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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise da estrutura categorial da Norma ISO 18104 na documentação em Enfermagem(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-01-01) Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Peres, Heloisa Helena Ciqueto; Dal Sasso, Grace Terezinha Marcon; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaOBJECTIVE: To verify whether categorical structure of the ISO 18104 standard is adequate to support electronic documentation of nursing actions and nursing diagnoses and to facilitate the development of nursing diagnoses and nursing actions expressions. METHODS: A cross-sectional design with two use cases in electronic records from two teaching hospitals that employ different nursing terminologies. RESULT: Case A included 40 diagnostic expressions and 97 interventions. All records for nursing diagnoses included focus, judgment, or clinical finding. All interventions were recorded using action verbs and targets. Few other qualifiers were used. Case B provided two diagnoses and 371 expressions for nursing actions. Diagnoses included focus and judgment. All interventions, except one, were documented using action verbs and targets. CONCLUSION: ISO 18104 was adequate to support documentation of nursing actions and diagnoses expressions.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Aplicação da técnica de Estrutura Analítica de projeto para o sub-projeto do Catálogo de Sites da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde: Enfermagem(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2007-12-01) Santos, Luis Augusto dos [UNIFESP]; Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Marques, Isaac Rosa [UNIFESP]; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Núcleo de Informática em Enfermagem; UNIIFESP Departamento de EnfermagemThis work search of didactic form to explain the benefits of use of one technique of management project, called Work Breakdown Structure: a graphical tool to identify the main results to be developed for a project. The real examples are applied to a sub-project of the Virtual Library in Health in Nursing (BVSEnfermagem) to development of the Sites Catalogs. It is distinguished the benefits of graphical visualization for a major agreement between professionals of different expertise
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação de website sobre assistência de enfermagem na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2012-01-01) Lins, Thaís Honório [UNIFESP]; Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de Alagoas; Maternidade Escola Santa MônicaOBJECTIVES: To develop a website on the nursing care in the post-anesthesia recovery room, and evaluate the content, presentation and updating of information. METHODS: We used the methodology of Clement Mok, DADI, comprised by definition, architecture, design and implementation. The evaluation of the website was done by nurses using a questionnaire containing items about authority, general content, presentation and reliability of information. For data analysis, we used descriptive statistics. RESULTS: The results were satisfactory, with the approval of 99.67% of participants. We found that the construction and provision of information about the referenced theme on this website was reliable and valid. CONCLUSION: The importance and relevance of the World Wide Web for information transmission, in particular, for nursing, provides a method to obtain practical scientific knowledge and an exchange of experiences, regardless of geographic location.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do website educacional em Primeiros Socorros(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-08-25) Mori, Satomi [UNIFESP]; Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Com os avancos dos recursos da Word Wide Web, os beneficios obtidos sao incontestaveis tambem na area da educacao. Apesar de sua ampla disseminacao, podem apresentar falhas que os tornam inadequados. Uma das maneiras de se evitar os infortunios causados por websites mal estruturados seria a realizacao de avaliacoes de sua qualidade. Pesquisadores do Nucleo de Informatica em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) desenvolveram em parceria com o Departamento de Informatica em Saude da UNIFESP um website educacional em Primeiros Socorros. Considerando-se a relevancia do ensino e a necessidade de investir em ferramentas informativas de qualidade sobre o tema objetivou-se neste estudo: elaborar e validar instrumentos de avaliacao de website e avaliar o website em Primeiros Socorros. Tres instrumentos foram criados para avaliar a estrutura, o conteudo e a navegabilidade. Verificou-se que esses instrumentos foram adequados para o uso na avaliacao do website, por apresentarem niveis superiores ao Limite de Seguranca .0,70 estabelecido. Em relacao a qualidade do website, observou-se que o valor de Kappa foi de 0,047 e -0,062 na analise das respostas dos profissionais de informatica e da saude, respectivamente, indicando que nao houve concordancia nas respostas. No entanto, na analise da distribuicao das respostas dos avaliadores percebeu-se que, segundo os profissionais de informatica, a qualidade estrutural do website deveria ser revista e corrigida para torna-lo adequado. Ja em relacao a distribuicao dos escores assinalados pelos profissionais da area da saude observou-se que a qualidade de conteudo do website e boa e que deveriam ser feitas pequenas correcoes de alguns conteudos. A avaliacao da qualidade de navegabilidade do website, segundo a opiniao dos alunos e boa, conforme o escore obtido de 79,4%. Observou-se que tanto os profissionais da saude como os alunos referiram que a distribuicao dos links deveria ser melhorada, semelhante as recomendacoes dos profissionais de informatica. Concluiu-se que: os tres instrumentos elaborados foram considerados adequados para a utilizacao da avaliacao do website. A qualidade estrutural do website deve ser corrigida, para que o processo de navegacao seja adequado e embora a qualidade do conteudo seja boa, pequenas correcoes nas informacoes devem ser realizadas.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Concepção dos enfermeiros sobre o conteúdo do website sala de recuperação pós-anestésica(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2010-02-01) Lins, Thaís Honório [UNIFESP]; Veríssimo, Regina Célia Sales Santos [UNIFESP]; Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present article has as its objective to identify the concept of the registered nurses in relation to the contents in a website about the post-anesthetic recovery room. The descriptive field research was done during the 8th Brazilian Nursing Congress in Surgical Nursing, Anesthetic Recovery and the Central Supply, Sterilization and Material Preparation room with nurses involved in the teaching field and also nurses working in these areas. 