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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise da narrativa oral de pré-escolares antes e após estimulação de linguagem(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2012-01-01) Verzolla, Beatriz Lopes Porto; Isotani, Selma Mie [UNIFESP]; Perissinoto, Jacy [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To verify the oral narrative abilities in preschoolers, before and after language stimulation. METHODS: Participants were 58 preschoolers. The study was developed in three stages: 1. Pre-stimulation stage (Moment 1) - preschoolers produced the first autonomous narrative based on a sequence of pictures, and the second under adult scaffolding; 2. Stimulation stage - it was conducted a weekly reading of children's stories in group, for ten weeks; 3. Post-stimulation stage (Moment 2): the same procedure of the first stage was repeated. The results analysis considered: the occurrence of central and secondary events; the accountable/explicable conduct, classified according to physical causes, moral/social rules and internal state; the attribution and rectification of false beliefs, analyzed by the internal state's accountable/explicable conduct. RESULTS: There was an increase in the occurrence of central events in Moment 2 as well as after the adult scaffolding, with decrease of secondary events comparing both moments and after the scaffolding. Regarding the accountable/explicable conduct, no differences were found between physical, social/moral rules, and internal state conducts. The internal state accountable/explicable conduct was predominantly found in all the autonomous narratives. CONCLUSION: Both the reading of children's stories and the adult scaffolding contribute to the increase in the occurrence of events in autonomous narratives. There is no variation on the type of accountable/explicable conduct in the narratives. The internal state accountable/explicable conduct is predominantly used by preschoolers.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Discurso narrativo oral e escrito na fase inicial da doença de Alzheimer(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-06-29) Miranda, Claudia Shizue [UNIFESP]; Minett, Thaís Soares Cianciarullo [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Purpose: To identify whether there is a difference in narraíive discourse of patients with mild Alzheimers disease and elderly contrais regarding the number of words, number of units of information, type of units of information and conciseness, and to confirm if there is coherence between the oral and written narratives and which are the units of information that most differentiate the íwo groups both in the oral and the written characteristics. Methods: A cross-sectional observational conírol-case síudy evaluating 60 individuais, over 65 years of age, divided into 30 contrais and 30 patients with initial stage Alzheimers disease, of both genders and with over four years of schooling. The subjects were submiíted to Mini Mental State Examination and Alzheimers Disease Assessment Scale - Cognitive subscale and to Clinicai Dementia Rating and were asked to produce an oral and a written story based on a picture. The informative content was analyzed taking into account the total number of words and the number of units of information. Resulte: A major number of words and information units were observed in the oral story compared to the written one in the Alzheimers disease patients this was not observed in the narratives of the contrai group. There were also more information units in the oral narrative for the key-category action than in the written story of the Alzheimers disease patients, while this difference was not observed in that of the contrai group. This suggests a reduction in the number of words and the information units of the written narrative compared to the oral one by the Alzheimers disease patients. It also indicates a reduction in the units of information for the key-category action for the written narrative of the Alzheimers disease patients regarding the oral narrative. In general, the results of this study suggest that the reduction in the number of words and the information contained in the production of narratives occurred in the initial stage of Alzheimers disease. Conclusions: A reduction occurred in the number of words and the number of units of information, the units of information for key-category action and of conciseness of the written narrative in patients sufferíng from mild Alzheimers disease compared to the elderly individuais in the control group. They demonstrated consistency, that is, similariíy between the oral and written narratives of Alzheimers disease patients and controls. Some information was identified that will enable differentiation between the two groups.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Mulheres num mundo carcerário(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-07-29) Silva, Anna Carolina Martins [UNIFESP]; Bretas, Ana Cristina Passarella [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Estar na prisão permite captar cheiros, formas e cores impregnadas nas paredes e também, nas palavras, silêncios e gestos das mulheres que estão encarceradas. Essas mulheres, apesar de serem minoria quando comparadas ao total de homens presos, estão em número cada vez maior nas unidades brasileiras. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, utilizou como método a História Oral Temática, com o objetivo de conhecer o cotidiano prisional a partir de histórias contadas por mulheres que cumprem pena em privação de liberdade na Penitenciária Feminina de Sant'Ana, na cidade de São Paulo e assim, compreender as realidades vividas por elas. Foram feitas entrevistas, este material foi transcrito e transcriado e, posteriormente uma leitura criteriosa dos dados deu origem a quatro eixos temáticos que foram analisados, são eles: o eu e a outra; mimeografar o passado e imprimir o futuro; diariamente; disciplina e poder: morto! Vivo! Vivo! Morto! Vivo! A relação que foi construída com tais mulheres nos fez a todo tempo assumir posições de "eu" e "outra"; sair do ambiente prisional através de memórias e esperanças; se aproximar do cotidiano, apreendido por cada uma delas ao se adaptarem, criando formas de resistência e compreendendo as circunstâncias do encarceramento; notar que por meio do poder disciplinar, tão próprio das instituições totais e totalizantes, as vivências estão, sobretudo, controladas. A experiência reinventa pesquisadoras e pesquisadas e amplia horizontes para a compreensão da vida de mulheres num mundo carcerário.