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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Alterações cefalométricas presentes em crianças e adolescentes com desordens da ATM nas diferentes classificações sagitais de má oclusão(Dental Press Editora, 2008-04-01) Bastos, Leticia Vilaça Willeman; Tesch, Ricardo De Souza; Denardin, Odilon Victor [UNIFESP]; Hosphel DTM e Dor Orofacial; Faculdade de Medicina de Petropólis DTM e Dor Orofacial; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)INTRODUCTION: the involvement of TMJ through degenerative changes and displacements of the articular disc proved to be an important risk factor when identifying individuals with vertical facial growth patterns. PURPOSES: to evaluate differences between cephalometric variables in children with articular TMD and a control group, checking the variations in relation to the different patterns of malocclusion (Class I, II and III). METHOD: the study included children and adolescents of up to a maximum age of 17, who were divided up into an experimental group (n=30) diagnosed with articular TMD, diagnosed in accordance with the RDC/TMD axis I for children and adolescents, and a control group (n=30) without TMD, further paired by gender, stage of cervical vertebral skeletal maturity and class of malocclusion. Lateral cephalogram was carried out and both the craniofacial structures and their relations were separated into: the cranial base, maxillary, mandible, intermaxillary relations, vertical skeletal relations and dental relations. The differences found between the means, for each of the variables, were evaluated through the application of the Student t statistical test for independent samples. RESULTS: the Class I experimental group presented increased S.N.Ar (p=0.05). The Class II experimental group presented reduced S.N.Ar (p=0.006) and NperpA (p=0.037) and increased S.Ar.Go (p=0.045). The Class III experimental group presented increased N.A.P (p=0.045), 1.NB (p=0.001) and 1-NB (p=0.017) and reduced 1.1 (p=0.004). CONCLUSION: differences were more significant in those patients who presented Class II and III malocclusions.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise da força de mordida nos diferentes tipos de maloclusões dentárias, segundo Angle(CEFAC Saúde e Educação, 2014-10-01) Araújo, Sarah Cueva Candido Soares de; Vieira, Marilena Manno [UNIFESP]; Gasparotto, Christiane Aparecida; Bommarito, Silvana [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); SOEBRAS - FUNORTEPURPOSE:to analyze the maximum bite force in individuals with normal occlusion and types of Angle’s malocclusion; to observe the frequency of occurrence of each type of occlusion; to analyze whether there is any difference between measurements of force and relate bite force to body mass index (BMI). METHODS: the sample was composed of 100 students of the Speech and Language Pathology School at UNIFESP, with ages between 17 and 25 years. Individuals with ATM disfunctions, mental or genetic disorders and those who had already undergone miotherapy were excluded. Each individual went through an evaluation, which consisted of: 1) gathering personal information, personal diet, chewing preference, weight and height. 2) evaluation of dental occlusion as normal occlusion or malocclusion Class I, Class II 1st division, Class II 2nd division or Class III. 3) evaluation of bite force, performed by using a digital dynamometer. Different techniques were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS:individuals with normal occlusion were those who had the greatest bite force, followed by Classes I, II 1st and 2nd divisions and Class III, respectively; there was higher occurrence of malocclusion Class I, followed by normal occlusion, Class II 1st and 2nd divisions and Class III; There was an increase of the average force between the first and third measurements for both sides; there was no correlation between bite force and BMI.CONCLUSION:the type of occlusion influenced bite force, the greatest force being obtained on the third measurement; there was no relation between BMI and bite force.