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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Anúncios de emprego para enfermeiros entre 1966 e 1985 em jornais paulistanos de grande circulação(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-03-29) Ramponi, Kenny Paolo [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: Analyze and describe the Nursing job offers and benefits announced on São Paulo’s general circulation newspapers between January of 1966 and Decem ber 31, 1985. Method: Historical documentary study made of quantitative analysis and serial research. The collected data include access to the newspapers archives of Folha de São Paulo and Estado de São Paulo; It was also extended to a physica l newspaper library. All the data were sent to a database divided into three groups: (1) Professional Requirements, consisting of seven sub-items, (2)Conditions, with 2 1 sub-items, and (3)Job Profile, having three sub-items. From the compilation, the data were divided into four periods to be analyzed. The Fisher test was applied in c onjunction with the trends verification, using the Cochran-Armitage test and the line ar association between requirements and benefits that was being offered. Results: A total of 614 ads were found in both newspapers, in which 319 of them were ads r ecruiting nurses and 292 were about nurses offering their services to the market. T hus, two forms of job filling were seen - Nurses recruitment and services offering b y nurses, concomitantly, also, was observed a continuous and increasingly dissemi nation of Job ad's on newspapers over the years, in both forms of fulfilling. There w as a variety of job benefits being offered, such as transportation, transportation vou cher’s, cafeteria, medical assistance, dental assistance, pharmaceutical assistance , academic incentives like scholarship and recreational clubs. Among the requirem ents made to become a nurse there was age, gender, work experience, Hourly rota tion and additional training. A progressive increase on requirements of membership in the class council since 1975 was perceived. The nurse job market was not very e xigent to professionals who intended to become a nurse at the time, which may be a consequence of a small number of nurses facing highs numbers of jobs to be fulf illed. In the recruitment ads there were different ways of naming Nurses, which hav e showed some variation during the processes of transformation of the profession. Among the nurses who offered their services to the market, a prevalence of valoriz ation of professional experience and length of service was noticed. Conclusion: T he Nurse Job market’ Study was limited to São Paulo's newspapers only, between 1966 and 1985, with two sources of research. Through a detailed analysis of worki ng conditions in the period studied, the profile of nurses who were recruited for the job market, as well as the nurses who offered themselves there, was characterized . It was also possible to identify what the market was requiring in order to fulfill the available jobs for nurses and the benefits that were being offered to them. Therefor e, it was possible to draw a panorama from the São Paulo's market situation for nu rses through the newspapers over the years of 1966 to 1985, concluding this perio d was favorable for the nurses.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAtitudes dos enfermeiros em relação às famílias de recém-nascidos hospitalizados em unidades neonatais da rede municipal de saúde de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-07-25) Boyamian, Thais Morengue Di Lello [UNIFESP]; Balieiro, Maria Magda Ferreira Gomes [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: The quality of the assistance for the newborn admitted to the neonatal unit is both linked to the right number of professional and the interpersonal relationships, behaviors and attitudes towards families. Nurses who have supportive attitudes can contribute to building up the confidence and awareness for the parents in the process of caring for the newborn. It was questioned: What are the attitudes of nurses in neonatal units, at the presence of families? Objective: To analyze the nurses’ attitudes to the families of the newborns hospitalized in neonatal units. Method: A survey was carried out with 145 nurses from 10 hospitals from the municipal public health system of São Paulo city. In the collection of data, the scale "The importance of families in nursing care - Nurses' attitudes (IFNC-NA)", questionnaires of characterization of the hospital’s routines and structure, the sociodemographic profile of the participants and a structured interview. Results: Most of the study participants were female, 139 (95.8%); with an age average of 43.7 (± 9.4) years; time of professional training greater than five years and time of care in neonatology less than five years. Less than half of the nurses (45.5%) have specialization in the pediatric and neonatal area. The internal consistency of the attitudes’ scale was 0.87. The total score average of the nurses' attitudes was 77.7. In dimension 1. "Family: dialogue partner and coping resource" the average was 35.3; in dimension 2 "Family: nursing care resource" the average was 30.9; and in dimension 3 "Family: Burden" the average was 8.5. Conclusion: The nurses have demonstrated supportive attitudes toward families, and they did not consider as a burden. The need to identify nurses' attitudes with other methods was evidenced. Educational interventions should contribute to improving the professional's understanding, on the model of care focused on the patient and family, strengthening relationships and improving the assistance to the newborn and his family.