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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAcupuncture for tension-type headache in pregnancy: A prospective, randomized, controlled study(Elsevier B.V., 2012-12-01) Silva, João Bosco Guerreiro da; Nakamura, Mary Uchiyama [UNIFESP]; Cordeiro, Jose Antonio; Kulay Júnior, Luiz [UNIFESP]; Rio Preto Med Sch; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Acupuncture for tension-type headache in pregnancy: a prospective, randomized, controlled study.Aim: This study was undertaken to test, under real-life conditions, the effects of acupuncture on headaches during pregnancy and compare this with a group of patients undergoing conventional treatment alone.Methodology: Forty-three conventionally treated (lifestyle modifications and stretching) pregnant women were randomly allocated into two groups to routine care or acupuncture. the severity and disability caused by this pain and its affect on mood, sleep and work were assessed using a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). the main end-point was the mean difference between the first and the last interview after eight weeks of treatment. Secondary end points were the changes over time in the NRS assessments of pain intensity, disturbances in mood, sleep and working and the use of medications.Differences between initial and final sessions were analyzed by a two-sample test. Changes over time in the NRS assessment were analyzed by the Fisher exact test. Mood's test for medians was used and a p-value < 0.05 indicated a significant difference.Results: All women completed the treatment. No important adverse effects related to acupuncture treatment or to pregnancy's outcome were reported. Significant improvements were demonstrated for pain at the end of the trial in the study group, 3.9 vs 1.7 difference in favor to acupuncture group (p < 0.05). This group also used less medication and had a greater improvement in mood and sleep when compared with the control group.Conclusions: This study suggests acupuncture alleviates tension-type headaches during pregnancy. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAdolescents with chronic migraine commonly exhibit depressive symptoms(Springer, 2013-03-01) Arita, Juliana Harumi [UNIFESP]; Lin, Jaime [UNIFESP]; Pinho, Ricardo Silva [UNIFESP]; Cianciarullo Minett, Thais Soares; Souza Vitalle, Maria Sylvia de [UNIFESP]; Fisberg, Mauro [UNIFESP]; Prieto Peres, Mario Fernando [UNIFESP]; Pereira Vilanova, Luiz Celso [UNIFESP]; Masruha, Marcelo Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ Cambridge; Hosp Israelita Albert EinsteinPsychiatric comorbidity in patients with headache contributes to poorer prognosis, chronification of disease, poor response to treatment, increased cost of treatment, and decreased quality of life. the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the depressive symptoms in adolescents with chronic and episodic migraines and healthy adolescents. the study was performed between November 2010 and November 2011. All patients completed a detailed headache questionnaire comprising of demographical and clinical data and were instructed to fill out a headache diary over a 2-month period. the subjects ranged in age from 13 to 19 years. To evaluate depression symptoms, all of the subjects were asked to fill out the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). A total of 137 participants were evaluated; 44 had episodic migraine (EM), 46 had chronic migraine (CM) and 47 were control subjects. Patients with a history of chronic migraine had significantly higher scores on the BDI than the other participants. Patients with chronic migraine had BDI scores that were 8.8 points higher than controls [95 % CI (beta) = 5.0, 12.6] and 5.8 points higher than patients with EM [95 % CI (beta) = 2.2, 9.4]. the main finding of this study was that chronic migraine is strongly associated with depression symptoms, regardless of demographic data. Comorbid depression may increase the total burden of migraine and diagnosis and treatment of depression in adolescents with migraine is likely to result in a better prognosis.