by technicians and nursing assistants for care provided to pa-tients hospitalized in units CM and CC. At the beginning of each work period (morn-ing, afternoon and evening) for seven days a week, nurse’s observers randomly chose eight nursing technicians (TE) and nursing assistants (AE) (four for each). In parallel, we carried out the distribution of patients for each employee using the rec-ommendation of the Nursing Care Model of Experimental HGP (MAEE-HGP). Cate-gorical variables were described through absolute and relative frequencies and quan-titative variables were presented as means and standard deviations.Results: We identified the hours spent by TE/AE by type of patient within 24 hours: 3.5 hours (± 1.0) for minimal care, 3.9 hours (± 0.9) for intermediate care, 5.1 hour (± 1.4) for high dependency care, 6.7 hours (± 1.0) for semi-intensive care and 3.1 hours (±1.0) for joint care. As the distribution of patients by type recommended by the MAEE-HGP, the hours spent between TE/AE, for six hours were minimal care 4.9 hours (± 0.7), intermediate care 5.2 hours (± 0.5), high dependency care 4.9 hours (± 0.5), semi-intensive care 5.1 hours (± 0.6) and mixed care 4.3 hours (±0.3). Conclusion: The study results showed that the distribution of workload by TE/AE, by using the algo-rithm MAEE-HGP, resulting in a balanced distribution of hours. These may be ob-tained actual hours used as the basis for development of computerized decision-making for homogeneous distribution of hours for the AE/TE in units medical and surgical.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Burnout em residentes de enfermagem(Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem, 2011-03-01) Franco, Gianfábio Pimentel [UNIFESP]; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de [UNIFESP]; Nogueira-Martins, Luiz Antonio [UNIFESP]; Zeitoun, Sandra Salloum [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Centro de Educação Superior Norte do Rio Grande do Sul Departamento de Enfermagem; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Nursing residents may experience physical and emotional exhaustion from the daily life of attending the Program. The aim of this study was to determine the Burnout incidence among Nursing Residents. An investigative, descriptive, analytical, longitudinal-prospective study was conducted with 16 Residents over two years. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was used, translated and validated for Brazil, as well as a sociodemographic/occupational data tool. Of all residents, 17.2% showed high rates in Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization; 18.8% showed impaired commitment in Personal Accomplishment, 75% of which belonged to specialty areas, such as Emergency Nursing, Adult and Pediatric Intensive Care. Age and specialty area were positively correlated with Personal Accomplishment. One of the Residents was identified with changes in three subscales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, thus characterized as a Burnout Syndrome patient. Nursing Residents have profiles of disease. Knowing these factors can minimize health risks of these workers.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Capacidade para o trabalho e produtividade de pessoas com úlcera venosa(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-06-01) Faria, Elaine Cristina [UNIFESP]; Veiga, Daniela Francescato [UNIFESP]; Rocha, Maria José Azevedo de Brito [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: Work ability is influenced by multiple factors, such as the presence of morbidities as venous ulcers, which may lead to its decline. Objective: To assess work ability and productivity in individuals with venous ulcers. Methods: This multicenter study was conducted with 300 participants of both genders, with a mean age of 46.3 years, who were divided into three groups: the control group, venous insufficiency (VI) group, and venous ulcer (VU) group. Sociodemographic characteristics of patients were recorded and the Brazilian-Portuguese versions of the Work Ability Index (WAI), Work Productivity and Activity Impairment - General Health (WPAI-GH) questionnaire, and Work Limitations Questionnaire (WLQ) were applied to all subjects. Results: The mean WAI value was significantly lower in the VU group than in the VI group (p<0.001). Mean WAI values in the VU and VI groups were respectively 20.6 and 8.2 points lower compared to the control group. Patients in the VU group reported higher WLQ index and scores on all domains than those in the VI group (p<0.001); 0.28 points higher on absenteeism than controls; and higher presenteeism (p<0.001), higher absenteeism+presenteism (p=0.004) and greater impairment (p=0.004) when compared with patients in the VI group. Conclusion: Venous ulcer reduced the work ability and productivity of patients, leading to increased presenteeism and absenteeism.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Clinical and demographic profile of users of a mental health system for medical residents and other health professionals undergoing training at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2004-01-01) Fagnani Neto, Rafael [UNIFESP]; Obara, Cristina Sueko [UNIFESP]; Macedo, Paula Costa Mosca [UNIFESP]; Citero, Vanessa de Albuquerque [UNIFESP]; Nogueira-Martins, Luiz Antonio [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)CONTEXT: A postgraduate and resident trainee mental health assistance center was created in September 1996 within our university. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical and demographic profile of its users. TYPE OF STUDY: Retrospective. SETTING: Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFESP-EPM). METHODS: The study was carried between September 1996 and November 2002, when 233 semi-structured registration forms were filled out either by the psychologist or the psychiatrist during their first contact with the trainees, who were medical and nursing residents, and postgraduate students at specialization, master or doctoral levels. The registration forms included demographic, occupational and clinical data. RESULTS: The trainees were predominantly young (mean of 27 years old), single (82.0% of cases), women (79.4%), seeking help especially during the first year of training (63.1%). In 70.8% of the cases, they came to the service spontaneously. Such individuals showed greater adherence to the treatment than those who were referred by supervisors (p < 0.05). In 30% of the cases, the trainee sought psychological guidance or support at the service due to specific situational conflicts. Depression and anxiety disorders were the most frequent diagnoses; 22.3% of the trainees followed up mentioned a tendency towards suicidal thoughts. In comparison with other trainees, there was a higher prevalence of males among the medical residents (p < 0.01), with more cases of sleep disorders (p < 0.05), a smaller number of individuals refraining from the use of alcohol (p < 0.05) and a higher number of trainees requiring leave of absence (p < 0.001). DISCUSSION: The first year of training in health sciences is the most stressful, especially for women. Depression and anxiety symptoms are common, reflecting transitory self-limited deadaptation. However, the severity of the cases can also be evaluated in view of the large number of trainees who mentioned suicidal tendencies. CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasizes the need and importance of providing formal, structured and confidential mental health services for medical residents and postgraduate students from other health professions, in the training programs of academic institutions.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Comportamento vocal de teleoperadores pré e pós-jornada de trabalho(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2011-01-01) Amorim, Geová Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Bommarito, Silvana [UNIFESP]; Kanashiro, Célia Akemi; Chiari, Brasilia Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To evaluate the vocal behavior of receptive telemarketing operators in pre- and post-work shift moments, and to relate the results to the variable gender. METHODS: Participants were 55 telemarketing operators (11 men and 44 women) working in a receptive mode in the city of Maceió (Alagoas, Brazil). A questionnaire was applied before the work shift to initially identify the vocal complaints. After that, vocal samples were recorded, comprising sustained emissions and connected speech produced 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the workday to be later evaluated. Auditory-perceptual and acoustic analyses of voice were conducted. RESULTS: Vocal complaints and symptoms reported by the operators after the work shift were: dry throat (64%); neck and cervix pain (33%); hoarseness (31%); voice failure (26%); and vocal fatigue (22%).Telemarketing operators presented reduced maximum phonation time before and after the day of work (p=0.645). Data from the auditory-perceptual assessment of voice were similar in pre- and post-shift moments (p=0.645). No difference was found between moments also on acoustic analysis data (p=0.738). CONCLUSION: Telemarketing operators have high indexes of vocal symptoms after the work shift, and there are no differences between pre- and post-work shift in auditory-perceptual and acoustic assessments of voice.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Cronotipo e danos relacionados ao trabalho em trabalhadores de enfermagem(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-05-30) Silva, Rosangela Marion da [UNIFESP]; Zeitoune, Regina Celia Gollner [UNIFESP]; Beck, Carmem Lúcia Colomé;;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Analisar a associação entre cronotipo, turno de trabalho e os Danos Físicos, Sociais e Psicológicos relacionados ao trabalho em trabalhadores de enfermagem de Clínica Cirúrgica dos Hospitais Universitários do Rio Grande do Sul. Material e Métodos: Estudo com delineamento transversal e abordagem quantitativa realizado em quatro hospitais universitários localizados na Região Sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu nos anos de 2012 e 2013, sendo a seleção da amostra aleatória, por categoria profissional. Participaram 270 trabalhadores de enfermagem. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizados um questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica e laboral; a versão brasileira do Questionário de Matutinidade/Vespertinidade de Horne, Östberg; e a Escala de Avaliação dos Danos Relacionados ao Trabalho. Os dados foram analisados com auxílio do software Predictive Analytics Software versão 15.0 for Windows. Resultados: Com relação ao cronotipo, identificou-se 45,2% do tipo indiferente entre as categorias profissionais. Foi identificada associação entre cronotipo e as variáveis filho(s) (p=0,025), uso de medicação (p=0,018), turno de trabalho (p=0,001) e afastado do trabalho por motivo de doença (p=0,021). Sobre a avaliação dos danos relacionados ao trabalho, constatou-se que, ao categorizar os fatores Danos Físicos, Sociais e Psicológicos em adoecimento e não adoecimento, não foi observada associação entre as categorias profissionais (p>0,05). Ao associar o cronotipo ao adoecimento e não adoecimento para Danos Físicos, Sociais e Psicológicos, não foi encontrada associação significativa (p>0,05). Ao associar adoecimento e não adoecimento por tipo de dano, categoria profissional e a concordância e discordância entre turno de trabalho e cronotipo, não foi encontrada associação significativa (p>0,05). Conclusões: A hipótese testada para este estudo não foi confirmada, uma vez que não houve diferença estatística entre a discordância do turno de trabalho e cronotipo. Na organização dos serviços da saúde, em especial na enfermagem, há necessidade de considerar os aspectos próprios do processo de trabalho e pessoais do trabalhador que possam influenciar na saúde dessas pessoas que atuam em turnos, com vistas a promover a qualidade de vida e a saúde do trabalhador, os quais podem se refletir na assistência em saúde.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Distúrbios da voz em docentes: revisão crítica da literatura sobre a prática da vigilância em saúde do trabalhador(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2012-01-01) Santana, Maria da Conceição Carneiro Pessoa de; Goulart, Bárbara Niegia Garcia de; Chiari, Brasilia Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família; Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas Departamento de Psicologia Social e Institucional; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To analyze scientific bibliographic production on the practice of occupational health surveillance related to voice disorders in teachers. Search STRATEGY: The Cochrane Handbook precepts which involves the formulation of the question to be investigated, the location, the studies selection and articles' critical evaluation were followed. SELECTION CRITERIA: The articles published between 2000 and 2011 were selected in the PubMed, LILACS, MEDLINE database, and the Cochrane Library using the descriptors voice disorders; teachers, occupational health, workers' health surveillance. DATA ANALYSIS: Texts were analyzed, using a standardized form when the following data were collected: objectives, research design, characteristics of the study group, obtained results and discussion on the practice of surveillance related to voice disorder. RESULTS: Initially, 141 studies were identified. After reviewing the titles and abstracts, considering inclusion and exclusion criteria, verifying consistency with the topic researched and eliminating the ones which were concurrently in more than one database, 32 articles were effectively analyzed for relating in the findings and/or conclusions to the practice of surveillance related to voice disorders in teachers. CONCLUSION: The practice of monitoring workers' health was evidenced in this research mainly as the identification of risk factors associated with voice disorders in teachers, aimed at the transformation of the working conditions and the assurance of quality of assistance to these workers as professionals.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEducação e saúde no cotidiano do trabalho portuário de Santos/SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-09-12) Silva, Jenefer de Alencar [UNIFESP]; Medeiros, Maria Angélica Tavares de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The National Health Policy of the Worker, of 2012, to be consolidated within the public health care system must achieve all production sites, including the ports. The Port of Santos since its inauguration has an important role in the economic development of the region and the country; daily legions of workers with heterogeneous characteristics employ its workforce in the continuity of port activities. Among the actors involved in this scenario are the professional worker health, which through the educational process has a role to seek to respond to the demands of the health of sets of port workers, as historical beings with rights, among them the dignity of life and work. This study aims to identify the actions of health education developed by professional health worker in the coverage and what are the emplacements that have guided their praxes. In order to achieve the proposed objectives carried out a qualitative study in which data collect was done through focus groups and data analysis through the content analysis method. Identified that the pedagogical practices of health professionals port worker is conducted by concepts, objectives and methodology that reduces port workers to its biological dimension and ignore its historical role not favoring production of more healthcare changes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeitos de um programa de ginástica laboral: pesquisa clínica controlada e randomizada(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-10-27) Rezende, Diulian Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Lombardi Júnior, Imperio [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The world of work in the globalization process has undergone drastic changes over time, which is where the human being spends a great d eal of his life is of great importance, to give importance to health of employees in this context. The wear psychophysiological have generated several injuries, including high levels of symptoms of stress and anxiety. Companies are adopting physical activity programs in the workplace, titrated by gymnastics (GL) as a way to promote health and quality of working life. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of a GL program on rates of stress and anxiety in employees of a dairy. The survey was c onducted with 132 individuals who had functions in a Dairy production area, located in Minas Gerais. The study consisted of two groups: control group (CG) and the Experimental Group (EG), the GL program was 10 weeks long, with classes three times a week, lasting 7-15 minutes. Both groups answered the Beck Anxiety Inventory, Inventory Lipp Stress Symptoms and Stress Scale at Work - Job Stress Scale, before and after the intervention.To assess the association between categorical variables of interest was used Fisher 's exact test , which allows us to affirm that there is an association between the variable level of anxiety and the variable group with p = 0.002 and between the variable level of stress and the variable group with p = 0.009 in both post intervent ion assessment. It is concluded from this study that the workplace exercise program was effective in reducing stress and anxiety levels.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Effectiveness of exercise at workplace in physical fitness: uncontrolled randomized study(Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein, 2014-03-01) Grande, Antônio José; Silva, Valter; Parra, Sérgio Alencar; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Estadual de LondrinaObjective: To investigate the effectiveness of workplace exercise for employee health by means of health-related physical activity components. Method: A randomized uncontrolled study with 20 workers was carried out during three months to evaluate a workplace exercise program. The selected outcomes were flexibility, body mass, fat percentage, lean mass, blood pressure, and heart rate. For statistical analysis, the paired t test and the intent-to-treat analysis were used. Result: There was a significant increase in weight, fat percentage, blood pressure, and heart rate. However the clinical significance was 10% in the size of the effect. Conclusion: The changes verified in the outcomes analyzed were not significant; the variables are within normality ranges proposed by academic organizations
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O ensino durante a pandemia de COVID-19 e a saúde de docentes: possibilidades de intervenções da Terapia Ocupacional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-07-07) Palácios, Miguel Áureus Souza [UNIFESP]; Alencar, Maria do Carmo Baracho de [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: O isolamento social foi visto como uma medida necessária para o combate à COVID-19; nesse sentido, somente os serviços essenciais continuaram a funcionar. No Brasil, houve a implementação da substituição das atividades escolares presenciais pelo ensino remoto, de modo a evitar a interrupção do ano letivo das escolas e universidades. Entretanto, o isolamento social e as restrições de circulação geraram carência nas atividades de lazer e socialização, potencializando os efeitos negativos na saúde mental, emocional e de bem-estar físico dos docentes. O terapeuta ocupacional desempenha um papel fundamental ao criar condições favoráveis e adequadas de trabalho para o trabalhador, visando à promoção da saúde do profissional. Isso inclui, entre outros aspectos, oferecer suporte para enfrentar os desafios decorrentes do trabalho remoto e das mudanças na rotina causadas pela pandemia. Objetivos: Investigar as publicações científicas referentes às condições de trabalho no ensino remoto durante a pandemia de COVID-19 e analisar as possíveis contribuições de Terapia Ocupacional nesse contexto. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa de artigos em língua portuguesa sobre as condições de trabalho de docentes durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19 e as possíveis contribuições da Terapia Ocupacional. Resultados e Conclusão: O isolamento social decorrente da COVID-19, associado ao ensino remoto, corroborou e resultou em prejuízo no bem-estar dos docentes. Nos estudos apresentados, ficou evidente a necessidade de acolhimento desses profissionais, que diante das demandas dos alunos, das instituições, de suas famílias e do ensino remoto, demonstraram que a saúde destes ficou em segundo plano. De modo geral, a terapia ocupacional pode atuar em repensar a disposição dos postos de trabalho, as condições de trabalho e a criação de espaços coletivos para o acolhimento e escuta desses profissionais. A partir dos relatos apresentados, é possível criar estratégias de intervenção que contribuam para amenizar os efeitos de uma pandemia.