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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação de experiências interprofissionais na graduação em Saúde: construção e validação de um instrumento(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-08-31) Regis, Cristiano Gil [UNIFESP]; Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Interprofessional education (IPE) is currently recognized as the main strategy for training health workers ready for teamwork. Evaluating IPE is a matter of debate due to the diversity of methods used. There is a predominance of quantitative instruments, especially Likert-type attitudinal scale. Brazil follows the worldwide movement of implementation of IPE initiatives in different levels of the learning continuum. This research aims to construct and validate an instrument to evaluate students' attitudes regarding IPE initiatives during pre-qualification education suitable to the Brazilian reality. We performed a study with multiple strategies of production and data analysis, involving qualitative and quantitative approaches implemented sequentially. Based on Pasquali's model for the elaboration of psychological tests, we performed: (1) a systematized review of IPE measurement instruments in pre-qualification education to analyze its characteristics, (2) content analysis to identify the dimensions that the instruments aim to evaluate and elaboration of a conceptual model, (3) construction of a pilot instrument (4) application of the pilot instrument to a sample of the population and (5) identification of evidence of validity based on test content, internal structure and relation to other variables. The review showed that Likert-type scales are the most used around the world and have from 16 to 31 items grouped in factors or subscales. However, there is little congruence in the grouping. The content analysis resulted in four categories that represent the dimensions that the instruments intend to evaluate: the potential of IPE in teamwork training, the impact of collaborative interprofessional practice on health care, teamwork and the knowledge, image and interaction among team members. Although being developed for undergraduate students, the instruments demand that they answer them as they were health workers. The review based the elaboration of a conceptual model that includes student engagement in IPE, its development and the engagement in teamwork. According to the conceptual model, a set of 31 items was elaborated grouped in four dimensions: (1) IPE as a training strategy for teamwork; (2) characteristics in interprofessional learning; (3) interaction among professions and (4) development of collaborative competencies. The theoretical analysis of items with seven expert judges and eight judges representing the target population resulted in the reformulation of 21 items and the exclusion of three. The pilot instrument was composed of a 28-item Likert-type scale and a questionnaire identifying age, sex, prequalification course and term. It was applied to a sample of 433 students from three IPE initiatives. Using the Mplus 7 software, exploratory factorial analyzes were performed using the Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) method, using the polychor correlations matrix as the information source, the Weighted least squares means and varianceadjusted (WLSMV) method for estimation and oblique rotation GEOMIN to estimate the correlations between the extracted factors. Adjustment indices appropriate to the model (0.95; 0.05 and 0.06) were given by Comparative fit index (CFI), Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) and its standardized version (SRMR), respectively. Two factors were extracted: (1) educational process for the development of collaborative competencies and (2) relevance of IPE and interaction among professions, 13 items each, with significant correlation (0.65) and satisfactory internal consistency by Cronbach's alpha (0.87 and 0.77) and Omega (0.91 and 0.82). There were significant differences (p <0.05) in the means of the factors depending on the students features, calculated by Student t test and ANOVA test and their non-parametric equivalents, the Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test. The instrument presents evidence of validity based on content, internal structure and relationship with other variables, and can be used to evaluate Brazilian IPE initiatives.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEnsino Sobre A Segurança Do Paciente Na Formação Profissional Em Saúde: Perspectiva Docente(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-06-26) Vilanova, Gabriele Carlomagno [UNIFESP]; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The goal of this research was to analyse the teaching of patient safety in professional health training from the perspective of professors. This study had a descriptive-analytical exploratory strategy design with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The Federal University of São Paulo - Campus Baixada Santista has a pioneering initiative and is the only structured and consolidated Brazilian experience of professional health training, from the perspective of interprofessional education, teamwork and guided by the comprehensiveness principle. The first phase of the research consisted of the analysis of the pedagogical projects (PP) and for this were used concepts and specifics terms to