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise da mastigação em indivíduos que apresentam mordida cruzada unilateral na faixa-etária de 07 a 12 anos(CEFAC Saúde e Educação, 2007-09-01) Pastana, Silvana Da Gama; Costa, Simone De Menezes; Chiappetta, Ana Lúcia de Magalhães Leal [UNIFESP]; Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; CEFAC - Saúde e Educação; Hospital Estadual Adão Pereira Nunes; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: to analyze the function of chewing, related to the posterior unilateral crossbite in children aged between 07 to 12 years. METHODS: 10 samples of both genders with posterior unilateral crossbite, with no orthodontic treatment history. During the speech language pathology evaluation the examined items were: food cutting, side of the chewing, rhythm, lips position, food escape, jaw movement, exaggerated participation of the perioral muscles, food accumulation in the vestibule of the mouth, position and size of the alimentary cake. RESULTS: from the 10 evaluated samples, 80% demonstrated unilateral chewing of the same side of the posterior unilateral crossbite and 20% bilateral chewing. From the 08 analyzed samples, the results were: previous cut, without escape of food and rotatory movements 100%; slow rhythm 50% and fast rhythm 50%; closed lips 75%; exaggerated participation of perioral muscles 62,5%; without accumulation of food 87,5%; alimentary cake cente-red 62,5%; small cale size 62,5%. CONCLUSION: from the evaluated cases, it was observed that 80% confirmed the relation between unilateral chewing and unilateral posterior crossbite, corroborating the literature s reporting. In the chewing, no any alterations related to the posterior unilateral crossbite and unilateral chewing have been noted.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do perfil facial no tratamento ortodôntico com e sem extração de pré-molares : revisão sistemática(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-12-20) Iared, Walter [UNIFESP]; Macedo, Cristiane Rufino de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivos: Avaliar o impacto estético as alterações no perfil facial resultante de tratamento ortodôntico com e sem extração de quatro pré-molares. Avaliar as alterações cefalométricas do perfil facial decorrentes. Verificar se há parâmetros cefalométricos que pode auxiliar a tomada de decisões em casos-limítrofes. Avaliar as diferenças no tempo de tratamento ortodôntico dos casos com e sem extração de pré-molares. Tipos de estudos: Revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados, quasi-randomizados e estudos observacionais analíticos que avaliaram as alterações no perfil facial. Buscou-se nos seguintes bancos de dados: CENTRAL; PubMed/Medline; EMBASE; Literatura em Ciências da Saúde Latino-Americana e do Caribe (LILACS). Resultados: Esta revisão sistemática identificou um ensaio clínico quasi-randomizado (Germeç 2008) com 26 indivíduos; e cinco estudos observacionais (Scoot 1999, Bowman 2000, Sthephens 2005, Lim 2008, Hassan 2014) envolvendo 362 indivíduos. Foram avaliados os seguintes desfechos: parâmetro cefalométricos, resultados estéticos e tempo de tratamento. A metanálise que incluiu 4 estudos mostrou uma preferência para os resultados estéticos obtidos nos casos tratados com extração. A avaliação da percepção estética entre dentistas e leigos apresentou resultados favoráveis estatisticamente significativos para grupo de tratamento com exodontias DM=9,88; 95% IC [6,10 a 13,65]; p<0,00001. A avaliação cefalométrica incluiu um ensaio clínico quasi-randomizado e avaliou 5 grandezas cefalométricas, onde todas as medidas apontaram para retrusão do perfil facial nos casos tratados com extração e protrusão do perfil facial nos casos tratados sem extração. Com relação ao uso da medida inicial da distância do lábio inferior à linha estética de Ricketts (Li-E) como referência para tomada de decisão em casos limítrofes, verificou-se que se a grandeza encontra acima de um determinado ponto, a preferência estética favorece a extração e abaixo deste ponto, favorece o tratamento conservador, apesar dos resultados apontarem grande divergência com relação à preferência populacional. O tempo de tratamento foi verificado no ensaio clínico e mostrou que o tratamento sem extração dentária é finalizado mais rapidamente do que o grupo tratado com extração DM=7,8; 95% IC [3,29 a12,31]; p<0,0007. Um estudo com 40 participantes avaliou resultados da percepção estética do perfil facial com relação ao envelhecimento, comparou os resultados pós-tratamento ortodôntico e seu acompanhamento de 15 anos de casos tratados com e sem extração de pré-molares, porém não encontrou resultados estatisticamente significativos. Conclusões: O tratamento ortodôntico seguido de extração de quatro pré-molares oferece mais benefícios do que prejuízos aos indivíduos. As extrações tendem a ser benéficas para a estrutura de tecido mole em indivíduos que apresentam maior protrusão do lábio e morfologias faciais mais convexas. O tratamento sem extrações de