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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Abdominal circumference measurement by ultrasound does not enhance estimating the association of visceral fat with cardiovascular risk(Elsevier B.V., 2013-02-01) Seibert, Helena [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Aline Maria Luiz [UNIFESP]; Ajzen, Sergio Aron [UNIFESP]; Nogueira, Paulo Cesar Koch [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objectives: To evaluate the association between visceral fat and cardiovascular risk factors and to compare the ultrasonographic measurements of abdominal visceral fat with abdominal circumference (AC).Methods: This observational cross-sectional study categorized pubertal and postpubertal adolescents into a control group (n = 49) and an obese group (n = 46). Weight, height, AC, blood pressure, biochemical tests (lipid profile, triacylglycerols, fasting glucose for insulinemia, and serum uric acid), and ultrasound to measure visceral fat were assessed.Results: We found significant differences in the vascular risk variables between the groups, except for total cholesterol and fasting blood glucose level. We also observed that 31 subjects in the control group presented abnormalities in cardiovascular risk factors. the correlations between abdominal visceral fat (measured by ultrasound or the AC) and cardiovascular risk factors were significant. in the entire sample, AC presented better sensitivity and specificity than the ultrasound-measured abdominal visceral fat for identifying the presence of a cluster of at least three cardiovascular risk factors (areas under the receiver operating characteristics curve 0.87 and 0.73, respectively).Conclusion: Ultrasonographic measurements of visceral fat were correlated with cardiovascular risk factors, but this association was also demonstrable with AC measurements. Our results suggest that the measurement of visceral fat by ultrasound is unnecessary for the diagnosis of cardiovascular risk in well-nourished or obese adolescents. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Adipose tissue expression of 11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in cushing's syndrome and in obesity(Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 2007-11-01) Espíndola-Antunes, Daniela [UNIFESP]; Kater, Claudio Elias [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Glucocorticoids have a major role in determining adipose tissue metabolism and distribution. 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11betaHSD1) is a NADPH-dependent enzyme highly expressed in the liver and adipose tissue. In most intact cells and tissues it functions as a reductase (to convert inactive cortisone to active cortisol). It has been hypothesized that tissue-specific deregulation of cortisol metabolism may be involved in the complex pathophysiology of the metabolic syndrome (MS) and obesity. Transgenic mice overexpressing 11betaHSD1 in adipose tissue develop obesity with all features of the MS, whereas 11betaHSD1-knockout mice are protected from both. The bulk of evidences points to an overexpression and increased activity of 11betaHSD1 also in human adipose tissue. However, 11betaHSD1 seems to adjust local cortisol concentrations independently of its plasma levels. In Cushing's syndrome, 11betaHSD1 is downregulated and may not be responsible for the abdominal fat depots; it also undergoes downregulation in response to weight loss in human obesity. The nonselective 11betaHSD1 inhibitor carbenoxolone improves insulin sensitivity in humans, and selective inhibitors enhance insulin action in diabetic mice liver, thereby lowering blood glucose. Thus, 11betaHSD1 is now emerging as a modulator of energy partitioning and a promising pharmacological target to treat the MS and diabetes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise da associação de atividade física à síndrome metabólica em estudo populacional de nipo-brasileiros(Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 2006-12-01) Doro, Antonio Roberto [UNIFESP]; Gimeno, Suely Godoy Agostinho [UNIFESP]; Hirai, Amélia Toyomi [UNIFESP]; Franco, Laercio Joel [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Sandra Roberta Gouvea [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)Sedentary behavior-related diseases can be prevented by lifestyle changes. Part of the cardiovascular benefits of physical activity (PA) may be due to low-grade inflammation. This study describes the PA of a population of Japanese and analyses its association with metabolic syndrome (MS) adjusted a number of variables. This was based on a database previously created following a population-based study of Japanese-Brazilians. 1,330 subjects aged > 30 years, of both sexes, living in Bauru, were included and they were submitted to interviews, being obtained sociodemographic, health, physical activity and dietary data, as well as clinical and laboratory data. Physical activity assessment focused on activities during work and leisure times. Diagnosis of MS was based on an adaptation of NCEP criteria for Asians. Non-conditional logistic regression had MS as the dependent variable. Men (46.1%) and women showed similar mean ages (57.0 ± 12.8 and 56.9 ± 12.2 years, respectively). A slight preponderance of females was observed. Men had a higher level of education and more frequently were smokers (p< 0.001); their mean values of BMI, waist and blood pressure (p< 0.001) were higher than the women s. For both sexes, the majority referred light and moderate activities (81.2% of men and 86.6% of women). As far as work time is concerned, 87.8% of men classified their effort as light or moderate versus 96.1% of women. Distribution by PA levels showed that women were always less active than men (p= 0.01). Stratifying by the presence of MS, men and women with MS were significantly older and showed greater anthropometric values. Considering the walking duration for work, there was a tendency of shorter periods among those with MS (p< 0.078). As expected, subjects with MS showed significantly higher levels of blood pressure, plasma glucose, lipids and HOMA-IR when compared to those without MS. HDL levels were lower in the MS group, being significant for the female sex. The mean values of CRP were higher in subjects with MS. In logistic regression, age, BMI, HOMA-IR and CRP were shown to be independently associated with MS, but not parameters used to measure physical activity. Our findings do not allow to state that physical inactivity is associated with MS in a Japanese-Brazilian population. High frequencies of physical inactivity should have contributed to the negative findings concerning protective effects of physical activity. The association of MS and serum CRP favors the hypothesis that a low-grade inflammatory state may participate in this syndrome.