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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Analysis of antimicrobials' consumption profile in a University Hospital of Western Paraná, Brazil(Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2009-06-01) Caldeira, Luciane de Fátima [UNIFESP]; Burattini, Marcelo Nascimento [UNIFESP]; State University of Western Paraná Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Hospital Pharmacy; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The objective of this study was to analyze the variation in antimicrobials' consumption and the costs related to their use at a University Hospital between 1999 and 2004. The annual consumption of nine antimicrobials, expressed in DDD/100 patients-day, and the direct costs with their acquisition were evaluated. Analysis of variance and regression techniques were used to compare data, considering a significance level of 5%. The most consumed antimicrobials were amikacin and ceftriaxone. In general, antimicrobials consumption, expressed in DDD/100 patients-day, increased from 9.21 in 1999 to 25.08 in 2004 (p<0.0001). When analyzing antimicrobial consumption as related to specific hospital units, the ICU showed the highest consumption followed by Chemotherapy and Medical Clinical units, respectively. In addition, the number of patients-day increased from 2671/month in 1999 to 3502/month in 2004, p<0.0001. As a consequence, total expenditure with antimicrobials increased from R$ 98.89 per 100 patients-day in 1999 to R$ 731.26 in 2004, p<0.0001. Between 1999 and 2004 significant increases in both consumption and financial expenditure with antimicrobials were observed.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The challenge of responsible dispensing: formal education versus professional practice(Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2011-03-01) Bezzegh, Nadine Judith [UNIFESP]; Goldenberg, Paulete [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The aim of the present study was to evaluate the education of Pharmaceutical Technicians for the activity of responsible dispensing. Based on a questionnaire with open and closed questions, the study sought to characterize the students, identify knowledge and attitudes regarding the Rational Use of Medications while addressing the limits and possibilities of professional and ethical dispensing in practice. In addition, a group dynamics session - focus group - was held as a forum for debate on responsible dispensing. The results showed that students tended to be mature, currently employed and were predominately women. Displaying adequate knowledge on Rational Use of Medications and of the corresponding legislation, the students reported difficulties exercising compatible practice. While the diagnosis pointed to the need for student preparation to enable ethical dispensing, the Focus Group highlighted the possibility for inclusion of a forum for reflection and debate on the ethics of dispensing as part of the Pharmaceutical Technician training.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Descarte de medicamentos: estrutura presente no Brasil e práticas desejáveis(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-02-11) Ribeiro, Amanda Atanielly [UNIFESP]; Franchi, José Guilherme [UNIFESP]; aumento da população brasileira, bem como o aumento da expectativa de vida e o surgimento de novas doenças, fizeram aumentar também o uso de medicamentos, muitas vezes de forma indiscriminada. Como consequência dessa situação, é necessário destacar o descarte correto de medicamentos. Usualmente, os medicamentos que não são mais utilizados ou que estão com prazo de validade vencido são descartados por grande parte da população de forma incorreta, o que pode acarretar em prejuízos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente, principalmente sob a forma de contaminação de rios e mananciais. Essa prática se deve, principalmente, à falta de informação por parte da população. Por outro lado, prevalece, ainda, a falta de efetividade das normas sanitárias vigentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica acerca do descarte de medicamentos no Brasil, fazer um breve levantamento das legislações vigentes e avaliar o seu funcionamento, bem como propor práticas para minimizar os impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo descarte incorreto de medicamentos. Nesse contexto, a conscientização da população sobre os prejuízos que esses resíduos podem provocar ao meio ambiente, bem como sobre a maneira correta de realizar o descarte, mostrou ser um dos principais caminhos para a resolução do problema. Aliado a isso, demonstram-se importantes políticas que tratem sobre o fracionamento de medicamentos e ainda que tratem do amplo acesso da população a alguns medicamentos, como é o caso dos MIPs. A instituição de programas de recolhimento de medicamentos vencidos ou em desuso e programas de benefícios também representam alternativas capazes de minimizar o desperdício e o descarte incorreto de medicamentos no Brasil.