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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise tomográfica do espaço interalveolar e da espessura da cortical óssea vestibular na região parassinfisária de mandíbulas humanas adultas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2009-01-28) Uzêda, Sandra de Quadros [UNIFESP]; Alonso, Luis Garcia [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To assess the thickness of the mandibular bone in the interalveolar space corresponding to the dental units 3.3; 3.4; 3.5; 4.3; 4.4, 4.5, in the mental foramen region and the thickness of the bone cortical in the same region and to analyze the viability of fixating Champy miniplates (System 2.0®) with monocortical screws in the direction of the interalveolar space of the units 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5. Methods: Fifty dry mandibles of dentate adults (25 females and 25 males) aging from 33 to 87 years were used. These catalogued mandibles were acquired from the Human Anatomy Laboratory from the University of State of Bahia, state of Bahia, Brazil. Mandibles with malformations or macroscopic pathological changes in the body of the mandible were excluded. Initially we identified a point (P) located 1.25mm above the upper margin of the mental foramen of the mandible (right side: P´ and left side: P”). This distance corresponds to half of the width of the bridge of the titanium miniplate, System 2.0® that is generally used above the mental foramen in the Champy technique, whose objective is to eliminate tension zones when treating mandibular fractures. After identifying the (P) point, the mandible was placed over an acrylic base horizontally with a vertical rod, planned and constructed to identify the points A´, B´, C´ and A”, B” and C” which correspond to the units 4.3; 4.4; 4.5 and 3.3; 3.4; 3.5. After marking the points, the interalveolar distances were measured by indirect analysis using axial computed tomography (CT) cuts. After delimiting and perforating the points, these were filled with previously heated gutta-percha that served as a marker in the CT cuts. Five (05) mandibles of the sample were cut in a way as to allow direct biometry with the objective of comparing and validating the CT measurements. Results: The data show that the thickness of the vestibular cortical bone is not enough to adequately implant and fixate the screws even though the interalveolar distance is sufficiently safe to introduce them. The data point towards a deficiency in the bone support required to generate the procedures of the Champy technique since the anatomy of the mandible does not present elements that support placing the plates and screws in the way recommended by the technique. There is no adequate bone support to promote the necessary stability.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação da dinâmica mandibular em pacientes com dor miofascial nas fases sintomática e assintomática(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2005) Uzêda, Sandra de Quadros [UNIFESP]; Smith, Ricardo Luiz [UNIFESP]Objetivo: Avaliar clinicamente e através de registros feitos por um gnatógrafo as alterações que ocorrem na dinâmica mandibular nas fases sintomática e assintomática em pacientes com diagnóstico de dor miofascial. Métodos: Para avaliar alterações na dinâmica mandibular em indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular, foi analisada uma casuística de 10 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de dor miofascial, nas fases sintomática e assintomática da doença, através do emprego de gnatografias e do registro da força de mordida, no período de outubro de 2003 a dezembro de 2004, sendo os pacientes oriundos da Clínica de Dor Orofacial e Disfunção Temporomandibular do Instituto da Cabeça da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Escola Paulista de Medicina. Inicialmente, foram realizados: entrevista, anamnese e exame clínico dos pacientes. Após o diagnóstico, os pacientes com dor miofascial foram submetidos ao exame com um gnatógrafo (Kavo, modelo Arkus digma°) para registro da dinâmica mandibular. Para o registro da força de mordida, foi utilizado um dinamômetro digital (Kratos®). Posteriormente, os pacientes foram orientados sobre a doença e sobre o tratamento a ser realizado. Durante o tratamento, os pacientes foram monitorados através de retornos quinzenais e após a remissão do sintoma doloroso foi feito um novo exame com o gnatógrafo. Os resultados foram comparados nas duas fases da doença para avaliar as alterações da