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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Acham que somos alienados: o rock na imprensa do litoral do Piauí nos 1970-80(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-02-12) Moura, Gustavo Silva De [UNIFESP]; Deus, Denilson Botelho De [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present work investigates the musical/behavioral rock phenomenon on the coast of Piauí in the 1970s and 1980s, through the local press, more precisely: Folha do Litoral, A libertação e Jornal Inovação. It is intended to examine how newspapers defined and approached rock in its pages. The aim, has the objective explore the propagation ways of the musical style in the region, reaching the local youth, considering the effervescence of the Brazilian music industry in the 1970s and its consolidation in the 1980s. The approach that local press has assigned to rock allows to problematize aspects of the political, social and cultural context of the period, in a locality where this phenomenon needs investigations. This is a little studied at the postgraduate level when it refers to Brazilian Northeast and unpublished on the coast of Piauí.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise do modelo de assistência em saúde mental na gestão Erundina - 1989-1992(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-05-30) Migliari, Fabricia De Freitas Faria [UNIFESP]; Marcolan, Joao Fernando [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Brazilian Psychiatric Reform was characterized by mental health care services restructuration and working process with new ways of care, it occurred from a political process of social transformation based on great political and social mobilization during Brazilian re-democratization process in the Health Reform context. Innovative experiences in Brazil particularly involving the mental health care in São Paulo city which was highlighted due to the intense aim of social, political and technical movements and its innovative approach of service networks. This study aims to analyze the mental health care model implanted in the period between 1989-1992 in the São Paulo City, disclosed by its collaborators; the technical-welfare and theoretical-conceptual influences in the choice of the implemented Mental Health Care model; to verify the changes undertaken by this Mental Health Care model and to analyze the influence of this implanted model in the changing of the mental illness social paradigm through participants' perception. We used the oral history method to revisit past experiences from the managers’ narrative of the Mental Health Program of the São Paulo city. As a result, we introduce the social political engagement of health professionals in student movements and, later, in the social movements of Mental Health against the hospital-centered model. The São Paulo City model was built inside the Mental Health Nucleus of the Workers Party (PT), its creators were linked to the unions, popular movement and a political party, with influences on the Health Reform conceptual ground and from the epistemological data of the population. The network of Mental Health Care was established in a decentralized and hierarchical way, consisting of Basic Health Units (UBS), UNCOVITI, Day Hospital (HD), General Hospital (HG), Emergency Room (PS), Therapeutic Residential Service SRT) and Coexistence and Cooperative Center (CECCO). The Model had a great impact on the amount of implemented services, reduction of hospitals beds and the closing of psychiatric hospitals. The health care professionals’ training and qualification, developed by this management, was one of the factors responsible for the transformation of psychiatric care and for the breaking of the paradigm of madness in society. Despite all innovation of the São Paulo City model, its purposes were not considered by Health Mental Care National Policy. The incorporated and chosen model was in the CAPS (Center of Psychosocial Attention) type implement format, which maintained the excluding view of the person with mental disorder of health services in general and society. We conclude that the choice of the assistance model in Mental Health, both in São Paulo City and in Brazil, was caused through the political bias, in agreement with the directions of the political-ideological groups.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosArte mural das Brigadas Ramona Parra em perspectiva histórica (Santiago do Chile,1970-1990)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017) Silva, Gabriela Nunes da [UNIFESP]; Villaça, Mariana Martins [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present work intends to map the history and make a comparative analysis of the mural art production of the Ramona Parra Brigades (BRP) in the city of Santiago in two different moments of the history of Chile, the Unidad Popular government and the final years of the military regime. With this, we seek to understand how the generation of muralists of the 1980s appropriated the graphic language characteristic of the UP government, adapting it to the atmosphere of the protests during the military regime. Considering that the murals produced in that period were expressions of struggle by the Communist Party militants in Chile, we seek to understand how muralism contributed to the creation of a social imaginary.