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Descarte de medicamentos: estruturas atuais e seus impactos ambientais(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-07-29) Rocha, Marina Cavalcanti da [UNIFESP]; Franchi, José Guilherme [UNIFESP]; são definidos como formulações farmacêuticas que contêm um ou mais princípios ativos, tendo como finalidade a profilaxia, cura ou diagnóstico. Dentre a classe medicamentosa existem aqueles que são fundamentais para melhorar a qualidade de vida ou, até mesmo, a sobrevivência de seus indivíduos. Porém, após seu prazo de validade ser atingido, tais medicamentos, geralmente, não são tratados da forma correta. Este trabalho faz referência ao descarte desses medicamentos e como ele é feito, sendo majoritariamente de maneira incorreta pela população, resultando em sérios danos e impactos ambientais e de saúde pública. O objetivo foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o descarte de medicamentos no Brasil, com o intuito de gerar uma maior conscientização da população sobre esse assunto, abordando aspectos relativos às principais legislações incidentes, à logística reversa e aos impactos ambientais que podem ser gerados.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Impacto da pandemia por covid-19 nas análises de pós-registros pela anvisa(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-01-06) Souza, Danielly Rodrigues de [UNIFESP]; Ferraz, Helena Onishi [UNIFESP];; cenário pandêmico por Covid-19 afetou a atuação da Anvisa (Agência Nacional de Vigilância), que precisou tomar medidas emergenciais estabelecendo diretrizes frente ao controle de portos, aeroportos; além de medidas importantes como a priorização de análises relacionadas a produtos para o diagnóstico de Covid-19 e notadamente a liberação das vacinas. Neste contexto, este trabalho foi um estudo de revisão da literatura e de dados do site da própria Agência, para conhecer e entender a atuação desta, frente a pandemia que acometeu o mundo. Dentre as várias medidas adotadas, a Agência publicou Resoluções que visaram dar celeridade no início da análise de processos de registros e pósregistros de medicamentos, consequentemente diminuindo o volume de petições que aguardavam análise e o tempo que as mesmas esperam na fila, a exemplo disto têm-se a publicação das RDCs 348/2020 e 415/2020 que buscaram atender da melhor forma possível as necessidades da população brasileira ao atuar de forma a ter um impacto efetivo nos tempos de análise de petições de registro e pós-registro.
- ItemRestritoInterações entre o exercício físico e medicamentos utilizados por indivíduos com obesidade: uma revisão da literatura(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-08-19) Oliveira, Renan Santos Silva [UNIFESP]; Gomes, Ricardo José [UNIFESP]; Chriguer, Rosangela Soares [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A obesidade é uma doença multifatorial que cresce de maneira acentuada, tanto em países desenvolvidos, quanto em países em desenvolvimento. Acredita-se que uma estratégia interdisciplinar em saúde pode ser mais efetiva do que intervenções isoladas para o controle e tratamento da obesidade. Contudo, a relação entre intervenções não farmacológicas (exercícios) e as possíveis interações com determinadas classes de medicamentos, normalmente utilizadas por obesos, têm sido pouco descrita na literatura. Assim, o estudo objetiva investigar os efeitos de diferentes protocolos de exercícios sobre uso de medicamentos em indivíduos obesos, por meio de uma revisão da literatura. Os descritores utilizados para busca foram “obesidade”, “exercício físico”, treinamento físico, “medicamentos”, “interação”, e a combinação dos termos, em português e em inglês. Foram consultadas as plataformas Lillacs, Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), National Library of Medicine (PubMed) e Web of Science, sendo incluídos 9 estudos. Com base nos resultados encontrados, nota-se que os principais medicamentos utilizados pelos obesos são os hipoglicemiantes orais, hipotensores e estatinas, e que, os protocolos de exercícios dos estudos incluíram o treinamento aeróbio, como o mais frequente. Conclui-se a partir dos artigos analisados que os medicamentos citados podem prejudicar alguns dos efeitos benéficos do exercício físico, interferindo sobre a sensibilidade à insulina e aptidão cardiovascular, dependendo do protocolo de exercício/medicamento estudado. Contudo, em função de estudos com resultados conflitantes sobre esse tema, são necessárias novas pesquisas que aprofundem o conhecimento sobre a interação dos exercícios com os medicamentos mais utilizados por obesos.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Judicialização da Saúde: Características das ações judiciais recebidas na Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia e Insumos Estratégicos do Ministério da Saúde no ano de 2007(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-01-26) Veloso, Sandra Ceciliano de Souza [UNIFESP]; Silva, Edina Mariko Koga da [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Currently, the two largest financial resources demands for pharmaceutical assistance are exceptional medicines programme and legal demands service for the supply of medicines. The legal demands, and disrupt the service, commitment to fairness and collective contradict definitions. Therefore, it’s a priority a study that describes the characteristics of these actions to subsidize public health policies. Objective: To describe the characteristics of lawsuits received at the Secretary of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs (SCTIE) of the Ministry of Health in the year 2007. Material and methods: A descriptive analysis that covers the total shares received in the year 2007. Were evaluated the distribution by State, the characteristics of requests, classification of medicines