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise dos fatores de risco associados à cefaleia da angiografia cerebral(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-11-18) Madeira, Tiago Hilton Vieira [UNIFESP]; Rodrigues, Marcelo Masruha;;ção: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar asassociações entre características demográficas, clínicas etécnicas da angiografia cerebral por subtração digital (ACSD) ea ocorrência de cefaleia da angiografia cerebral (CeAC).Métodos: Estudo observacional analítico transversal, comindivíduos que apresentavam indicação de realização de ACSDem caráter eletivo. Após o procedimento, os indivíduos partici-param de uma entrevista clínica, para avaliar a ocorrência deCeAC. Entre o terceiro e o sétimo dia, uma nova entrevista foirealizada por telefone, para confirmar ou excluir definitivamentea CeAC. Resultados: Um total de 114 indivíduos submetidos àangiografia cerebral atenderam aos critérios de inclusão do es-tudo. Entre eles, a idade média foi de 52,8 (±13,8) anos, 75,4%(86/114) eram mulheres, 29,8% (34/114) apresentavam an-tecedente de enxaqueca e 10,5% (12/114) de cefaleia crônica. Afrequência de CeAC foi de 45,6% (52/114). Desses, 88,4%(46/52) haviam sido submetidos à angiografia 3D, 7,7% (4/52) àaortografia e 1,9% (1/52) a ambas. No modelo multivariado deregressão logística binária, houve associação estatisticamentesignificante entre a CeAC e os seguintes fatores: antecedentede enxaqueca (OR 4,9; IC 95% 1,62-14,7; p = 0,005) e an-giografia 3D (OR 6,62; IC 95% 2,04-21,5; p = 0,002).Conclusões: O estudo constatou que a angiografia 3D estáfortemente associada à ocorrência de CeAC, dado inédito na lit-eratura. A associação entre um antecedente de enxaqueca e aocorrência de CeAC confirma os resultados de estudos anterior-mente publicados. Ressalta-se que, por se tratar de um estudotransversal, a verdadeira causalidade ainda não pode serdefinida.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Atenção visual em crianças com migrânea: um estudo comparativo controlado(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-06-29) Villa, Thaís Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Gabbai, Alberto Alain [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To evaluate the visual attention of children with migraine and compare to the headache free control group. Method: 30 children with migraine, with (n=5) and without aura (n=25), which fulfill the gInternational Headache Society (ICHD-II, 2004) h criteria, 15 female, ages 8 to 12 years and 11 months (average=10.8 }1.5 years), with an average of 5.8 } 3.2 attacks/month, lasting up to 24 hours, and 30 control subjects without headache, 14 female, average age 9,9 }1.3 years. Method of assessment of visual attention: Trail Making Test (TMT) A/B, Letter Cancellation Test, and the computerized test Visual Attention Test . 3rd edition (TAVIS-3) which evaluates reaction time, omission and action errors through subtests of selective (task1), alternate (task2), and sustained attention (task3). Migraine group were evaluated after two days without headache. Exclusion criteria: other systemic diseases, altered neurological examination, psychiatric disorders, learning disorders, epilepsy, head trauma, use of medication (including migraine prophylaxis), and an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) < 80, measured by Wechsler Intelligence Scale 3rd edition. Statistical analysis: Student fs t test and Mann-Whitney fs test, Confidence Interval of 95% (p.0.05). Results: Children with migraine had inferior performance compared to the control group on TMT A (p=0.03) and B (p=0.001), and more action errors on tasks 1 (p=0.032) and 2 (p=0.015) of TAVIS-3, presenting difficulty with selective and alternate attention. Discussion: Attention is a complex neurologic function which depends on structures such as the brain stem, cerebral cortex, and the limbic system and on neurotransmitters such as dopamine and noradrenaline. Conclusion: The neurochemical aspects involved in the physiopathology of migraine and attention mechanisms probably predispose these children to visual attention deficits.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da cefaleia em pacientes com diagnóstico de neurofibromatose tipo 1(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-07-29) Pinho, Ricardo Silva [UNIFESP]; Rodrigues, Marcelo Masruha [UNIFESP]; Vilanova, Luiz Celso Pereira [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivo: avaliar a presença da queixa de cefaleia em pacientes com Neurofibromatose tipo 1 (NF1) e em grupos controles, comparando as características da cefaleia entre os grupos e, quando possível, estabelecendo o diagnóstico tipo específico. Métodos: o estudo foi realizado em duas etapas. Inicialmente, 50 pacientes com diagnóstico de NF1 baseado nos critérios do National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Conference (Instituto Nacional de Saúde e Conferência de Consensos) foram recrutados no Ambulatório de Neuro-oncologia do Instituto de Oncologia Pediátrica/Grupo de Apoio à Criança e ao Adolescente (IOP/GRAAC), e 50 pacientes controles recrutados consecutivamente dos ambulatórios de Pediatria-Geral e Adolescência da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Numa segunda etapa, 27 pacientes com diagnóstico de NF1 que apresentavam enxaqueca foram comparados a 34 pacientes com diagnóstico de enxaqueca recrutados