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Atividade física da população nipo-brasileira de Bauru, SP: associações com a síndrome metabólica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2006-12-31) Doro, Antonio Roberto [UNIFESP]; Vivolo, Sandra Roberta Gouvea Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Doenças associadas ao sedentarismo podem ser prevenidas por mudanças no estilo de vida. Parte dos benefícios cardiovasculares da atividade física (AF) poderiam advir de menor grau de inflamação. Este estudo descreve a AF de uma população de origem japonesa e analisa sua associação à síndrome metabólica (SM), ajustada para diversas variáveis. Baseou-se em banco de dados previamente constituído a partir de estudo de base populacional em nipo-brasileiros. Foram incluídos 1330 indivíduos ambos os sexos, residentes em Bauru, submetidos a entrevistas, sendo obtidos dados sócio-demográficos, de saúde, AF e de dieta, além de exames médico e laboratoriais. A avaliação da AF enfocou atividades no trabalho e nas horas vagas. O diagnóstico de SM foi baseado em adaptação para asiáticos dos critérios do NCEP. Empregou-se regressão logística, tendo a SM como variável resposta. Homens (46,1%) e mulheres apresentaram médias de idade semelhantes (57,0±12,8 e 56,9±12,2 anos, respectivamente). Houve leve predomínio do sexo feminino. Os homens apresentavam grau de instrução mais elevado e mais freqüentemente eram fumantes (p<0,001); seus valores médios de IMC, cintura e de pressão arterial (p<0,001) foram superiores aos das mulheres. Para ambos os sexos, a maioria referia praticar atividades de intensidade leve ou moderada nas horas vagas (81,2% dos homens e 86,6% das mulheres). Quanto ao esforço do trabalho, 87,8% dos homens classificaram seu esforço como leve ou moderado, contra 96,1% das mulheres. A distribuição por níveis de AF invariavelmente revelou que as mulheres eram mais inativas (p=0,01). Estratificando-se pela presença da SM, as mulheres e homens com SM eram significantemente mais velhos e apresentavam maiores valores antropométricos. Considerando a duração da caminhada ao trabalho, notou-se tendência a tempo menor entre aqueles com SM (p<0,078). Conforme esperado, indivíduos com SM apresentaram níveis significantemente maiores de pressão arterial, glicemia, lípides e HOMA-IR quando comparado aos sem SM. O HDL foi menor no grupo com SM, sendo significante no sexo feminino. Os valores médios da PCR foram maiores nos indivíduos com SM. Na regressão logística, a idade, IMC, HOMA-IR e PCR se associaram independentemente à SM, o que não ocorreu com os parâmetros usados para mensurar AF. Nossos achados não permitem afirmar que a inatividade física associa-se à presença de SM numa população nipobrasileira, mas sim um estado inflamatório sub-clínico. Limitações de ordem metodológica devem ter contribuído para achados negativos quanto a efeitos protetores da AF.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da composição corporal, função cognitiva e resposta à cirurgia bariátrica em pacientes com histórico de esteatose hepática(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-11-22) Silva, Vitória Fernandes [UNIFESP]; Lee, Kil Sun [UNIFESP]; Pino, Jessica Monteiro Volejnik [UNIFESP];;;ção: O fígado é um órgão fundamental no desempenho de diversas funções vitais, incluindo o metabolismo de macronutrientes. A disfunção desse órgão pode gerar uma das hepatopatias mais alarmantes nos últimos anos, a Doença Hepática Gordurosa não Alcoólica (DHGNA). Amplo espectro histológico de lesão hepática, iniciando com esteatose hepática (EH) que está cada vez mais associada à síndrome metabólica (SM) na obesidade, para a qual, a cirurgia bariátrica é considerada um dos principais tratamentos. Objetivo: Investigar como a esteatose hepática afeta a composição corporal, o desempenho cognitivo e a resposta à cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos: Voluntárias realizaram coleta de sangue, exame de bioimpedância e uma bateria de testes cognitivos. Os parâmetros bioquímicos foram obtidos dos prontuários eletrônicos. Os metabólitos circulantes foram analisados por CG/EM usando amostras de plasma. Estratificação pelo grau de esteatose hepática (grupo 1: ausente e leve; grupo 2: moderado e grave) Resultados: Maior grau de EH apresentou maiores níveis de glicemia (p=0,012), insulina (p=0,001) e Homa-IR (p=0,001) antes da cirurgia. Foi observado um menor efeito da cirurgia sobre o ganho de massa muscular (p=0,009) e perda de gordura corporal (p=0,0013) no grupo com maior grau de EH. No teste cognitivo, observou-se melhora nos testes de atenção em ambos os grupos após a cirurgia. O perfil metabólico mostrou que os macronutrientes são as principais classes de moléculas que se alteraram entre os grupos. Discussão: De acordo com a literatura, a EH pode ser causa ou consequência da resistência insulínica. A homeostase muscular depende do equilíbrio de várias vias metabólicas, que é regulada pela insulina. Portanto, nossa observação pode ser explicada pela resistência insulínica presente antes da cirurgia, que também pode alterar o perfil dos metabólitos circulantes. Conclusão: Um maior grau de esteatose hepática parece estar associado à resistência insulínica, o que pode atenuar o efeito da cirurgia bariátrica. A investigação dessa relação é importante, pois tal relação pode colaborar para uma diminuição da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos portadores de EH.