pré-molares foi cerca de sete meses mais rápido que o do grupo com extrações. O parâmetro cefalométrico Li-E pode ajudar a tomada de decisões em casos-limítrofes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Condições de Saúde bucal, fatores associados e impacto da Saúde bucal nas dimensões fisica e psicossocial dos adolescentes de Montes Claros, MG, Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013) Silveira, Marise Fagundes [UNIFESP]; Marcopito, Luiz Francisco [UNIFESP]; Martins, Andréa Maria Eleutério de Barros Lima [UNIFESP];;; agravos na cavidade bucal podem provocar dor, desconforto, problemas na alimentacao, na comunicacao, na aparencia e, consequentemente, no convivio social e na autoestima, influenciando a Saúde geral e a qualidade de vida dos individuos acometidos. Na adolescencia, a carie dentaria, a maloclusao e as alteracoes periodontais tem apresentado prevalencias significativas, sendo os determinantes sociais da Saúde, como nivel socioeconomico, comportamento e cuidados com a cavidade bucal apontados como principais responsaveis. Estudos entre adolescentes possibilitam a deteccao precoce dos agravos a Saúde bucal, dando subsidios para a prevencao e tratamento, viabilizando uma populacao adulta mais saudavel. Objetivos: Este estudo transversal de base populacional (n=763), realizado em Montes Claros, MG, teve como objetivo investigar as condicoes de Saúde bucal relacionadas a carie dentaria, a condicao periodontal e as maloclusoes dos adolescentes de 15 e 19 anos, bem como identificar seus potenciais determinantes e estimar o impacto das condicoes de Saúde bucal nas dimensoes fisica e psicossocial. Metodos: Foi adotada a amostragem probabilistica por conglomerado em multiplos estagios. Profissionais treinados e calibrados realizaram a coleta dos dados por meio de exames intrabucais e entrevistas nos domicilios previamente selecionados. Os desfechos foram: presenca de carie, presenca de alteracao periodontal, gravidade da maloclusao e gravidade do impacto. As caracteristicas demograficas, condicoes socioeconomicas, comportamento relacionado a Saúde e condicoes subjetivas de Saúde bucal constituiram as variaveis independentes. Na analise dos fatores determinantes para a presenca de carie e de alteracao periodontal foram utilizados modelos de regressao logistica binaria hierarquizada e na analise dos fatores determinantes para a gravidade da maloclusao foi utilizado modelo de regressao logistica ordinal hierarquizada. Na analise dos fatores associados a gravidade do impacto das condicoes de Saúde bucal nas imensoes fisica e psicossocial foi utilizada a modelagem de equacoes estruturais. Resultados: Mais de um terco dos adolescentes apresentou carie nao tratada. As chances de carie foram maiores em adolescentes que autodeclararam negro/indio/pardo/amarelo, moravam em domicilios com maior aglomeracao, nao fizeram visitas regulares ou nunca foram ao dentista, utilizaram os servicos publicos ou filantropicos, possuiam habitos tabagistas, consumiam bebida alcoolica, autoperceberam negativamente sua Saúde bucal e sentiram dor nos dentes/gengivas nos ultimos seis meses. As alteracoes periodontais acometeram cerca de um terco da populacao investigada, sendo o sangramento gengival e o calculo dentario as mais prevalentes, e as bolsas periodontais raras. Observaram-se maiores chances de alteracoes periodontais entre adolescentes que nao estudavam ou que estudavam na rede publica, nunca foram ao dentista, utilizaram os servicos publicos ou filantropicos, fumavam, consumiam bebida alcoolica e autoperceberam negativamente sua Saúde bucal. Houve predominancia de adolescentes sem anormalidade ou com maloclusao leve. As chances de maior gravidade de maloclusao foram maiores entre adolescentes que autodeclararam negro/ ndio/pardo/amarelo, moravam em domicilios com maior aglomeracao, relataram habitos bucais deleterios, autoperceberam negativamente sua aparencia e autoperceberam o seu relacionamento afetado pela condicao bucal. O impacto da condicao bucal nas dimensoes fisica e psicossocial foi referido por um sexto da populacao em estudo. O numero de dentes com necessidade de tratamento dentario, o CPI e o numero de dentes restaurados foram as condicoes objetivas de Saúde bucal que apresentaram efeitos significativos sobre a gravidade do impacto. Conclusao: As condicoes objetivas de Saúde bucal dos adolescentes de Montes Claros sugerem a necessidade de incremento na assistencia a Saúde bucal desse estrato, considerando as particularidades do mesmo. Por outro lado, registraram-se melhores indicadores entre os adolescentes