dinâmica mandibular em cada paciente. Resultados: A análise dos gráficos gerados pelo gnatógrafo, juntamente com os registros da força de mordida revelou alterações significantes no padrão da dinâmica mandibular nas fases sintomática e assintomática da disfunção e um aumento significante da força de mordida após a remissão da dor. As alterações na dinâmica mandibular mais evidentes foram: aumento do grau de abertura bucal máxima sem dor em 100 por cento dos pacientes, redução no desvio mandibular durante o movimento de abertura bucal em 70 por cento dos pacientes e aumento da força de mordida em 100 por cento da casuística. Conclusões: As alterações observadas no padrão da dinâmica mandibular e na magnitude da força de mordida, nos diferentes momentos analisados, apontam para um conjunto de sinais que são passíveis de registro e que contribuem para uma melhor compreensão do comportamento das disfunções temporomandibulares, promovendo uma otimização dos critérios empregues nos processos de diagnóstico, terapêutica, avaliação da eficácia terapêutica e constituindo instrumento auxiliar no monitoramento do paciente.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosBlind Test of Mandibular Morphology with Sex Indicator in Subadult Mandibles(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2008-12-01) Galdames, Ivan Claudio Suazo [UNIFESP]; Matamala, Daniela Zavando [UNIFESP]; Smith, Ricardo Luiz [UNIFESP]; Univ Talca; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Loth & Henneberg (2001) indicated that it was possible determine the sex with a high degree of accuracy (81%) in mandibles of children by observing the shape of the mandibular body. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in mandibles of Brazilians subadults the proposed method consistency; were used mandibles of 33 Brazilian children between 0 and 1 year of age, known sex, belonging to the collection of skulls of the Federal University Sao Paulo (UNIFESP). We performed a blind test in two sessions by one observer based on the parameters described by Loth & Henneberg. The results show between 57.5 and 60.5% of accuracy, being the most sensitive test for determining male (70%) than for females (38-46%). The results presented are lower than those reported by Loth & Henneberg and justify the need to assess the diagnostic methods of sex in subadults in specific populations.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosDesenvolvimento de tecido dental na mandibula de ratos Lewis por meio de tecnicas de engenharia de tecidos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2002) Duailibi, Silvio Eduardo [UNIFESP]; Pontes, Paulo Augusto de Lima [UNIFESP]Objetivo: Verificar a viabilidade do desenvolvimento de tecidos dentais, organizados ou nao na mandibula, utilizando tecnicas de Engenharia de Tecidos, usando diferentes polimeros biodegradaveis, em dois tempos de aderencia celular na semeadura dos arcaboucos, antes da cirurgia de implantacao. Metodo: A amostra foi dividida em quatro diferentes grupos. O grupo controle C I, composto de receptores de implantes de germes dentais de molares; os gruposcontrole C II e C III, com receptores de implantes de arcabouco de PGA e PLGA respectivamente, sem celulas; e o grupo experimental IV, com receptores de implantes de arcabouco de PGA ou PLGA, com celulas dentais semeadas, obtidas por dissociacao enzimatica de germes de molares, de doadores de quatro dias de idade. Neste grupo, 207 doadores de germes dentais de molares foram utilizados para a cultura primaria de celulas e 21 receptores para a implantacao dos arcaboucos semeados com celulas dentais distribuidos em: 10 receptores para o PGA, dos quais cinco receberam os implantes com 1 hora e os outros cinco receberam com 12 horas de espera para aderencia celular. Apos 12 semanas de implantacao, os ratos receptores dos tres grupos-controle e do experimental foram sacrificados e as mandibulas removidas para as analises macroscopica, radiografica e histologica. Resultados: Nossos resultados consideraram os criterios de semelhanca ou nao dos tecidos obtidos pela tecnica de Engenharia de Tecidos, dos implantes dos arcaboucos de PGA ou PLGA semeado com celulas dos doadores na mandibula dos receptores com os grupos-controle de : implantes de germes dentais (C I) e arcabouco de PGA e PLGA sem celulas semeadas (C II e C III), alem da avaliacao do tempo de espera de 1 ou 12 horas para aderencia das celulas dentais antes da cirurgia de implantacao. No grupo controle C I, observa-se discreta erupcao dos germes implantados na mandibula, enquanto que nos outros dois, C II com PGA e C 111 com PLGA, ambos sem ...(au)