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação morfofuncional renal na síndrome metabólica induzida por dieta hiperlipídica associada à sobrecarga salina aguda em ratos hipertensos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-10-26) Pereira, Renata Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Farah, Vera de Moura Azevedo [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The metabolic syndrome is characterized by the combination of at least 3 risk factors, for example diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and obesity in the same person. The incidence of this syndrome has increased associated with an increase in the number of patients with nephropathies. Studies show that genetic and environmental factors are involved in the genesis of the components of the metabolic syndrome. Among the environmental factors, there is the consumption of food with high levels of salt and fat. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the association of high-fat diet (30% lipids) and saline overload (1% salt during 10 days) on the renal function of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Weaned male SHR rats (40-50g) were separated into 4 groups: Control (SC), Salt (SS), High-fat (SHL), High-fat Salt (SHLS) and the animals were followed during 8 weeks. The main results obtained were that the animals treated with the high-fat diet (SHL and SHLS) presented: 1) Decreased glomerular filtration rate; 2) Increased renal lipids deposition; 3) Increased collagen deposition in the kidney; 4) Decreased diameter of the glomerular tuft. In addition, we observed an increase in the expression of inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α in the kidneys of the animals that received only saline overload (SS group), while we observed an increase of collagen IV in the kidney of all treated animals. In conclusion, our results show that the hypertensive animals fed a high-fat diet presented an important impairment in renal function, evidenced by the decrease of the glomerular filtration rate. It seems to be associated with a renal fibrogenesis process. However, the administration of an acute saline overload was not able to modify the glomerular filtration rate of the spontaneously hypertensive animals, although it has caused renal histological alterations and has changed the inflammatory cytokines.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosChronic psychological stress and high-fat high-fructose diet disrupt metabolic and inflammatory gene networks in the brain, liver, and gut and promote behavioral deficits in mice(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2017) Rodrigues, Maria Elizabeth de Sousa [UNIFESP]; Bekhbat, Mandakh; Houser, Madelyn C.; Chang, Jianjun; Walker, Douglas I.; Jones, Dean P.; Nascimento, Claudia Maria da Penha Oller do [UNIFESP]; Barnum, Christopher J.; Tansey, Malu G.The mechanisms underlying the association between chronic psychological stress, development of metabolic syndrome (MetS), and behavioral impairment in obesity are poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of mild chronic psychological stress on metabolic, inflammatory, and behavioral profiles in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity. We hypothesized that (1) high-fat high-fructose diet (HFHF) and psychological stress would synergize to mediate the impact of inflammation on the central nervous system in the presence of behavioral dysfunction, and that (2) HFHF and stress interactions would impact insulin and lipid metabolism. C57BI/6 male mice underwent a combination of HFHF and two weeks of chronic psychological stress. MetS-related conditions were assessed using untargeted plasma metabolomics, and structural and immune changes in the gut and liver were evaluated. Inflammation was measured in plasma, liver, gut, and brain. Our results show a complex interplay of diet and stress on gut alterations, energetic homeostasis, lipid metabolism, and plasma insulin levels. Psychological stress and HFHF diet promoted changes in intestinal tight junctions proteins and increases in insulin resistance and plasma cholesterol, and impacted the RNA expression of inflammatory factors in the hippocampus. Stress promoted an adaptive anti-inflammatory profile in the hippocampus that was abolished by diet treatment. HFHF increased hippocampal and hepatic Lcn2 mRNA expression as well as LCN2 plasma levels. Behavioral changes were associated with HFHF and stress. Collectively, these results suggest that diet and stress as pervasive factors exacerbate MetS-related conditions through an inflammatory mechanism that ultimately can impact behavior. This rodent model may prove useful for identification of possible biomarkers and therapeutic targets to treat metabolic syndrome and mood disorders. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Combined treatment with caffeic and ferulic acid from Baccharis uncinella C. DC. (Asteraceae) protects against metabolic syndrome in mice(Assoc Bras Divulg Cientifica, 2016) Bocco, B. M.; Fernandes, G. W.; Lorena, F. B.; Cysneiros, R. M.; Christoffolete, M. A.; Grecco, S. S.; Lancellotti, C. L.; Romoff, P.; Lago, J. H. G. [UNIFESP]; Bianco, A. C.; Ribeiro, M. O.Fractionation of the EtOH extract from aerial parts of Baccharis uncinella C. DC. (Asteraceae) led to isolation of caffeic and ferulic acids, which were identified from spectroscopic and spectrometric evidence. These compounds exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to be effective in the prevention/treatment of metabolic syndrome. This study investigated whether the combined treatment of caffeic and ferulic acids exhibits a more significant beneficial effect in a mouse model with metabolic syndrome. The combination treatment with caffeic and ferulic acids was tested for 60 days in C57 mice kept on a high-fat (40%) diet. The data obtained indicated that treatment with caffeic and ferulic acids prevented gain in body weight induced by the high-fat diet and improved hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. The expression of a number of metabolically relevant genes was affected in the liver of these animals, showing that caffeic and ferulic acid treatment results in increased cholesterol uptake and reduced hepatic triglyceride synthesis in the liver, which is a likely explanation for the prevention of hepatic steatosis. In conclusion, the combined treatment of caffeic and ferulic acids displayed major positive effects towards prevention of multiple aspects of the metabolic syndrome and liver steatosis in an obese mouse model.