montesclarenses do que entre aqueles da regiao Sudeste brasileira. De forma geral, os modelos ajustados confirmaram a importancia dos determinantes sociais no processo Saúdedoenca de uma populacao, sugerindo que condicoes socioeconomicas desfavoraveis estao ignificantemente associadas a menor frequencia na utilizacao dos servicos dontologicos, que por sua vez estao associados as precarias condicoes de Saúde bucal, as quais se relacionaram a maior percepcao do impacto. Ressalta-se ainda a importancia de um olhar multidimensional na avaliacao da Saúde bucal de uma populacao. Alem dos parametros objetivos e adequado levar em consideracao as particularidades da populacao estudada, o meio no qual ela se insere, seus padroes e preocupacoes. Existe um numero significante de instrumentos validos e confiaveis, dentre eles o OHIP-14, capazes de captar aspectos subjetivos da Saúde bucal e seu impacto nas dimensoes funcional, social e psicologica
- ItemSomente MetadadadosDa influência da deglutição atípica sobre os resultados do tratamento ortodôntico da mal-oclusão dental(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 1986) Vieira, Marilena Manno [UNIFESP]; Ganança, Maurício Malavasi [UNIFESP]
- ItemEmbargoEstudo cefalométrico comparativo dos padrões dento-esqueléticos faciais em indivíduos com oclusão normal e má oclusão dentária(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008-03-26) Pereira, Julio Cesar Mota [UNIFESP]; Lederman, Henrique Manoel [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetives: Determining the dental and skeletofacial patterns of the face in patients with Angle malocclusion and individuals with normal occlusion. Methods: Linear and angular dimension were taken on teeth, bones and soft tissue imaging 200 lateral teleradiographs of white male and female older Brazilian children and teenagers from elementary and high schools in the city of São Paulo, ABC area and the city of Santos, aged 11 years and 2 months to 19 years and 10 months, showing permanent dentition and subject to no orthodontic treatment were assessed. These teleradiographs were classified into 5 groups comprising 1 group showing normal occlusion and 4 showing Angle malocclusion. Each of these groups was further divided into male and female subgroups. Results: Mostly no statistically significant dimensional difference regarding genders were found within each group. Although no significant difference in maxilla positioning was found when comparing groups, 2/3 of the comparisons between these groups regarding mandible positioning evidenced statistically significant differences. Facial proportions where also found to be statistically different when comparing normal to malocclusion groups. Conclusion: The linear dimension were larger for male individuals as compared with female ones although no statistically difference could be determined. The growth pattern is only slightly diverging in the normal occlusion and class II 2nd division groups, whereas no differences were found in class I, class II 1st division and class III groups. Mandibular retrognatism was the most evident feature in class II 1st and 2nd division groups. Dentoalveolar compensation was more evident in class III and class II 2nd division groups. Normal occlusion group showed a more convex facial profile as compared with USA standards The skeletofacial analysis showed class III and class II 2nd division groups to have the highest level of discrepancy in their results.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estudo comparativo cefalométrico dos padrões dentofaciais de indivíduos portadores de oclusão normal e de más oclusões de Angle(Dental Press International, 2011-10-01) Pereira, Julio Cesar Mota [UNIFESP]; Lederman, Henrique Manoel [UNIFESP]; Yamashita, Helio Kiitiro [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Dayliz Quinto; Aidar, Luís Antônio de Arruda; Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Santa Cecília Faculdade de OdontologiaOBJECTIVE: To determine the dentofacial patterns in patients presenting normal occlusion and Angle malocclusions, evaluating the possible differences in the studied measurements, considering the gender, the differences within each group and the differences among the groups. METHODS: The sample comprised 200 lateral cephamometric radiographs of young Brazilian subjects, from both genders, with average age between 11 years and 2 months and 19 years and 10 months. The sample was classified according to the type of occlusion into five groups: one group with subjects presenting normal malocclusions, and four