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Behavior problems and social competence in brazilian children with specific language impairment(Assoc Brasileira Otorrinolaringologia & Cirurgia Cervicofacial, 2016) Puglisi, Marina Leite [UNIFESP]; Caceres-Assenco, Ana Manhani; Nogueira, Thays; Befi-Lopes, Debora MariaThis study aimed to investigate the behavior and social profile of Brazilian children with specific language impairment (SLI) and explore whether the severity of language deficits was associated with behavioral problems and low social competence. Twenty-four children with SLI aged from 6 to 11 years who showed substantial expressive language problems and were receiving speech-language therapy were assessed through the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Children with SLI showed high rates of behavioral problems and low levels of social competence. With the exception of two subscales ("somatic" and "rule breaker"), the percentage of children with SLI at risk of behavioral problems was significantly higher than the same proportion in the general population
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Calor humano: origem e perpetuação desse valor em uma instituição hospitalar modelo referência do município de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-09-27) Santos, Audry Elizabeth dos [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivo: Descrever e analisar a origem e a manutenção do valor ?Calor humano? num hospital privado, modelo-referência do município de São Paulo, criado por imigrantes sírio-libaneses. Método: Empregou-se a pesquisa histórico-social, na modalidade história oral e considerou-se esta como um Estudo de Caso. O objeto de estudo foi o valor moral Calor humano e o recorte temporal foi de 1960 até 2006. Entrevistas empregando-se roteiro semiestruturado foram realizadas com diretores da instituição, lideranças da enfermagem, funcionários, médicos e pacientes. Estas foram transcritas e transcriadas e os achados descritos e interpretados à luz das teorias dos sociólogos Max Weber e Émile Durkheim. Resultados: Quatro categorias temáticas foram construídas: ?Criação do Hospital em Estudo?, ?Origem do Calor Humano?, ?Compreensão do Calor humano pelos Diversos Atores Sociais?; e ?Ações de Implementação do Valor Calor humano?. Conclusão: identificou-se a forte influência da cultura dos imigrantes sírio-libaneses no hospital. A liderança fundadora planejou a criação do hospital à luz do atendimento filantrópico baseado na solidariedade. A liderança médica, pertencente à colônia sírio-libanesa, desempenhou o comando de forma carismática, característica esta que foi o vetor da criação do valor moral Calor humano. Esta peculiaridade foi responsável pela disseminação do modelo estabelecido para o atendimento geral e a manutenção do valor Calor humano deveu-se à solidificação da cultura absorvida na longa permanência das lideranças médica e de enfermagem na instituição. Como decorrência, houve a criação de vários processos assistenciais implantados pela enfermagem que auxiliaram na manutenção desse valor moral na instituição
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Canto da saudade (1952): o universo rural brasileiro na obra do cineasta ?Humberto Mauro(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-11-10) Cesar Junior, Sérgio [UNIFESP]; Villaça, Mariana Martins [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Our aim is presenting historical research about Canto da Saudade (1952), Brazilian movie directed by Humberto Mauro (1897-1983). This study is sponsored by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). We are analysing the elements from Brazilian folklore in scenes of movie as legend or oral tale, popular dances, saids and Folk wisdom expression, supersticions, daily life customs and countryside working pratices. Our another interest is the conception of Humberto Mauro about the rural zone of Volta-Grande ? MG, where he saw the landscape as idyllic place with natural caracteristics untouched and the people keeping the his traditions artistics-culturals of peasant way of life. Canto da Saudade was last long-feature directed by Humberto Mauro and it was the only production from ephemeral interprise, Estúdios Rancho Alegre. Others aspects also analised in this research are the place of this movie in the Mauro´s cinematography and the imagem of moviemaker in the 1950s.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO Clamor de João Batista ou O Pensamento de Jörn Rüsen no Ensino de História no Brasil – 1989- 2014(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014) Nadotti, Vanessa Xavier [UNIFESP]; Almeida Neto, Antonio Simplicio de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research studies the thought reception of the historian Jörn Rüsen under the Teaching of History scope from 1989 to the present day. We analyzed the way in which the theory of the historian penetrated in discussions about teaching, seeking to trace and point out the key moments from the translation of his works in Brazil. We investigate the main places that used the theoretical framework of didactics of history and historical consciousness performing a mapping of historical production at postgraduate Brazilian universities, where there was a concentration of works in the state of Paraná. In addition, there was performed a debate on the theoretical frameworks of Rüsen by Kazumi Munakata, Circe Bittencourt, Andre Chervel, Reinhart Koselleck and Edward Thompson.