identify in the curriculum of the Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Psychology, Social Work and Occupational Therapy, the existence of related contents about patient safety. Trough a Likert scale instrument and in-depth interviews the research evaluate the professors' perspective on teaching and learning content related to patient safety in the training scenarios. The pedagogical projects indicate growing concerns regarding teamwork, collaborative practices, improved communication between professionals and the patient, family members and companions. Also, the participating teachers felt interested and curious about the subject of patient safety. This research can contribute to professors' reflection and guide ways to how to introduce patient safety in the educational dimension. There are real possibilities in how to improve abilities, skills and attitudes to be developed in the college. This work can also assist in the decision making on the restructuring of educational actions and future pedagogical projects of UNIFESP, as well in the development of new investigations on the subject, even in others universities. It is imperative the existence of coherence between the training, the expected needs of professional performance and the demands of society in the area of health education.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A fisioterapia na atenção básica: contribuição da educação interprofissional na formação em saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-02-21) Szokatz, Rian Fonseca [UNIFESP]; Costa, Rafaela Barroso de Souza [UNIFESP]; Amaral, Maria Teresa Pace do [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: ao longo da história, o fisioterapeuta vem destinando sua atenção quase que exclusivamente à cura de doentes e à reabilitação de sequelas. Entretanto, mudanças no cenário epidemiológico e a reestruturação do modelo assistencial brasileiro, principalmente no que diz respeito à atenção básica, sugerem a reorganização na formação profissional e a redefinição do campo de atuação do fisioterapeuta. Objetivo: verificar e discutir evidências científicas sobre a atuação da fisioterapia na atenção básica e a contribuição da formação interprofissional em saúde. Métodos: foi realizada uma revisão integrativa de literatura nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scielo e Pedro através do cruzamento de palavras chaves. Resultados: foram encontrados 1.191 trabalhos. Destes, excluíram-se 1.095 pela leitura do resumo e duplicidade. Dezoito foram lidos integralmente e após esta etapa, 12 foram excluídos por não responderem à questão norteadora desta revisão, restando 6 estudos. Conclusão: a atuação do fisioterapeuta na atenção básica encontra-se em processo de construção. A falta de um profissional alinhado ao contexto da saúde brasileira e pronto para atuar neste nível de atenção, devido a uma formação ainda em desacordo com as diretrizes do SUS, limita novos campos de participação favorecendo o modelo tradicional reabilitador.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Formação em saúde para o trabalho em equipe: a educação interprofissional no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Reorientação da Formação Profissional em Saúde (Pró-Saúde) e Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para Saúde (PET-Saúde)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-05-23) Medeiros, Nara Maria Holanda de [UNIFESP]; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esta pesquisa trata-se de cinco pesquisas que constituem o Estudo de Caso Avaliativo, exploratório e descritivo com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, cujos os objetivos foram avaliar o Programa Nacional de Reorientação da Formação Profissional em Saúde (Pró-Saúde) e o Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para Saúde (PET-Saúde) nas perspectivas da Educação Interprofissional (EIP), da Prática Colaborativa (PC) e do Trabalho em Equipe Interprofissional (TEI), nas dimensões, do ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) de São Paulo; construir, validar e aplicar instrumentos de avaliação; avaliar concepções, propostas e métodos de ensino/aprendizagem/avaliação por meio de análise documental e avaliar a relação de ensino/aprendizagem/avaliação nos Programas a partir da concepção dos ex-discentes. Os meios de investigação foram realizados mediante a realização de cinco pesquisas, Construção e Validação da Matriz de Análise com Termos Rastreadores; Pesquisa Documental; Construção e Validação da Escala Atitudinal de Avaliação da Interprofissionalidade, na perspectiva da EIP, PC e do TEI; Avaliação da Concepção dos Ex-Discentes dos Programas, no tocante à relação de ensino/aprendizagem/avaliação e o Estudo de Caso Avaliativo, de avaliação dos Programas, considerando os resultados dos cinco estudos. A Matriz de Análise com Termos Rastreadores foi validada para aplicação e análise dos Projetos das IES e possibilita sua utilização para análise de outras propostas de Reorientação da Formação relacionadas com a EIP, PC e TEI, no âmbito da Formação e de outras instâncias. Foi criado um novo percurso metodológico para Pesquisa Documental, uma adaptação do percurso metodológico de Bohomol (2013), apresentado como manual claro para realização de outras pesquisas desta natureza. A partir da Pesquisa Documental verificou-se que os cinco Projetos das IES apresentaram 1.572 núcleos de significados