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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise do desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes da EPPEN(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-03-25) Santos, Andreia Trinca Dos [UNIFESP]; Onusic, Luciana Massaro [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The educational social policies implemented since the 21st century have allowed the excluded sections of the population to have equal conditions for access and permanence to higher education. The creation of a reserve of vacancies for students coming from public education in the Federal Institutions of Higher Education brought significant changes at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp).Thus, the objective of this study is to verify if, at the end and during the course, the academic performance of the quota students and the non-quota students is equivalent in the undergraduate courses of the Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios (EPPEN) of Unifesp. In order to achieve this objective, a documentary analysis of the terms of adhesion of Unifesp to the Sistema de Seleção Unificado (SiSU) was carried out, obtained information from the Pró-reitoria de Graduação (Prograd) and statistical analyzes based on the Coeficiente de Rendimento (CR) of the students who joined EPPEN in 2013 and 2014.The relevance of this study is justified by the recent changes in the profile of the students in the federal higher education network. The methodological definitions used define the approach of the study as quantitative with the use of the case study method and the quantitative data comparison technique. In order to conduct the study, six propositions were drawn up in order to outline the profile of EPPEN students in several aspects, with three subdivisions: formed, ongoing and dropping out. In order to highlight the proposed comparison, statistical models were developed through multivariate data analysis techniques using the IBM-SPSS software. The results show that the majority of the students entered the EPPEN by the wide competition, with ages between 17 and 19 years, studied in private school and is female. There is a 34.25% evasion rate. Of the 613 enrollees in the 78 period they completed their studies, most of them female. It was also verified the inexistence of significant differences between the academic performance of quota and non-quota students, and those who studied in public and private schools, thus, it is concluded that the similarity in performance corroborates the importance of quota policy as a tool to combat social inequalities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise dos motivos de evasão dos estudantes de graduação na área da saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-08-04) Cunha, Andrea Peres Caboclo [UNIFESP]; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A proposta do estudo é analisar os motivos de evasão dos estudantes em seis cursos de graduação da área da Saúde (Educação Física, Fisioterapia, Nutrição, Psicologia, Serviço Social e Terapia Ocupacional) da Universidade Federal de São Paulo-campus Baixada Santista (UNIFESP-BS), no período de 2014 a 2018. A pesquisa de abordagem documental, descritiva-analítica e teve como base para a coleta de dados o requerimento oficial de cancelamento da matrícula, o banco de dados institucional e o Questionário de Evasão utilizado pela Secretaria de Graduação do campus. Nos requerimentos de cancelamento foi possível utlizar os dados pessoais, como ano de ingresso, curso de origem, ano de desistência e nº de matrícula, além de obter os motivos informados pelos estudantes que os levaram ao cancelamento de sua matrícula, já os dados de estudantes que foram desligados pela instituição, devido ao descumprimento das normas regimentias vigentes, foram obtidos pelo banco de dados acadêmicos da Unifesp. Esses dados foram inseridos em planilha de Excel® para que pudessem ser analisados. Para os dados obtidos pelo Questionário de Evasão, foi criado um formulário eletrônico na plataforma Google (Googleforms) para que respostas pudessem ser inseridas, o que permitiu armazenar e organizar em planilha gerada automaticamente pelo aplicativo. Todos os dados foram analisados e classificados por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Foi possível verificar que questões relacionadas à conjuntura nacional da Educação no Brasil, questões pessoais de adaptação e identificação com o curso e questões financeiras, além do não cumprimento das Normas Regimentais, se destacaram como principais motivos para a evasão no campusdentro do recorte temporal pesquisado. A análise e compreensão dos motivos de evasão apresentam aspectos que podem auxiliar a gestão dos cursos de graduação e do campus para a criação de estratégias e tomada de decisões e assim implementar ações na perspectiva de identificar os motivo-causa e minimizar a ocorrência de evasão nos cursos de graduação da saúde daUNIFESP-BS.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da educação superior na revista Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação: ênfases e tendências(Fundação CESGRANRIO, 2011-06-01) Tavares, Maria das Graças Medeiros; Oliveira, Maria Antonieta Albuquerque de; Seiffert, Otilia Maria Lúcia Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The article analyzes the emphasis and trends of the published texts in the Ensaio Journal: Evaluation and Public policies in education, with reference to the evaluation policies for higher education. It reconstructs the Brazilian scenery of evaluation in the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) (1995-1998 / 1999-2002) and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2006 / 2007-2010). It relates the articles themes with each historical period and points out the concepts of evaluation in those analysis, It concludes with reflections about the importance of the Journal, as a space/tool of educational evaluation studies socialization , especially in higher education, remarking that the published texts include the idea of evaluation as achievement and evaluation associated with the quality of education.