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A Dialética Do Abstrato E Do Concreto No Livro I De O Capital: A Processualidade E A Interrelação Entre Trabalho E Do Trabalho Abstrato.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-05-14) Canel, Jose Janio Camelo [UNIFESP]; Nascimento, Rodnei Antonio Do [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)We Should Treat A Fundamental Subject On Abstract Work And Work, Not Marx's Theoretical Framework, In A Dialectical Perspective - Identity And Difference Of Concepts. For Example, These Cathegories, A Closed And Concise Definition, Once Appeared As Something Confusing And Obfuscated - To Some Authors And Currents. However, In Capital, Both Work (Arbeit) And Abstract Human Work (Abstract Menschliche Arbeit) - Can Be Thought Of As Different Or Opposing, But An Analysis Must Be Done That Allows To Reveal Its Origins, Nature And Functions. In This Sense, It Sends The Problem Of The Above Categories Into The Concrete Historical Processes, And On The Other Hand, Submit As If It Were An Abstraction That Can Serve As A Tool For Elucidation And Possible, Point To A Solution Of The Problem: The Dialectical Relationship Between Work And Abstract Work.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O eclipse do conceito nos limites da teoria do crime e da punição retributiva na filosofia do direito de G.W. F. Hegel (1821)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-12-11) Cosentino, Rafael Luiz [UNIFESP]; Rosa Filho, Silvio [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThis dissertation investigates the limits of Hegelian legal thought, 7lemento in the Philosophy of Law of 1821. Through a methodological path, which recognizes the experience of conscience, the fundamental 7lemento of the articulation between law, history and culture, a possibility of a new interpretation of the social function of law, according to the metric of the objective Spirit and the reallocation of the ontological priority of the essence. The reinsertion of legal practices in the domain of reflective determinations of conscience (na axial concept in both the Phenomenology of the Spirit and the Doctrine of the Essence) allows the fundamental categories of law in Hegel, such as personal personalities, property, contract, crime and punishment, to be observed as concepts in perennial construction.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Educação nutricional em uma proposta CTS: desafios e possibilidades(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2018-12-06) Oliveira, Fernanda Flavia de [UNIFESP]; Azzalis, Ligia Ajaime [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Adequate and healthy food is a human right provided for in the Brazilian Federal Constitution. One of the ways to ensure this right is to promote a nutritional education (NE) that is conscientious. For this, nutritional education should be taught from a perspective that addresses scientific, social, historical and technological aspects. The educational approach that best favors the discussion of these aspects is ScienceTechnology-Society (STS). The objectives of this work were to elaborate, apply and evaluate a didactic sequence (DS) of seven classes with a STS approach to nutrition education. The specific objectives of the didactic sequence were: to recognize the main components of foods (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) consumed daily; recognize the chemical properties of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; relate the chemical properties of foods to their functions in the body; understand the interrelationship between historical, social, technological and economic factors in the composition of food patterns. In order to elaborate and evaluate DS we used an adaptation of Didactic Engineering methodology. Fifty students from the 8th grade of Elementary School II from a state school in the city of Diadema - São Paulo - Brazil participated in this research. In the first class the students discussed a story about food and longevity. In the second and third classes we investigate the eating patterns of students using the "Exploring My Food" application. In the fourth and fifth classes we discussed the origins of eating patterns with the use of the didactic resource "Storing our food". In the sixth class we held a discussion about the different techniques of food preservation. For the survey of the conceptual contents constructed during the didactic sequence we use: records of food consumption; anthropometric and food standard questionnaire; posters; post-test questionnaire; and transcripts of all classes. To evaluate