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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Auto percepção do benefício auditivo e o reconhecimento de fala em usuários de implante coclear(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017) Muller, Renata [UNIFESP]; Chiari, Brasilia Maria [UNIFESP]; ;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivo: correlacionar o desempenho nos testes de percepção de fala no silêncio e no ruído com a auto-percepção do benefício auditivo em adultos usuários de Implante Coclear e correlacionar o desempenho nos testes com o tempo de uso do Implante Coclear. Métodos: foram selecionados 27 usuários de Implante Coclear entre 12 e 75 anos que tiveram a aquisição da deficiência auditiva no período pós-lingual, usavam predominantemente o código linguístico oral, faziam uso do dispositivo há, pelo menos, um ano e apresentaram limiar tonal em campo livre menor que 40 dBA. Todos os participantes foram submetidos à audiometria tonal em campo livre, responderam o questionário HISQUI19, que avalia a auto percepção da qualidade sonora do Implante Coclear e testes de percepção de fala no silêncio e no ruído. Resultados: a maioria dos participantes do estudo classificaram a qualidade sonora do Implante Coclear como "moderada". A média de desempenho para os testes no silêncio foi de 46,06dBA e 79,65% de acertos. Para os testes do ruído a média foi de 78,69dBA e 29% de acertos. Foi possível observar que os participantes que classificaram a qualidade sonora do Implante Coclear como "pobre" foram os que tiveram pior desempenho nos testes de fala, assim como aqueles que classificaram como "muito boa" são os que tiveram melhor desempenho. Para todos os testes de percepção de fala houve melhor desempenho daqueles que utilizam o dispositivo há mais tempo, porém só houve diferença estatisticamente significante para o teste de reconhecimento de fala no silêncio (p=0,047). Na comparação das respostas ao HISQUI19 em relação ao tempo de uso, os participantes que classificaram melhor a qualidade sonora do Implante Coclear são aqueles que usam o dispositivo há mais tempo, porém não houve diferença estatisticamente significante. Em relação à orelha implantada, 16 participantes usavam o dispositivo na orelha direita e 11 na orelha esquerda. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparamos o lado implantando com o desempenho dos testes de percepção de fala. Conclusões: independentemente do tempo de uso do dispositivo e/ou do desempenho nos testes de percepção de fala a maioria dos participantes classificou a qualidade sonora do Implante Coclear como "moderada". Os participantes que classificaram a qualidade sonora como "muito boa" são aqueles que obtiveram melhor desempenho nos testes de percepção de fala. É fundamental a avaliação contínua do desempenho dos usuários desse dispositivo para que seja possível mensurar suas habilidades de comunicação e também o que pode ser feito para melhorá-la. Além disso a aplicação de testes que possibilitem mensurar a satisfação e o benefício dos usuários deve fazer parte da rotina clínica dos centros de implante. Apesar de haver estudos que justificam a implantação na orelha direita devido ao cruzamento de informações no hemisfério cerebral, não pudemos observar melhor desempenho daqueles implantados à orelha direita.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação audiológica em funcionários de um hospital público expostos a ruído(CEFAC Saúde e Educação, 2014-06-01) Iizuka, Letícia Yurie; Gil, Daniela [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Purposeto characterize and to compare the hearing of employees of a public hospital exposed to maximum occupational noise levels above and below 85dB(A). Methodthis clinical study selected 39 workers of a public hospital, divided according to the level of noise exposure: 20 subjects with maximum exposure levels above 85dB(A) (Group 1) and 19 individuals with maximum exposure levels below 85dB(A) (Group 2). Basic audiological evaluation, transient and distortion product otoacoustic emissions were carried out. Resultboth groups presented normal hearing thresholds. However, 87.5% in Group 1 and 60.5% in Group 2 showed absent responses in transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, with statistical difference. Group 2 showed higher signal/noise ratios also in distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and only the frequency of 6 kHz was abnormal in both groups. Conclusionsound pressure levels and noise exposure time did not influence in pure tone thresholds. The higher the sound pressure level and the longer the exposure time, more altered the otoacoustic emissions, indicating cochlear dysfunction.