groups with subjects presenting Angle malocclusions. Each group was equally divided according to the gender of subjects. Angular and linear measurements were evaluated in this study. RESULTS: For most measurements, males and females did not differ; among the groups, the position of the maxilla did not show a significant difference, mandibular retrognathia was notable in the groups with Class II division 1 and 2, with a few vertical imbalances with significant differences were observed; the pattern was hypodivergent for the groups with normal occlusion and Class II division 1; and neutral for Class I, Class II division 1 and Class III groups; dentoalveolar compensation was evident in Class III and Class II division 2 groups; the normal occlusion group had a more convex profile than American standards. CONCLUSION: It was possible to generally construct a few characteristics of facial morphology for some types of malocclusion. However, there is the need to individually evaluate each face, as some characteristics prevail among the different occlusion types.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEvaluation of Changes in Muscle Thickness, Bite Force and Facial Asymmetry during Early Treatment of Functional Posterior Crossbite(Journal Pedodontics Inc, 2010-06-01) Castelo, Paula Midori [UNIFESP]; Gaviao, Maria Beatriz Duarte; Pereira, Luciano Jose; Bonjardim, Leonardo Rigoldi; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA); Univ Fed SergipeObjective: To determine morphological and functional effects on masticatory system of early treatment of functional posterior crossbite in young children. Study design: 23 children were divided into two groups: deciduous (DecG, n=11) and early mixed dentition (MixG, n=12), which received slow maxillary expansion. Maximal bite force, ultrasonographic masticatory muscle thickness and facial asymmetry were evaluated in three stages: before the start of treatment (s1), after three months of retention (s2), and after three months of observation (s3). The results were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U-test, correlation test, repeated measures ANOVA and backward stepwise multiple regression. Results. Bite force and temporalis thickness increased from s1 to s2 and s3 in both groups (p<0.05). Body mass index (BMI) increased significantly from s1 to s3 only in the MixG, but the masseter thickness did not differ among the stages. The correlation between the angle of the eye and the angle of the mouth in relation to the mid-sagital plane increased from silo s3. Masticatory muscle thickness contributed significantly to bite force magnitude in all stages, whereas age and BMI showed no significant contribution to its variation. Conclusion: Bite force and temporalis muscle thickness increased significantly in children oiler early treatment of functional crossbite.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosFactors associated with oral health-related quality of life in children and preadolescents: a cross-sectional study(Quintessence publishing co inc, 2016) Barbosa, Tais de Souza; Duarte Gaviao, Maria Beatriz; Castelo, Paula Midori [UNIFESP]; Leme, Marina SeveriPurpose: To evaluate the factors associated with the perceptions of oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in children and preadolescents. Materials and Methods: 167 students aged 8-14 years were recruited from the public schools of Piracicaba, Brazil. Participants were examined for caries, gingivitis, fluorosis, malocclusions and signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). OHRQoL was measured using the Brazilian por version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ 8-10 and 11-14), where higher scores indicate worse OHRQoL. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were evaluated using self-applied questionnaires. Sociodemographic characteristics, dental history and oral hygiene habits were evaluated using a questionnaire. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to identify the variables associated with CPQ scores. Results: Higher CPQ 8-10 scores were associated with fluorosis, TMD and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Higher CPQ 11-14 scores were associated with females, TMD and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Younger children (OR = 0.32, p < 0.05) with signs and symptoms of TMD (OR = 4.38, p < 0.01) and anxiety (OR = 4.97, p < 0.001) were more likely to present higher CPQ 8-10 scores. Poor OHRQoL was associated with TMD (OR = 4.29, p < 0.01) and depressive symptoms (OR = 4.50, p < 0.001) in preadolescents. Conclusions: The data indicate that experience of oral diseases and disorders as well as psychological phenomena, such as anxiety and depression, influenced oral health outcomes in this group of children and preadolescents.