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre a escala de coma de Glasgow em um hospital universitário(Inst Israelita Ensino & Pesquisa Albert Einstein, 2016) Santos, Wesley Cajaba [UNIFESP]; Vancini-Campanharo, Cassia Regina [UNIFESP]; Lopes, Maria Carolina Barbosa Teixeira [UNIFESP]; Okuno, Meiry Fernanda Pinto [UNIFESP]; Batista, Ruth Ester Assayag [UNIFESP]Objective: To assess knowledge of nurses of emergency services and intensive care units about Glasgow Coma Scale. Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study included 127 nurses of critical units of an university hospital. We used structured interview with 12 questions to evaluate their knowledge about the scale. Association of Knowledge with professionals' sociodemographic variables were verified by the Fisher-test, chi(2) and likelihood ratio. Results: Most of participants were women mean aged 31.1 years, they had graduated more than 5 years previously, and had 1 to 3 years of work experience. In the assessment of best score possible for Glasgow scale (question 3) nurses who had graduate more than 5 years ago presented a lower percentage success rate (p=0.0476). However, in the question 7, which evaluated what interval of the scale indicated moderate severity of brain trauma injury, those with more years of experience had higher percentage of correct answers (p=0.0251). In addition, nurses from emergency service had more correct answers than nurses from intensive care unit (p=0.0143) in the same question. Nurses graduated for more than 5 years ago had a lower percentage of correct answers in question 7 (p=0.0161). Nurses with more work experience had a better score (p=0.0119) to identify how assessment of motor response should be started. Conclusion: Number of year since graduation, experience, and work at critical care units interfered in nurses' knowledge about the scale, which indicates the need of training.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Body, stress and nursing: ethnography of an Intensive Care and Surgical Center(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, 2013-12-01) Martins, Maria das Graças Teles [UNIFESP]; Castro, Odilon [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This text seeks to reflect on the concepts of stress among nurses that work in the Surgical and Intensive Care Centers of a teaching hospital in the State of Paraíba. Qualitative ethnographic research allowed us to perceive that when talking about stress, these professionals mentioned their bodies and bodily manifestations. The research undertaken allowed us to understand the intimate relationships between the body, stress and nursing.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Burnout and depressive symptoms in intensive care nurses: relationship analysis(Assoc Brasileira Enfermagem, 2018) de Vasconcelos, Eduardo Motta [UNIFESP]; Figueiredo de Martino, Milva Maria [UNIFESP]; de Souza Franca, Salomao PatricioObjective: To analyze the existence of a relationship between burnout and depressive symptoms among intensive care unit nursing staff. Method: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study with 91 intensive care nurses. Data collection used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey, and the Beck Depression Inventory - I. The Pearson test verified the correlation between the burnout dimension score and the total score from the Beck Depression Inventory. Fisher's exact test was used to analyze whether there is an association between the diseases. Results: Burnout was presented by 14.29% of the nurses and 10.98% had symptoms of depression. The higher the level of emotional exhaustion arid depersonalization, and the lower professional accomplishment, the greater the depressive symptoms. The association was significant between burnout and depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Nurses with burnout have a greater possibility of triggering depressive symptoms.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Comparativo de personagens da história da enfermagem brasileira(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2009-06-01) Furukawa, Patrícia De Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Este artículo es una reflexión sobre la historia de los profesionales que se destacaron en la enfermería. Para ello, la búsqueda se llevó a cabo en algunos personajes que hicieron mucho para la enfermería y la salud en el país. El análisis de las historias de estas enfermeras puesto de manifiesto en hechos común como: la ruptura de paradigmas relacionado con el matrimonio, la formación en instituciones de renombre, la ocupación en puestos de gran importancia, la participación en asociaciones profesionales expresiva, a si como una relación con la formación de calidad. A través de sus biografías, se puede ver que a pesar del contexto político de la época han favorecido la formación de esas enfermeras, mucho esfuerzo y dedicación fueron necesarios para esas trayectorias de éxito, que cooperaron en la consolidación de la enfermería brasileña.