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Consumo alimentar dos portadores de Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica: comparação entre a presença e a ausência de Esteatoepatite Não Alcoólica e Síndrome Metabólica(Núcleo de Editoração SBI, 2016) Crispim, Fany Govetri Sena [UNIFESP]; Elias, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP]; Parise, Edison Roberto [UNIFESP]Objetivo - O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o consumo alimentar de portadores de Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica, comparar com as recomendações nutricionais diárias e analisar a correlação da dieta com a presença de Síndrome Metabólica e com a gravidade da doença, uma vez que estudos sobre os hábitos alimentares dos portadores de Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica ainda são escassos na literatura. Métodos - Nesse estudo foram avaliados, inicialmente, 158 pacientes com diagnóstico de Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica. Analisou-se exames laboratoriais, biópsia hepática, dados antropométricos e consumo dietético (registro alimentar de três dias). Dentre os pacientes avaliados, alguns já haviam sido orientados nutricionalmente e foram divididos em dois grupos: "sem dieta" e "com dieta". Para o cálculo de comparações de médias entre os grupos estudados, empregou-se o teste t de Student, considerando o nível de significância de 5% (a£0,05). Resultados - Do total inicial de participantes, 59 apresentavam modificação significativa da dieta a partir de alguma orientação nutricional prévia e, por isso, foram excluídos da análise. Dos 99 pacientes restantes, quando confrontados com a ingestão dietética recomendada, 26% apresentavam maior ingestão energética e 80%, de ácidos graxos saturados, além de deficiente ingestão de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados e monoinsaturados, fibras e vitamina E, confirmando estudos prévios nessa mesma população. Entretanto, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na dieta desses pacientes quando divididos de acordo com a presença ou ausência de Síndrome Metabólica e Esteatoepatite Não Alcoólica. Conclusão - Esses dados, à luz dos conhecimentos atuais, sugerem que a dieta, especialmente quando rica em ácidos graxos saturados e deficiente em fibras e vitaminas antioxidantes, pode ter importante papel no aparecimento da Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica, mas que outros fatores exercem papel mais relevante na sua progressão para a Esteatoepatite Não Alcoólica.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Consumo alimentar dos portadores de Doença Hepática Gordurosa Não Alcoólica: comparação entre a presença e a ausência de Esteatoepatite Não Alcoólica e Síndrome Metabólica(Pontificia Universidade Catolica Campinas, 2016) Sena Crispim, Fany Govetri [UNIFESP]; Elias, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP]; Parise, Edison Roberto [UNIFESP]Objective The objective of this study was to assess the food intake of individuals with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, compare it with daily nutritional recommendations, and analyze whether diet correlates with the presence of Metabolic Syndrome and disease severity, because studies about the food habits of these individuals are still scarce in the literature. Methods Initially, this study assessed 158 patients diagnosed with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Laboratory tests, liver biopsy, anthropometric data, and food intake (determined by the three-day food record) were analyzed. Some study patients had already received dietary advice, so the sample was divided into two groups, one "without dietary advice" and another "with dietary advice". The Student's t-test compared the means between the groups at a significance level of 5% (alpha <= 0.05). Results Of the initial sample, 59 patients changed their diet significantly after receiving dietary advice, so they were excluded from the analysis. The other 99 patients consumed 26% more energy and 80% more saturated fatty acids than recommended and presented low intake of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, fibers, and vitamin E, confirming previous studies in this same population. However, the diets of these patients did not differ significantly by presence or absence of Metabolic Syndrome or Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. Conclusion In light of current knowledge, these data suggest that diet, especially when high in saturated fatty acids and low in fiber and antioxidant vitamins, can play an important role in the onset of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, but other factors play a more important role in its progression to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Consumo alimentar dos portadores de doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica: comparação entre a presença e ausência de síndrome metabólica e a gravidade da doença(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-05-25) Crispim, Fany Govetri Sena [UNIFESP]; Parise, Edison Roberto [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Purpose: To evaluate the dietary intake of subjects with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and compare with recommended dietary intake, presence and absence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and disease severity (presence and absence of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis). Methods: We first evaluated 158 patients