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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Cancer incidence in eighteen cities of the State of São Paulo, Brazil(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2001-08-01) Andreoni, Gisela I; Veneziano, Donaldo B; Giannotti Filho, Osvaldo [UNIFESP]; Marigo, Carlos; Mirra, Antonio Pedro; Fonseca, Luiz Augusto M; Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer; Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Hospital Santa Catarina Serviço de Anatomia Patológica; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)OBJECTIVE: As in Brazil cancer registries are mostly based on large cities, there are no estimates per state or per region and information on the disease incidence in the vast in-land areas is very scarce. An incidence survey was conducted in 18 major cities of the state of São Paulo, excluding the capital, aiming to collect information about cancer incidence in the state of São Paulo. METHODS: Of the 18 cities in state of São Paulo included in the survey, all had available resources for cancer management. Data from the year of 1991 were collected by the personnel of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Statistics), who were especially trained by the study coordinators at the Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo (Cancer Center of São Paulo). The collected data were processed and analyzed at the Oncocentro. Data collection, processing, and analyses were performed according to the recommendations of the International Agency for Research on Cancer. RESULTS: Although some discrepancies were observed in cancer incidence rates between the cities, results obtained for all 18 cities combined were remarkably close to those recently found for the city of São Paulo in the year 1993. One remarkable finding was the relatively high cancer incidence rates in both sexes in the city of Santos. CONCLUSIONS: The very similar all-sites cancer incidence rates found in the year 1991, when compared to those for the city of São Paulo in the year 1993, are suggestive that all regions have common cancer-related factors. Nevertheless, other explanations, such as the inclusion in the study of prevalent cases, as well as of non-residents, may have occurred in both studies, biasing the results. There is a need of further studies to confirm the high cancer incidence in Santos.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Consumo de refrigerantes e sucos artificiais por pré-escolares brasileiros em 2006(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-03-26) Vega, Juliana Bergamo [UNIFESP]; Taddei, Jose Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo [UNIFESP]; Fonseca, Ana Paula Poblacion da [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência e fatores associados ao consumo de refrigerantes e sucos artificiais entre pré-escolares brasileiros em 2006 e os fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e nutricionais que se associam a este consumo. Métodos: Foram utilizados dados de 2881 crianças entre 24 a 59 meses de idade oriundos da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher de 2006. As análises foram feitas considerando três categorias de consumo de refrigerantes e sucos artificiais: infrequente (< ou = 1 dia por semana), regular (2-3 dias por semana) e frequente (> ou = 4 dias por semana). Nas análises descritivas utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado considerando significativos valores de p<0,05. Nas análises multivariadas optou-se por utilizar o modelo de regressão logística multinomial. Foram consideradas elegíveis para inclusão no modelo de regressão múltipla as variáveis com p<0,20 na associação para categoria "consumo frequente". A estratégia adotada para ordem de inclusão das variáveis no modelo foi o "stepwise forward". Permaneceram no modelo final as variáveis com p<0,05 na categoria de interesse "consumo frequente". Resultados: Entre os pré-escolares, 37,3% consumiram refrigerantes e sucos artificiais 4 dias por semana ou mais. Os fatores que se associaram ao consumo das bebidas açucaradas foram: residir em regiões de maior desenvolvimento econômico do país (OR 2,13; IC95% 1,66-2,72), em áreas urbanas (OR 1,81; IC95% 1,39-2,34), pertencer ao estrato de maior poder aquisitivo (OR 1,44; IC95% 1,15-1,81), mães que assistiam TV regularmente (OR 1,90; IC95% 1,35-2,68) e excesso de peso da criança (OR 1,41; IC95% 1,02-1,99). Conclusões: O consumo de refrigerantes e sucos artificiais apresenta-se como um provável erro alimentar por se associar ao excesso de peso. A associação entre o consumo deste tipo de bebidas e as variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas permite a identificação do perfil de crianças que necessitam de intervenções educacionais que desestimulem este hábito. Novos estudos são necessários para a melhor compreensão da contribuição das bebidas açucaradas na epidemia de obesidade infantil.