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da Extensão Universitária Curricular no Planejamento Docente(EUPG, 2023-03-23) Silva, Luciane Duarte da; Vieira, Almir Martins; Claro, José Alberto Carvalho dos Santos [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A partir da publicação da Resolução CNE/CES 7/2018, que trata das diretrizes da Extensão Universitária, novas exigências no planejamento acadêmico têm sido demandadas de docentes e gestores acadêmicos em todas as instituições de ensino superior em seus cursos de graduação. No que se refere à avaliação, as instituições devem elaborar instrumentos para sistematização e registro de suas ações extensionistas, de modo que as transformações no cotidiano universitário contribuam para o processo de formação dos estudantes. Diante deste contexto, este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar propostas de indicadores a serem criados para o processo de avaliação da extensão universitária curricular como referência para professores no contexto dos cursos de Administração. Por meio de abordagem qualitativa, desenvolveu-se pesquisa de caráter documental, cujos resultados indicaram a necessidade de sistematizar as ações de extensão curriculares em processos sistêmicos institucionais, com ações extensionistas centralizadas em grandes programas e projetos. Concluiu-se que a extensão universitária impacta a formação profissional e cidadã dos estudantes, devendo, portanto, ser considerada no planejamento docente.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação da percepção da atitude interprofissional de estudantes de graduação em fisioterapia após exposição à educação e prática interprofissional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2021) Estevam, Jhony de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Silva, Maria Stella Peccin da [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction: Due to the complexity of the entire health/disease process, the Organization World Health Organization (WHO) advocates the interprofessional work model as a strategy to ensure comprehensive and resolute assistance to users of health services. Objectives: to evaluate the perception of the interprofessional attitude of students in the last year of degree in physiotherapy, after exposure to interprofessional practice. Methods: It was A longitudinal, prospective and analytical study was carried out with students in the last year of degree in physical therapy at a public university. The participants underwent evaluation through two questionnaires in electronic format, namely: the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale – RIPLS and the Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale – IEPS, at the beginning and after completion of mandatory curricular internships. The students were inserted in a health service where they were encouraged to practice collaborative interprofessional team, through experiments with an interprofessional team that composes the multiprofessional residency program in the health area. The data collected were analyzed using the Wilcoxon statistical test, considered significant when p<0.05. RESULTS: All invited students agreed to participate in the study, totaling 21 individuals, of both sexes, with a mean age of 21.3 years. CONCLUSION: after exposure to collaborative practice and education interprofessional, there was an increase in the scores of the evaluative instruments, demonstrating greater perception of the importance of the interprofessional attitude in the strategies of health care.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação das Competências Andragógicas dos Enfermeiros Docentes de Cursos de Graduação em Enfermagem do Município de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011) Draganov, Patricia Bover [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A Educação é um processo de transformação social influenciado por variáveis multifatoriais, como as características do aluno que, no caso da educação superior, é um adulto. A Andragogia é a arte e ciência de conduzir adultos ao aprendizado e, na Enfermagem, foi introduzida na década de 1970; desde então, tem sido aplicada, contribuindo significativamente para a formação profissional, educação permanente e educação em saúde. A Andragogia, que é reconhecida como uma estrutura processual que enfatiza a provisão de procedimentos e recursos para facilitar a aprendizagem defende que o professor, denominado facilitador, deve conduzir os aprendizes. Para tanto, o facilitador deve desenvolver as seguintes competências para desempenhar seu papel com sucesso: a facilitação da aprendizagem, o desenvolvimento de programas e a administração de programas educativos. A partir de 1990, a quantidade cursos de formação de enfermeiros aumentou significativamente no Brasil, exigindo maior número de docentes para atender à demanda de formação. Frente a isso se pergunta: esses professores detêm as competências para educar adultos? Objetivo. Avaliar o nível de desempenho que o enfermeiro docente de enfermagem que atua em cursos de graduação presenciais dessa área, no município de São Paulo, atribui a si mesmo, nas competências essenciais para a educação de adultos, na perspectiva andragógica. Método. Estudo descritivo, comparativo, transversal, quantitativo, desenvolvido com 226 docentes enfermeiros que atuavam em 20 dos 27 cursos de graduação em enfermagem do Município de São Paulo existentes em 2010. Utilizou-se a “Escala de Classificação Auto-diagnóstica de Competências para o Papel do Educador de Adultos”, proposta e testada por Knowles. Os dados coletados alimentaram banco construído com ferramenta Excel®, empregado para análise por meio da estatística descritiva, e para a realização de testes não-paramétricos de Wilcoxon, Friedman, Mann-Witney, para correlação entre variáveis com o software Minitab® versão 16. Resultados. A população tinha predominantemente entre 46 e 55 anos, era majoritariamente do gênero feminino, formou-se em escola pública e cursou especialização, principalmente em Educação e Administração. A maior parte cursou o mestrado e pouco menos da