with a diagnosis of NAFLD by clinical examination, histological analysis, anthropometry (weight, height, BMI, waist circumference) and dietary intake (3 days food record) with analysis of protein, carbohydrates and lipids, including saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA) and cholesterol, micronutrients (vitamins A, C and E) and total dietary fiber. Of these, 59 presented dietary changes as a result of previous nutritional instruction and were excluded from the analysis. Results: Among the remaining 99 patients, when compared to the recommended dietary intake, we observed a higher intake of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids in 59,5% and 87,8%, respectively, in addition to deficient ingestion of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, fibers, and vitamin E in 98,9 %, 76,7%, 64,6% and 68,6% of these patients, respectively. These findings agree with previous studies involving this population. No significant differences in diet were observed when these patients were divided according to the presence or absence of metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Conclusions: In this study, we observed that individuals with NAFLD presented inadequate intake of MUFA, PUFA, vitamin E and fiber and excessive consumption of SFA and cholesterol. However, no significant differences were found in diet of these patients when divided according to presence or absence of MS and NASH.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Cut-off values of waist circumference to predict metabolic syndrome in obese adolescents(Aula Medica Ediciones, 2015-04-01) Masquio, Deborah Cristina Landi [UNIFESP]; Piano, Aline de [UNIFESP]; Campos, Raquel Munhoz da Silveira [UNIFESP]; Sanches, Priscila de Lima [UNIFESP]; Corgosinho, Flavia Campos [UNIFESP]; Caranti, Danielle Arisa [UNIFESP]; Tock, Lian; Mello, Marco Tulio de [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Dâmaso, Ana Raimunda [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Weight SciIntroduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a constellation of metabolic alterations related to abdominal obesity, inflammation and insulin resistance, which increase cardiovascular disease and mortality. the aims of the present study were to identify the prevalence of comorbidities and altered parameters in obese adolescents with and without MetS, and determine cut-off points of waist circumference to predict MetS.Methods: 195 obese adolescents were recruited and divided according to MetS diagnosis based on IDF criteria. Blood analyses of glucose, lipids, liver enzymes, adiponectin and leptin were measured. Insulin resistance was assessed by HOMA-IR, QUICK' and HOMA-AD. Visceral, subcutaneous and hepatic fat were ultrasonography obtained. Body composition was estimated by BOD POD system.Results: We observed a prevalence of 25% of MetS (n=50). the MetS group presented significantly higher body mass, BlVH, body fat (kg), free-fat mass (kg), waist circumference, visceral fat, glucose, insulin, insulin resistance, total-cholesterol, LDL-c, VLDL-c, triglycerides, liver enzymes, blood pressure and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Significant lower QUICKI and adiponectin were noted in MetS group. MetS girls presented significantly higher leptin/adiponectin ratio compared to Non-MetS girls. Cut-off points of 111.5 cm for boys and 104.6 cm for girls of waist circumference were suggested to predict metabolic syndrome. Moreover, waist circumference was positively correlated with visceral fat and the number of metabolic syndrome parameters.Conclusion: MetS group presented significantly higher metabolic alterations and inflammation compared to Non-MetS group. Waist circumference is considered an anthropometric measure predictor of metabolic syndrome in obese adolescents, being useful in clinical practice.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosDietary intakes associated with metabolic syndrome in a cohort of Japanese ancestry(Cambridge Univ Press, 2006-09-01) Damião, Renata [UNIFESP]; Castro, Teresa G.; Cardoso, Marly A.; Gimeno, Suely Godoy Agostinho [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Sandra Roberta Gouvea [UNIFESP]; Japanese Brazilian Diabetes Study Group; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)The present study examined the association between dietary factors and metabolic syndrome in a 7-year follow-up of Japanese-Brazilians. in 1993, a survey estimated the prevalence of diabetes in a Japanese-Brazilian population aged 40-79 years. From 647 subjects studied at baseline, 394 (60.9 %) participated in a second survey (2000); after exclusion of subjects with self-reported diseases, 23.4 % (n 151) were included in the present analysis. Metabolic syndrome diagnosis was based on the National Cholesterol Education Program criteria modified for Asians. Food intake was assessed by a validated food-frequency questionnaire. At baseline, mean ages were 56.1 (SD 9.7) and 54.7 (SD 10.6) years for men and women, respectively. Similar cumulative incidence rates of the metabolic syndrome were found in both sexes (36.9 (95 % CI 26.6, 48.1)% for men and 38.8 (95 % CI 27.1, 51.4) % for women). in 1993, mean values of blood pressure, waist circumference for men and 2 h plasma glucose for both sexes were higher among subjects who developed metabolic syndrome when compared with those who did not. Comparisons of nutrient intakes between subsets of subjects who developed or did not develop metabolic syndrome showed an association of protein intake with the syndrome only in men (96.4 (SD 56.8) v. 74.3 (SD 26.0) g/d; P < 0.05). Odds ratios of the metabolic syndrome across tertiles of food groups intake showed that among men the highest tertile of red meat consumption was associated with a 4.7-fold increase in risk of developing the syndrome, after adjustments for confounders. However, the statistical significance of this model disappeared when saturated fatty acids were added. the data raised the possibility of a role of red meat consumption for the occurrence of metabolic syndrome in Japanese-Brazilian men. the present findings may have implications for the prevention of metabolic syndrome in this high-risk population.