the data we use content analysis. Food consumption records, questionnaires of anthropometric and dietary standards, transcripts and post-test elaborated indicated that there was a growing appropriation of knowledge on macronutrient composition of food and good eating practices. The use of the software "Exploring my diet" showed that the use of nutritional tables combined with the calculators in the software can help the student to establish their daily consumption of macronutrients and sodium and relate it to the standards established as healthy. The didactic resource "Storing our food" makes it possible to learn the sources and functions of the macronutrients in an active and critical way, by problematizing various social, historical and economic aspects that influence the choice of food. In general, the classes proposed met the initial objectives. The data obtained from the questionnaires and student statements show that there may have been an increase in the understanding of the interrelationships between food, biological needs, culture and history.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO ensino de História Indígena nos livros didáticos de História após a Lei 11.645/2008/(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014) Silva, Renata Firmino da [UNIFESP]; Almeida Neto, Antonio Simplicio de [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Historically the indigenous people were costars of their own history, becoming an incumbency of the white people to be in charge of their demands of interest – as regards not only to their rights, but also the manner in which they are idealized by the non-indigenous people. For a long time it was hold up through the historiography and the teaching of the subject History, some concepts that nothing collaborated to review of the biased approaches that not enough considered the participation of these people in the process of formation of Brazil. Nevertheless, we are experiencing a paradigm shift by the reason of the changes in legislation with the implementation of the Law 11.645/2008, which makes mandatory the teaching of the indigenous people history and culture, with the new approaches, above all historiography, in this theme. The aim of this study is to analyze if with this new legislation and its consequences in the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), there were changes in the History didactic books regarding the indigenous theme in relation to the contents, the activities and approaches.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEnsino Religioso na educação escolar brasileira - do século XIX até os dias atuais: historiografia, controvérsias e opiniões(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-12-15) Proença, Paula Regina de [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Marcos Cezar de [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Long ago the discipline of Religious Education (RE) is present in discussions of school curricula in Brazil, and in each historical period took different legal and pedagogical features. In the context of colonial Brazil is not possible to speak in public policy for education and not in a discipline called ER. But it was the first form of inclusion of religious themes in Brazilian education, identified in evangelization activities promoted by the Jesuits and other religious institutions of the Catholic confession. The intention was, through the teaching of sacred Scripture and Catholic doctrine, lead the Indians to abandon their beliefs and customs and their subsequent submission to the precepts of the Catholic Church. With the Republic and the separation of Church and State, all matters of public policy, including education, were tasked to restructure itself according to the criterion of secularism (religious neutrality). It appeared, at that time, an intense dispute between the advocates of teaching faith and defenders of the republican principle of secular education. In 1932, the Manifesto of the Pioneers of Education called for a public school, free, compulsory and secular. Secularism should make the school ceased to be an "instrument of propaganda of sects and doctrines". The State introduced the new ER in the curricula of public education, respecting the individual right to freedom of belief. With is optional for students, was guaranteed the existence of the ER discipline. This condition (right to participate or not the ER) would guarantee the citizen's freedom of belief. However, the state assumed responsibility for this curricular component, which resulted in the fragmentation of the identity of the discipline, reinforced by the LDB 4.024/61, when he said that the burden would not fit with the ER to the public coffers. Only in 1996, with the Law of Guidelines and Bases, and later its amendment in 1997 with the 9475 Law, religious themes were included in the Brazilian education with the proposal of a secular and pluralistic model with the intention to prevent any form of practice catechetical in public schools. Although the constitution and LDB on the subject, there are still doubts as to how this field of knowledge translates into the school routine.