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Compreensão dos enfermeiros em setores críticos adulto do Hospital São Paulo quanto à morte encefálica e transplante(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2021) Quaglio, Willian Henrique [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Beatriz Jansen [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloCurrently, transplantation of solid organs and human tissues is one of the treatment options to improve the quality of life of people of all ages, who have irreversible chronic disease and in its final stage, that is, the brain death protocol and management it becomes an area of great performance for nurses and their team. The nursing team has an extremely relevant role in direct action to improve the quality of life of transplant patients, however the literature points out that nursing students do not feel prepared to act as nurses in this area due to insufficient training in relation to this topic. Thus, this research aims to identify the understanding of nurses in the Adult Emergency Room and Intensive Care Units of Hospital São Paulo about brain death and transplantation. The research was developed through a quantitative methodology inserted in a descriptive and exploratory study. Data collection took place through the construction of a Likert Scale consisting of 04 dimensions covering 23 assertions that sought to answer the research objectives. This scale was subjected to a content validation using the semantic and cultural equivalences, then it was randomized with points assigned in two scales: 1/2/3/4 and 4/3/2/1 generating three intervals interpretative: from 1 point to 1.99, where a bad perception is identified, demanding short-term corrections; from 2 points to 2.99 the perception is reasonable, requiring corrections in the medium term and from 3 points to 4 points, the perception is good indicating assertiveness regarding the researched object. After applying the scale, it was subjected to the statistical validation process with respect to dispersion and reliability. The study population of 70 people was composed of nurses who work in the Adult Emergency Room and in the Intensive Care Units of Hospital São Paulo. As an inclusion criterion, nurses who had more than six months' experience in these sectors were selected and nurses who did not witness or participated in at least one brain death protocol were excluded. Participants received the Free and Informed Consent Term as well as the acceptance to complete the referred scale. It is expected to highlight the set of actions and challenges of the nursing staff during the process of identifying brain death (BD) as the process of developing the interview with family members of the potential donor and assessing the difficulties and management developed by these professionals in order to qualify and enhance nursing care in these important sectors. The data found were positive about the nurses' understanding of care with the potential donor, enriching the discussions, as they favor the increase in the rate of transplants in Brazil, due to the good conservation of the organ for surgical practice. The understanding of nurses working in the critical adult sectors of Hospital São Paulo, such as ICUs and Emergency Care, about brain death and transplantation was reasonable, considering that no dimension had a rating below 1.99, requiring no corrections to be made short term.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Condições e organização do trabalho no SUS em dois hospitais públicos sob diferentes formas de gestão na perspectiva de médicos e enfermeiros(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-10-06) Costa, Sheila Araujo [UNIFESP]; Lacaz, Francisco Antonio de Castro [UNIFESP]; Junqueira, Virginia [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study aims to capture and analyze, from the perspective of physicians and nurses, the working organization and conditions in two hospitals under different management forms -- direct administration- Adm and social organization – OS- both components of the public health system of a large municipality of greater São Paulo. As a major methodological step, the Questionnaire on Working Conditions (qCT) was validated in its quantitative dimension as an instrument for evaluating the working organization and conditions. In a second moment, in a quantitative study, the qCT was applied, objectifying to identify and discuss the working organization and conditions of nurses and physicians in two hospitals under different management forms. The sample of the first phase consisted of 689 health professionals working in the public health system under the Health Secretary management. The analysis of the main components has shown the existence of six factors, grouped by pairs in three sets, all of which have shown high internal consistence, with Cronbach's alpha of 0.96 and Confirmatory Factor Analysis ≥ 90 (values above 90 being accepted). The data indicates that the Working Conditions Questionnaire reliably reproduces the structure of the assumed theoretical model and combines the necessary technical properties that allow working conditions in health services to be properly reviewed. In the second phase, 181 questionnaires were answered, distributed as follows: 88 in the Adm hospital and 93 in the OS hospital. At the Adm hospital, 54 were doctors and 39 were nurses. At the OS hospital 57 were doctors and 31 were nurses. The categorical data were presented by frequencies and proportions, while the numerical