metade também o doutorado. Nas três competências estudadas, os professores se consideraram aquém do nível que deveriam ter para a educação de adultos, caracterizando domínio moderado destas, ou seja, grande parte dos docentes encontrava-se distante do ideal de nível máximo de competência que almejava alcançar. Comparando os agrupamentos de competências estudados, os docentes declararam domínio maior de facilitador de aprendizagem, seguido de desenvolvedor de programas e, por fim, de administrador de programas de educação de adultos, isto porque desenvolviam ações prioritariamente de ensino e, poucas vezes, ações administrativas. Os professores se atribuíram grau moderado de conhecimento de teorias, métodos, técnicas e materiais de educação de adultos e demonstraram um movimento em direção à Andragogia. Desenvolver programas educativos, ainda que o docente aprendesse a lidar com projetos e pesquisas na pós-graduação senso estrito, reuniu um rol de competências de menor domínio que de facilitador. Por fim, administrar programas, que requer domínio de políticas, orçamentos e marketing foi o rol de mais baixo desempenho em comparação aos demais. Conclusões. O nível de desempenho dos docentes em todas as competências foi homogêneo, tanto no que declararam possuir como no que desejavam alcançar, não havendo diferenças significativas na comparação dos resultados com as diferentes características da população. O estudo apurou que os professores se consideraram aquém do ideal nas competências para desenvolver programas e, como esse grupamento valoriza e influencia consideravelmente o sucesso da aprendizagem, sugere-se a intervenção nos processos de formação e aperfeiçoamento do professor de enfermagem, nessas competências, para a melhoria do ensino.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação das competências de professores de enfermagem para desenvolver programas educativos para adultos(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2013-08-01) Draganov, Patricia Bover [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)To evaluate the performance that nursing teachers assigned to themselves in the skills to develop educational programs for adults, was the aim of this descriptive, comparative, cross-sectional study, performed with 226 teachers of undergraduate nursing courses from São Paulo. Data were collected by Likert scale, introduced in Excel® spreadsheet and analyzed using descriptive statistics and nonparametric tests of Wilcoxon and Friedman. The population was predominantly between 46-55 years (87/38, 49%) were women (198/87, 61%) and have a master degree (180/79, 65%). The teachers were far from reaching the competences which they sought. The lower skill was in building the design of programs to meet the learning situations and, the bigger, in evaluating educational programs. The greatest desire was to design programs with creative formats, and the smaller, was to use councils, committees and task force. It was concluded that designing educational programs for adults is still something unexplored and little experienced by these teachers.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A avaliação do tutor realizada pelos discentes no Curso de Medicina da Unimontes(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011) Barreto, Nair Amélia Prates [UNIFESP]; Sonzogno, Maria Cecília [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To analyze the meaning assigned by the tutor for the evaluations performed by students of Medical Course at State University of Montes Claros on their performance regarding commitment, responsibility, technical ability, interest in the student individual needs and feedback provided by the students. Methodology: A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, whose subjects were 11 tutors of the Specific Content Module of the first and seventh periods of the second half of 2009. Structured interviews with analysis and interpretation of results were used to collect data according to thematic analysis. Results: The tutors were mostly female professors with master's and specialist course; predominance of the 40- hour work week system. Tutors of the first period had higher education and degree and have been working since a long time in the higher education, greater workloads and with more time working in mentoring. All tutors of the 7th period have employment in other institutions. The thematic categories observed in the interviews are: aspects that influenced the choice of tutoring; training in tutoring; knowledge of the evaluation performed by students at the end of each module; tutor´s idea regarding evaluation and tutor´s perception on evaluation via Intranet. Aspects that influenced the choice of tutoring: invitation and needs of the institution, interest in PBL methodology. Only a few teachers were trained; some subjects became tutors observing the action of other tutors. The evaluations performed by the students showed that they were not involved, as well as teachers and administrators were not committed to the results. Regarding the evaluation´s concept aspect, it was observed that all individuals know and understand the importance of conducting such a process, but some teachers are not interested in the students’ evaluations which support the changes. Conclusions: The teacher´s evaluation performed by the students should be a further stimulus for development of skills that allow us to reflect on the thought and criticism about the practice and praxis, on considering the individual and the other, and cooperative strategies on learning and multiple intelligence teaching approaches converging to allow different perspectives and practices of evaluation as a tool to measure the quality of teaching-learning process - aiming the objectives of the course. We expect that these findings will contribute to improve the academic staff´s perception about their role in the construction and curricular organization and therefore in the formation of new physicians, as provided in this Pedagogical Politic Project of this course.