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Conhecimento e percepção dos profissionais a respeito do ruído na unidade neonatal(Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem, 2012-10-01) Daniele, Daniela; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Kakehashi, Teresa Yoshiko [UNIFESP]; Balieiro, Maria Magda Ferreira Gomes [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and perception of professionals working in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) regarding the repercussions of noise on the neonates, families and workers, prior to the implementation of an educational program. This qualitative descriptive study was conducted in a NICU of a São Paulo hospital with 101 professionals. A questionnaire was used for data collection, and chi-square and Student's t test were used to determine the association between variables. The workers described the NICU as very noisy (44.9%); they noticed the effects of noise during and after their work shift (67.4%) and used strategies to reduce noise. Despite not being familiar with legislation regarding noise in the hospital, the workers identify its repercussions on themselves, the neonates and families. Results indicate the need to teach the staff about legislation and noise prevention, as well as reorganize healthcare practices and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit facilities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeito da prática musical no reconhecimento da fala no silêncio e no ruído(Pró-Fono Produtos Especializados para Fonoaudiologia Ltda., 2006-08-01) Soncini, Fabiana; Costa, Maristela Julio [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Departamento de Otorrino-FonoaudiologiaBACKGROUND: auditory training improves the perception of complex acoustic signals as well as the perception of speech. AIM: to verify if auditory training, through the practice of music, has an influence on the ability to recognize speech in quiet and noisy situations. METHOD: participants of this study were 55 individuals, with no musical experience (non-musicians) and 45 professional musicians who had been playing at military bands for at least 5 years (musicians). All of the participants were male right-handed military volunteers, with normal hearing thresholds and with ages varying between 25 and 40 years. Using the Portuguese Sentence Lists (LSP) test, sentence recognition threshold was investigated in quiet (SRTQ) and in noise (SRTN). Based on the obtained data, the signal/noise ratio (S/N) was calculated. The sentences and noise (fixed to 65 dB HL) had a monoaural presentation using headphones. RESULTS: when comparing the performances of both groups, the statistical analysis pointed no significant difference between the mean values obtained for the SRTQ. However, a statistically significant difference was verified between the mean values obtained for the S/N ratio. CONCLUSION: in a quiet situation, musicians and non-musicians had similar performances. However, in the noise situation, musicians presented better performances, indicating that musical practice is an activity that improves the ability of speech recognition when in a noisy environment.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Nível de pressão sonora em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal(Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem, 2011-12-01) Peixoto, Priscila Vendramini [UNIFESP]; Araújo, Marco Antônio Nabuco De; Kakehashi, Tereza Yoshiko [UNIFESP]; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade IndustrialThe objectives of the study were to assess sound pressure level (SPL) in two rooms of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and to identify their sources. This quantitative-descriptive study was conducted in two rooms of a NICU of a University Hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Three dosimeters were used to register SPL (total of 261 hours). A 48-hour register of noise sources was obtained. The results showed high SPL in both rooms. The greatest mean Leq were 71.0 dBA (room A) and 68.0 dBA (room B). Main noise sources in both units were: NICU hallway noise, traffic and conversation among professionals. The results indicate that SPLs in NICU rooms are higher than the levels recommended by regulatory agencies. A guideline was developed and an educational program was implemented as a means to reduce sound pressure levels.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Nível de ruído em sala de parto(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós Graduação em Enfermagem, 2011-06-01) Oliveira, Fernanda Lima de Campos; Kakehashi, Tereza Yoshiko; Tsunemi, Miriam Harumi; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Escola de Terapias Orientais de São Paulo; Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo Instituto de Radiologia; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory study aimed to identify sound pressure levels and their sources in university hospital delivery rooms in Brazil. Data was collected between October, 2008, and July, 2009. A dosimeter was used to register noise and non-structured observation was used to identify noise sources. Noise and source observations were registered over 2928 minutes. Mean equivalent sound levels (Leq) were measured using Quest Suit software. Mean Leq values were identified as 69.6 dBA (± 3.69) during vaginal deliveries and 65.4 dBA (± 2.28) during cesarean deliveries. The most frequent noise source was conversation among professionals in the room. Considering the high levels of sound pressure and the sources, this study points out the need for intervention through educational programs among professionals and students to minimize noise and improve the care provided to the newborn and his/her family, as well as professional working conditions.