a partir de 122 Termos Rastreadores, evidenciando que todas as IES apresentaram arcabouço teórico/metodológico e mecanismos determinantes para compreensão e implementação da EIP, PC e do TEI. A Escala Atitudinal de Avaliação da Interprofissionalidade obteve ótima validação de conteúdo, com perda de quatro asserções num total de 30 (13,13%), enquanto a literatura considera aceitável perda de até 40% (até 12 asserções). A validação de confiabilidade foi de 0,96, denotando ótima consistência estatística ao instrumento aplicado. Essa Escala é pioneira no país, construída segundo evidências científicas do contexto das práticas nacionais de Atenção Primária à Saúde, nas perspectivas da EIP, PC e do TEI. A Pesquisa de Avaliação da Concepção Discente revelou que os Programas são terrenos férteis para o desenvolvimento de competências (colaborativas, complementares e comuns) para a EIP, as PC e o TEI através do reconhecimento das mesmas, dos princípios, conceitos, pressupostos e de ações conjuntas consistentes. A pesquisa Estudo de Caso Avaliativo evidenciou coerência entre as propostas do Ministério da Saúde e da Educação com as das IES e que impactaram positivamente no desenvolvimento das ações de saúde, conclusivo de que os Programas das cinco IES construíram suas identidades e implementaram as ações fundamentados na EIP, PC e no TEI, viabilizando reformas curriculares, fortalecendo a integração ensino-serviço; consolidando inovações dos métodos de ensino/aprendizagem/avaliação e agregando saberes e competências entre os profissionais e discentes.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosInterprofissionalismo nas residências multiprofissionais em saúde: análise na região nordeste do Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-10-26) Santana, Maria da Conceição Carneiro Pessoa de [UNIFESP]; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Interprofessionalism is a harmonious practice among professionals from different professions in favor of integrated and cohesive actions in attendance to the patient/family/community health needs. It involves common, specific and collaborative competences to group work, discussion of professionals’ roles, communication, negotiation in decision making, liderance, compromise in problem solving and horizontal relations. Among the proposals that favors the joint trainings and new patterns of professional education, the Multiprofessional Residency in Healthcare (MRH) emerges as a field profitable to studies. An exploratory transversal analytical and descriptive study with a qualitative and quantitative approach that had as a goal to analyze the interprofessionalism in MRHs in the Northeast of Brazil, and it was developed in the scenario of the respective programs. From a universe of 42 MRH Programs, 13 Pedagogical Projects (30,9%) were located and/or made available by the coordinators and analyzed. A protocol of tracking terms was built to the documental analysis of these 13 PPs. Secondly, 237 second-year MRH residents and 129 faculty members from the Structuring Assistance Teaching Center of the 42 Programs (66 Preceptors, 44 Tutors and 19 coordinators) answered the attitudinal Likert-type scale of four points in three dimensions: Shared Learning in Multiprofessional Residency; Education for Team Work; and Development of Competences to Collaborative Practices. An open space was added for registration of spontaneous contributions.Database was organized in an electronic spreadsheet.To the data analysis an IBM SPSS statistical package was used, Linear Correlation Coefficient and bar charts. The answers from the open question were analyzed with the analysis referential thematic. A dialogue was held between qualitative and quantitative data, glimpsing any consonance or dissonance to deepen and reflexions about the study object. The PPs analysis pointed out that the principles for interprofessionalism are partially contemplated in the documents, and a heterogeneous scenario was evidenced in relation to these principles. Despite the non identification of some tracking terms in the documents, it was found that the MRH Programs of Brazil's Northeast region consist in a powerful space for interprofessionalism. Regarding the attitudinal scale, it was verified the prevalence of responses in the range of means between three and four, classified as comfort zone, which indicates an agreement in relation to the preparation to interprofessionalism and the investigated aspects. For interprofessionalism to happen in the training process and to achieve integrality of care, it demands more effectiveness and harmony in the integration among the residents, preceptors and tutors, ruled by the intentional preparation of healthcare professionals in an interprofessionalism perspective. The results showed the acknowledgment and importance of shared learning, training for teamwork, and development of competences for a collaborative practice, defining roles and responsibilities of each professional, respecting the specificity of each area and identifying the borders that bounds the need of the other as a legit healthcare partner. Beyond the training feature, this study is considered to contribute to the management scope of the Programs, thus enabling reflection moments about the current national scenario and providing indicators to the enhancement in health education in the MRHs.