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação E Intervenção No Processo De Aprendizagem: O Olhar De Graduandos Da Área Da Saúde Da Universidade Federal De São Paulo - Campus Baixada Santista(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-10-19) Paula, Yara Aparecida de [UNIFESP]; Batista, Sylvia Helena Souza da Silva [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Higher Education Has Undergone Profound Changes In Recent Decades, And This Movement Has Been Setting A New Stage With New Characteristics And New Demands. The Objective Of This Study Was To Investigate The Perception That The University Students, From The Health Area Of Unifesp Campus Baixada Santista, Do About The Self-Conduction Of The Learning Process And About The Impact Of Intervention Program To Promote Self - Regulation Developed In Workshops And Individual. 299 Undergraduate Students In The Courses: Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Psychology, Occupational Therapy And Social Work. We Adopted The Constructs Of The Cognitive Social Theory, As A Theoretical Reference, Especially The Concepts Of Self-Regulation Of Learning And Self-Efficacy. The Exploratory Research, Of Quantitative And Qualitative Character, Was Carried Out In Three Stages. In The First One, The Students Answered The Instruments: Academic Life Assessment Scale - Eava; Inventory Of Learning Self-Regulation Processes - Ipaa;
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Conceitos e práticas de ensino e exercício da liderança em Enfermagem(Assoc Brasileira Enfermagem, 2016) Neves, Vanessa Ribeiro [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP]Objective: to identify, describe and analyze characteristics of leadership, head nurses and participants in the teaching-learning process of leadership in Nursing, according to nurse professors who performed studies on this theme and taught such content between 1972 and 1994 in nursing schools of the state of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Methods: Thematic Oral History was used. A total of four nurse professors were interviewed, whose reports were submitted to content analysis. Results: the following aspects were approached in this study: the context in which students developed leadership, the influence of previous experiences on leadership qualification, its attributes, the importance of leadership, the value of teaching it, the possibilities of emancipation of a head nurse, the repercussions of teaching leadership for one's professional life, the relationships between qualification and job market, the aspects of teaching qualification and students' characteristics. Conclusion: although not essential for nursing qualification, leadership had a symbolic capital.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Da RÉ-existência à REsistência: diálogos e tensões entre Ensino Superior, Questão Racial e Serviço Social(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-06-16) Silva, Brenda Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Batistoni, Maria Rosângela [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esta pesquisa investiga a origem do ensino superior no Brasil, os processos de resistências de pessoas negras e sua luta no acesso à educação com vistas a sua integração na sociedade de classes e os impactos advindos da ampliação do ensino superior no contexto da contrarreforma universitária e revisita Fundamentos do Serviço Social a partir desse percurso. No primeiro capítulo “As Origens da Educação Superior no Brasil” recuperamos aspectos sócio-históricos que conformam a educação, especialmente a formal e pública no Brasil, caracterizando o caráter étnico-racial de acesso ou não a educação. No segundo capítulo, “Resistências Negras, Educação e ampliação do Ensino Superior” abordamos aspectos sócio- históricos sobre as formas de organização política da população negra, especialmente no que se refere ao acesso à educação e ensino superior, destacando Assistentes Sociais que participaram dessas resistências. No terceiro capítulo, “Questão Social, Questão Racial e Serviço Social recupero aspectos sócio-históricos sobre a gênese e institucionalização do Serviço Social no Brasil, seu fundamento e atuação com a questão social junto a classe trabalhadora e os desafios que se apresentam à profissão a partir da ampliação do acesso de pessoas negras ou pobres ao ensino superior na formação em Serviço Social A pesquisa é de base bibliográfica em fontes secundárias em uma abordagem radicalmente qualitativa, que assume o pesquisador como parte da pesquisa e considera suas vivências na produção de conhecimento, o que nos permite narrar experiências escreviventes em diálogo com a investigação aqui proposta.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Educação E Trabalho No Brasil: Análise Da Experiência Da Escola Dieese E O Novo Curso De Ciências Do Trabalho(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-04-07) Pereira, Stenia Cassia [UNIFESP]; Abreu, Claudia Barcelos De Moura [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research aims to analyze the experience of a new undergraduate program, the Bachelor of Work Sciences, offered by a newly created institution of higher education, the DIEESE School of Work Sciences, which features in its pedagogical proposal, to produce knowledge from what is known and from the experience of the student worker. Starting from studies that treat on the relationship between education and work in Brazil, which highlight the logic of the capitalist production method of denying many workers access to theoretical knowledge and its connection with practical knowledge. This research aims to analyze the extent to which the proposed Work Sciences course can submit a counter-hegemonic pedagogy. To this end, the eminently qualitative research, case study on this course, was performed using documentary research, through the analysis of the institutional school reports and documents of DIEESE and its maintaining entity, and interviews with 20 graduates from the first group, who completed the Work Sciences course in the year of 2015. The survey results point to some challenges, in particular because it is a new course and little known, but on the other hand, show, through the reports of the students interviewed, that the curriculum and methodology of the Work Sciences course allowed, among other important issues, to develop a greater theoretical understanding of the reality.