consecutivamente do ambulatório de Neurologia Pediátrica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Resultados: dos 50 pacientes com diagnóstico de NF1, 31 (62%) apresentavam cefaleia, enquanto no controle a queixa foi de 14%. Desses 31 pacientes, 23 (74%) tinham diagnóstico de enxaqueca sem aura, 4 (13%) enxaqueca com aura, 2 (6,5%) com cefaleia tensional e 2 (6,5%) com cefaleia secundária a neoplasia. A idade entre os grupos variou entre 4 e 19 anos, sendo a média do Grupo Controle de 13,12 anos e a média do Grupo NF1 de 13,22 anos. Numa segunda etapa do estudo, dos 27 pacientes com NF1 que apresentavam enxaqueca, 11 (41%) faziam uso de analgésico por mais de quatro vezes por semana, enquanto no Grupo Enxaqueca só 4 (12%). Conclusões: a cefaleia é frequente em pacientes portadores de NF1. A frequência das crises de enxaqueca é maior em pacientes com NF1. Pacientes com NF1 que apresentam enxaqueca fazem mais uso de analgésico.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosDoes menopause influence nocturnal awakening with headache?(Informa Healthcare, 2013-06-01) Lucchesi, Ligia Mendonça [UNIFESP]; Hachul, Helena [UNIFESP]; Yagihara, Fabiana Tokie [UNIFESP]; Santos-Silva, Rogerio [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Bittencourt, Lia Rita Azeredo [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective the aim of the present study was to assess whether menopausal status influences the occurrence of nocturnal awakening with headache (NAH) in the female population of São Paulo, Brazil. We also examined the relationship of this complaint to sociodemographic determinants, hot flushes, sleep quality and parameters, anxiety and depressive symptoms, somnolence and fatigue according to menopausal status.Methods the female population of the São Paulo Epidemiologic Sleep Study (EPISONO) (n = 576) was divided according to menopausal status (pre-, peri-, early and late menopause) based on questionnaires and hormonal blood measures. the complaint of waking up because of a headache at least once a week was assessed by the UNIFESP Sleep questionnaire. Additionally, hot flushes, sleep complaints, anxiety and depressive symptoms, somnolence and fatigue were assessed by specific questionnaires. A full-night polysomnography assessed sleep parameters.Results the prevalence of NAH in women in the São Paulo population was 13.3%. Perimenopause was associated with a higher risk of having NAH (odds ratio 13.9; 95% confidence interval 4.3-45.2). More complaints of NAH were observed in obese women. All the groups with NAH showed more hot flushes, worse subjective sleep quality, more complaints of insomnia, anxiety symptoms and fatigue.Conclusions We observed a constellation of symptoms in women according to menopausal status and NAH that included hot flushes, sleep complaints, more anxiety symptoms and fatigue. Moreover, some of these symptoms were more frequent in perimenopausal women with NAH. Therefore, we concluded that menopausal status influences NAH and the women in perimenopause presented a high risk of having this complaint.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeito do treinamento físico aeróbico na prevenção das enxaquecas e implicações do sistema endocanabinoide: um estudo clínico randomizado e controlado(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-12-14) Oliveira, Arão Belitardo de [UNIFESP]; Peres, Mario Fernando Prieto [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To test the efficacy of aerobic exercise training performed at the intensity corresponding to the ventilatory threshold on migraine prevention and mood improvement, and explore correlational hypothesis with plasma anandamide concentrations. Methods: The study included participants from both sex, aged 20 to 60 years, physically inactive, with episodic migraine with/without aura (ICHD-II) under no prophylaxis treatment, as well as healthy subjects. Participants were randomly assigned to receive intervention with aerobic exercise training (trained groups) on treadmill for 12-weeks, 3 sessions/week, 30 minutes per session, or waitlist (sedentary groups). Days with pain and migraine frequency were the primary outcome variables. The number of abortive medication used, plasma anandamide concentration, and aerobic fitness were chosen as secondary outcome variables, and mood scores were chosen as tertiary outcome variables. Participants underwent maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test, blood sampling, and psychometric interviews before and after the intervention period. All participants gave signed informed consent. Migraine patients were always assessed in the interictal period. Results: Fifty participants (mean±SD age = 36.2±10.9 years and BMI = 26.5±4.5 kg/m2) were analysed. They were