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosUma Pesquisa Avaliativa Sobre Os Núcleos De Apoio À Saúde Da Família(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-08-18) Correia, Patricia Caroline Iacabo [UNIFESP]; Furtado, Juarez Pereira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Endowed with a new working process model, the matrix support, the Family Health Support Centers (Nasf) were formulated with the objective of increasing the resolution of Primary Health Care in Brazil. However, concomitantly with the numerical expansion of these centers, there are questions about what and how to develop their attributions. An evaluability assessment on Nasf was carried out based on a systematic literature review and the official speech expressed in documents of the Ministry of Health. The findings proved that the initiative is evaluable and that the strategic and logical analyzes are pertinent for the current stage in which the centers are found, as the main questions about them are in their own tecno-assistential model. Through a case study, the analysis of the theoretical conceptions and hypotheses that support this initiative was carried out. Nasf still faces challenges to consolidate matrix support, as there is tension between general and specific performance, obstacles to professional collaboration and difficulties at centers’ coordination. However, there was an increase in the scope of actions offered in Primary Health Care and the incorporation of new knowledge by the teams.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosResidência multiprofissional e formação em saúde: análise das relações interprofissionais(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-06-24) Carvalho, Michele Cristina De [UNIFESP]; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Health education permeates key historical milestones for the understanding of professional relationships in education and health. In the midst of the historical process is the Unified Health System with important programs and policies that induce changes in the perspective of providing comprehensive care that meets the health demands of the population. In this context, the Residency Programs that represent a permanent health education space have arisen, in front of which there are still uncertainties regarding the professionals' perception regarding the dynamics of work. With the objective of analyzing the perception of health professionals about interprofessional team work and collaborative practice, a descriptive research, with quantitative and qualitative approach, was developed at a Philanthropic Hospital of the Coast of São Paulo. From the total of 48 professionals involved with the Multiprofessional Residency and the Medical Residency in Orthopedics and Traumatology, a convenience sample of 42 professionals (87.5%) participated in the study. The first of the study consisted of the application of the instrument with characterization data and the RIPLS scale, composed of 27 assertive and three factors (teamwork and collaboration, professional identity, and patient-centered health care) associated with interprofessional education (PEDUZZI et al., 2015). The second stage consisted of in-depth interviews on aspects addressed in the assertions classified in the alert zone. The RIPLS data were organized into Excel spreadsheets, statistically analyzed, classified in comfort zone, alert and danger, and presented in percentages, averages, tables and graphs. For the analysis of the contents of the interviews, Bardin's thematic analysis technique was used. The data were collected from September 2017 to June 2018. The RIPLS results were classified into a comfort zone with general averages of 4.6 (Factor 1), 3.8 (Factor 2) and 4.7 (Factor 3). The individualized look at the Programs showed that Factor 2 (Professional Identity) with assertiveness in an alert zone for both Multiprofessional Residency and Medical Residency, configuring difficulties without the need for urgent changes. From the analysis of the interviews emerged nuclei of meaning involving issues of autonomy, comprehensiveness and knowledge. The results indicated that there are positive points in both Programs: the look at the dimensions of the health user, the reception of the teams and the motivation for the construction of knowledge; and, challenges: difficulties in collective decision making, the feeling of embarrassment with the lack of knowledge and the paradigm that involves medical knowledge. Although there is evidence of assertiveness in comfort zones in the factors "teamwork and patient-centered attention", there are still aspects related to the previous training of professionals, to the current curricular structure and to the climate / culture / organizational structure that should be better understood. These aspects can impact education and work relations. Thus, it is precocious and tenuous to say that there is total availability of these professionals for interprofessional teamwork. It is necessary to adopt strategies that emphasize collaborative skills, in order to foster interprofessional work and collaborative practice.