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Narração de histórias por crianças com distúrbio específico de linguagem(Pró-Fono Produtos Especializados para Fonoaudiologia Ltda., 2008-06-01) Befi-lopes, Débora Maria; Bento, Ana Carolina Paiva; Perissinoto, Jacy [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)BACKGROUND: narrative abilities provide rich information about the linguistic, cognitive and social competences of children with typical language development and with SLI (Specific Language Impairment). Children with SLI present deficits in speech elaboration, which is generally confusing and repetitive. Furthermore, there may be difficulty with text organization, understanding the underlying time and cause-effect relationships and in the development of the structural knowledge needed for comprehension. AIM: to characterize the narration of stories by children with SLI regarding the type and content of speech and to compare their performance to that of their typically developing peers, matched according to the chronological age. METHOD: two groups participated in this study: Control Group (CG), 24 children with no language deficits and Research Group (RG), 8 children with the diagnosis of SLI. To elicit the narratives, a series of 15 stories were used, represented by illustrations containing four scenes each. These sequences were created and classified as mechanical, behavioral and intentional, according to the relationship established between the characters. RESULTS: children with SLI presented poorer narratives when compared to their typically developing peers, independent of the type of story which was presented. Moreover, children with SLI showed a similar perception of the mental states when compared to children with normal development. CONCLUSIONS: these results indicate that, regardless the type of story, children with SLI have difficulties in the use of language, that is, with the linguistic abilities necessary to narrate stories and not in the perception of the characters' mental state.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosNarrativas de vida: significados atribuídos aos exercícios físicos no envelhecer.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-09-13) Santos, Alvaro Carlos De Souza Mendes Dos [UNIFESP]; Pezzato, Luciane Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Aging is a process that occurs throughout a person's life experience through choices and circumstances. Specifically, physical exercise programs can contribute significantly to the health of the population, both by the social engagement they promote and by the positive stimulus in the physical aspects. The present work aims to listen and know the life history of a group of old women to access the meanings attributed by them to physical exercises in their aging processes as well as to understand the role of the physical education professional in monitoring these practices. Using the narrative as a tool of knowledge and reflection, we seek to access the oral memory of old people, articulating and listening to their history. The subjects of this investigation were old people who attended the academy of the Petrobras Employee Club (CEPE), in the city of Santos-SP. The narrative of each subject was built from the material produced during the fieldwork: an affective presentation of the narrators, articulated to the records in the diaries of the meetings and connected to the theoretical framework. By narrating their life stories, narrators were able to rescue, establish relationships and experiences of the link with physical exercise.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Narrativas: utilização na pesquisa qualitativa em saúde(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2008-12-01) Onocko Campos, Rosana Teresa; Furtado, Juarez Pereira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present bibliographic review followed a path through several chains of thought concerned with studying narratives. Some classical studies on narrative structure with origins within literature, history, communications theory and psychoanalysis were analyzed with the aim of exploring whether their categories and concepts would be methodologically applicable to qualitative health-related research. In the conclusions, the potential for using narratives to study situations in which there is interest in mediations between experience and language, between structure and events, between subjects and collective groups or between memory and political action are highlighted. These are questions that traditionally are of interest within Brazilian public health with regard to the field of Policy, Planning and Management.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Narrative competence among hearing-impaired and normal-hearing children: analytical cross-sectional study(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2010-01-01) Soares, Alexandra Dezani [UNIFESP]; Goulart, Bárbara Niegia Garcia de [UNIFESP]; Chiari, Brasilia Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Oral narrative is a means of language development assessment. However, standardized data for deaf patients are scarce. The aim here was to compare the use of narrative competence between hearing-impaired and normal-hearing children. DESIGN AND SETTING: Analytical cross-sectional study at the Department of Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). METHODS: Twenty-one moderately to profoundly bilaterally hearing-impaired children (cases) and 21 normal-hearing children without language abnormalities (controls), matched according to sex, age, schooling level and school type, were