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estudo preliminar sobre a qualidade de vida de médicos e enfermeiros intensivistas pediátricos e neonatais(Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem, 2010-09-01) Fogaça, Monalisa de Cássia [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Werther Brunow de [UNIFESP]; Nogueira-Martins, Luiz Antonio [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Hospital Santa Catarina; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Compare the Quality of Life (QL) of doctors and nurses who work in Pediatric (PED) and Neonatal (NEO) Intensive Care Units, and to evaluate whether there are differences between the QL in the same job category, but differing according to the work unit. This descriptive study was performed with 37 physicians and 20 nurses. The WHOQOL100 was used. Physicians from the PED differ statistically in the field VI (p=0.003) compared with physicians from the NEO. Physicians and nurses from the PED showed a statistically significant difference in field V (p<0.01), while physicians and nurses from the NEO showed a statistically significant difference in field VI (p=0.05). The QL assessment of physicians and nurses working in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units was below the scores found in scientific literature, compared to studies that evaluated patients with chronic pain and mental health disorders, indicating the occurrence of occupational stress.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estudo randomizado e controlado dos efeitos da prática de meditação na redução do estresse em professores(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2021) Nunes, Marcela Riccomi [UNIFESP]; Mello, Luiz Eugenio Araujo de Moraes [UNIFESP]; Kozasa, Elisa Harumi;;; Universidade Federal de São PauloObjetivos: O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de desenvolver e aplicar um programa de meditação para professores da rede pública e avaliar os seus efeitos na redução do estresse nesses profissionais. Métodos: Foi conduzido um estudo clínico controlado e randomizado, com voluntários de um grupo experimental, que foi submetido a um programa de meditação de oito semanas, e um grupo controle, que realizou atividades atencionais durante o mesmo período de tempo. Foram coletados cortisol salivar, sinais cerebrais e dados psicológicos, por meio dos seguintes questionários: Inventário de Sintomas de Estresse de Lipp; Escala de Estresse Percebido; Escala de Estresse no Trabalho; Escala de Atenção e Consciência Plena; Instrumento de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida, Inventário de Depressão de Beck, Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck. A análise por intention-to-treat dos efeitos da intervenção foi realizada por meio das Equações de Estimações Generalizadas (GEE). Resultados: Houve aumento nos escores de atenção e consciência plena e redução significativa nos sintomas de estresse, corroborado pela diminuição de cortisol salivar e diferenças na assimetria frontal do ritmo alfa no grupo experimental, após a intervenção. Conclusões: A análise dos dados psicológicos e fisiológicos mostrou que um programa de meditação de oito semanas pode ser usado como ferramenta de gerenciamento de estresse em professores. Sugere-se a realização futura de estudos clínicos controlados e randomizados, com tamanhos maiores de amostras, que englobem práticas de meditação em longo prazo para a observação mais detalhada dos efeitos que não puderam ser analisados nesta pesquisa.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Excreção urinária de fenol em trabalhadores de indústrias de calçados expostos ao benzeno(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 1976-12-01) Fernícola, Nilda Gallego Gándara De; Wakamatsu, Celina Tamie [UNIFESP]; Mendes, René [UNIFESP]; Moraes, Ester De Camargo Fonseca; Companhia Estadual de Tecnologia de Saneamento Básico e de Defesa do Meio Ambiente Superintendência de Avaliação do Ruído e Qualidade do Ar; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)The authors analised the urinary excretion of phenol of a group of 79 shoemakers from Franca (State of S. Paulo - Brazil) and of 65 persons who make shoes at home for shoe factories in the city of São Paulo, in order to evaluate their occupational exposure to benzene present in the adhesives they use. The average values of 6.5 mg/g and 4.2 mg/g creat, respectively, lead the authors to conclude that the two populations have different degress of exposure. The first population (workers from Franca) ought to be placed, at least in the prepathogenic period of chronic occupational poisoning.