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA Residência Multiprofissional No Hospital São Paulo (Hu - Unifesp): Percepção Dos Residentes Sobre O Processo De Ensino Em Saúde E Atuação Em Equipe Interprofissional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-06-09) Pinto, Mariella Vargas [UNIFESP]; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Multiprofessional residencies in the health field exist in Brazil merging as one of the strategies employed to increase the process of hands-on learning, seeking the consolidation of the propositions of the SUS (Brazilian Public Health System). As such, the multiprofessional residency programs have inserted themselves in many scenarios, from hospital-based to primary care, when they were implemented in the Family Health Strategy. However, despite its broad reach, there are few initiatives seeking to understand, know and evaluate said residencies and their impact in the shaping of health professionals. Objectives: This research sought to analyze the perception of multiprofessional residents regarding conceptions and experiences of interprofessional work within Multiprofessional Residencies in Health in HSP-UNIFESP. Methodology: This project consisted in a qualitative research, of descriptive-exploratory character. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The analyzed population were the first and second year residents of the Multiprofessional Health Residency program of the HSP-UNIFESP. Interviews were recorded and transcripted and data was analyzed through the content analysis technique, thematic modality. Results: A total of 17 multiprofessional residents were interviewed. Thematic categories relevant to this study were: motivation for the insertion in the Multiprofessional Health Residency program, conception of teamwork in the Multiprofessional Health Residency program and contribution of the Multiprofessional Health Residency program to working in a multiprofessional team. The perceptions captured by this study point towards a certain heterogeneity among the experiences of residents. The motivations that led to seeking a Multiprofessional Health Residency program were, for the most part, pragmatic and aimed towards the obtention of a complementary formation after completing a degree. Even though many subjects had previous knowledge of the concept of work in a multiprofessional team, the experience was new to all and pointed as a significant gain regarding Multiprofessional practice. Subjects pointed out, however, that there were expressive difficulties in the conduction of said work, notably a dichotomy between the elaborated pedagogical project and the one that was implemented, showing a break of expectations in the formation process. Furthermore, many participants highlighted the part that the Multiprofessional Health Residency program played as a catalyzer in a self-knowledge process. Conclusion: The study represents a deepening on the teaching activities within the Multiprofessional Health Residencies. The analyzed categories represent essential points towards perfecting the formation process of residents in the multiprofessional health field and also the need of an approximation between the formulated pedagogical project and the teaching practices. Specific actions in integration between teaching and practice can improve the evaluation of Multiprofessional Health Residency programs through teaching strategies. Among those strategies is the creation of an interprofessional group meant to rethink practices in the Multiprofessional Health Residency program, as well as other studies that can address the professor and preceptor perspectives in Multiprofessional Health Residency programs in order to complement the information obtained in the study.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA residência multiprofissional no Hospital São Paulo (HU – Unifesp): percepção dos residentes sobre o processo de ensino em saúde e atuação em equipe interprofissional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2017) Degiovani, Mariella Vargas [UNIFESP]; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva [UNIFESP];; Multiprofessional residencies in the health field exist in Brazil merging as one of the strategies employed to increase the process of hands-on learning, seeking the consolidation of the propositions of the SUS (Brazilian Public Health System). As such, the multiprofessional residency programs have inserted themselves in many scenarios, from hospital-based to primary care, when they were implemented in the Family Health Strategy. However, despite its broad reach, there are few initiatives seeking to understand, know and evaluate said residencies and their impact in the shaping of health professionals. Objectives: This research sought to analyze the perception of multiprofessional residents regarding conceptions and experiences of interprofessional work within Multiprofessional Residencies in Health in HSP-UNIFESP. Methodology: This project consisted in a qualitative research, of descriptive-exploratory character. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The analyzed population were the first and second year residents of the Multiprofessional Health Residency program of the HSP-UNIFESP. Interviews were recorded and transcripted and data was analyzed through the content analysis technique, thematic modality. Results: A total of 17 multiprofessional residents were interviewed. Thematic categories relevant to this study were: motivation for the insertion in the Multiprofessional Health Residency program, conception of teamwork in the Multiprofessional Health Residency program and contribution of the Multiprofessional Health Residency program to working in a multiprofessional team. The perceptions captured by this study point towards a certain heterogeneity among the experiences of residents. The motivations that led to seeking a Multiprofessional Health Residency program were, for the most part, pragmatic and aimed towards the obtention of a complementary formation after completing a degree. Even though many subjects had previous knowledge of the concept of work in a multiprofessional team, the experience was new to all and pointed as a significant gain regarding Multiprofessional practice. Subjects pointed out, however, that there were expressive difficulties in the conduction of said work, notably a dichotomy between the elaborated pedagogical project and the one that was implemented, showing a break of expectations in the formation process. Furthermore, many participants highlighted the part that the Multiprofessional Health Residency program played as a catalyzer in a self-knowledge process. Conclusion: The study represents a deepening on the teaching activities within the Multiprofessional Health Residencies. The analyzed categories represent essential points towards perfecting the formation process of residents in the multiprofessional health field and also the need of an approximation between the formulated pedagogical project and the teaching practices. Specific actions in integration between teaching and practice can improve the evaluation of Multiprofessional Health Residency programs through teaching strategies. Among those strategies is the creation of an interprofessional group meant to rethink practices in the Multiprofessional Health Residency program, as well as other studies that can address the professor and preceptor perspectives in Multiprofessional Health Residency programs in order to complement the information obtained in the study.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosTradução, adaptação transcultural e validação do Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale - AITCS II para o contexto brasileiro(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-05-03) Bispo, Emanuella Pinheiro De Farias [UNIFESP]; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that Interprofessional Education is an innovative strategy that provides collaborative practice. It occurs when two or more professions learn about others, with each other, and with them self. Collaboration includes sharing, partnership, interdependence, power and involves reflection and mutual action in search of answers to users' health needs. The present study aimed to perform the translation, cross - cultural adaptation and validation of the Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale - AITCS II (ORCHARD, 2015) for the Brazilian context. The AITCS II is a diagnostic tool developed to measure interprofessional collaboration. It consists of 23 assertions organized in three dimensions: Partnership, Cooperation and Coordination. Data collection was performed in two studies. Study 1 implemented the methodological course for translation, crosscultural adaptation and statistical validation of AITCS II-BR. The validation followed four phases: Evaluation of conceptual and item equivalence; Evaluation of semantic equivalence; Operating Equivalence and Equivalence of Measurement. The Equivalence of Measurement was obtained with the participation of 15 professionals of different professions in two applications with interval of 15 days. Study 2 proposed to validate the AITCS II-BR scale based on the analysis of the perception of health professionals in the Northeast of Brazil regarding the level of interprofessional collaboration. 245 professionals from different health formations in the Brazilian Northeast participated in this phase. An open space was add ed to the instrument for recording potentialities, fragilities and suggestions. The contacts of the professionals were obtained from the health secretariats and universities. The instrument was hosted on an online platform and e-mail ed to professionals. A database was organized and received statistical treatment: calculation of the linear correlation coefficient (r) and the reliability of the instrument for Study 1; and for Study 2, the means of responses were classified into comfort zone, alert zone and danger zone. The data of the open space were treated with content analysis, thematic modality, in two thematic axes: Importance, challenges and possibilities of Education and Interprofessional Work; Training in Health for Interprofessional practice. We identified 189 Context Units, 211 Registration Units, and emerging categories. The results of Study 1 showed that the AITCS II-BR has content and appearance validity to evaluate the performance and interprofessional collaboration, reaching coefficients above 0.8 in the consistency and concordance indices in the three dimensions, confirming the conceptual equivalence , of items and semantics, operational equivalence and measurement. In Study 2, we found assertions with averages in zones of alertness and danger. From the open space, categories have emerged that point to difficulties in relation to dialogue and mutual trust for interprofessional collaboration. It is concluded that the AITCS II-BR has conceptual equivalence, of items and semantics, as well as operational and measurement equivalence for the Brazilian reality. There are several potential applications for scale in research, continuing education, performance assessment, and teamwork assessment.