as the availability and regulatory and scientific evidence considerations. Results: In 2007 were received on the SCTIE 832 litigation processes. These actions were from 20 States of the Federation, being the largest number of actions, 207 (24,88%), from the State of Santa Catarina, followed by the State of Rio Grande do Sul with 127 (15,14%). Including the actions from the State of Paraná, the South region of the country totaled stock received 50,72% in 2007. Of the total of 832 actions 444 (53,37%) were requests for specific products or medicines. These are only two medical devices, the others are medicines. Most requested medicines were adalimumab and etanercept which together correspond to 16,89% of total requests and were generated by southern states in its majority. The 11 most requested medicines represent 47.07% of the total. In general the medicines indications were as regulation and are indicated for chronic diseases, two were not registered at ANVISA yet. The eleven medicines most requested were not found in the national essential medicines (RENAME) and 3 (three), adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab were already part of the exceptional dispensing medicines (CDME). Regarding the scientific evidence was found that for most medicines would need further studies for evidence of effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness. Conclusion: The analysis of lawsuits is needed for the evaluation of policies and management of health services and also to assist in identifying medicinal products for health technology assessment. Knowledge of the factors that lead to lawsuits medicines added approximation of judiciary with managers and health professionals can achieve the common goal of a quality public health, universal and comprehensive based on fairness.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPerception of the value of generic drugs in sao paulo, brazil(Cadernos saude publica, 2016) Nardi, Elene Paltrinieri [UNIFESP]; Ferraz, Marcos Bosi [UNIFESP]The objective of this study was to assess the perceptions of opinion-leaders, patients and their accompanying family members or carers about generic drugs. Three groups of participants were surveyed: (i) 50 customers while they were visiting commercial pharmacies located in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, (ii) 25 patients and 25 companions while they were waiting at the university outpatient clinic, and (iii) 50 healthcare opinion-leaders from government, hospitals, health plans, academia, and pharmaceutical companies. The questions explored socio-demographic characteristics and perceptions regarding value attributes of generic drugs compared to brand name drugs. Respondents had an average age of 52 years and 53% were women. Respondents believed generic drugs to be cheaper than brand name drugs (97%), and 31% thought generic drugs to be less effective than brand name drugs. Also, generic drugs were perceived by 54% of respondents to be as safe as brand name drugs and 74% would prefer brand name drugs if there was no price difference. In conclusion, multiple factors may contribute to the decision to buy generic drugs
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Polifarmácia em idosos e a associação com doenças crônicas e perdas funcionais(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-02-22) Mercadante, Ana Claudia Costa [UNIFESP]; Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]; Andreoni, Solange [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: to characterize the use of drugs of cronic use in population composed of elderly people ages 60 years or more in association with chronical diseases and functional losses. Methodology: this is a cross sectional observational study, grounded on surveyed information by the EPIDOSO Project (phase 2), based on surveys established in the CEE (Centro de Estudos do Envelhecimento), which belongs to the discipline of Clinical Preventive Medicine (UNIFESP). It´s about a middle class population, with individuals in both genders residents in Vila Clementino. The Great Geriatric Evaluation has been use for the data collection and with this instrument, 1002 elderly were interview. The data were transferred to an electronic spreadsheet (Excel®2003) and the statistical evaluations were arranged using the SPSS software 20,0 version. The dependent variable is the polypharmacy (use of 5 or more medicines) and logistic regression models were devise in order to evaluate the association between the use of polypharmacy and the independent variables. Results: the average age was 73 years old, being 67.2% females, with predominance of coupled (52.4%), with 8 years or more of study (66.1%). The prevalence of the medicine use was 92.7%. The average rates were use of medicine = 4.8, number of diagnosis = 8.7 and compromised activities of daily living (ADL) = 3.0. The polypharmacy was verified in 50.0% of the elderly and, among women, 53.8% has this habit. Within the interviewees, the most prevalence disease was the Arterial Hypertension (71.9%) and the medications operating in the cardiovascular system were the most used (34.6%). The risk factors to polypharmacy were: females (OR 1.42; CI 95% 1.06-1.91); not engaged in remunerated activities (OR 2.06; CI 95% 1.47-2.89); have 4 to 7 diseases (OR 3.57; CI 95% 1.74-7.32), have 7 or more compromised ADL (OR 1.82; CI 95% 1.23-2.69). The variables with more correlation with the use of five or more medicines are: females, bigger amount of health problems, not gainfully employed, have a bigger number of compromised activities of daily living and have being hospitalized. CONCLUSION: the findings of this study show a high ratio of the use of medicines among the elderly people, since the grievances in health make them need the pharmacotherapy and the concept preached by the society that the way to obtain health is to consume health. The risk factors associated to polypharmacy may be useful to warn the healthcare professionals about the importance to identify and to monitor groups of elderly people more vulnerable to this habit.