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Determinantes do aleitamento materno entre crianças brasileiras menores de 2 anos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013) Warkentin, Sarah [UNIFESP]; Taddei, Jose Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo [UNIFESP]; Colugnati, Fernando Antonio Basile [UNIFESP];;; aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) ate os seis meses e sua manutencao ate os dois anos sao praticas recomendadas por diversos orgaos internacionais. Porem, existem fatores que podem influenciar negativamente nesta pratica. No Brasil, sao escassos estudos de base populacional sobre os determinantes do AME em criancas menores de dois anos. Alem disso, as analises disponiveis que utilizam a metodologia do current status, tendem a subestimar a duracao do AME por nao aplicarem a censura aos dados, como ocorre com a utilizacao das curvas do estimador de Kaplan-Meier que geram estimativas mais precisas quando o vies recordatorio e minimizado. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi descrever a duracao e identificar determinantes da interrupcao do AME, a partir dos dados da oPesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Crianca e da Mulher 2006o, inquerito domiciliar com representatividade nacional, no qual foram analisadas 1902 criancas menores de 24 meses, recorte amostral justificado por menores chances de ocorrerem vieses recordatorios, ou seja, por ser um grupo de criancas que nasceram nos 24 meses que antecedem o inquerito. As informacoes foram obtidas por meio de questionarios e se referem a sub-amostra de 1704 lactentes menores de 6 meses para os quais existiam dados suficientes, sendo tambem excluidos os gemelares e o irmao mais velho caso existissem duas criancas menores de 24 meses filhas da mesma mae. As estimativas do tempo de AME sao apresentadas segundo variaveis socioeconomicas, demograficas e epidemiologicas. Visando produzir estimativas validas do tempo de AME foram aplicadas curvas do estimador de Kaplan-Meier e para identificacao dos riscos foi ajustado modelo de razao de riscos de Cox (HR), com seus respectivos intervalos de confianca de 95% (95%IC). A mediana do tempo de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi estimada em 60 dias. A idade da materna menor que 20 anos (HR=1,28; 1,11-1,48 95%IC), o uso de chupeta (HR=1,53; 1,37-1,71 95%IC), nao residir na regiao sudeste (HR=1,22; 1,07-1,4 95%IC) e o menor nivel socioeconomico (HR=1,28; 1,06-1,55 95%IC) compuseram o modelo de riscos de Cox para o desmame do AME. Os resultados indicam que, apesar dos esforcos empreendidos nas ultimas decadas para promover o AME no pais, sua duracao ainda e metade do recomendado para realizacao do potencial dessa pratica alimentar na promocao da Saúde. Recentes pesquisas mostram que a forma de reverter tal situacao seriam atividades continuadas de educacao envolvendo as redes de ensino e de Saúde, associadas a campanhas publicitarias veiculadas na rede de televisao e radio dirigidas prioritariamente a maes jovens, com pouca escolaridade e de baixa renda
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Determinantes sociobiológicos da insegurança alimentar em residências com crianças menores de cinco anos: pesquisa nacional de demografia e saúde da criança e da mulher (PNDS - 2006/07)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-05-20) Fonseca, Ana Paula Poblacion da [UNIFESP]; Taddei, Jose Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo Taddei [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Food Security is the right to regular and permanent access to nutritionally adequate food in sufficient quantity, without compromising access to other essential needs, based on food practices that promote health. The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA) is a psychometric scale that directly measures food insecurity at the household level, classifying it as mild, moderate or severe. The National Survey on Demography and Health of Women and Children (PNDS-2006/07) was a national household survey, which together with indicators and measurement instruments in various areas, described Food Security prevalence. PNDS-2006/07 secondary data was used to analyze the association between food insecurity and sociodemographic and biological variables among Brazilian households with children under five years of age.The food security variable was dichotomized as food security or mild food insecurity (SA/IAL) versus moderate or severe food insecurity (IAM/G), and the first paper results showed high prevalence of SA/IAL concentrated in the North (N) or Northeast (NE) (30.7%), in economic classes D or E (34%), and beneficiaries of Cash Transfer Programs (PTR) (36.5%). The multivariate analysis model found that social risks (beneficiary PTR), regional risks (N/NE) and economic risks (classes D or E) were 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4, respectively. By aggregating the three risks we found 48% of households in SA/IAL, meaning that adult and children experienced hunger during the three months period preceding the survey. Second paper describes high prevalence of IAM/G (Food Insecurity) in households where mothers had fewer than 8 years of education (25.7%), lived without a partner (25.9%), or had three or more children living under the same roof (29.3%). In addition, it showed high prevalence of Food Insecurity in households with children under five, who have had at least one episode of diarrhea or pneumonia during the three months prior to interview (25.9%), had weight-for-age <-2.0Z (32.1%), or had not eaten meat (20.5%) or fruits and