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEvaluation of retromolar canals on cone beam computerized tomography scans and digital panoramic radiographs(Springer Heidelberg, 2017) Palma, Luiz Felipe [UNIFESP]; Buck, Ariane Fraga; Kfouri, Flavio de Avila; Blachman, Isaac Tobias; Lombardi, Leonardo Augusto; Cavalli, Marcelo ArthurThe purpose of this study was to carry out morphologic and topographic analyses of retromolar canals on cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) scans, comparing findings to others obtained from the corresponding digital panoramic radiographs. Sixty-one CBCT scans were analysed digitally, as well as their corresponding digital panoramic radiographs. The prevalence and distribution of these canals, foramen diameters, and intraosseous communications were also evaluated. On CBCT scans, we found that 24.6% of individuals had at least one retromolar canal. The mean foramen diameter was slightly higher than 1 mm and we could not determine the intraosseous anatomical connections in most cases. The morphology and topography of the retromolar canals were not affected by gender and antimere. In addition, only 22.2% of all tomographically identified canals could be confirmed on digital panoramic radiographs (26.7% of such patients). Regarding all sample, 6.6% of individuals showed retromolar canals on digital panoramic radiographs. We may consider that these structures are clinically relevant findings and, due to the low accuracy of the panoramic radiographs, high-quality tomographic exams should always be asked for presurgical treatment planning.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Relação entre força máxima de mordida e ângulo goníaco na mordida cruzada(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-02-24) Said, Angelica Da Veiga [UNIFESP]; Monteiro, Silvana Bommarito [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To analyze the maximum bite force in unilateral posterior cross-bite and the correlation between maximum bite force and gonial angle in adults. Method: A total of 160 individuals, 88 males and 72 females, aged between 18 and 39 years old, were divided into two groups: without cross-bite, composed of 130 individuals (75 males and 55 females) and with cross-bite, consisting of 30 individuals (13 males and 17 females). The method consisted of the steps of anamnesis, evaluation of the occlusion, recording of the maximum bite force and registration of the gonial angle. The occlusion evaluation was performed to classify the occlusion in without or with cross-bite. The maximum bite force was recorded with a DDK / M model digital dynamometer (Kratos, São Paulo, Brazil) and in all subjects, three measurements were performed with the device positioned on the occlusal surface of the first molars, alternately, and with one minute interval between each series, and the averages are then calculated. The registration of the gonial angle was obtained with a goniometer measuring the right and left sides. The data collected were statistically analyzed by ANOVA, paired T-Student and Pearson's correlation, considering a significance level of 0.05 (5%). Results: There was greater maximum bite force in males, independently of the group and side; in the without cross-bite group there was difference of the maximum bite force between sides only in females; between groups, there was greater maximum bite force in males in the without cross-bite group. The correlations found between maximum bite force and gonial angle in both groups were negative or inversely proportional. Conclusions: The cross-bite group had a lower maximum bite force in males and the correlation between maximum bite force and gonial angle was negative, indicating that greater the maximum bite force, lower the gonial angle or vice versa. The direct measurement was shown as a good clinical option for recording the gonial angle.