studied. A board showing pictures in a temporally logical sequence was presented to each child, to elicit a narrative, and the child's performance relating to narrative structure and cohesion was measured. The frequencies of variables, their associations (Mann-Whitney test) and their 95% confidence intervals was analyzed. RESULTS: The deaf subjects showed poorer performance regarding narrative structure, use of connectives, cohesion measurements and general punctuation (P < 0.05). There were no differences in the number of propositions elaborated or in referent specification between the two groups. The deaf children produced a higher proportion of orientation-related propositions (P = 0.001) and lower proportions of propositions relating to complicating actions (P = 0.015) and character reactions (P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Hearing-impaired children have abnormalities in different aspects of language, involving form, content and use, in relation to their normal-hearing peers. Narrative competence was also associated with the children's ages and the school type.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Relações entre dor crônica e histórias de vida de mulheres(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2017-10-27) Feio, Cinthia Bianca dos Anjos Pessoa Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Lombardi Júnior, Imperio [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A presente pesquisa parte da relação entre as dores crônicas musculoesqueléticas e o histórico de vida de mulheres com dores crônicas, identificando os eventos negativos que abrangem situações como violências, perdas ou doenças em algum período da vida. Estão incluídos nessas condições diagnósticos tão diversos como osteoartrites, doenças reumatológicas e fibromialgia. A dor pode ser definida como uma experiência sensorial e emocional desagradável associada com um dano tecidual real ou potencial, tratando-se de uma experiência individual e subjetiva. Existe uma complexa interação de fatores biológicos e psicossociais que aumentam a probabilidade de que pessoas com histórias prévias de violência apresentem maior quantidade de problemas de saúde, com maior nível de dor associado e limitações funcionais decorrentes. Os objetivos do estudo foram analisar as relações entre a história de vida e a dor em mulheres com dores crônicas, identificando os sentidos e significados conferidos pelas participantes, além de buscar compreender como ocorre o manejo da dor crônica, identificando as experiências de atenção à saúde e de autocuidado. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, que se baseou em oito entrevistas em profundidade, construindo narrativas do tipo história oral de vida. A busca dos sentidos e significados dados pelas participantes à experiência dos sofrimentos, tanto físicos quanto emocionais, procurou basear-se na concepção da psicologia sócio histórica e o material foi examinado nos termos na análise de conteúdo. Foram construídas onze categorias temáticas, sendo destacados trechos das narrativas que mostraram intenso sofrimento ao longo da vida das participantes, envolvendo violências, doenças e lutos de familiares. As relações desiguais de gênero surgiram como fonte de sofrimento, além da exploração do trabalho infantil. Pôde ser observado um longo tempo de convivência com as dores crônicas antes da busca por tratamentos, com o manejo baseado em um misto de saberes aprendidos nos contatos sociais e em experiências com os cuidados em saúde, com dificuldades de compreensão acerca da própria condição, que repercutiram em problemas de adesão às práticas orientadas. É necessário que as práticas de cuidados em saúde sejam capazes de acolher os sofrimentos humanos que transcendem a dor em seu aspecto físico, uma vez que as ações limitadas às queixas somáticas se mostram insuficientes. O estudo aprofundado sobre os aspectos subjetivos relacionados às dores crônicas possibilita a construção de cuidados em saúde compatíveis com a perspectiva da integralidade, resultando em melhor qualidade e diminuição do sofrimento humano.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Use of nouns and verbs in the oral narrative of individuals with hearing impairment and normal hearing between 5 and 11 years of age(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2013-01-01) Amemiya, Erica Endo; Goulart, Barbara Niegia Garcia; Chiari, Brasilia Maria [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Social Psychology DepartmentCONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE:Nouns and verbs indicate actions in oral communication. However, hearing impairment can compromise the acquisition of oral language to such an extent that appropriate use of these can be challenging. The objective of this study was to compare the use of nouns and verbs in the oral narrative of hearing-impaired and hearing children.DESIGN AND SETTING:Analytical cross-sectional study at the Department of Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences, Universidade Federal de São Paulo.METHODS:Twenty-one children with moderate to profound bilateral neurosensory hearing impairment and twenty-one with normal hearing (controls) were matched according to sex, school year and school type. A board showing pictures was presented to each child, to elicit a narrative and measure their performance in producing nouns and verbs.RESULTS:Twenty-two (52.4%) of the subjects were males. The mean age was 8 years (standard deviation, SD = 1.5). Comparing averages between the groups of boys and girls, we did not find any significant difference in their use of nouns, but among verbs, there was a significant difference regarding use of the imperative (P = 0.041): more frequent among boys (mean = 2.91). There was no significant difference in the use of nouns and verbs between deaf children and hearers, in relation to school type. Regarding use of the indicative, there was a nearly significant trend (P = 0.058).CONCLUSION:Among oralized hearing-impaired children who underwent speech therapy, their performance regarding verbs and noun use was similar to that of their hearing counterparts.