vegetables every day in the past seven days before interview (19.3%). Independently of geographic location (macro-region and urban-rural classification) and household variables (economic status, cash transfer program, living conditions, maternal education, marital status and number of children), the multivariate analysis model showed association between health of children living in food-insecure households and having had at least one hospitalization for diarrhea or pneumonia within the twelve months before the interview (aPR 1.3; 95%CI 1.1; 1.6), underweight shown by weight-for-age WAZ<-2.0Z (aPR 1.4, 95%CI 1.1; 1.7), and having not eaten meat (aPR 1.2, 95%CI 1.1; 1.4) or fruits & vegetables every day in the past seven days prior to interview (aPR 1.7, 95%CI 1.3; 2.3). There is a relationship between living in moderate or severe food insecurity and objective adverse child health outcomes. These relationships are shaped by the environment where the child is inserted, and may represent an important factor in the transmission of socioeconomic inequality across generations, impacting negatively on the prosperity of future Brazilian citizens.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Differences between men and women in the quality of their diet: a study conducted on a population in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil(Abrasco, 2017) de Assumpcao, Daniela; Domene, Semíramis Martins Álvares [UNIFESP]; Fisberg, Regina Mara; Canesqui, Ana Maria; Barros, Marilisa Berti de AzevedoThis study aimed to evaluate differences between men and women on a global index and for each component of the Brazilian Healthy Eating Revised-Index (BHEI-R), as well as with reference to associated factors of the BHEI-R. This is a cross-sectional population-based study which analyzed information for 949 adults. For each sex, the mean for BHEI-R and its components were estimated. Women showed higher scores in the components of: fruits, vegetables and milk. Amongst men, the score was higher only in the component of: meat and eggs. Regarding associated factors, important differences were observed between the sexes. For men, better scores were observed among those aged 40 years or over and for those who did not do anything to lose weight. For women, in relation to better quality of diet, the following was observed: the advancing age, the practice of physical activities in leisure time, not smoking, living with less than three people in their household and the presence of chronic diseases. The results pointed to the need to develop strategies to improve the quality of diets in adults, especially men.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Do Italian women prefer cesarean section? Results from a survey on mode of delivery preferences(Biomed Central Ltd, 2013-03-26) Torloni, Maria Regina [UNIFESP]; Betran, Ana Pilar; Montilla, Pilar; Scolaro, Elisa; Seuc, Armando; Mazzoni, Agustina; Althabe, Fernando; Merzagora, Francesca; Donzelli, Gian Paolo; Merialdi, Mario; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); WHO; Osservatorio Nazl Salute Donna; Inst Clin Effectiveness & Hlth Policy; Univ FlorenceBackground: About 20 million cesareans occur each year in the world and rates have steadily increased in almost all middle- and high-income countries over the last decades. Maternal request is often argued as one of the key forces driving this increase. Italy has the highest cesarean rate of Europe, yet there are no national surveys on the views of Italian women about their preferences on route of delivery. This study aimed to assess Italian women's preference for mode of delivery, as well as reasons and factors associated with this preference, in a nationally representative sample of women.Methods: This cross sectional survey was conducted between December 2010-March 2011. An anonymous structured questionnaire asked participants what was their preferred mode of delivery and explored the reasons for this preference by assessing their agreement to a series of statements. Participants were also asked to what extent their preference was influenced by a series of possible sources. the 1st phase of the study was carried out among readers of a popular Italian women's magazine (Io Donna). in a 2nd phase, the study was complemented by a structured telephone interview.Results: A total of 1000 Italian women participated in the survey and 80% declared they would prefer to deliver vaginally if they could opt. the preference for vaginal delivery was significantly higher among older (84.7%), more educated (87.6%), multiparous women (82.3%) and especially among those without any previous cesareans (94.2%). the main reasons for preferring a vaginal delivery were not wanting to be separated from the baby during the first hours of life, a shorter hospital stay and a faster postpartum recovery. the main reasons for preferring a cesarean were fear of pain, convenience to schedule the delivery and because it was perceived as being less traumatic for the baby. the source which most influenced the preference of these Italian women was their obstetrician, followed by friends or relatives.Conclusion: Four in five Italian women would prefer to deliver vaginally if they could opt. Factors associated with a higher preference for cesarean delivery were youth, nulliparity, lower education and a previous cesarean.