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosTomographic analysis of the interalveolar space and thickness of the vestibular cortical bone in the parasymphyseal region of adult human mandibles(Springer, 2010-12-01) Fernandes, Atson Carlos de Souza; Uzêda, Sandra de Quadros [UNIFESP]; Smith, Ricardo Luiz [UNIFESP]; Alonso, Luis Garcia [UNIFESP]; Gonzalez, Fabio Mota; Santos, Marcos Vinicius; Univ Estado Bahia; Escola Bahiana Med & Saude Publ; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Inst Hematol Feira de SantanaPurpose the aim of this study was to determine by computed tomography (CT) the interalveolar distance on mandible relative to the canine, first and second pre-molar, and the thickness of the cortical bone in the same region.Methods A hundred adult cadaveric dentate human hemi-mandibles were examined. A point (P) above the upper margin of the mental foramen was determined, the height at which monocortical screws are inserted to place miniplate according to the technique to treat mandibular fracture. Then, points A, B and C at the same height as point P, referring to the dental units namely canine, first and second pre-molars were marked to determine the CT cut level to measure cortical bone thickness and the interalveolar distance.Results the figures showed no statistically significant difference between the sides. the thickness of the vestibular cortical bone was less than 3.0 mm in 96% of the samples. in 91% of the samples the interalveolar distance between canine, first and second pre-molars was greater than 2 mm, a potentially safe condition to insert 2.0-mm diameter monocortical screws at the study points.Conclusions the individual actual anatomy of the region where screws are to be inserted above the mental foramen is important to perform the technique safely. We believe that the minimal cortical thickness to obtain sufficient screw anchorage should be studied in order to determine the actually safe shortest screw length. It is important to minimize the risk of tooth root damage or nerve injury and the amount of titanium in the human tissues.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Use of models in surgical predictability of oral rehabilitations(Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia, 2007-10-01) Curcio, Ricardo [UNIFESP]; Perin, Guilherme Luis; Chilvarquer, Israel; Borri, Maria Lucia [UNIFESP]; Ajzen, Sergio Aron [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Heliópolis Hospital; University of São Paulo Faculty of Odontology Stomatology DepartmentPURPOSE: To evaluate the rehabilitation of edentulous mandibles with osseous integrated implants in immediate loading, using models in reverse planning. METHODS: A prospective study was performed on 14 patients with a total of 56 implants placed. It was proposed a technique for the rehabilitation of edentulous mandible with osseous integrated implants of immediate loading, using anatomical replicas derived from computerized tomography scan linked to the rapid prototyping technique of stereolithography in reverse planning, elaborating the definitive fixed prosthesis, with rigid union of the implants on the same day. The patients' mandible models were divided in two groups. In the first one, there were patients with edentulous mandible models and with models elaborated after exodontics procedures (Group 1). In the second (Group 2), patients with dentulous mandible models, which allow an evaluation of difficulty in the surgery. RESULTS: The proposed technique using anatomical models for the personalization of mandibles in immediate loading had 100% of less difficulty in the adaptation of the surgery guide while the dentulous models had 83,3% of more difficulty. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique using the mandible models in the rehabilitation of mandibles is feasible.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Use of the plasma CTX for assessing the bone activity of the mandible among osteopenic and osteoporotic patients(Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica - SBPqO, 2010-06-01) Avolio, Glacio [UNIFESP]; Brandão, Cynthia [UNIFESP]; Marcucci, Marcelo [UNIFESP]; Alonso, Gilberto [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The aim of this study was to determine whether the plasma CTX bone remodeling marker is useful for indicating the bone metabolic activity level of the mandible. Thirty-six patients were selected; all were postmenopausal and aged 50 years or over. In accordance with the WHO criteria for osteoporosis, a control group was set up (n = 10) in which the T-score was greater than -1 and a diseased group with T-score less than -1. Using MDP-99mTc samples, the radioisotope uptake in the femoral neck (R2) and mandibular body (R1) was analyzed. A third examination was performed using the plasma CTX biochemical bone-modeling marker. The inferential results for the diseased group showed that Ln(R1) presented a statistically significant linear relationship with Ln(CTx) (p = 0.067) and with the T-score (p = 0.018). The plasma CTX bone remodeling marker is useful for monitoring the bone metabolic activity of the mandible.