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosInfluence of anthropometry, TMD, and sex on molar bite force in adolescents with and without orthodontic needs(Urban & Vogel, 2017) Lucas, Barbara de Lima; Barbosa, Tais de Souza; Castelo, Paula Midori [UNIFESP]; Duarte Gaviao, Maria BeatrizBite force has been studied as representative of functional indices of mastication and its value may have diagnostic significance in disorders of the musculoskeletal system of facial bones. This study aimed to evaluate bite force in adolescents with and without orthodontic needs considering presence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) as well as anthropometry: craniofacial dimensions and body mass index (BMI). A total of 80 subjects were screened (61 females, 19 males; 18 +/- 3 years old). Unilateral molar bite force was measured using a digital dynamometer with a fork thickness of 12 mm. Direct anthropometry was used to quantify craniofacial measurements. Dental Health Component of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN-DHC) and the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) were used to classify samples according to malocclusion and to TMD, respectively. Data were analyzed using normality tests, Mann-Whitney U test, and multiple linear regression analyses with stepwise backward elimination, controlling for the presence of malocclusion and TMD (p <= 0.05). The cephalic index was greater in females with malocclusion and the longitudinal cranial diameter was reduced in females with malocclusion. BMI was not different between normal and malocclusion groups for either gender. Bite force was negatively related with vertical dimension of the face, and positively related with facial width and facial index. The model explained 32% of bite force variability, considering the sample size (coefficient of determination R (2) = 0.324). Even when orthodontic needs and TMD signs and symptoms are present, stronger bite force is still observed in males and in subjects with smaller anterior facial heights and wider facial widths.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Maximal bite force, facial morphology and sucking habits in young children with functional posterior crossbite(Faculdade De Odontologia De Bauru - USP, 2010-04-01) Castelo, Paula Midori [UNIFESP]; Gavião, Maria Beatriz Duarte; Pereira, Luciano José; Bonjardim, Leonardo Rigoldi; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Federal University of Lavras Department of PhysiologyOBJETIVE: The maintenance of normal conditions of the masticatory function is determinant for the correct growth and development of its structures. Thus, the aims of this study were to evaluate the influence of sucking habits on the presence of crossbite and its relationship with maximal bite force, facial morphology and body variables in 67 children of both genders (3.5-7 years) with primary or early mixed dentition. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The children were divided in four groups: primary-normocclusion (PN, n=19), primary-crossbite (PC, n=19), mixed-normocclusion (MN, n=13), and mixed-crossbite (MC, n=16). Bite force was measured with a pressurized tube, and facial morphology was determined by standardized frontal photographs: AFH (anterior face height) and BFW (bizygomatic facial width). RESULTS: It was observed that MC group showed lower bite force than MN, and AFH/BFW was significantly smaller in PN than PC (t-test). Weight and height were only significantly correlated with bite force in PC group (Pearson's correlation test). In the primary dentition, AFH/BFW and breast-feeding (at least six months) were positive and negatively associated with crossbite, respectively (multiple logistic regression). In the mixed dentition, breast-feeding and bite force showed negative associations with crossbite (univariate regression), while nonnutritive sucking (up to 3 years) associated significantly with crossbite in all groups (multiple logistic regression). CONCLUSIONS: In the studied sample, sucking habits played an important role in the etiology of crossbite, which was associated with lower bite force and long-face tendency.