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Exclusive breastfeeding duration and determinants among Brazilian children under two years of age(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, 2013-06-01) Warkentin, Sarah [UNIFESP]; Taddei, Jose Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo [UNIFESP]; Viana, Kelly de Jesus [UNIFESP]; Colugnati, Fernando Antonio Basile [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Faculdade de MedicinaOBJECTIVE: The present study described the duration and identified the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding. METHODS: The study used data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher 2006 (National Demographic and Health Survey on Women and Children 2006). Data were collected using questionnaires administered by trained professionals and refer to a subsample of 1,704 children aged less than 24 months. The estimated durations of exclusive breastfeeding are presented according to socioeconomic, demographic and epidemiological variables. Kaplan Meier estimator curves were used to produce valid estimates of breastfeeding duration and the Cox's proportional hazards model was fitted to identify risks. RESULTS: The median estimated duration of exclusive breastfeeding was 60 days. The final Cox model consisted of mother's age <20 years (hazard ratio=1.53, 95% confidence interval=1.11-1.48), use of pacifier (hazard ratio=1.53, 95% confidence interval=1.37-1.71), not residing in the country's southeast region (hazard ratio=1.22, 95% confidence interval=1.07-1.40) and socioeconomic status (hazard ratio=1.28, 95% confidence interval=1.06-1.55). CONCLUSION: The Kaplan Meier estimator corrected the underestimated duration of breastfeeding in the country when calculated by the current status methodology. Despite the national efforts done in the last decades to promote breastfeeding, the results indicate that the duration of exclusive breastfeeding is still half of that recommended for this dietary practice to promote health. Ways to revert this situation would be ongoing educational activities involving the educational and health systems, associated with advertising campaigns on television and radio mainly targeting young mothers with low education level and low income, identified as those at high risk of weaning their children early.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Fatores associados a quedas em uma coorte de idosos residentes na comunidade(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2002-12-01) Perracini, Monica Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated to fall and recurrent fall episodes among elderly living in a community, and to determine the relative risk of each factor as a fall predictor. METHODS: A two-year follow-up study with two segments of multi-dimensional household surveys (1991-1992 and 1994-1995) was carried out in a cohort of 1,667 elderly, aged 65 or older, living in a community in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The instrument used for data collection was the BOMFAQ, the Brazilian version of the Multidimensional Functional Assessment Questionnaire (OARS). A stepwise logistic regression analysis was conducted with p<0.05 and 95% CI. RESULTS: About 31% of the elderly referred a fall episode and around 11% referred two or more fall episodes in the previous year of the first survey. After follow-up, 53.4% didn't refer any fall episodes, 32.7% referred a fall episode either in the first survey or in the second one and almost 14% referred fall episodes in both surveys. The predictive model of recurrent falls was composed by the following variables: absence of a spouse (OR=1.59 95% CI 1.00-2.52), not having a reading habit (OR= 1.56 95% CI 1.03-2.37), history of fractures (OR=4.6 95% CI 2.23-9.69 difficulty to perform one to three activities of daily life (OR=2.37 95% CI 1.49-3.78), difficulty to perform four or more activities of daily life (OR=3.31 95%CI 1.58-6.93) and among those whose sight is most impaired (OR=1.53 95%CI 1.00-2.34). CONCLUSIONS: Population ageing and increase in life expectancy demand preventive and rehabilitation actions in order to reduce risk factors for falls, such as impaired functional capacity, impaired eye sight and lack of cognitive stimulation.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Levantamento das denúncias de violência familiar nas Delegacias de Defesa da Mulher do município de São Paulo: um estudo sobre a interface com o uso de bebidas alcoólicas e outras drogas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-04-28) Augusto, Luciana Pereira [UNIFESP]; Noto, Ana Regina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of cases associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs, including allegations of family violence in nine Police Stations for Defense of Women (PSDW) in the City of São Paulo. Methods: The sample consisted of the 780 women who sought PSDW a complaint of domestic violence. All women who made a police report about family violence within the research period (21 days in each PSDW) were invited to join the study. The interviews were structured from a WHO questionnaire on psychological / physical / sexual, with additional questions about the