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosDifferent metabolic responses induced by long-term interdisciplinary therapy in obese adolescents related to ACE I/D polymorphism(Sage Publications Ltd, 2017) Almeida, Sandro Soares [UNIFESP]; Corgosinho, Flavia Campos [UNIFESP]; Amorim, Carlos Eduardo Neves [UNIFESP]; Gregnani, Marcos Fernandes [UNIFESP]; Campos, Raquel Munhoz da Silveira [UNIFESP]; Masquio, Deborah Cristina Landi [UNIFESP]; Sanches, Priscila de Lima [UNIFESP]; Piano, Aline de [UNIFESP]; Pesquero, João Bosco [UNIFESP]; Dâmaso, Ana Raimunda [UNIFESP]; Mello, Marco Tulio de [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Araujo, Ronaldo de Carvalho [UNIFESP]Introduction: The main purpose of the present study was to investigate whether I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene might affect metabolic changes related to the metabolic syndrome through a long-term interdisciplinary therapy in obese adolescents. Methods: In total, 125 obese adolescents who entered the interdisciplinary obesity programme were assigned to the following two subgroups: metabolic syndrome or non-metabolic syndrome. They were evaluated at baseline and after 1 year. Genomic DNA was extracted from circulating leukocytes. Results: Subjects with the II genotype in the non-metabolic syndrome group were only to increase their fat-free mass after therapy. Regarding lipid profile, subjects with ID and DD genotypes from both groups reduced their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels significantly. The metabolic parameters from the ID and DD genotypes of the non-metabolic syndrome group showed a significantly improved insulin response. Conclusion: In the present study, we showed that the ACE polymorphism was able to influence the fat-free mass in the I-carry allele in the non-metabolic syndrome group positively. In addition, the I-carry allele was able to improve the insulin resistance of the metabolic syndrome group significantly. These results suggest that the ACE I/D genotypes can influence, in different ways, the specific parameters of metabolism among obese adolescents submitted for long-term interdisciplinary therapy.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Disfunção endotelial avaliada por dimetilarginina assimétrica e desfechos metabólicos e renais em pacientes hipertensos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-04-26) Triches, Cristina Bergmann [UNIFESP]; Zanella, Maria Teresa [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), which is the main endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, plays a critical role in the process of endothelial dysfunction. We evaluated the association between high plasma ADMA levels in hypertensive patients and the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and the development of cardiovascular outcomes, including death. We evaluated 191 hypertensive patients who were stratified into 2 groups according to the median value of basal ADMA: those with high levels of plasma ADMA (> 0.55 μmol/L) and low levels of plasma ADMA (≤ 0.55 μmol/L) who were prospectively evaluated over 5.8 years. High ADMA levels were seen in patients with higher weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, triglycerides, uric acid, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and lower levels of HDL-col and in type 2 diabetic patients. There was an association between high plasma ADMA levels and the occurrence of cardiovascular death. In a subgroup of hypertensive patients free from metabolic syndrome (MS) and DM at baseline, there was an association between high ADMA levels and the development of type 2 DM. In conclusion, our study confirms the association of high plasma ADMA levels and the presence of cardiovascular risk factors in hypertensive patients and suggests a positive predictive value of high plasma ADMA levels for cardiovascular death in hypertensive patients and also for the development of type 2 DM in a subgroup of hypertensive patients free from metabolic abnormalities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Diversity of apolipoprotein E genetic polymorphism significance on cardiovascular risk is determined by the presence of metabolic syndrome among hypertensive patients(Biomed Central Ltd, 2014-11-20) Teixeira, Andrei Alkmim [UNIFESP]; Marrocos, Mauro Sergio [UNIFESP]; Quinto, Beata Marie Redublo [UNIFESP]; Dalboni, Maria Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Rodrigues, Cassio Jose de Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Carmona, Silmara de Melo [UNIFESP]; Kuniyoshi, Mariana [UNIFESP]; Batista, Marcelo Costa [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Tufts Univ; Hosp Israelita Albert EinsteinBackground: Hypertension has a significant relevance as a cardiovascular risk factor. A consistent increase on world's Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) incidence has been associated with an epidemic cardiovascular risk in different populations. Dislipidemia plays a major role determining the epidemic CV burden attributed to MetS. Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is involved on cholesterol and triglycerides metabolism regulation. Once ApoE polymorphism may influence lipid metabolism, it is possible that it brings on individual susceptibility consequences for the development of MetS and cardiovascular risk. the objective of the study is to measure the discriminatory power of ApoE polymorphism in determining cardiovascular risk stratification based on the presence MetS in a cohort of hypertensive patients.Methods: It was enrolled 383 patients, divided in two groups, classified by MetS presence (IDF criteria): Group 1: 266 patients with MetS (MetS +) and Group 2: 117 patients without Mets (MetS -). Patient's data were collected by clinical evaluation, physical exam, file reviews and laboratory testing. Polymorphic ApoE analysis was performed by PCR amplification. Groups were compared on clinical and laboratory characteristics as well as allele and genotype distribution towards ApoE polymorphism. Mets CVD prevalence was analysed according to E4 allele prevalence.Results: the results evidenced 184 men (48%), 63,7% whites, 45,1% diabetics and 11,7% of patients were smokers. Mean age was 64,0 +/- 12,0 years. When genotypic distribution was analyzed, E3/3 genotype and E3 allele frequencies were more prevalent. Among patients with MetS, we observed an independent association between CVD prevalence and E4 allele frequency (OR 2.42 (1.17-5.0, p < 0,05)). On the opposite direction, in those without MetS, there was lesser CVD burden in E4 allele carriers (OR 0,14 (0,02-0,75)). These associations remained significant even after confounding factor corrections.Conclusions: the results presented demonstrate that the association between ApoE gene and CVD may be modulated by the presence of MetS, with an increased CV burden observed among E4 allele carriers with the syndrome. On the opposite way, E4 allele carriers without visceral obesity had lesser prevalence of CVD.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica em pacientes com psoríase(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-07-31) Simal, Thaiza Alonso [UNIFESP]; Silva, Ivonete Sandra de Souza e [UNIFESP]; Ferraz, Maria Lucia Cardoso Gomes [UNIFESP]; Petri, Valeria [UNIFESP]; Maria Lucia Cardoso Gomes Ferraz :; Valeria Petri :;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: The prevalence rates of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is increased in psoriasis and vary depending of the region studied. The factors associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in psoriasis, as well as the severity of liver disease in this population, are not fully understood. Objectives: Evaluation of the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with psoriasis, the different degrees of liver fibrosis in patients with liver disease and the comparison of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics between psoriasis patients with and without nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Methods: Patients with psoriasis followed up at a Dermatology Service of Unifesp between 2015 and 2016 and submitted to abdominal ultrasound were enrolled. Clinical-epidemiological and laboratory characteristics were compared between patients with and without steatosis. Liver fibrosis was evaluated by transient hepatic elastography. The results were analyzed using the chi-squared or Fisher’s exact test when appropriate, Student t-test or Mann-Whitney and logistic regression analysis. Results: One hundred and seventy-one patients with a mean age of 50 years and with a slight predominance of men (52%) were studied. The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease was 51%. Patients with psoriasis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease had a higher body mass index (p = 0,036), higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome (p < 0,001), more severe psoriasis area severity index (p = 0,005) and higher alanine aminotransferase serum levels (p = 0,002). Transient elastography was performed on 52 patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and detected significant fibrosis in 36% of cases, including cirrhosis in 15%. Conclusion: The high prevalence of liver disease in psoriasis and its association with metabolic syndrome and severe psoriasis area severity index suggest a common physiopathogenic factor for these diseases. The presence of a significant number of patients with advanced liver disease alerts to the need for systematic evaluation of this condition among patients with psoriasis.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEarly developmental exposure to high fructose intake in rats with NaCl stimulation causes cardiac damage(Springer Heidelberg, 2016) Araujo, I. C. [UNIFESP]; Andrade, R. P.; Santos, F.; Soares, E. S.; Yokota, R. [UNIFESP]; Mostarda, C.; Fiorino, P.; De Angelis, K.; Irigoyen, M. C.; Morris, M.; Farah, V. [UNIFESP]Metabolic syndrome (MS) increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. High consumption of fructose is a proposed cause of increased MS, manifested through hypertension, obesity, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia. High NaCl also increases the risk of CD. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of fructose and sodium on autonomic dysfunction and its relation with CD in MS. Fructose overload was started at weaning and continued through adulthood. Male Wistar rats (21 days) were divided into four groups: Control (C), fructose consumption (10 %, F), NaCl consumption (salt 1 % for the 10 last days, S), and fructose and NaCl (FS), and monitored for 8 weeks. Metabolic evaluations consisted of Lee index, glycemia, insulin and glucose tolerance tests, triglycerides, and total cholesterol measurements. Cardiovascular parameters measured were arterial pressure (AP) and cardiac function performed by echocardiography. They also measured the influence of renin angiotensin (RAS) and autonomic nervous systems by drug blockage with losartan, atropine, and atenolol. Energy analysis showed no change between groups. Fructose overload induced a MS state, confirmed by insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and dyslipidemia. Fasting glucose was increased in F and FS rat groups compared with C and S groups. AP was higher in F, S, and FS groups in comparison with the C group. The hypotensive response after sympathetic blockade was increased in F, S, and FS versus C. The cardiac vagal tonus was reduced in F and FS animal groups. The intrinsic heart rate was decreased in the FS group (372 +/- A 9 bpm) compared with the C group (410 +/- A 13 bpm). The morphometric measurements evaluated through left ventricular diameter during diastole and the left ventricular diameter during systole decreased in the FS group (16 and 26 %, respectively). Diastolic function was reduced in F and FS. The depressor response induced by losartan was increased in the F group in comparison with other groups. However, there was a uniform increase in plasma ACE activity in all treated groups compared with the C group. Data suggest that early exposure to high fructose intake produced marked alterations in metabolic and cardiovascular function. When stimulated by NaCl, the fructose-fed subjects showed further impairment in cardiac function.