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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Alimentação e nutrição no projeto mais médicos para o Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-08-26) Soares, Amanda Massi [UNIFESP]; Furtado, Juarez Pereira [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This dissertation is composed of theoretical reflection on the social space of the "field of food and culture" in Brazil articulated at empirical research conducted within this same social space. Starting from theoretical foundations of Pierre Bourdieu, on habitus and field, we investigated the influence of cultural formation of Cuban doctors on nutritional counseling in the Brazilian context of the Programa Mais Médicos. A case study was carried out with triangulation through ethnography, focus groups and interviews with users, we concluded that, to care, socio-cultural factors of feeding process play a secondary role when compared to the biomedical paradigm, reducing possible influences of the Cuban habitus. The research carried out within the Program More Doctors, led us to investigate the social space of Food and Culture in Brazil. Through literature review and consideration of the trajectory of the authors, this space was characterized and analyzed, highlighting their potentialities and limitations. The use of Bourdieusian reference contributed to the research of social phenomenon on interdisciplinary perspective.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEating practices and habitus in mothers. A Brazilian population-based survey(Elsevier B.V., 2014-11-01) Sato, Priscila de Morais [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Patricia da Rocha [UNIFESP]; Stelmo, Isis de Carvalho [UNIFESP]; Unsain, Ramiro Fernandez; Ulian, Mariana Dimitrov [UNIFESP]; Sabatini, Fernanda [UNIFESP]; Martins, Paula Andrea [UNIFESP]; Scagliusi, Fernanda Baeza; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ Nacl Buenos Aires; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted with mothers living in the city of Santos, Brazil, in order to investigate their eating practices, and the interface between those practices and the concept of habitus. From a cluster analysis of the scores for dietary pattern and for food preparation and consumption, the mothers were categorised into five clusters of eating practices: practical mothers (19.8%), symbiotic mothers (3.2%), health-conscious hedonists (17.3%), traditionalists (34.6%), and family cooks (25.1%). To access the habitus of the eating-practice clusters, the following variables were compared: location of residence, profession, socioeconomic status, weight-loss practices, risk behaviours for eating disorders, disordered eating attitudes, body dissatisfaction, and cultural and technological consumption. for all the groups, the observed eating practices were permeated by responsibility for the family's diet, but with different manifestations. for symbiotic mothers, practical mothers, and family cooks, the primary function of their relation with food was to nourish their families, with little expression of their own tastes and preferences. the traditionalists and the health-conscious hedonists, on the other hand, manifested their role as mothers by providing food considered 'nutritionally proper' to their family members. Furthermore, aspects of contemporary lifestyles, such as little time for food, individualisation of meals, and consumption of processed foods, were found to coexist with the valorisation and maintenance of the traditional meals within some groups. the variety of eating practices could not be understood as a linear association between economic and cultural capitals; however, eating practices seemed to interact with those capitals, composing a habitus. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O jeito de ser livreiro no Brasil: notas sobre o mercado de bens simbólicos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-03-22) Silva, Sergio Eduardo Sampaio [UNIFESP]; El Far, Alessandra [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This work is a conscious effort to put a light on the collective sentiment between the booksellers, that becomes evident in the way they act, feel and think between their peers. Historically and sociologically, the concept of habitus, investigated from the group's own memory, presents itself as an analytical tool to describe and reflect on the social configurations of the book market in each period of its history. Researching in the long term, about two hundred years of existence, it is possible to analyze the changes and the permanence of the general characteristics of the behavior of printer-editor-booksellers in Brazil. The present study shows that, over time, professionals have been (re) producing their own ways of making economic and symbolic exchanges between authors, intermediaries, and readers, directly interfering with the book's supply and demand. During the history of the way of being a bookseller, it is observed that, at first, a single person added several functions, both in practice (printing and selling), as well as symbolically (writing and editing). Over time, book professionals remained interdependent from the point of view of production and distribution but separated into three distinct sub-behaviors: printers associated themselves with the industrialists; editors with intellectuals; and the booksellers with merchants.
- ItemRestritoPRÁTICAS ALIMENTARES E HABITUS EM MÃES: alimentações particulares no contexto do município de Santos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2012-03-22) Sato, Priscila de Morais [UNIFESP]; Scagliusi, Fernanda Baeza [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)O presente estudo investigou as práticas alimentares de 439 mães residentes no município de Santos – Brasil, e suas interfaces com o conceito de habitus proposto por Bourdieu. A partir da análise de cluster dos escores de padrão alimentar e de formas de preparo e consumo dos alimentos, foram derivados clusters de cinco práticas alimentares (donas de casa práticas; mães-esposas; hedonistas preocupadas com o corpo; tradicionalistas e cozinheiras pouco preocupadas com a saúde). Para identificar os habitus dos clusters de práticas alimentares, comparou-se, entre eles, as variáveis localização do domicílio, estado de nascimento, estado civil, número de filhos, tabagismo, profissão, nível socioeconômico, práticas para emagrecer, comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares, atitudes alimentares transtornadas, insatisfação corporal, consumo cultural e tecnológico. Observou-se, nas práticas alimentares encontradas, a influência de diferentes questões de gênero, principalmente relacionadas à construção social da maternidade. Encontrou-se, desta maneira, uma multiplicidade de práticas alimentares, resultantes da confluência de forças que agem segundo os campos e o habitus das mães, sendo que, para muitas mulheres, a família parece ser o principal campo. O presente trabalho aponta para a importância do habitus no estudo das práticas alimentares, uma vez que, como resultado da interação entre diversas forças que moldam o habitus, observamos uma variedade de práticas alimentares que seguem diferentes direções. Assim, encontramos práticas alimentares complexas e que não podem ser entendidas em uma associação linear com os capitais econômico e cultural dos grupos estudados. Por fim constatou-se que, motivado por um conjunto de ideias, o comer gera um movimento de ação-reflexão que compõe uma práxis alimentar.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Visitando o museu pela porta dos fundos: vigilantes e transportadores de obras de arte e a ressignificação do habitus(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-09-03) Santos, Bruno Marco Cuer dos [UNIFESP]; Consolim, Marcia Cristina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research aims at investigating the relationship between non-skilled workers and the artistic field through their labor routine among different hiring process: public employees, subcontracted and also those hired directly by the museum. Two specific categories have been selected: museum guards and fine arts road haulers at two of the main museums in São Paulo city: Museum of Modern Art (MAC-SP) and Museum of Contemporary Art of São Paulo University (MAC-USP). We could verify that the labor relationship can indicate differences related to the way that the agents interact within the symbolic universe they are exposed by their labor journey. It is possible to verify ruptures with the habitus as well as certain positions and class representations through future generations opposing, thus, public employees compared to the workers hired by the museum or even those subcontracted. It means that, the stronger employment relationship may generate possibilities of social mobility by the symbolic capital, while the weaker employment relationship might reveal low possibilities of rupture with both: class position and origin.