consumption of alcohol, cocaine, marijuana or other drugs, and also the offender and the victim. Cluster analysis was performed to verify the type of violence. Results: It was noted in the episodes of violence reported that in 48.7% of cases the attackers had used alcohol or other drugs: 28.1% only used alcohol, 9.2% used other drug and 11.4% used alcohol and other drugs. Regarding other drugs, with or without alcohol, fell highlighted the use of cocaine (11.8%). According to the type of substance used by the perpetrator (alcohol and other drugs) were also significant differences between groups in relation to the time of assault, testimony by children, history of violence and subsequent consequences of the complaint. Cluster analysis indicated four distinct groups by type of violence, regarding the most serious types of violence there were a higher frequency of men who had consumed alcohol or other drugs. Conclusions: The results highlight the important reference to the consumption of alcohol and other drugs by offenders, including allegations of family violence in PSDW. The study suggests that integration between the relevant PSDWs and services of support to cases of abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Polifarmácia em idosos e a associação com doenças crônicas e perdas funcionais(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-02-22) Mercadante, Ana Claudia Costa [UNIFESP]; Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]; Andreoni, Solange [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: to characterize the use of drugs of cronic use in population composed of elderly people ages 60 years or more in association with chronical diseases and functional losses. Methodology: this is a cross sectional observational study, grounded on surveyed information by the EPIDOSO Project (phase 2), based on surveys established in the CEE (Centro de Estudos do Envelhecimento), which belongs to the discipline of Clinical Preventive Medicine (UNIFESP). It´s about a middle class population, with individuals in both genders residents in Vila Clementino. The Great Geriatric Evaluation has been use for the data collection and with this instrument, 1002 elderly were interview. The data were transferred to an electronic spreadsheet (Excel®2003) and the statistical evaluations were arranged using the SPSS software 20,0 version. The dependent variable is the polypharmacy (use of 5 or more medicines) and logistic regression models were devise in order to evaluate the association between the use of polypharmacy and the independent variables. Results: the average age was 73 years old, being 67.2% females, with predominance of coupled (52.4%), with 8 years or more of study (66.1%). The prevalence of the medicine use was 92.7%. The average rates were use of medicine = 4.8, number of diagnosis = 8.7 and compromised activities of daily living (ADL) = 3.0. The polypharmacy was verified in 50.0% of the elderly and, among women, 53.8% has this habit. Within the interviewees, the most prevalence disease was the Arterial Hypertension (71.9%) and the medications operating in the cardiovascular system were the most used (34.6%). The risk factors to polypharmacy were: females (OR 1.42; CI 95% 1.06-1.91); not engaged in remunerated activities (OR 2.06; CI 95% 1.47-2.89); have 4 to 7 diseases (OR 3.57; CI 95% 1.74-7.32), have 7 or more compromised ADL (OR 1.82; CI 95% 1.23-2.69). The variables with more correlation with the use of five or more medicines are: females, bigger amount of health problems, not gainfully employed, have a bigger number of compromised activities of daily living and have being hospitalized. CONCLUSION: the findings of this study show a high ratio of the use of medicines among the elderly people, since the grievances in health make them need the pharmacotherapy and the concept preached by the society that the way to obtain health is to consume health. The risk factors associated to polypharmacy may be useful to warn the healthcare professionals about the importance to identify and to monitor groups of elderly people more vulnerable to this habit.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)PREVALENCE of PARACOCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS INFECTION BY INTRADERMAL REACTION in RURAL AREAS in ALFENAS, MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL(Inst Medicina Tropical São Paulo, 2014-07-01) Magalhaes, Evandro Monteiro de Sa; Ribeiro, Carla de Fatima; Damaso, Carla Silva; Leomil Coelho, Luiz Felipe; Silva, Roberta Ribeiro; Ferreira, Eric Batista; Rodrigues, Maria Rita; Camargo, Zoilo Pires de [UNIFESP]; Grao Velloso, Tania Regina; Cotta Malaquias, Luiz Cosme; Univ Fed Alfenas; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ Fed Espirito SantoThis study aimed to estimate the prevalence of paracoccidioidal infection by intradermal reaction (Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity, DTH) to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in rural areas in Alfenas, Southern Minas Gerais (MG) State, Brazil, and to assess risk factors (gender, occupation, age, alcohol intake and smoking) associated with infection. We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study using intradermal tests with gp 43 paracoccidioidin in 542 participants, who