allocated to the following groups: healthy sedentary (n = 13), healthy trained (n = 12), migraine sedentary (n = 12), and migraine trained (n = 13). At baseline, there were no significant differences in anthropometric characteristics, plasma anandamide concentration, and aerobic fitness between groups, neither in clinical variables between migraine groups. Migraine groups showed higher scores for negative mood domains compared to healthy sedentary group. After intervention period, there was a significant reduction in both primary outcome variables in migraine trained group, without significant changes in these variables in migraine control group. Plasma anandamide concentrations was significantly reduced in healthy sedentary group and showed a marginally significant reduction in migraine trained group. Thel negative mood domains anxiety, depression, and fatigue were significantly reduced only in migraine trained group, without changes in any domain for the other groups. There was a strong inverse correlation between reduction in medication consumption and increase in aerobic fitness, as well as a positive correlation between the reduction in medication consumption and plasma anandamide concentration, but only for migraine trained group. In the whole cohort, plasma anandamide concentration was positively correlated with all negative mood domains scores. Conclusion: Aerobic exercise training performed at the intensity corresponding to the ventilatory threshold is effective for migraine prevention and mood improvement. These therapeutic effects may be related to reduction in plasma anandamide concentration.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Fatores biopsicossociais do eixo ii do research diagnostic criteria em indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular muscular e migrânea(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014) Battistella, Claudia Branco [UNIFESP]; Alonso, Luis Garcia [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objectives: To relate the biopsychosocial variables Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders Research (RDC / TMD) with the groups of patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) TMD patients and migraine and control subjects. Methods: Study of cross observational which evaluated 280 consecutive patients over 18 years from January 2013 to January 2014, divided into 3 groups: group I (140 control subjects); II group (65 individuals with muscular TMD) and group III (75 patients with migraine and muscle TMD). The TMD diagnosis was performed by RDC / TMD presenting myofascial pain with or without limitation of mouth opening. The diagnosis of migraine was made according to the criteria of the International Classification of Headache. The study excluded individuals who had clinical history pregresso muscle inflammation, muscle spasms, contractures and acute traumatic injury in the temporomandibular joint. Results: The subjects of group III were associated with severe depression (p <0.0001), grade 4 in varying severity of pain (p = 0.004), non-specific physical symptoms without severe pain (p <0.0001) and non-specific physical symptoms with pain severe (p <0.0001). There was a significant difference between females and males in the group III (Z = 2.59, p = 0.001), indicating greater pain time in females. The percentage of women in group III was significantly higher compared to men (p = 0.004). Conclusion: The relationship between the variables and the three groups showed a higher number of affected individuals with more severe symptoms in the group III. Thus, we understand that migraine is a morbid condition often associated with TMD, increasing the symptoms described by patients. There is need for multidisciplinary clinical evaluation in these patients so that treatment is optimized by minimizing the morbidity and reducing costs and the number of consultations provided to patients.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Is there a need to redo many of the diagnoses of hypertension?(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2012-01-01) Thalenberg, José Marcos [UNIFESP]; Luna Filho, Bráulio [UNIFESP]; Bombig, Maria Teresa Nogueira [UNIFESP]; Francisco, Yoná Afonso [UNIFESP]; Póvoa, Rui Manuel dos Santos [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Most hypertensive subjects undergoing treatment were diagnosed solely through measurements made in the consultation office. The objective of this study was to redo the diagnosis of treated patients after new clinical measurements and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study conducted in an outpatient specialty clinic. METHODS: Patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension or undergoing anti-hypertensive treatment, without target