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Nível de ruído em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2007-12-01) Kakehashi, Tereza Yoshiko; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Pizzarro, Gilberto [UNIFESP]; Guilherme, Arnaldo [UNIFESP]; Universidade São Marcos; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: Determine noise levels in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and identify the sources of these noises. METHODS: Quantitative, descriptive and exploratory study, carried out in São Paulo. Data was collected in April and May of 2005. A dosimeter was used to record a total of 96 hours of measurements. Nine hours of observation were also conducted to identify sources of noise. RESULTS: Leq noise levels ranged from of 61.3 to 66.6 dBA and were higher on the weekends. Peak values ranged from 90.8 to 123.4 dBC and the highest values were recorded at night. The sources of the noise were: beeping noises from ventilators and heart rate monitors, conversations between health professional and others. CONCLUSION: The deleterious effects of high levels of noise on newborns and health professionals show the need for interventions in routines and professionals and families' conduct.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Noise at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and inside the incubator(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 2011-10-01) Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Guinsburg, Ruth [UNIFESP]; Nabuco, Marco Antonio de Araujo; Kakehashi, Tereza Yoshiko [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade IndustrialThe goal was to identify sound pressure level (SPL) at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and inside the incubator of a teaching hospital of a public university from São Paulo - SP, Brazil. SPL inside the NICU and the incubator were measured using four dosimeters in January/2010. SPL at the NICU varied from 52.6 dBA to 80.4 dBA and inside the incubator, from 45.4 dBA to 79.1 dBA. SPL both at the NICU and inside the incubator are above the recommended values, but levels were higher at the NICU than inside the incubator. Although there are some specific factors related to SPL inside the incubator, the NICU and incubator acoustic features present a system: an increase/decrease in SPL at the NICU usually tends to increase/decrease SPL inside the incubator. The study points to the need for simultaneous monitoring of SPL at the NICU and inside the incubator.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosProtein synthesis driven by dynamical stochastic transcription(Springer, 2016) Innocentini, Guilherme C. P.; Forger, Michael; Radulescu, Ovidiu; Antoneli, Fernando [UNIFESP]In this manuscript, we propose a mathematical framework to couple transcription and translation in which mRNA production is described by a set of master equations, while the dynamics of protein density is governed by a random differential equation. The coupling between the two processes is given by a stochastic perturbation whose statistics satisfies the master equations. In this approach, from the knowledge of the analytical time-dependent distribution of mRNA number, we are able to calculate the dynamics of the probability density of the protein population.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Repercussões do ruído na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-01-01) Grecco, Gabriela Menossi [UNIFESP]; Tsunemi, Miriam Harumi; Balieiro, Maria Magda Ferreira Gomes [UNIFESP]; Kakehashi, Tereza Yoshiko [UNIFESP]; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo Instituto de RadiologiaOBJECTIVE: To identify repercussion of noise in the neonatal intensive care unit on mothers, newborns and on interactions of neonates with healthcare professional from the mothers' perspective. METHODS: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the neonatal intensive care unit. The study population was composed by 95 mothers. Data were collected using formularies. The statistical analysis was descriptive. RESULTS: Mothers' perception of noise in the unit caused repercussion on neonates such as agitation, cry, irritability among other. Mothers' also reported to have headache, agitation and tendency to cry, which led them to touch less and speak softly with their babies. CONCLUSION: Repercussions of noise perceived by mothers on themselves and on babies' behavior and physical changes were associated with difficulties of mothers to keep attention and to interact with healthcare professionals.