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Relação entre determinantes socioeconômicos e hábitos bucais de risco para más-oclusões em pré-escolares(Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica e Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, 2000-06-01) Tomita, Nilce Emy; Sheiham, Aubrey; Bijella, Vitoriano Truvijo; Franco, Laercio Joel [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); University College London Medical School Department of Epidemiology and Public Health; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In order to evaluate how socioeconomic determinants affect the prevalence of oral habits in preschool children, this cross-sectional study was developed. The survey was carried out from October, 1994 to December, 1995. A random sample of 2,139 children aged 3 to 5 years old was evaluated. The children were enrolled in private or public institutions in the Municipal District of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. A sub-sample of 618 children presented response to the socioeconomic questionnaire. The considered hypothesis is that socioeconomic determinants affect the psychological status of the child, and it is observed through the development of deleterious oral habits, like dummy-sucking or digit-sucking. The results were tested by bivariate analysis (chi-square test). Some social determinants, like the mother s employment and the occupation of the person who has the greater income in the household, are related to oral habits (p < 0.05), which in turn are strongly associated with malocclusion.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Relação entre força máxima de mordida e ângulo goníaco na mordida cruzada(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-02-24) Said, Angelica Da Veiga [UNIFESP]; Monteiro, Silvana Bommarito [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To analyze the maximum bite force in unilateral posterior cross-bite and the correlation between maximum bite force and gonial angle in adults. Method: A total of 160 individuals, 88 males and 72 females, aged between 18 and 39 years old, were divided into two groups: without cross-bite, composed of 130 individuals (75 males and 55 females) and with cross-bite, consisting of 30 individuals (13 males and 17 females). The method consisted of the steps of anamnesis, evaluation of the occlusion, recording of the maximum bite force and registration of the gonial angle. The occlusion evaluation was performed to classify the occlusion in without or with cross-bite. The maximum bite force was recorded with a DDK / M model digital dynamometer (Kratos, São Paulo, Brazil) and in all subjects, three measurements were performed with the device positioned on the occlusal surface of the first molars, alternately, and with one minute interval between each series, and the averages are then calculated. The registration of the gonial angle was obtained with a goniometer measuring the right and left sides. The data collected were statistically analyzed by ANOVA, paired T-Student and Pearson's correlation, considering a significance level of 0.05 (5%). Results: There was greater maximum bite force in males, independently of the group and side; in the without cross-bite group there was difference of the maximum bite force between sides only in females; between groups, there was greater maximum bite force in males in the without cross-bite group. The correlations found between maximum bite force and gonial angle in both groups were negative or inversely proportional. Conclusions: The cross-bite group had a lower maximum bite force in males and the correlation between maximum bite force and gonial angle was negative, indicating that greater the maximum bite force, lower the gonial angle or vice versa. The direct measurement was shown as a good clinical option for recording the gonial angle.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Relação entre hábitos bucais e má oclusão em pré-escolares(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2000-06-01) Tomita, Nilce Emy; Bijella, Vitoriano Truvijo; Franco, Laercio Joel [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the way oral habits and speech problems affect dental occlusion in preschool children. METHODS: A random sample of 2,139 boys and girls aged 3-5 years old was evaluated. The children were enrolled in private and state institutions in the city of Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil. The cross-sectional study was developed in two steps: occlusion assessment, and a questionnaire about their social and economic status. The occlusal anatomical-functional characteristics assessment was done according to Angle classification. Additionally, overjet, overbite, crowding, anterior open