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEnsino Híbrido Na Formação Profissional Em Fisioterapia: Potencialidades, Desafios E Fragilidades(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-03-17) Ostolin, Thatiane Lopes Valentim Di Paschoale [UNIFESP]; Dourado, Victor Zuniga [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The active position of the student in the construction of knowledge is the guiding principle of the teaching-learning process in Kinesiology teaching. It is believed that the use of blended learning strategy meets the profile of contemporary university students. The use of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) favors the increase of students' performance by making the teaching-learning process more flexible and stimulates the students' role in the search and production of knowledge through interactivity and closer approximation of their reality, demands and expectations. Due to the great diversity of themes and focus areas, the presence of monitors, acting as teaching assistants and tutors, is necessary as facilitators and promoters of teacher-student interaction. The objective was to analyze the influence of blended learning in the teaching, learning and evaluation processes of the modules from 2015 to 2016. It consisted of a prospective exploratory descriptive study of mixed approach with qualitative predominance. Data on access and participation history in VLE activities, academic performance data, and participation data on monitoring were collected. The questionnaire on VLE use was applied at the end of the modules and subsidized the construction of the semi- structured interview, which were analyzed through discourse analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively. Correlations between the variables were evaluated by the Pearson or Spearman coefficients. The influence of blended learning strategy on academic performance was investigated in a multiple linear stepwise regression model. Most students reported having used VLE in the past, and felt that using VLE required orientation and adjustment time. More than 60% of the students sought help from the tutor and almost 80% sought help from their colleagues. With biweekly access, it can be observed that the days in which the VLE most used has a face-to-face lecture and is done through a computer and a notebook. Access to VLE is easy and simple and your organization makes it easy to use. In addition, VLE is effective in delivering content, promoting interactivity, and conducting assessments. However, communication and feedback need to be improved. For 87.6% of students, the use of VLE contributes to learning. The quantity and quality of the contents and activities are satisfactory or excellent, as well as the time available for their accomplishment. According to the students, both reading materials and videos are used. Most of the students reported having had a good use and participation in the modules. There was an association between Module II and worse academic performance, as well as a significant increase in access to VLE. Moderate correlations were found between VLE use data and academic achievement indexes. In the multiple stepwise linear regression models, the main determinants of academic performance indices were participation data in monitoring. The most noteworthy aspects of the modules were the practical content, the identification of the relationship with the professional performance and the need for greater integration between the knowledge acquired in the common axis and those related to the specific axis. The use of WhatsApp made interaction, clarifying doubts and coping with difficulties easier, more practical and faster. The use of the VLE is a facilitator and driver of the teaching and learning process, allowing a more flexible, practical, free, self-regulated and close to the connected daily routine of students. Monitoring is a timely learning space that respects the pace of learning characteristic of each. All the students interviewed ensured that their doubts and difficulties were solved either by the monitors or the tutor, in person or virtually. Therefore, the use of the blended learning strategy is effective and viable in Kinesiology modules I and II.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstágio curricular supervisionado: um estudo nas escolas paulistas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-07-30) Santos, Maria Aparecida Modesto Dos [UNIFESP]; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction: The Supervised Curricular Internship (SCI) for the courses of Nursing Degree is founded on the National Curriculum Guidelines (NCG) for such courses, as determined by the Ministry of Education. The internship is served during the two final semesters of the course, with a minimum workload of 800 hours, bringing the student closer to the nursing duties by experiencing the work procedures of nurses and being supervised by them. This practice is essential for the development of future nurses, although it is not identical among all learning institutions. In this scenario, the course or internship coordinator's role is crucial to ensure that the processes of teaching and learning in this stage are achieved, and the student experiences the work environment. Objectives: General: To analyze the practices of the supervised curricular internship for Nursing Degree courses in the São Paulo metropolitan area. Specific: to learn the role of course and internship coordinators in the implementation of SCI; to identify how the University establishes its choices and compensations for the SCI facilities; to establish the workload and the number of teachers for the SCI. Method: A quantitative descriptive exploratory study of Nursing Degree courses of schools in São Paulo, contemplating the course coordinators or internship coordinators. The data were collected via a questionnaire established after a pre-test, through