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O ruído da unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal após a implementação de programa educativo(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós Graduação em Enfermagem, 2012-12-01) Tsunemi, Miriam Harumi; Kakehashi, Tereza Yoshiko; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Escola de Terapias Orientais de São Paulo; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present study verified the sound pressure levels inside incubators and at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, six months after the implementation of an educational program. Quantitative and descriptive study carried out at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and inside the incubators of a hospital. It was registered 151 hours and 30 minutes of sound pressure levels at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and inside the incubators, in January 2009 and 2010. The highest and lowest mean Leq before the educational program at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit were 71.0 dBA and 59.0 dBA, respectively. After the intervention, it was registered at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit the mean Leq between 80.4 and 52.6 dBA. Inside the incubators, values varied from 79.2 and 40.0 dBA to 79.1 and 45.4dBA post intervention, remaining above the recommended values. It was verified that there was no reduction of sound pressure level after the intervention. Some strategies are suggested to sensitize the staff, preparation of a guideline, architectural changes, renovation and/or preventive maintenance of equipments.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosRuído e mudança temporária do limiar auditivo em trabalhadores: estudo através da audiometria e emissões otoacústicas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2002) Toledo, Ronaldo Nunes [UNIFESP]; Fukuda, Yotaka [UNIFESP]Objetivos: Medir o nivel de ruido ambiental e identificar suas caracteristicas fisicas na lavanderia e na enfermaria de otorrinolaringologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina. Avaliar atraves das emissoes otoacusticas por produto de distorcao, audiometria tonal e vocal, se os limiares audiometricos das trabalhadores da lavanderia variam durante uma jornada habitual de trabalho, e correlacionar esses achados com os resultados dos individuos que foram expostos ao ruido da enfermaria de otorrinolaringologia, onde este era sabidamente menor. Metodos: Foi utilizado um analisador de ruido da Bruel & Kjaer na medicao do ruido dos dois ambientes. Na avaliacao auditiva participaram 30 trabalhadores da lavanderia e 30 voluntarios da enfermaria. Todos os individuos foram submetidos a exames clinicos, onde foram identificados e excluidos os pacientes com alteracoes da orelha media. Em todos os participantes, os testes audiometricos e a pesquisa de emissoes otoacusticas por produto de distorcao foram realizados antes e apos exposicao sonora, com intervalo medio de 10 horas entre as medidas. Resultados: O nivel de ruido da lavanderia foi em media de 77.3 dB, e na enfermaria de 65.5 dB. Na lavanderia, as frequencias graves predominaram, principalmente a de 250 Hz. Em relacao aos sintomas auditivos relacionados ao ruido, cerca de 50 por cento das mulheres da lavanderia referiram a sua presenca, e estes nao foram referidos pelos outros participantes. Nao houve mudancas, nos dois grupos de estudo, nos limiares auditivos ou na capacidade de discriminacao vocal antes e apos a exposicao sonora, quando avaliados pela audiometria tonal e vocal. As amplitudes das emissoes otoacusticas nos homens tambem nao sofreram influencias do ruido ambiental nos dois ambientes; porem, entre as mulheres, tanto na enfermaria como na lavanderia, foi observada reducao na amplitude das emissoes otoacusticas em algumas frequencias, apesar de niveis de intensidade sonora diferentes. Conclusoes: Foi observado que os trabalhadores submetidos a um ruido de intensidade media de 77.3 dB por um periodo medio de 10 horas nao apresentaram alteracoes auditivas relevantes no sexo masculino. Porem, nas mulheres, alem dos sintomas clinicos relacionados ao ruido, ocorreram variacoes significativas nas amplitudes das emissoes otoacusticas, quando comparado antes e apos exposicao sonora. Esses achados sugerem que as emissoes otoacusticas foram mais sensiveis que a audiometria tonal e...(au)