were previously contacted by local health agents and so spontaneously attended the test. Participants underwent an interview by filling out a registration form with epidemiological data and were tested with an intradermal administration of 0.1 mL of paracoccidioidin in the left forearm. the test was read 48 hours after injection and was considered positive if induration was greater than or equal to 5 mm. Out of 542 participants, 46.67% were positive to the skin test. Prevalence increased in accordance with an increase of age. There was statistical significance only for males. Occupation, alcohol intake and smoking habits were not significantly associated with the risk of paracoccidioidomycosis infection. There is relevance of paracoccidioidomycosis infection in such rural areas, which suggests that further epidemiological and clinical studies on this mycosis should be done in the southern part of Minas Gerais State.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Prevalência de asma e sintomas asmáticos em escolares de 13 e 14 anos de idade(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2004-04-01) Maia, José Geraldo Soares; Marcopito, Luiz Francisco [UNIFESP]; Amaral, Adriano Neves; Tavares, Breno De Freitas; Santos, Fabiana Augusta Nogueira Lima E; Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros Departamento de Clínica Médica; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Estadual de Montes ClarosOBJECTIVE: Before the use of the ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) questionnaire in epidemiologic surveys, little could be told about the comparative occurrence of asthma in the world due to differences in employed methods. In Brazil, the ISAAC questionnaire has been used in some urban regions. In this study it was applied in both, urban and rural areas, in order to estimate the prevalence of asthma among schoolchildren living in Montes Claros, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out using the ISAAC written questionnaire with four questions added on exposures of interest. The questionnaire was self-applied in 3,770 randomly selected schoolchildren aged 13 and 14 years. RESULTS: The prevalence of wheezing in the last year was 15.8%, and asthma or bronchitis ever was 23.8% with no statistically significant difference between boys and girls. There were significant differences between girls and boys regarding wheezing ever (37.8% and 33.6%), sleeping disturbed by wheezing (13.7% and 9.5%), and nocturnal dry coughing without respiratory infection (36.6% and 28.7%), respectively. Wheezing in the last year was found to be positively associated with pet contact (OR=1.27; 95% CI: 1.03-1.56), and family history of asthma (OR=1.79; 95% CI: 1.50-2.14), and negatively associated with rural school (OR=0.63; 95% CI: 0.44-0.91). But no association was found with sex, age, private/public school, and passive smoking. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of asthma in Montes Claros was high and some symptoms were seen mainly among girls. The occurrence of wheezing in the last year showed to be associated with family history, contact with pets and urban schools.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Prevalência e fatores associados ao excesso de peso em crianças brasileiras menores de 2 anos(Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, 2012-12-01) Cocetti, Monize [UNIFESP]; Taddei, Jose Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo [UNIFESP]; Konstantyner, Tulio [UNIFESP]; Konstantyner, Thais Claudia Roma de Oliveira; Barros Filho, Antonio de Azevedo; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Centro Universitário Lusíada; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of overweight, analyze its progression from 1989 to 2006 and identify factors associated with it among children younger than two years in Brazil. METHODS: Data for the Women and Children National Demography and Health Survey (PNDS 2006) were collected using questionnaires and anthropometric measurements. The study sample included 1,735 children aged 0 to 24 months (910 boys; 825 girls). Nutritional status was defined according to the weight-for-height index (W/H; WHO, 2006), and children were classified as overweight if their W/H z score was greater than +2. RESULTS: Prevalence of overweight in Brazil was 6.54%. The highest prevalence of overweight was found in the southern (10.0%) and midwestern (11.1%) regions, among families with a per capita income higher than one minimum wage (11.8%), in social classes with a greater purchasing power (9.7%), among children whose birth weight was greater than 3 kg (8.04%) and whose exclusive breastfeeding lasted less than five months (7.4%). According to a fitted multiple logistic regression model, factors associated with overweight were: birth weight > 3 kg [odds ratio (OR) = 5.2, 95% confidence interval (95%CI) 2.56-10.56], per capita income > 1 minimum wage (OR = 2.50, 95%CI 1.20-5.21), residence in midwestern region (OR = 2.40, 95%CI 1.01-5.72). CONCLUSIONS: The comparison of the prevalence found in the 2006 survey with the 1989 and 1996 values revealed that overweight among children younger than two years tends to decrease. The risk factors identified suggest that further actions should be conducted to prevent obesity among infants living in the midwestern region of Brazil, whose birth weight was greater than 3 kg and whose families had a per capita income higher than one minimum wage.