data were described by means and standard deviations. Analyzing the answers obtained, a tendency is drawn, notably among physicians, of acceptance of private employment bonds, and even valuation of the private sector. Among the nurses, it is noted the ambiguity in relation to working conditions and answers marked by acquiescent attitudes towards the rules of the organization. These positionings are analyzed through a theoretical referential which places hospital assistance under OS management as an enterprise turned advantageous in a context of appropriation of public funds by failing medical businesses, with an imposition of instability of employment bonds and colonization of the public sphere by neoliberal values, such as entrepreneurship, massively propragandized by mass media and accepted by the middle classes, to which most of the physicians and nurses which took part in this research belong to.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O conhecimento científico como valor no agir do enfermeiro(Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem, 2005-12-01) Domingues, Tania Arena Moreira [UNIFESP]; Chaves, Eliane Corrêa; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)This study with the objective to know the as values that supports the action of the nurse. It was a qualitative research based on hermeneutic. Data were obtained by means of an interview recorded by eight nurses working at the Hospitalization Units of the Hospital São Paulo. By means of the meaning obtained from speeches, it was possible to identify knowledge scientific a mean to obtain safety in the acting and to assure power.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosThe construction and validation of an instrument for the assessment of graduates of undergraduate nursing courses(Soc Brasil Pediatria, 2016) Vieira, Maria Aparecida; da Silva Ohara, Conceicao Vieira [UNIFESP]; Lopes de Domenico, Edvane Birelo [UNIFESP]Objective: to construct an instrument for the assessment of graduates of undergraduate nursing courses and to validate this instrument through the consensus of specialists. Method: methodological study. In order to elaborate the instrument, documental analysis and a literature review were undertaken. Validation took place through use of the Delphi Conference, between September 2012 and September 2013, in which 36 specialists from Brazilian Nursing participated. In order to analyze reliability, the Cronbach alpha coefficient, the item/total correlation, and the Pearson correlation coefficient were calculated. Results: the instrument was constructed with the participation of specialist nurses representing all regions of Brazil, with experience in lecturing and research. The first Delphi round led to changes in the first instrument, which was restructured and submitted to another round, with a response rate of 94.44%. In the second round, the instrument was validated with a Cronbach alpha of 0.75. Conclusion: the final instrument possessed three dimensions related to the characterization of the graduate, insertion in the job market, and evaluation of the professional training process. This instrument may be used across the territory of Brazil as it is based on the curricular guidelines and contributes to the process of regulation of the quality of the undergraduate courses in Nursing.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um instrumento para identificação de risco psiquiátrico no hospital geral(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-03-01) Camargo, Ana Luiza Lourenco Simoes [UNIFESP]; Citero, Vanessa de Albuquerque [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivo: Desenvolver e avaliar o instrumento “Avaliação de Risco Psiquiátrico” (ARP), para identificação de riscos psiquiátricos e sua gravidade no hospital geral. Método: Dois estudos foram efetuados num hospital geral terciário em São Paulo, Brasil. A ARP foi desenvolvida através do estudo qualitativo etnográfico dos relatos de 300 enfermeiros de unidades de internação clínico-cirúrgicas, obtidos através de grupos abertos, conduzidos por enfermeira treinada, durante 2 meses, nas passagens de plantão. Foram utilizadas duas questões: “Vocês considerariam útil discutir com um psiquiatra situações da prática diária? Quais situações?”. A análise etnográfica dos relatos foi utilizada na elaboração do instrumento. A aplicabilidade da ARP foi medida através de um estudo quantitativo, transversal, no qual todas as 21.007 admissões hospitalares que ocorreram em um período de 6 meses foram submetidas ao rastreio pela ARP, e os riscos identificados pelos enfermeiros discutidos com os psiquiatras institucionais. Avaliou-se a concordância entre enfermeiros e psiquiatras quanto à presença do risco, itens do instrumento e gravidade do risco psiquiátrico, categorizada como leve-moderada-grave, através do coeficiente Kappa, valores preditivos e acurácia diagnóstica. Por fim, foram descritas as intervenções desencadeadas pelos psiquiatras para os riscos notificados. Resultados: A análise etnográfica dos relatos mostrou que os enfermeiros observavam e consideravam útil a discussão com o psiquiatra de situações relativas a riscos psiquiátricos. Através da linguagem descritiva destas situações desenvolveu-se um instrumento com 11 itens, a ARP, inserida na Avaliação de Riscos Global do Paciente, efetuada pelos enfermeiros na admissão e a cada 48 horas durante a internação. Os riscos identificados