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Factors associated with voice disorders among teachers: a case-control study(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2013-12-01) Giannini, Susana Pimentel Pinto; Latorre, Maria Do Rosário Dias De Oliveira; Ferreira, Léslie Piccolotto; Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Purpose: We aimed at verifying an association between voice disorders/stress and loss of work ability among female teachers who work in São Paulo's public school system. Methods: This is a paired case– control study. The case group was composed offiteachers with alterations in speech and larynges assessments, and the control group was formed by teachers without alterations in these evaluations who work in the same schools. Both groups answered the following questionnaires: Conditions of Vocal Production—Teachers, Job Stress Scale, and Work Ability Index. The analysis was performed using the chi-square association test and logistic regression models with the purpose of estimating the association between independent variables and voice disorders. Results: We found differences between the groups in relation to stress in the workplace under high demand, a situation that poses greater risks of adverse reactions to the workers' physical and mental health. Regarding the ability to work, the categories poor and moderate ability for work are associated with voice disorders, regardless of job stress factors, age, and the unsatisfactory acoustic properties of the classrooms. Conclusion: This study confirmed the association between voice disorders and job stress, as well as between voice disorders and loss of work ability.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosHistória de vida em voz: narrativas sobre a arte de ensinar a encenar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017) Mendes, Adaíse Malvezzi [UNIFESP]; Imbrizi, Jaquelina Maria [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Voice is an essential means of communication for social interaction and a vital tool for some professional categories, among them, the classes of actors and teachers. The professional that works in the performing arts needs to deepen in the history of his character and build it, making his own body and his own voice recipients of a new person, to which he will give life on stage. The drama teacher, in turn, must pass on his artistic knowledge to his apprentices using his vocal abilities, in order to teach them how to act. In view of this, this research aims to analyze the teaching activity and the vocal aspects of the “teachers-actors”, who give theater classes, in three different working environments: non-governmental organization (NGO), private school and public school. The objective of this research is to understand the vocal use and working conditions, correlating them, as well to analyze the participants’ perceptions of a speech therapist's performance in the theater and in the performing arts classes. This work is justified by the very small number of studies carried out so far with this public, especially with those who consider the singularity of being on stage and the experience of teaching to act, interconnecting them with the use of their voice. Therefore, it is a qualitative study whose instruments for the production of data comprise the field diaries and the written production of narratives of life histories of the “teachers-actors”. It was possible to consider that the vocal use differs in the scenic performance, when compared to the exercise of teaching in performing arts. Working environments have similar conditions, both with regard to the physical aspects as the organizational. Concerning the speech therapist’s performance in the theater, only one participant considered that this professional works together with the actor in the construction of his character, going beyond technical aspects and vocal health.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Iluminação no ambiente de trabalho para melhora do humor e alerta em trabalhadores diurnos: revisão sistemática(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-01-31) Pachito, Daniela Vianna [UNIFESP]; Riera, Rachel [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: Exposure to light plays a crucial role in biological processes, influencing mood and alertness. Daytime workers may be exposed to insufficient or inappropriate light during daytime, leading to mood disturbances and decreases in levels of alertness. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness and safety of lighting interventions to improve alertness and mood in daytime workers. Methods: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, Embase, seven other databases; and the World Health Organization trials portal up to January 2018. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and non-randomized controlled before-after trials (CBAs) that employed a crossover or parallel-group design, focusing on any type of lighting interventions applied for daytime workers. Two review authors independently screened references in two stages, extracted outcome data and assessed risk of bias. We used standardized mean differences (SMDs) and 95%confidence intervals (CI) to pool data from different questionnaires and scales assessing the same outcome across different studies. We combined clinically homogeneous studies in a meta-analysis. We used the GRADE system to rate quality of evidence. Results: The search yielded 2844 references. After screening titles and abstracts, we considered 34 full text articles for inclusion. We scrutinized reports against the eligibility criteria, resulting in the inclusion of five studies (three RCTs and two CBAs) with 282 participants altogether. These studies evaluated four types of comparisons: cool-white light, technically known as high correlated color temperature (CCT) light versus standard illumination; different proportions of indirect and direct light; individually applied blue-enriched light versus no treatment; and individually applied morning bright light versus afternoon bright light for subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder. We found no studies comparing one level of illuminance versus another. We found two CBA studies (163 participants) comparing high CCT light with standard illumination. By pooling their results via meta-analysis, we found that high CCT light may improve alertness (SMD −0.69, 95% CI −1.28 to −0.10; Columbia Jet Lag Scale and the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale) when compared to standard illumination. In one of the two CBA studies with 94 participants there was no difference in positive mood (mean difference (MD) 2.08, 95% CI −0.1 to 4.26) or negative mood (MD −0.45, 95% CI −1.84 to 0.94) assessed using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scale. High CCT light may have fewer adverse events than standard lighting (one CBA; 94 participants). Both studies were sponsored by the industry. We graded the quality of evidence as very low. We found one RCT (64 participants) comparing the effects of different proportions of direct and indirect light: 100% direct lighting, 70% direct lighting plus 30% indirect lighting, 30% direct lighting plus 70% indirect lighting and 100% indirect lighting. There was no substantial difference in mood, as assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory, or in adverse events, such as ocular, reading or concentration problems, in the short or medium term. We graded the quality of evidence as low. We found two RCTs comparing individually administered light versus no treatment. According to one RCT with 25 participants, blue-enriched light individually applied for 30 minutes a day may enhance alertness (MD −3.30, 95% CI −6.28 to −0.32; Epworth Sleepiness Scale) and may improve mood (MD −4.8, 95% CI −9.46 to −0.14; Beck Depression Inventory). We graded the quality of evidence as very low. One RCT with 30 participants compared individually applied morning bright light versus afternoon bright light for subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder. There was no substantial difference in alertness levels (MD 7.00, 95% CI −10.18 to 24.18), seasonal affective disorder symptoms (RR 1.60, 95% CI 0.81, 3.20; number of participants presenting with a decrease of at least 50% in SIGH-SAD scores) or frequency of adverse events (RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.26 to 1.07). Among all participants, 57% had a reduction of at least 50% in their SIGH-SAD score. We graded the quality of evidence as low. Publication bias could not be assessed for any of these comparisons. Conclusions: There is very low-quality evidence based on two CBA studies that high CCT light may improve alertness, but not mood, in daytime workers. There is very low-quality evidence based on one CBA study that high CCT light may also cause less irritability, eye discomfort and headache than standard illumination. There is low-quality evidence based on one RCT that different proportions of direct and indirect light in the workplace do not affect alertness or mood. There is very low-quality evidence based on one RCT that individually applied blue-enriched light improves both alertness and mood. There is low-quality evidence based on one RCT that individually administered bright light during the afternoon is as effective as morning exposure for improving alertness and mood in subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Importância das pequenas empresas industriais no problema de acidentes do trabalho em São Paulo(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 1976-12-01) Mendes, René [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); da Companhia Estadual de Tecnologia de Saneamento Básico e de Defesa do Meio Ambiente Superintendência de Avaliação do Ruído e Qualidade do ArAfter a discussion on the legal means recently adopted in Brazil aiming at the control of occupational accidents, the distribution of the latter according to the size of the organizations was studied. 6,310 serious occupational injuries which took place in the City of São Paulo between 1969 and 1974 were studied and distributed in small (up to 100 employees), medium (from 100 to 499J and large (500 and more) industries. The small group is further subdivided into five strata: 1 to 4, 5 to 9, 10 to 19, 20 to 49 and 50 to 99 employees. The ratio of the number of accidents over the number of employees in each stratum shows that the risk in small industries, as compared to others, is 3.77 times higher, than that which is observed in large industries and 1.96 times the risk in the medium ones. The latter show a risk 1.92 higher than the former. Detailed comments on these results are followed by a policy recommendation for the prevention of occupational accidents in small industries, through the establishment of an Inter-Undertaking Health Service (administered by non-profit organizations) and the incorporation of technical aspects of occupational hygiene and safety in government loan plans for small industries in Brazil.