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEarly developmental exposure to high fructose intake in rats with NaCl stimulation causes cardiac damage(Springer Heidelberg, 2016) Araujo, I. C. [UNIFESP]; Andrade, R. P.; Santos, F.; Soares, E. S.; Yokota, R. [UNIFESP]; Mostarda, C.; Fiorino, P.; De Angelis, K.; Irigoyen, M. C.; Morris, M.; Farah, V. [UNIFESP]Metabolic syndrome (MS) increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. High consumption of fructose is a proposed cause of increased MS, manifested through hypertension, obesity, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia. High NaCl also increases the risk of CD. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of fructose and sodium on autonomic dysfunction and its relation with CD in MS. Fructose overload was started at weaning and continued through adulthood. Male Wistar rats (21 days) were divided into four groups: Control (C), fructose consumption (10 %, F), NaCl consumption (salt 1 % for the 10 last days, S), and fructose and NaCl (FS), and monitored for 8 weeks. Metabolic evaluations consisted of Lee index, glycemia, insulin and glucose tolerance tests, triglycerides, and total cholesterol measurements. Cardiovascular parameters measured were arterial pressure (AP) and cardiac function performed by echocardiography. They also measured the influence of renin angiotensin (RAS) and autonomic nervous systems by drug blockage with losartan, atropine, and atenolol. Energy analysis showed no change between groups. Fructose overload induced a MS state, confirmed by insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and dyslipidemia. Fasting glucose was increased in F and FS rat groups compared with C and S groups. AP was higher in F, S, and FS groups in comparison with the C group. The hypotensive response after sympathetic blockade was increased in F, S, and FS versus C. The cardiac vagal tonus was reduced in F and FS animal groups. The intrinsic heart rate was decreased in the FS group (372 +/- A 9 bpm) compared with the C group (410 +/- A 13 bpm). The morphometric measurements evaluated through left ventricular diameter during diastole and the left ventricular diameter during systole decreased in the FS group (16 and 26 %, respectively). Diastolic function was reduced in F and FS. The depressor response induced by losartan was increased in the F group in comparison with other groups. However, there was a uniform increase in plasma ACE activity in all treated groups compared with the C group. Data suggest that early exposure to high fructose intake produced marked alterations in metabolic and cardiovascular function. When stimulated by NaCl, the fructose-fed subjects showed further impairment in cardiac function.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeito da suplementação de ácidos graxos trans ou oligofrutose, durante a gestação e lactação, nas mães e prole com 90 dias de vida sobre o metabolismo e parâmetros inflamatórios(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-04-30) Oliveira, Juliana Lopez de [UNIFESP]; Nascimento, Claudia Maria da Penha Oller do [UNIFESP]; Pisani, Luciana Pellegrini [UNIFESP]; Oyama, Lila Missae [UNIFESP];;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction. Adverse effects of the consumption of trans fatty acids (TFA) have been widely studied by the scientific community in the last. Previously, our group found that the intake of trans fatty acids (TFA) during pregnancy and lactation promotes a pro-inflammatory state in the offspring at twenty-one and ninety days old. Moreover, literature data indicates that the prebiotic intake may alter the intestinal environment, presenting antiinflammatory properties. To evaluate the effect of a diet supplemented with OF (10%) or a diet rich in TFA (7%) during gestation and lactation on metabolic parameters and inflammatory lactating rats and ninety days old offspring, concerning endotoxemia, metabolic and inflammatory parameters. In addition, to assess whether the diet supplemented with OF (10%) modifies these parameters in the offspring, ninety days old offspring, of mothers who received diet containing TFA during pregnancy and lactation. Methods. On the first day of pregnancy, the rats were divided into three groups: control diet (C) control diet supplemented with 10% oligofructose (OF) and diet enriched with hydrogenated fat rich in TFA (T). The diets were maintained during pregnancy and lactation. In the twenty-first day of lactation animals were weaned and mothers euthanized. The pups were kept in individual cages within ninety days of life and than euthanazied. The blood, bowel, retroperitoneal adipose tissue (RET), parametrial fat mothers and epididymal of puppies, liver, soleus muscle tissues and EDL were collected. The serum was used for measuring lipopolysaccharide (LPS), free fatty acids (FFA), TNF- ?, hormones, insulin, ghrelin, adiponectin and NPY as well as cytokines by specific kits. The liver, and soleus and EDL RET muscle tissue were used for determination of cytokine content by specific kits. The liver and soleus muscle tissue were placed in a specific buffer to perform Western blotting. Genomic DNA Bacteria present in the colon feces was determined by real time PCR. Results. Supplementation with 10% of oligofructose during pregnancy and lactation reduced body weight gain, maternal dietary intake and serum adiponectin levels. In ninety days old offspring, maternal supplementation of oligofructose (10%) promoted increased IL-6 content and protein expression of IL-6R, and reduced protein expression of ADIPO-R1 in the soleus muscle. Maternal intake of TFA increased Lee index and the protein expression of pp65- NFkB in offspring with 90 days of life. Supplementation of offspring with
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