interviews. Results: The samples included 16 institutions in the São Paulo metropolitan area, and 22 persons answered the questionnaire, of which 9 were course coordinators, 9 were internship coordinators, and 4 were course and internship coordinators. Of this sampling, the majority of respondents were women, with an average age of 49, married, with an average of 11 years working for the institutions and 7.5 years in their positions, and having a master's degree. Most of the institutions were private, with a score of 2 in the National Student Performance Exam (NSPE). In those institutions, the teachers are selected via referral, and the ECS begins in the 7th and 8th semesters, with 800 hours of workload and teachers hired specifically for that activity. The payment of the type of compensation to the institutions is decided by the administrator, considering the partner facilities, and the average declared cost per student is R$ 2.50 (two Reais and fifty cents of Real) per hour of internship. Conclusions: The SCI practices, in most of the researched schools by the respondents, comply with the provisions of the NCG regarding workload and the period for which it is offered. Course coordinators and internship coordinators simply organize those practices by distributing the students between partner facilities, with supervisors (1 for each group of 8 students) with no connection to the course nor the theory, hired solely for a pre-established period to perform this activity, and usually via referral. However, some discrepancies were identified, such as: the average cost declared per hour of internship per student makes this activity financially nonviable; in some of the schools, the students begin their SCI without any prior clinical experience; the workload hours vary excessively; the locations for practice are defined according to partnerships and not according to the needs of the teaching-learning process, and the compensation is paid in equipment, courses, and training.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstágios curriculares de nutrição em saúde coletiva: trajetórias e percepções de supervisores docentes do município de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-03-24) Freitas, Alexandra Correa De [UNIFESP]; Juzwiak, Claudia Ridel [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstudo da utilização de Short Message Service (SMS) na EAD: experiência do curso de especialização em saúde da família UNA-SUS/UNIFESP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-04-12) Portugal, Mariana Correa Nonato [UNIFESP]; Tarcia, Rita Maria Lino [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: This study aims to analyze students' perceptions regarding the use of short messages in the health specialization course of the UNA-SUS / UNIFESP family offered in the distance modality. Materials and methods: This is an exploratory research in which the following instruments were used: a) semi-structured questionnaire to collect information about the participant's profile; and b) semi-open questionnaire for data collection about perceptions of students regarding the experience of using text messages. In addition to these instruments, the secondary information extracted from the Moodle virtual learning environment was used for the students' participation in the course activities during the sending of the text messages. Results Analysis: The results were analyzed based on the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Results: In the conclusion, it was identified that the use of short messages is configured as a resource to support and guide students in distance learning activities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estudo dos itens de múltipla escolha de um teste de progresso aplicado em um curso de estética de uma universidade paulistana(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-08-13) Tombi, Elen Cristina Nascimento De Araujo [UNIFESP]; Gerab, Irani Ferreira Da Silva [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Tests with multiple choice items are useful for evaluating a larger number of students and can cover different content in addition to favoring a faster revision. The items that compose a test need to be well crafted to ensure the quality of the evaluation. Objectives: To analyze and discuss the quality of the multiple choice items of the Progress Test prepared by teachers of an Aesthetics course at a higher education institution in São Paulo. Methodology: Descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative analysis of 100 items prepared by teachers of a course of Aesthetics, from a higher education institution in São Paulo, present in a Progress Test applied in 2017. Regarding the taxonomic level and the technical quality of the items a matrix for qualitative analysis was elaborated and carried out by three evaluators. The quantitative analysis was based on the Classical Theory of Tests to measure the reliability of the test, the degree of difficulty, discrimination index of the items and the functionality of the distractors. Results: The taxonomic analysis on the range of the evaluated knowledge identified 16% of the items belonging to factual knowledge, 67% to conceptual knowledge and 17% to procedural knowledge. The cognitive grasp of the items were 38% to remember, 56% to understand, 2% to apply and 4% to analyze. Regarding the technical quality in the guidelines used in the elaboration of said items, 44% of the items are in agreement with the guidelines and 56% of the items presented flaws in these guidelines. In the analysis by the Classical Theory of Tests, the reliability had coefficient alpha of 0.835 demonstrating that there is good internal consistency. The average difficulty (P) was 0.496 and the bisserial-point correlation of the test was 0.240 characterizing a test of medium difficulty and positive discrimination. Of the 400 distractors analyzed, 73% were functional distractors and 27% were considered nonfunctional distractors. Conclusion: The analyzed items evaluated predominantly the category of conceptual knowledge at level of understanding. About half of the items had flaws in the writing guidelines. The test had a good reliability index. The average difficulty of the items was adequate and attention should be drawn to the discrimination index in order to improve this parameter for the items in general, and the functionality of the distractors, in order to produce distractors with better discrimination power, a factor that is also related to the guidelines for the writing of items. As products resulting from this research form a protocol for evaluating items and a workshop proposal to be offered to the teachers of the course.