organ damage or diabetes, were included. After drug withdrawal lasting 2-3 weeks, new blood pressure (BP) measurements were made during two separate visits. ABPM was performed blindly, in relation to clinical measurements. The BP thresholds used for diagnosing hypertension, white-coat hypertension, normotension and masked hypertension were: 140 (systolic) and 90 (diastolic) mmHg for office measurements and 135 (systolic) and 85 (diastolic) mmHg for mean awake ABPM (MAA). RESULTS: Evaluations were done on 101 subjects (70% women); mean age 51 ± 10 years. The clinical BP was 155 ± 18/97 ± 10 mmHg (first visit) and 150 ± 16/94 ± 11 mmHg (second visit); MAA was 137 ± 13/ 86 ± 10 mmHg. Sixty-four patients (63%) were confirmed as hypertensive, 28 (28%) as white-coat hypertensive, nine (9%) as normotensive and none as masked hypertensive. After ABPM, 37% of the presumed hypertensive patients did not fit into this category. CONCLUSION: This study showed that hypertension was overdiagnosed among hypertensive subjects undergoing treatment. New diagnostic procedures should be performed after drug withdrawal, with the aid of BP monitoring.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Low urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin concentrations in acute migraine(Springer, 2008-08-01) Masruha, Marcelo Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Vieira, Domingos Sávio de Souza [UNIFESP]; Minett, Thaís Soares Cianciarullo [UNIFESP]; Cipolla-Neto, Jose; Zukerman, Eliova [UNIFESP]; Vilanova, Luiz Celso Pereira [UNIFESP]; Peres, Mario Fernando Prieto [UNIFESP]; Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)Substantial evidence points to melatonin as playing a role in the regulation of circadian rhythms, sleep, and headache disorders. the objective of the study was to assess 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) levels in a large consecutive series of patients with migraine, comparing with controls. A total of 220 subjects were evaluated-146 had migraine and 74 were control subjects. Urinary samples were collected into the same plastic container since 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. of the next day (12-h period) and aMT6s was measured with quantitative ELISA technique. Among patients with migraine, 53% presented pain on the day of the urine samples collection. Their urinary aMT6s concentration was significantly lower than in the urine of patients without pain [14.0 +/- 7.3 vs. 49.4 +/- 19.0; t(143) = -15.1; 95% CI = -40.0 to -30.8; P<0.001]. There was no significant difference in the aMT6s concentration of patients with migraine without pain on the day of their urine samples collection and controls [49.4 +/- 19.0 vs. 42.5 +/- 27.9; t(140) = 1.7; 95% CI = -1.2 to 14.8; P = 0.094]. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate reduction in melatonin levels during attacks in episodic and chronic migraine.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Melatonin treatment decreases c-fos expression in a headache model induced by capsaicin(Springer, 2009-04-01) Tanuri, Fabiano da Cunha [UNIFESP]; Lima, Eliângela de [UNIFESP]; Peres, Mario Fernando Prieto [UNIFESP]; Cabral, Francisco Romero [UNIFESP]; Naffah-Mazzacoratti, Maria da Graca [UNIFESP]; Cavalheiro, Esper Abrão [UNIFESP]; Cipolla-Neto, Jose; Zukerman, Eliova [UNIFESP]; Amado, Débora [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)The aim of the present work was to analyze c-fos response within the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) of pinealectomized rats and animals that received intraperitoneal melatonin, after intracisternal infusion of capsaicin, used to induce intracranial trigeminovascular stimulation. Experimental groups consisted of animals that received vehicle solution (saline-ethanol-Tween 80, 8:1:1, diluted 1:50) only (VEI, n = 5); animals that received capsaicin solution (200 nM) only (CAP, n = 6); animals submitted to pinealectomy (PX, n = 5); sham-operated animals (SH, n = 5); animals submitted to pinealectomy followed by capsaicin stimulation (200 nM) after 15 days (PX + CAP, n = 7); and animals that received capsaicin solution (200 nM) and intraperitoneal melatonin (10 mg/kg) (CAP + MEL, n = 5). Control rats, receiving vehicle in the cisterna magna, showed a small number of c-fos-positive cells in the TNC (layer I/II) as well as the sham-operated and pinealectomized rats, when compared to animals stimulated by capsaicin. On the other hand, pinealectomized rats, which received capsaicin, presented the highest number of c-fos-positive cells. Animals receiving capsaicin and melatonin treatment had similar expression of the vehicle group. Our data provide experimental evidence to support the role of melatonin and pineal gland in the pathophysiology of neurovascular headaches.