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEpidemiology of Behcet Disease(Informa Healthcare, 2012-10-01) Khairallah, Moncef; Accorinti, Massimo; Muccioli, Cristina [UNIFESP]; Kahloun, Rim; Kempen, John H.; Fattouma Bourguiba Univ Hosp; Univ Monastir; Univ Roma La Sapienza; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ PennBehcet disease (BD) is a multisystem inflammatory disorder that is an important cause of morbidity worldwide. BD is most common along the ancient Silk Road route in the Far East and Mediterranean basin. the eye is the most commonly involved organ in BD patients. the prototypical form of involvement is a relapsing remitting panuveitis and retinal vasculitis. Less commonly, BD may present in the form of conjunctivitis, conjunctival ulcers, keratitis, episcleritis, scleritis, and extraocular muscle paralysis. Uveitis in BD carries significant implications for the patient, because it is a chronic recurrent disease characterized by explosive attacks of severe inflammation that may cause significant, cumulative damage to the intraocular structures. This review summarizes the epidemiology of systemic and ocular clinical features of BD with particular focus on risk factors, clinical characteristics, complications, and prognosis of BD-associated uveitis.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A espiritualidade franciscana em quatro imagens de São Francisco de Assis: a copresença da apresentação bizantina e da representação na nova arte(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-10-25) Cunha, Sintia Cristina da [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Carolin Overhoff [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)It is well known that throughout the XIII century Italian painting underwent significant modifications in technical and conceptual terms. A painting inspired by a more incarnate figure concept, arises amidst the artistic context of Byzantine inspiration, aimed at the figuration of the spiritual world. However, the reasons for the flourishing of this "new art" are generally studied in relation to the changes that took place in the secular world, to the detriment of the religious. Therefore, such studies consider the changes from extrinsic factors to that of Christian spirituality, although the Middle Ages, as is also known, was a period immersed in such spirituality. In this way, it is proposed to study the change promoted by Saint Francis of Assisi in the way of experiencing medieval spirituality and how it probably reached artistic sensibility. The study is carried out through the analysis of four images of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy, related to the period in focus, since the saint at the same time that stimulated the representation of nature, had it expressed in his own image, they are: St. Francis in the fresco of the Santuario del Sacro Speco in Subiaco; in the tavola of the Bardi Chapel in Santa Croce in Florence; in the fresco of Cimabue, Our Lady with the child Jesus, four angels and St. Francis, in the lower Basilica of Assisi and, finally, in the fresco of Giotto, The dream of Pope Innocent III, in the upper Basilica of Assisi. Claiming greater emphasis on medieval religiosity in the West, I propose a more careful study of Byzantine participation in the process of artistic transformation. Such a process is usually understood through a logic of "overcoming" the old style that was characteristic of Italian Christian art, until now. However, in this dissertation this logic of "overcoming" will be questioned by the "conformity" between the new pictorial concept and the old style.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A essência da Terapia Ocupacional e os desafios relacionados a abordagem do TEA: uma revisão bibliográfica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-12-18) Batisteti, Julia Molikawa [UNIFESP]; Zanni, Karina Piccin [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: Com o aumento notável dos diagnósticos do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) nota-se uma transição impactante na atuação da terapia ocupacional. Objetivo: Este estudo analisou produções científicas acerca da discussão “terapia ocupacional história e seus conceitos”, “autismo”, “diagnósticos de autismo”, “atuação da terapia ocupacional”. Metodologia: Realizada revisão bibliográfica com busca nas bases de dados repositórios da UNIFESP, UFPB, UFSCAR, Scielo, cadernos brasileiros de terapia ocupacional, revista da USP, UFRJ, periódicos da UFRN, sites do CREFITO E COFFITO, DSM. Resultados: A terapia ocupacional tem como foco as ocupações dos indivíduos, no Brasil representa uma dinâmica de promoção de saúde e na elevação da qualidade de vida. Segundo estudos os diagnósticos de autismo vem crescendo e atualmente está de 1 a cada 36 crianças, com esses crescentes diagnósticos e terapia ocupacional vem sofrendo muitos impactos principalmente na sua atuação. Conclusão: A Terapia Ocupacional destaca-se como um componente crucial para melhorar a funcionalidade e a qualidade de vida, apesar dos desafios relacionados ao aumento de diagnósticos de Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA).