95.65% of the nurses considered a website important in relation to the availability of information about SRPA and these nurses presented a large diversity about the subjects that should make up the contents of the website, however all aspects should be presented only when the information is secure and correct. It is important to know the opinion and expectations of the nurses in relation to a website that contains information about SRPA.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Conjunto Internacional de Dados Essenciais de Enfermagem: comparação com dados na área de Saúde da Mulher(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-04-01) Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Barbieri, Márcia [UNIFESP]; Barros, Sonia Maria Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To compare the International Data Set - Essentials of Nursing - with the nursing data set used in data collection forms for the area of Women's Health. METHODS: This is an observational, retrospective, descriptiveand correlational study, developed from forms of data collection of interest of nursing in the health area of motherhood validated. RESULTS: In the first category, from all six present items, four were included. In the second, all can be considered as present, including the gender item, although it was not explicit, was included because of the studied area. The third category was completely covered by the forms. CONCLUSION: The forms used were considered satisfactory, serving for the purposes of documentation and analysis of the nursing work process and making possible to quantify and qualify their contribution to the quality of care provided to women in the sectors studied.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Oncoaudit: desenvolvimento e avaliação de aplicativo para enfermeiros auditores(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-04-01) Grossi, Luciane Mandia; Pisa, Ivan Torres [UNIFESP]; Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective:To develop a web and mobile device application to search for chemotherapy drugs to support nursing audits of hospital bills and to evaluate user satisfaction and tool usability.Methods:Research of technological production for development of an application for web and mobile technology. The product was evaluated by nurse auditors using the System Usability Scale questionnaire. It was also evalutated by health informactics professionals using Nielsen's heuristics.Results: The application is available at The mobile version can be is accessed at Nurse evalaution indicated that the web and mobile versions addressed user needs. In the usability evaluation, 14 problems were identified in the mobile version and eight in the web system. Implementation of improvements according to the evaluation findings were made in both versions.Conclusion: The methods for development and evaluation were adequate to achieve the proposed objective.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Perspectivas atuais da Informática em Enfermagem(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2006-06-01) Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Sociedade Brasileira de Informática em SaúdeNursing Informatics is the area of knowledge that studies the application of technological resources in teaching, in practice, in care, and in the management of care. Resources such as voice recognition, knowledge base, genoma project and even Internet have offered to Nursing a gama of possibilities for a better professional performance and better nursing care to the patient/client. This text reports and exemplifies how these resources are impacting and presenting new oportunities for teaching, research and specially for nursing care, still warns for the importance of humanized care in a high-tech scenario.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Proposta de um instrumento de avaliação da saúde do idoso institucionalizado baseado no conceito do Conjunto de Dados Essenciais em Enfermagem(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2009-04-01) Ribeiro, Rita de Cássia [UNIFESP]; Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This article aims at presenting a health evaluation tool for the institutionalized aged developed under the concepts of the Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) divided in two sections: identification and health evaluation. It is a methodological research about the development of a data collection tool. The tool is constituted of two sections: Section A contains identification data in the admission, and Section B is the Total Assessment Form, containing data of cognitive, communication, hearing, vision, mood and behavior patterns, and physiological and nutritional conditions. It was concluded that this tool is capable of aggregating the most important data to subside nursing assistance in the care of the institutionalized aged.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Protótipo de sistema de documentação em enfermagem no puerpério(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-01-01) Veríssimo, Regina Célia Sales Santos [UNIFESP]; Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de Alagoas; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To develop a documentation system prototype for postpartum nursing. METHODS: For the software planning, a model based on object orientation was used, which included: understanding and definition of the context and usage modes of the system design project, identification of the main objects of the system, development of project models, specification of object interfaces. The languages Structured Query Language (SQL), MySQL and Hypertext Preprocessor (php) were used. RESULTS: The prototype shows the planned requirements, among them: use of the International Classification For Nursing Practice (ICNP®) version 1.0 as support code to perform the nursing process; presentation of the axes of ICNP® version 1.0 in order of use; elaboration of reports about the usage practice of nursing processes. CONCLUSION: The proposed documentation system prototype was successfully developed, allowing professional nursing records to be registered in a standardized language.