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O ruído e sua interferência sobre estudantes em uma sala de aula: revisão de literatura(Pró-Fono Produtos Especializados para Fonoaudiologia Ltda., 2005-08-01) Dreossi, Raquel Cecília Fischer; Momensohn-santos, Teresa [UNIFESP]; Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Departamento de Clínica FonoaudiológicaBACKGROUND: influence of the acoustic environment on learning. AIM: to analyze the possible alterations students of schools found under the impact of internal or external noises may present. METHOD: literature review on the following subjects: auditory processing, speech perception, acoustics of classrooms and basic notions about noise. CONCLUSION: schools are under the impact of varied noises that can become invisible opponents to the learning process, especially in a place where the listening situation must be privileged. Audiologists can be part of a multidisciplinary team, helping to monitor these areas and helping to implement hearing conservation programs.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Ruído no interior das incubadoras em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-01-01) Peixoto, Priscila Vendramini [UNIFESP]; Balbino, Flávia Simphronio [UNIFESP]; Chimirri, Veridiana [UNIFESP]; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Kakehashi, Tereza Yoshiko [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVES: To identify levels of sound pressure level (NPS) inside the incubator and the sources of noise in that microenvironment of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a university hospital. METHODS: Descriptive quantitative study, conducted in incubators for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a university hospital in São Paulo. The records were obtained by NPS dosimeter, totaling 261 hours, 48 hours of records of the sources producing noise. RESULTS: There were high NPS inside the incubators. Greater Leq levels were 79.7 dBA in room A, and 74.3 dBA in room B. The main sources of noise were: water circulation fan, maintaining open doors on the incubators during periods of care, equipment alarms, and conversation among professionals close to the incubator. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the NPS inside the incubator are far above those recommended by regulations. Based on these results, we developed a protocol and educational program.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Sound localization and occupational noise(Hospital Clinicas, Univ São Paulo, 2014-01-01) Menezes, Pedro de Lemos; Lira de Andrade, Kelly Cristina; Lins Carnauba, Aline Tenorio; Cabral, Frantania B.; Leal, Mariana de Carvalho; Pereira, Liliane Desgualdo [UNIFESP]; Univ Estadual Ciencias Saude Alagoas UNCISAL; Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: the aim of this study was to determine the effects of occupational noise on sound localization in different spatial planes and frequencies among normal hearing firefighters.METHOD: A total of 29 adults with pure-tone hearing thresholds below 25 dB took part in the study. the participants were divided into a group of 19 firefighters exposed to occupational noise and a control group of 10 adults who were not exposed to such noise. All subjects were assigned a sound localization task involving 117 stimuli from 13 sound sources that were spatially distributed in horizontal, vertical, midsagittal and transverse planes. the three stimuli, which were square waves with fundamental frequencies of 500, 2,000 and 4,000 Hz, were presented at a sound level of 70 dB and were randomly repeated three times from each sound source. the angle between the speaker's axis in the same plane was 45, and the distance to the subject was 1 m.RESULT: the results demonstrate that the sound localization ability of the firefighters was significantly lower (p < 0.01) than that of the control group.CONCLUSION: Exposure to occupational noise, even when not resulting in hearing loss, may lead to a diminished ability to locate a sound source.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosThe use of Digital Sound in Health(Ios Press, 2013-01-01) Labrada, Luis; Pereira, Samaris Ramiro [UNIFESP]; Bandiera-Paiva, Paulo [UNIFESP]; Mantas, J.; Hasman, A.; Iteknol Tecnol Informacao & Serv; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)With the advent of computing and micro computing, several applications based on Digital Sound have emerged around the world. Much analog equipment and electronics have gained new functions due to evolution and the low cost of microprocessors and integrated circuits. the rapidly expanding user community of such equipment allowed the advancement of research and development of numerous applications in which the Digital Sound participates actively, including, tests, treatments and therapies. in addition to solutions for use in laboratories, clinics and hospitals, there emerged devices for domestic use and handling, enabling faster dissemination and exploitation of advances, and providing the necessary feedback in the evolution of technologies applied. the massive use of Digital Sound encouraged research involving frequency bands used widely in health equipment (infrasounds and ultrasounds). Through the methodology of literature review, this paper seeks to explain the evolution of different applications of Digital Sound in Health, as well as indicate future research.