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A evolução da insulinoterapia no diabetes melito tipo 1(Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 2008-03-01) Pires, Antonio Carlos; Chacra, Antonio Roberto [UNIFESP]; Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The discovery of insulin can be considered the milestone of diabetes mellitus history and a great achievement for its treatment. The first insulin available was the regular. Afterwards, Hagedorn added the protamine to the insulin, thus, creating the NPH insulin. In the 1950s an insulin free of protamine was synthesized: the lente insulin. With the advent of molecular biology, synthetic human insulin was synthesized using recombinant DNA technology. Most recently several types of insulin analogues were available, providing the patients with better metabolic control. Type 1 diabetes mellitus treatment includes plain substitution and individualization for short-acting plus long-acting insulin according to the physician's assistance, besides regular practice of physical activities and diet orientations. In type 1 diabetes mellitus the insulin of low variability is the best choice since basal/bolus insulin therapy or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump can mimetize the physiological release of insulin by beta cells.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Evolução do conceito e controvérsias atuais sobre o transtorno bipolar do humor(Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP, 2004-10-01) Porto, Jose Alberto Del [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The author reviews the evolution of the concept of bipolar disorder as an ongoing process. Its roots can be found in the work of Araeteus of Capadocia, who assumed that melancholia and mania were two forms of the same disease. The modern understanding of bipolar disorder began in France, through the work of Falret (1851) and Baillarger (1854). The pivotal concepts of Emil Kraepelin changed the basis of psychiatric nosology, and Kraepelin's unitary concept of manic-depressive insanity was largely accepted. Kraepelin and Weigandt's ideas on mixed states were the cornerstone of this unitary concept. After Kraepelin, however, the ideas of Kleist and Leonhard, in Germany, as well as the work of Angst, Perris and Winokur, emphasized the distinction between unipolar and bipolar forms of depression. More recently, the emphasis has shifted again to the bipolar spectrum, which, in its mild forms, expanded to the limits of normal temperament. In concluding, the author summarizes the polemic aspects concerning the nosology of bipolar disorder and its boundaries in comparison with those of with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders and cycloid psychosis
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)EXPOSIÇÕES LÚDICAS: Uma análise histórica do brinquedo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-12-16) Costa, Camila Teixeira [UNIFESP]; Terra, Vinícius Demarchi Silva [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o brinquedo como objeto histórico da sociedade. A partir de um viés sócio-histórico, a problemática deste projeto se configura em analisar as transformações históricas dos modos de apresentar os brinquedos ao público em exposições lúdicas. Ou seja, compreender as exposições lúdicas como produções culturais que difundem sentidos e significados estéticos e políticos sobre o brinquedo. Esta pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo o catálogo da exposição Mil brinquedos para a criança brasileira, realizada pelo SESC Pompéia/SP, em 1982. Acredita-se que o estudo das exposições torna possível perceber o brinquedo como expressão da cultura. Permeando a escrita surge o conceito de listas, que potencializa a experiência vertiginosa no homem. Para além de um trabalho de conclusão de curso, esta pesquisa possibilitou a percepção do prazer da palavra e da enunciação.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Filosofia Da História Em Voltaire(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-12-11) Lazzari Junior, Julio Cezar [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Jacira De [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Aim Of This Thesis Is To Investigate The Philosophy Of History In Voltaire"S Thought. Philosophy Of History, Besides Interpreting The History With The Critical Look Of Philosophy, Searches, By Means Of Analysis Of Events And Historical Texts, A Meaning, A Purpose, A Destiny, A Conductive Power Operating In The History. It Is Also Philosophy Role To Discovery If There Are Patterns And Stages In The Happenings. Surveying The Most Important Voltaire"S Works About History, As Well Those One That Talk About Philosophy Of History Questions, Like Providence, Philosophical Optimism, Progress, Problem Of Evil, We Will Look For Establish The Voltaire"S Philosophical Thought About The Subject.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Forças políticas e sociais que mobilizaram a fundação, implantação e consolidação da santa casa de Guaxupé-MG(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-06-28) Silva, Maria Regina Guimaraes [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)With the objective of describing and analyzing the history of the foundation of the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Guaxupé, which occurred at a time when coffee farming was expanding and was the great wealth in that region, this research was carried out with the intent to contribute in the understanding of how communities of economically emerging cities were organized at the beginning of the Republic and how, in these communities, questions related to health were faced. This was a documentary research, whose temporal cut begins in 1908 when the first meeting with the proposal to found the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Guaxupé was held, until the last record in the Book of the Sick, dated December 29, 1932. Minutes, periodicals, and documents related to the foundation of the Santa Casa were used as sources. These documents were read several times, and relevant information to the achievement of this study’s objective was extracted from them. This information was articulated, narrated, and discussed with the support of the scientific literature. The Santa Casa was founded with the purpose of serving the economically disadvantaged population living with insufficient sanitary conditions, which generated a significant number of patients. Most of them were farmers and workers working on the expansion of the railway network. The action of this hospital as well as other initiatives in the field of health at the time, complied with the postulate that ‘the healthier the worker, the greater his productivity could be,’ and, consequently, would generate more profit for their employers. In this perspective, the process of transition from slavery to free labor, the arrival of immigrant workers, and the expansion of the railway network were the main factors that led to the emergence and consolidation of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Guaxupé. Hence, holders of financial capital and the Catholic Church are highlighted as the forces that directed the work in the institution from its conception.
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