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Relação entre fatores sociodemográficos, ambientais e dietéticos na experiência de cárie em crianças do Município de Carapicuíba (SP)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-03-28) Amato, Juliana Neide [UNIFESP]; Castelo, Paula Midori [UNIFESP];; A cárie dentária ainda é considerada um problema de saúde pública mesmo com avanços nas medidas preventivas e curativas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação entre a experiência de cárie dentária, aspectos sociodemográficos, ambientais e dietéticos em crianças. Métodos: Um levantamento epidemiológico de saúde bucal foi realizado entre 2014 e 2015 e incluiu 5.213 escolares de 2 a 11 anos matriculados em 38 escolas públicas municipais de Carapicuíba (SP, Brasil). Foram coletados dados primários quanto à experiência de cárie, avaliada por meio do índice de dentes cariados, perdidos/esfoliados e obturados (ceo-d/CPO-D) nas escolas por 6 examinadoras calibradas e aspectos dietéticos. A análise de aspectos ambientais e sociodemográficos das escolas foi realizada por meio de dados secundários extraídos das bases de dados do Censo Demográfico/IBGE (2010) e do Censo Escolar (2014 e 2015) para avaliar a relação entre experiência de cárie dos escolares e fatores sociodemográficos e ambientais dos setores censitários das escolas, bem como seus aspectos de infraestrutura física e de recursos humanos. O estudo também abordou a relação entre experiência de cárie e fatores dietéticos, como o consumo de alimentos açucarados, processados e ultraprocessados, além dos hábitos de higiene bucal, acesso a serviços de saúde, percepção dos pais/cuidadores em relação à saúde bucal de seus filhos e acúmulo de biofilme. Resultados: Por meio de análise de agrupamentos, foram identificados dois clusters: o “grupo mais favorecido”incluiu 33 escolas caracterizadas por maiores percentuais de crianças sem experiência de cárie, localizadas em regiões com melhores indicadores sociodemográficos e ambientais; o “grupo menos favorecido” incluiu 5 escolas com maior frequência de crianças com experiência de cárie, em regiões com domicílios sem esgotamento sanitário e abastecimento de água (consumo de água de poço não tratada e não fluoretada), maior relação moradores/domicílio e famílias vivendo com até um salário mínimo. Foi observado um aumento na chance de ter experiência de cárie para cada porcentagem adicional de casas com água de poço e de famílias que vivem com até um salário mínimo (p<0,05). O modelo logístico mostrou que o sexo feminino e a presença de biofilme associaram-se negativa e positivamente com a cárie na primeira infância, respectivamente, e esta chance aumentou 17% para cada dia adicional de ingestão de bebida açucarada. Nas crianças de 6 a 11 anos, a ausência de biofilme e maior frequência de escovação estavam relacionadas ao menor índice de cárie, enquanto o consumo de salgadinhos, bolo e biscoito foram relacionados a maior índice de cárie. Não foi encontrada concordância entre a percepção dos pais/cuidadores sobre a presença de cárie dentária e a necessidade de tratamento odontológico das crianças. Conclusão: O estudo identificou um aumento nas chancesde ter experiência de cárie em setores censitários caracterizados por casas abastecidas com água de poço, famílias com renda de até um salário mínimo, além do consumo de bebidas açucaradas, salgadinhos, bolos e biscoitos e presença de biofilme dentário. A falta de concordância entre a percepção dos pais/cuidadores e a saúde bucal de seus filhos alerta para a necessidade de ações de educação em saúde para um melhor entendimento sobre a doença cárie e a elaboração de estratégias em saúde pública.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Social and demographic inequalities in diet quality in a population-based study(Pontifícia Universidade Católica Campinas, 2016) de Assumpcao, Daniela; Domene, Semíramis Martins Álvares [UNIFESP]; Fisberg, Regina Mara; de Azevedo Barros, Marilisa BertiObjective To evaluate sociodemographic inequalities in the diet quality of the urban population of the city of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods A population-based, cross-sectional study was performed using data from a health survey conducted in the city of Campinas in 2008-2009. Diet quality was evaluated using the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index Revised. A total of 3,382 individuals aged 10 years old and older were analyzed. Results Brazilian Healthy Eating Index Revised scores increased with age and education level. Women consumed more vegetables, fruits, and milk, and less sodium, meat and eggs, oils, saturated and solid fats, alcohol, and added sugars than men. Scores for whole grains, vegetables, and fruits also increased with age and education level. Conclusion These findings point to sociodemographic segments that are more vulnerable to an inappropriate diet and identify the need of strategies to increase the consumption of whole grains, dark green vegetables, fruits, and milk, and decrease the consumption of sodium, solid fats, alcohol, and added sugar.