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosNocturnal Enuresis Antecedent Is Common in Adolescents with Migraine(Karger, 2012-01-01) Lin, Jaime; Masruha, Marcelo Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Prieto Peres, Mario Fernando [UNIFESP]; Cianciarullo Minett, Thais Soares [UNIFESP]; Souza Vitallee, Maria Sylvia de [UNIFESP]; Scerni, Debora Amado [UNIFESP]; Pereira Vilanova, Luiz Celso [UNIFESP]; Univ Sul Santa Catarina UNISUL; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: Migraine and nocturnal enuresis are highly prevalent disorders with striking similarities. Both have unknown pathophysiology and are considered multifactorial, with neurobiological, genetic, and behavioral aspects involved. Interestingly, the same neurological structures thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of migraine are also thought to be involved in nocturnal enuresis. Few studies, however, have addressed these conditions as related. the aim of this study was to evaluate the antecedent of nocturnal enuresis in a large consecutive series of adolescents with migraine as compared to controls. Methods: A total of 151 subjects were evaluated; 50 had episodic migraine, 50 had chronic migraine, and 51 were control subjects. All patients were submitted to a detailed questionnaire addressing epidemiological and clinical aspects. Results: There was a strong correlation between the clinical history of nocturnal enuresis and the diagnosis of migraine. Conclusion: Our study showed that nocturnal enuresis is a precursor of migraine and a migraine comorbid condition. These results support a pathophysiological linkage between the two conditions. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Pain-related diseases and sleep disorders(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2012-09-01) Roizenblatt, Marina [UNIFESP]; Rosa Neto, Nilton Salles; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Roizenblatt, Suely [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Hospital Nove de Julho Centro de Dor e Neurocirurgia FuncionalPain and sleep share mutual relations under the influence of cognitive and neuroendocrine changes. Sleep is an important homeostatic feature and, when impaired, contributes to the development or worsening of pain-related diseases. The aim of the present review is to provide a panoramic view for the generalist physician on sleep disorders that occur in pain-related diseases within the field of Internal Medicine, such as rheumatic diseases, acute coronary syndrome, digestive diseases, cancer, and headache.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosReligiousness and headache: Is there a relation? Results from a representative sample of adults living in a low-income community(Sage Publications Ltd, 2015-03-01) Lucchetti, Giancarlo; Lucchetti, Alessandra L. G.; Prieto Peres, Mario F. [UNIFESP]; Univ Fed Juiz de Fora; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Brazilian Med Spiritist Assoc; Albert Einstein HospBackground the use of religious behaviors to alleviate the consequences of stressful life circumstances is a frequent strategy employed by pain sufferers. Specifically in the field of headache research, to date, few studies have assessed spiritual and religious beliefs.Objective the objective of this article is to investigate the relation between religiousness (organizational, non-organizational and intrinsic) and headache disorders in a representative sample of adults living in a low-income community.Methods This was a cross-sectional, population-based study. in 2005, we conducted door-to-door interviews with 439 people, aged more than 18 years, randomly selected from a low-income community in Brazil. Four regression models were created to explain the relationships between religious involvement and headache, controlling for demographics, depression/anxiety and alcohol use and smoking.Results of the 439 households contacted, at least one member from 383 (87.2%) households participated. We interviewed more women (74.4%) and more subjects aged 18-39 years. the mean age was 41.7 (SD 8.5) years. Bivariate analysis shows that high religious attendance, non-organizational religiousness and intrinsic religiousness were associated with presence of headache and presence of migraine. After the logistic regression models, only high non-organizational religiousness remained associated with presence of headache (odds ratio (OR): 1.22 (1.01-1.49)). All other religious variables were unrelated to the presence of headache and its types.Conclusion There is a modest relationship between high non-organizational religiousness and presence of headache. Headache sufferers may use coping strategies such as private religious behaviors to try to overcome suffering.