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A expansão da graduação na Universidade Federal de São Paulo no período de 2003 a 2012(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2017) Rossetto, Maria Bernadete de Noronha Dantas [UNIFESP]; Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Goldenberg, Paulete [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The expansion of the Federal Institutions of Higher Education (Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior – IFES) in Brazil was an important process for higher education in the country, especially in the last two decades, and counted on the Program for the Expansion of Brazilian Universities (Programa de Expansão das Universidades Brasileiras) and the Program for Support to Restructuring Plans and Expansion of Federal Universities (Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais – REUNI). The Federal University of São Paulo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP) has followed this national process, with specificities and great transformation. This research aimed to analyze the process of graduation expansion in the institution, between 2003 and 2012. Its description was made from its adhesion to the national process until the end of the REUNI program, as well as its analysis in relation to the national expansion of the IFES in the period. It was decided to carry out a case study, with a descriptive-analytical methodology and documentary analysis. The collected data were analyzed through the technique of content analysis and thematic modality. The analysis, properly speaking, came about through in-depth reading of the documents and identification of 132 Contextual Units (UC). 341 Registration Units (UR) were identified of the UC, from which emerged categories and subcategories. The documents included in this research were official publications (12 documents), legislations (4), institution’s management publications and Meeting Minutes of the University Council of UNIFESP, between 2003 and 2012 (141). The documents showed that the general panorama of higher education, in the first phase of the expansion (2003 to 2007) was a crisis in Brazil's higher education and pointed to the recognition of the strategic role of public higher education and the need for a reform of higher education. In the period between 2008 and 2012, the documents reinforced the panorama already outlined, the need to articulate the axes of expansion and the more precise definition of goals. There was an overall growth of IFES in the expansion process as a whole (first phase and REUNI program) of 106% in the number of campuses (from 148 to 305) and 125% in the number of courses (from 2078 to 4,672). The process of graduation expansion at UNIFESP started, effectively, in 2004. From the quantitative data of the analyzed documents, it was observed that the percentage increase of 500% in the number of campuses, 834% in the number of places for admission and 980% in the number of courses. In addition to this quantitative increase, UNIFESP also diversified its area of activity with the inclusion of human, social, applied and exact science courses. The expansion process at the Federal University of São Paulo, between 2003 and 2012, can be considered as unique among the IFES in Brazil, in relation to what happened in the federal public higher education in the country. Its uniqueness is due both to the transformative potential of this expansion and to the growth in the number of campuses, undergraduate courses and enrollments, in relation to national parameters. We observed the transformative character that the expansion brought to UNIFESP, which, from a university in the area of health, became a full university.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosFormação dos docentes de administração e gerência em enfermagem para o ensino da participação política(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-07-30) Kalinowski, Carmen Elizabeth [UNIFESP]; Cunha, Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThe trajectory of nursing science is in transformation in its social practice, with repercussions in the work processes assist, administer, teach, research and participate politically. The work process of political participation is understood here as the professional commitment of the nurse to act critically in spaces of power, in negotiations and agreements resulting from achievements, to ensure the representativeness and visibility of the profession, as well as the right to quality care for users of health services. The general objective of the investigation was to analyze the perception of Nursing Administration teachers of the teaching process to participate politically. The specific objectives were: to identify the acquisition of knowledge, point out influences in the professional trajectory, list strategies used and propose actions and strategies for the teaching of the work process to participate politically. A single qualitative case study type research was conducted, with data collection between August 2017 and April 2018, with 31 teachers from 12 Nursing Baccalaureate courses in the state of Paraná. A semi-structured interview script was used containing questions about the characterization of the sample and two guidelines: how was your professional career to participate politically in Nursing? How is your performance in the work process to participate politically in Nursing teaching? The interviews were recorded, transcribed, the data were submitted to thematic analysis according to Dialectic Hermeneutics and resulted in five