bite, posterior crossbite, and anterior crossbite were evaluated. A sub-sample of 618 children filled out the questionnaire. The prevalence of malocclusion and some variables of exposure were tested by bivariate analysis. RESULTS: The prevalence of malocclusion was 51.3% for boys and 56.9% for girls. There was no difference related to gender. In regard to age, there was a higher prevalence of malocclusion in the 3 year-old group, which decreased significantly with age (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Among the environmental factors evaluated, the habit of sucking a pacifier was the most important in the association with malocclusion (OR=5.46) followed by the habit of sucking fingers (OR=1.54). Speech problems did not show any influence in malocclusion occurrence.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Respiração oral: relação entre o tipo facial e a oclusão dentária em adolescentes(Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, 2007-09-01) Sies, Marcia Lifschitz; Farias, Samira Raquel De; Vieira, Marilena Manno [UNIFESP]; Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Audição Setor de Motricidade Orofacial; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To investigate the existence of a relationship between facial type and dental occlusion in oral breathing adolescents. METHODS: Forty adolescents, 25 (62.50%) boys and 15 (37. 50%) girls, with ages between 13 and 16 years and otorhinolaryngological diagnosis of oral breathing, were assessed. All subjects were submitted to an anamnesis and a Clinical Exam carried out by a speech pathologist, which consisted of facial and dental occlusion evaluation. RESULTS: The most common results observed were: hyperleptoprosopic facial type in 25 (62.50%) adolescents, the Class II first division malocclusion in 22 (70.97%), normal anterior overbite in 26 (65.00%), normal posterior overbite in 32 (80.00%) and normal anterior and posterior overjet in 28 (70.00%) adolescents. In the hyperleptoprosopic facial type, top anterior overbite was observed in 06 (42.86%) and the top posterior overbite in 05 (62.50%) adolescents. Abnormal anterior overjet was observed in 04 (33.33%), the top posterior overjet and cross-bite in 05 (41.67%) patients. CONCLUSIONS: It was not possible to prove the existence of a relationship between facial type and dental occlusion. The most frequently observed facial type was hyperleptoprosopic. The Class II first division was the most frequently observed malocclusion. The study of overjet and overbite showed a larger number of normal cases.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSleep-disordered breathing and orthodontic variables in children-Pilot study(Elsevier B.V., 2014-11-01) Carvalho, Fernando Rodrigues de [UNIFESP]; Lentini-Oliveira, Debora Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Missiano Carvalho, Graziele Maria; Fernandes Prado, Lucila Bizari [UNIFESP]; Prado, Gilmar Fernandes [UNIFESP]; Coin Carvalho, Luciane Bizari [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) is a highly prevalent condition associated with orofacial and dentofacial characteristics.Objective: the aim of this study was to verify the association of dental malocclusion, molar relationship, crossbite, open bite, overjet, overbite, and crowding with SDB in children aged 7-9 years.Materials and methods: Participating schools were selected randomly from within the public elementary school system. in the first phase of the study, the parents of 1216 children aged between 7 and 9 years old completed the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) questionnaire and the children had to participate in a dental examination. the evaluation of occlusion was divided into sagittal analysis, vertical analysis, and transverse analysis. in the second phase, 60 children were selected randomly to be undergone polysomnography (PSG) at a sleep clinic.Results: Among the children included, 242 (19.9%) children had normal occlusion. of the 60 children, 50 underwent PSG and 40(80%) had SDB. the crossbite and open bite showed association with SDB, p = 0.04 in both.Conclusion: Crossbite and open bite malocclusions were associated with SDB, and may be predictive of SDB in children. Studies with larger numbers of participants are needed to investigate the association of other malocclusions with SDB, and randomized clinical trials are also needed to see whether orthodontic and/or functional jaw orthopedic treatment is an option for treating children with malocclusion and SDB. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.