foram compulsoriamente notificados ao psiquiatra institucional e, através da discussão de caso, um plano de intervenção deflagrado. A avaliação da aplicabilidade do instrumento mostrou que os enfermeiros identificaram 2.820 riscos psiquiátricos, correspondendo a 13,4% de todas as admissões. Foram excluídas notificações com dados demográficos incompletos (n=36) e notificações não discutidas com o psiquiatra (n=364), sendo a alta prévia a razão mais frequente para a não discussão do risco. Das restantes 2.420 notificações, os psiquiatras consideraram o risco presente em 2.396 casos (99%). Quanto aos itens da ARP, houve uma concordância de 83,7% entre enfermeiros e psiquiatras em pelo menos um item. A avaliação da gravidade do risco mostrou uma concordância de 92,9% para casos leves, 42,9% para casos moderados, e 4,2% para casos graves. Melhor acurácia (89%), valor preditivo negativo (95%) e valor preditivo positivo (43%) foram obtidos utilizando uma categoria dicotômica: risco leve vs risco não leve. As ações desencadeadas pela discussão com os psiquiatras contemplaram predominantemente a orientação à equipe de saúde no manejo dos casos de risco (95,4%), intervenções relacionadas a medicações (48,6%) e orientação sobre medidas de segurança (20,2%). O encaminhamento a interconsulta ocorreu em 9,7% dos riscos, e em 7,5% das discussões o psiquiatra pode sugerir uma hipótese diagnóstica diversa ou adicional à anteriormente referida em prontuário. Conclusão: Foi possível desenvolver um instrumento de avaliação de risco baseado nas observações e linguagem descritiva da população que o utiliza, os enfermeiros. A ARP mostrou ser uma ferramenta útil para a identificação de riscos psiquiátricos e sua gravidade, propiciando intervenções através da discussão de casos com o especialista, sugerindo assim um novo modelo, simples e pragmático, de atenção em saúde mental no hospital geral.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosOs efeitos da liderança autêntica dos enfermeiros no ambiente de trabalho em saúde: revisão sistemática de literatura(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-05-30) Valle, Rebeca Beatriz Lucena Ribeiro Do [UNIFESP]; Balsanelli, Alexandre Pazetto [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: One can define authentic leadership as a leadership based on the true values of a leader not only as someone holding a senior management position, but also as an individual. Goals: To describe the relationship between authentic nursing leaders and structural empowerment, as well as to check if authentic nursing leadership yields increased job satisfaction for the nursing team and decreased burnout. Method: Systematic Literature Review. The search strategy comprised six databases: Virtual Health Library (BVS), Directory of Journals of the Coordination of Improvement of College Degree Individuals (CAPES), Online Medical Literature Search and Analysis System (MEDLINE/PubMed), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health (LILACS) and Science Direct/Embase. The data collection was done from January 2017 to April 2019. The articles included were published in English with the following strategies: “authentic leadership and empowerment and burnout and job satisfaction.” The data extracted were assessed and combined in a narrative fashion, and quality assessment, data extraction, and data analysis were completed in all the comprised studies. Results: Thirteen studies were comprised, based on which two papers were prepared. The research had a total population of 5,348 nurses and was published from 2010 to 2018, having Canada as the main production location. Five studies were included in the first paper, showing a relationship between authentic leadership and structural empowerment. All thirteen studies were included in the second paper, which addressed the benefits of authentic leadership in job satisfaction for nurses and burnout. Other variables such as bullying, mental health of nurses, performance, capital stock, work environment, retention of nurses, and patient care quality were also approached in the selected studies. Conclusion: Nursing leaders play a critical role in the creation of work conditions that support the development of their teams, and their behavior directly affects the experience of their subordinates at work. Authentic leadership showed a positive relationship with structural empowerment, improving the engagement of nurses at work, increasing job satisfaction, and decreasing the burnout. The evidence found helps in the creation of new strategies for the implementation of authentic leadership with the aim of improving the work environment of nursing teams, making a negative impact on the occurrence of burnout cases, and improving the quality of care and the development of leadership capacitation programs among the nurses.