categories: Political participation in undergraduate studies, Teaching of political participation by teachers of Administration in Nursing, Influence of post-graduate studies for teaching political participation, The practice as an example for teaching political participation and Management positions collaborating in the teaching of political participation. The results showed that the political participation of nurses-teachers began in undergraduate programs, in internship fields; sporadically in class, by incentive of teachers; in academic centers and Nursing class entities; in monitoring and under the influence of the family. Among the teaching strategies used by teachers are: to give the student space to participate politically, offer theoretical support and moments of participation in the community and decision-making bodies, give freedom and allow dialogue on the subject. The influences of post-graduation and assistance practice were reported in the interviews in a positive way and evaluated as moments to exercise political participation. The management positions, on the other hand, despite contributing to the political participation of their holders, were not used for the teaching of the theme. However, many deponents reported little contact with this process in graduation, confused political participation with party participation, restricted political participation only to affiliation with class entities, did not clearly explain their strategies for teaching the process political participation, as well as the best pedagogical strategies. It was concluded that most of the teachers interviewed recognize the importance of political participation for their category, however, they did not demonstrate to seek knowledge acquisition for this practice. Part of the strategies pointed out as being used in teaching addressed only some aspects of political participation, indicating that the teachers reproduced the model in which they were trained. The influences most remembered during training were family, participation in class entities and teacher models. This work proposes actions to help teachers better direct their pedagogical practices to the teaching of political participation. In this way, we intend to minimize the distance of political participation from professional practice, break with historical roots and traditional training, for empowerment, appreciation and visibility of nurses.
- ItemEmbargoFormação interprofissional em saúde em tempos de pandemia: análise do contexto, organização e relações no deslocamento do presencial para o remoto em cursos de graduação(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-04-14) Silva, Cynthia Girundi [UNIFESP]; Uchôa-Figueiredo, Lúcia da Rocha [UNIFESP]; Bettine, Marco Antônio;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Em virtude da pandemia de covid-19 fez-se necessário analisar a formação interprofissional dos cursos de graduação em saúde do Instituto Saúde e Sociedade, da Universidade Federal de São Paulo - campus Baixada Santista, que passaram a ofertar as atividades em formato de ensino remoto emergencial, por meio das Atividades Domiciliares Especiais. Para isso o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a organização e as interações do processo de ensino aprendizagem interprofissional nos cursos de graduação em saúde nos contextos presencial e remoto. Foi utilizado um desenho misto de triangulação concomitante, com uma etapa quantitativa (QUAN) e uma qualitativa (QUAL), a partir da análise dos Eixos Comuns do projeto pedagógico dos cursos, nas quais participaram docentes da Unifesp e estudantes matriculados nestes eixos. Na etapa QUAN os estudantes responderam ao questionário padronizado Readiness Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS)-40, versão brasileira e o Questionário sobre Interprofissionalidade e Processo de Formativo Discente Presencial e Online, criado pelas pesquisadoras para avaliar questões sociodemográficas, de acesso e familiaridade com tecnologias digitais e da interprofissionalidade no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Já os docentes responderam somente o Questionário sobre Interprofissionalidade e Processo de Trabalho Docente Presencial e Online, para também analisar os fatores acima citados na perspectiva dos professores. Na etapa QUAL os docentes e estudantes foram convidados a participar de entrevistas em profundidade, por meio da técnica de amostragem tipo bola de neve, para aprofundarmos as questões das vivências e demandas geradas no ensino interprofissional devido a pandemia. Ambas as etapas foram realizadas por meio do uso de plataformas digitais. Os dados da etapa quantitativa foram analisados por estatística descritiva e inferencial com auxílio do software IBM SPSS e IBM SPSS-AMOS, e os dados qualitativos foram analisados com a técnica de análise de discurso a partir da hermenêutica comunicativa habermasiana e do discurso coletivo de Lefêvre, com auxílio do software Atlas.ti. Este estudo identificou uma diminuição na disponibilidade para a aprendizagem interprofissional e no estímulo de competências interprofissionais quando comparados os contextos pré e pós-pandemia. Além disso, observamos que o desenvolvimento docente é essencial para a sustentabilidade da formação interprofissional. Foi possível perceber a importância da formação dos docentes e da experiência dos estudantes para apoiar essa proposta formativa, bem como as tensões que existem nas relações entre as diferentes áreas de formação. A pandemia apresentou inúmeros desafios para a formação interprofissional, mas também impulsionou mudanças positivas na relação entre professores e estudantes e na abordagem coletiva para lidar com os desafios. Portanto, é necessário criar espaços para o diálogo e o consenso, com o desenvolvimento dos professores e interações mais horizontais com os estudantes como base para essa discussão pautada na colaboração. Apesar das limitações encontradas nesta pesquisa, este estudo contribui para a compreensão dos desafios e possibilidades da formação interprofissional e pode ajudar na implementação de práticas educacionais mais efetivas e colaborativas.