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPolypharmacy and polymorbidity in older adults in brazil: a public health challenge(Hindawi Ltd, 2016) Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]; Leao Tavares, Noemia Urruth; Bertoldi, Andrea Damaso; Farias, Mareni Rocha; Oliveira, Maria Auxiliadora; Luiz, Vera Lucia; Dal Pizzol, Tatiane da Silva; Dourado Arrais, Paulo Sergio; Mengue, Sotero SerrateOBJECTIVE: To analyze variations in the prevalence of chronic use of medicines by older adults in Brazil according to its possible association with the most prevalent chronic diseases and demographic and health factors, and to identify risk factors for polypharmacy. METHODS: A study based on data from the National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines (PNAUM), a cross-sectional, population-based survey with probability sampling in Brazilian urban areas. The independent variable was the number of chronic-use medicines taken by older adults, linked to eight chronic diseases investigated. The intervening variables were gender, age group, marital status, level of education, socioeconomic status, Brazilian region, body mass index, smoking, self-perceived health, hospitalization in the previous year and having health insurance, besides the investigated chronic diseases. A multivariable analysis identified risk factors for polypharmacy. RESULTS: Prevalence of at least one chronic-use medicines among older adults was 93.0%. Of the total number of older adults, 18.0% used at least five medications (polypharmacy). Polypharmacy was higher among the oldest individuals (20.0%), in the South region (25.0%), in those with poor self-perceived health (35.0%), in obese individuals (26.0%), in those with reported health insurance (23.0%) or hospitalization in the previous year (31.0%), and among those who reported any of the investigated diseases, particularly diabetes (36.0%) and heart diseases (43.0%). The variables remaining in the final risk model for polypharmacy were age, region, perceived health, health insurance, hospitalization in the previous year and all investigated diseases except stroke. CONCLUSIONS: Older adults with specific diseases have risk factors for polypharmacy modifiable by actions aimed at the rational use of medicines. With the current population aging and successful drug access policy, the trend is an increase in drug use by older adults, which should feature as a priority in the planning agenda of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS).
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Prescription of anorectic and benzodiazepine drugs through notification B prescriptions in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil(Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2010-06-01) Nappo, Solange Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Carlini, Elisaldo Araujo [UNIFESP]; Araújo, Maria Dalva; Moreira, Lúcio Flávio Sousa; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Department of Social Sciences Brazilian Information Center on Psychotropic DrugsA study was conducted on 22,158 special B prescriptions (notificações B) containing amphetamine-type anorectic drugs or benzodiazepines, obtained from compounding pharmacies or drugstores located in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. The data obtained were compared with those from other Brazilian cities. Results showed that compounding pharmacies dispensed 85.4% of the prescriptions, indicating that these pharmacies filled out nearly 10 times more of these prescriptions than did the drugstores. The majority (83.5%) of B prescriptions issued for the compounding pharmacies were for women, where the female/male patient ratio ranged from 7.1/1.0 for mazindol to 10.3/1.0 for amfepramone. Similar results were obtained for the benzodiazepines with ratios of 1.9/1.0 for clonazepam to 15.6/1.0 for oxazepam. Omissions and mistakes were present in the B prescriptions, including missing information about the patient (in 49.6% of the documents) or about the pharmacies or drugstores (50.4%). There were cases where the name and/or CRM of the physician was lacking. It was noted that one medical doctor made out 1855 B prescriptions within one year. The same patient's name appeared on 138 prescriptions, and the same RG (identification card number) was present in 125 others. Comparison of Natal's data with those of several other Brazilian cities disclosed a striking similarity throughout Brazil, from Pelotas - Rio Grande do Sul State to Belem-Para State, revealing a practically identical medical/pharmaceutical behavior. This pattern of prescription/dispensation of amphetamine-type substances mostly to women for weight loss is therefore for cosmetic reasons. Consequently, there is an urgent need for an ethical review of this behavior.