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estudo preliminar sobre a qualidade de vida de médicos e enfermeiros intensivistas pediátricos e neonatais(Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem, 2010-09-01) Fogaça, Monalisa de Cássia [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Werther Brunow de [UNIFESP]; Nogueira-Martins, Luiz Antonio [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Hospital Santa Catarina; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Compare the Quality of Life (QL) of doctors and nurses who work in Pediatric (PED) and Neonatal (NEO) Intensive Care Units, and to evaluate whether there are differences between the QL in the same job category, but differing according to the work unit. This descriptive study was performed with 37 physicians and 20 nurses. The WHOQOL100 was used. Physicians from the PED differ statistically in the field VI (p=0.003) compared with physicians from the NEO. Physicians and nurses from the PED showed a statistically significant difference in field V (p<0.01), while physicians and nurses from the NEO showed a statistically significant difference in field VI (p=0.05). The QL assessment of physicians and nurses working in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units was below the scores found in scientific literature, compared to studies that evaluated patients with chronic pain and mental health disorders, indicating the occurrence of occupational stress.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Formal education and nurses' attitudes towards alcohol and alcoholism in a Brazilian sample(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2005-01-01) Pillon, Sandra Cristina; Laranjeira, Ronaldo [UNIFESP]; University of São Paulo Nursing School of Ribeirão Preto Department of Psychiatric Nursing and Human Sciences; World Health Organization Collaborating Center for development of Nursing Research; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Nurses are one of the largest groups of healthcare professionals sharing in patient care responsibilities, including caring for those who use and abuse psychoactive substances. The objective was to evaluate the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired by nurses in undergraduate and postgraduate studies and their perceptions about alcohol users. DESIGN AND SETTING: Quantitative, descriptive survey at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina and Hospital São Paulo. METHODS: The sample included nurses, students and nursing teachers. The survey included questions about sociodemographic characteristics; a nurses' attitudes and beliefs scale; and a questionnaire to identify formal nursing education on the use of alcohol and its consequences. RESULTS: 59.7% out of 319 volunteers were nurses, 22.7% were nursing teachers and 17.6% were nursing students. 70% of the participants had received little or no information on physical, family and social problems related to alcohol use; 87% had received little or no information on high risk related to specific segments of the population; 95% had received little or no information on nursing procedures for alcohol-abuse patients. CONCLUSION: Formal education regarding the use of alcohol and its consequences is limited, especially with regard to offering adequate care and management for patients who have problems with or are addicted to alcohol.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Leadership styles and personal and professional profile of intensive care unit nurses(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008-01-01) Balsanelli, Alexandre Pazetto [UNIFESP]; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm [UNIFESP]; Whitaker, Iveth Yamaguchi [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To verify the relation between leadership styles and personal and professional profile of a nurse facing another team member when performing ICU patient care. METHODS: Samples were collected on seven nurses and seven practical nurses working as partners. Throughout three months, the nurses were inquired about the leadership style applied when the practical nurse, under their assessment, performed ICU patient care. RESULTS: Persuasion style prevailed among other styles, followed by determining and sharing between leaders and their subordinated team member. CONCLUSION: In this ICU, nurses stand out due to their persuading situational leadership style where they explain their decisions and provide the opportunity for clarification to the subordinated team. No relation between the nurses' leadership style and their professional and personal profile was shown.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Physical activity counseling in primary health care in Brazil: a national study on prevalence and associated factors(Biomed Central Ltd, 2013-08-31) Florindo, Alex Antonio; Mielke, Gregore Iven; Gomes, Grace Angelica de Oliveira; Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]; Bracco, Mario Maia; Parra, Diana C.; Simoes, Eduardo J.; Lobelo, Felipe; Hallal, Pedro Curi; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Univ Fed Pelotas; Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein; Washington Univ; Univ Missouri; Ctr Dis Control & PreventBackground: the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and correlates of physical activity counseling among physicians and nurses working in primary health care in Brazil.Methods: A phone survey was carried out in 2011 with professionals working in primary health care in Brazil. the target sample consisted of 1,600 randomly selected primary care units covering all regions of the country. We successfully interviewed 529 professionals within the sampled units; 182 physicians and 347 nurses. the overall response rate was 49.6%. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate correlates of counseling in the whole sample and separately for physicians and nurses.Results: the prevalence of regular physical activity counseling for at least six months was 68.9% (95% CI 64.9; 72.8) and was significantly higher among physicians compared to nurses (p < 0.05). Most professionals (93.2%) interviewed were unfamiliar with current physical activity recommendations for health. in the adjusted analysis, physical activity counseling was more frequent among those who report assessing patient's physical activity (OR = 2.16; 95% CI 1.41; 3.29), those reporting that lack of time was not a barrier for counseling (OR = 0.62 95% CI 0.42-0.93), those who felt prepared to provide physical activity counseling (OR = 2.34; 95% CI 1.50-3.66), and those working at primary care units offering physical activity programs for patients (OR = 2.06; 95% CI 1.33-3.20). in the stratified analysis, only assessing patient's physical activity was a significant correlate among physicians whereas assessing patient's physical activity, feeling prepared to provide counseling and working in units with physical activity interventions were significant correlates among nurses.Conclusions: Physicians and nurses deemed physical activity counseling of great importance in primary health care in Brazil. However, in order to increase the quality of counseling and the number of professionals engaging in this activity, these health teams require greater knowledge about physical activity (global recommendations for health) as well as training on the application of instruments for assessing physical activity. Moreover, sufficient time must be allowed during consultations for the counseling process, and physical activity promotion programs should be implemented within the primary health care units.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Preliminary study about occupational stress of physicians and nurses in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units: the balance between effort and reward(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 2010-02-01) Fogaça, Monalisa de Cássia [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Werther Brunow de [UNIFESP]; Citero, Vanessa de Albuquerque [UNIFESP]; Nogueira-Martins, Luiz Antonio [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study compared the balance between effort (E) and reward (R) among physicians and nurses working in pediatric (PED) and neonatal (NEO) Intensive Care Units. This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with 37 physicians and 20 nurses. The Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire was used. Statistically significant differences were not found among physicians (p>0.05) or nurses from PED and NEO in relation to E and R (p>0.05). No statistically significant differences were found between physicians and nurses in PED in the several studied variables. Comparison between the professionals working in NEO revealed that physicians presented more over-commitment than nurses (p=0.01). The organizational setting of NEO proved to be more demanding for physicians, exacting a greater commitment to their work, while demands presented in both units seemed to be the same for nurses.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Quando o imprevisto bate à porta: atuação do enfermeiro no atendimento à demanda espontânea na estratégia saúde da família(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016) Felix, Gisele Barreto [UNIFESP]; Bretas, Ana Cristina Passarella [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Family Health Strategy, which is the official policy of primary health care in Brazil, was created as an attempt to implement the principles and guidelines of the Brazilian Health System. It is the point of preferential access to the system, and, therefore, must be prepared to respond to the health needs of every day users presented to workers. It works with the programmed monitoring of the enrolled population, but it must also have the “door open” to accept what cannot be programmed: eventualities and the spontaneous demand. This study aimed to understand the nurses' work to care in the spontaneous demand in the Family Health Strategy. It is a case study which was built through a qualitative approach. The unit of analysis are 17 nurses working in 17 primary care health centers of the administrative district Jardim Angela, in São Paulo. The 17 semi-structured interviews were conducted in May 2014. The results describe the organization of spontaneous demand care in the health centers and how nurses, identified as mainly responsible, are organized and act on it. The difficulties faced, the resolution and the sources of pleasure/pain are determined by the significance of the activity for the professional. The relationship with the user is marked by disagreements and frustration which often are not possible to give answers according to the need and expectation of it. However, there are attitudes and circumstances that can make this delightful meeting and a source of motivation. Despite the lack of reflection on their practice in care to the spontaneous demand, nurses believe that it expresses the portray of professional “handyman”, and he is the most qualified professional in the service. Facilities, difficulties and opportunities for improvement in spontaneous demand care were listed. The resolution, humanization and the encounter with the user were addressed in greater depth in Chapter discussion. This study allowed us to understand through the nurse look how to act in care to the spontaneous demand in the Family Health Strategy. The challenge of being in a place that theoretically has the responsibility to accept all complaints from users, to develop appropriate responses and provide comprehensive care to the individual, without the guarantee of the necessary requirements to do so. We advocate the importance of placing the care of life in the center of production of health care to achieve the desired transformations. We show the existence of nurses in the system capable doors and committed to their work, but they can contribute more to the strengthening of the Brazilian Health System SUS. A system that works not just for a few characters, but for all actors, where the worker's appreciation is also a priority.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The relationship between shift work and sleep patterns in nurses(ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva, 2013-03-01) De Martino, Milva Maria Figueiredo [UNIFESP]; Abreu, Ana Cristina Basto; Barbosa, Manuel Fernando Dos Santos; Teixeira, João Eduardo Marques; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências Educationais Laboratório de NeuropsicofisiologiaThe scope of this study was to evaluate the sleep/wake cycle in shift work nurses, as well as their sleep quality and chronotype. The sleep/wake cycle was evaluated by keeping a sleep diary for a total of 60 nurses with a mean age of 31.76 years. The Horne & Östberg Questionnaire (1976) for the chronotype and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) for sleep quality were applied. The results revealed a predominance of indifferent chronotypes (65.0%), followed by moderately evening persons (18.3%), decidedly evening persons (8.3%), moderately morning persons (6.6%) and decidedly morning persons (1.8%). The sleep quality perception was analyzed by the visual analogical scale, showing a mean score of 5.85 points for nighttime sleep and 4.70 points for daytime sleep, which represented a statistically significant difference. The sleep/wake schedule was also statistically different when considering weekdays and weekends. The PSQI showed a mean of 7.0 points, characterizing poor sleep quality. The results showed poor sleep quality in shift work nurses, possibly due to the lack of sport and shift work habits.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSaúde mental na atenção básica no município do Guarujá/SP: a percepção de enfermeiros e agentes comunitários de saúde acerca de suas práticas na estratégia de saúde da família(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-02-27) Gazignato, Elaine Cristina da Silva [UNIFESP]; Castro-Silva, Carlos Roberto de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Family Health Strategy is the main gateway in primary health system even as the demands for mental health. However, these guidelines from the Ministry of Health are recent and require changes in the functioning of the health system, highlighting a closer look to the professional team of family health as their preparation and ability to cope with this demand that used to be directed to specialized services. In this sense, the objective of this study is to investigate the perceptions of nurses and community health workers of the Family Health Units in the city of Guaruja-SP as the demands of mental health. This is an exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach, data were collected in semistructured interviews and subjected to content analysis. We interviewed 05 community health workers and 05 nurses of all five Family Health Units the municipality. The results were organized into four thematic main: conceptions of mental health, work acting, inter-relationship and networking. Regarding conceptions in mental health can be observed that are related to changing patient behavior, living conditions that may contribute to the onset of disease and the person considered difficult to handle. In general, the referral to the specialist was cited as the most practiced, however, guidance, listening, encouragement and care practices also emerged as recurring. The links with staff, patients and families trigger feelings related to fear, discomfort, insecurity and powerlessness against the demand for mental health. Moreover, the close and constant interaction with the community and knowledge of this fact favors the bonds and shares of professionals. The relationship with family shows up it’s extremely important in the evolution of treatment, but often it is little strengthened, and the staff does not always show itself capable of accepting and sharing the doubts and anxieties, especially community health workers in relation to these patients. In this sense, there is need to strengthen the networking that despite some important initiatives is still incipient, and the importance of continuing education to prepare professionals to deal with this demand. The work of the Specialist Orientation mental health, defined as a technical support in specific areas to the responsible teams for the development of basic health, was cited as a suitable alternative strategy to deal with the issue of ignorance and inexperience of the healthcare family team, and may strengthen the practice of co-responsibility of patients needing such care. We consider data from that work articulated networking, continuing education and matricial are strategies that can generate positive results contributing to a service based on the principles and guidelines of the SUS and the Psychiatric Reform.