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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação do efeito da suplementação de L-glutamina e do treinamento com exercícios físicos combinados sobre o equilíbrio redox e o estado inflamatório na cavidade oral em idosos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2021) Almeida, Ewin Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Vaisberg, Mauro Walter [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloBackground: Although the regular practice of combined exercise training (resistance and aerobic exercises) can improve the systemic inflammatory status and also redox balance in the elderly population, it is still unclear whether supplementation with protein or certain specific amino acids could provide those same benefits. Therefore, our objective was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with L-glutamine (Gln) on the inflammatory status and redox balance in the oral cavity of elderly people who practice or not a combined exercise training program, at moderate intensity. Methods: Eighty-three elderly subjects were initially separated into two groups: non-practitioners (NP, n=34, mean age 73.3±6.6 years) and practitioners of combined exercise training (EFC, n=49, mean age 71.9±5.8 years). Subsequently, each group of elderly subjects was separated into two subgroups, depending on the supplementation: L glutamine (NP-Gln, n=26 and EFC-Gln, n=23) and placebo (NP-PL, n=15 and EFC-PL, n=19). Saliva samples were collected before (pre) and after (post) 30 days of supplementation to assess the inflammatory status and redox balance. Results: Our results showed that, both in pre- and post-supplementation, the salivary levels of nitric oxide (NO• ) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) were lower, whereas the levels of uric acid and interleukin (IL) -10 (as well as IL 10/TNF-α ratio) were higher in the EFC groups than in the NP groups. In post supplementation, both groups supplemented with Gln (NP-Gln and EFC-Gln) showed higher salivary uric acid levels compared to baseline. In addition, lower NO• levels were found in the EFC-Gln group post-supplementation than pre supplementation values. Whereas the EFC-Gln group showed lower GSH levels post-supplementation, NP-Gln subjects showed lower GSSG levels at the same time point, both compared to baseline. Interestingly, salivary peroxidase activity was lower only in NP groups (NP-PL and NP-Gln) post-supplementation than baseline values. A positive significant correlation between salivary peroxidase activity and GSH levels, and also between salivary peroxidase activity and uric acid levels were observed in the EFC-Gln group both pre- and post supplementation. No differences were found in albumin, total antioxidant activit (TEAC), and reducing power analysis between groups, pre- or post supplementation. Conclusion: The elderly subjects from the EFC group showed a better inflammatory response and redox balance, and for the first time, it was shown that daily supplementation with Gln for 30 days can improve these benefits with putative association with healthy aging.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Comments on the paper High doses of riboflavin and the elimination of dietary red meat promote the recovery of some motor functions in Parkinson's disease patients. C.G. Coimbraand V.B.C. Junqueira. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 36: 1409-1417, 2003(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2004-09-01) Ferraz, Henrique Ballalai [UNIFESP]; Quagliato, Elizabeth Maria Aparecida Barasnevicius; Rieder, Carlos Roberto de Mello; Silva, Delson Jose; Teive, Helio Afonso Ghizoni; Barbosa, Egberto Reis; Cardoso, Francisco; Limongi, Joao Carlos Papaterra; Bezerra, Jose Marcelo Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Andrade, Luiz Augusto Franco de [UNIFESP]; Allam, Nasser; Prado, R.c.p.; Tumas, Vitor; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre Setor de Distúrbios do Movimento; Universidade Federal de Goiás Hospital das Clínicas Centro de Transtornos do Movimento; Universidade Federal do Paraná Hospital das Clínicas Setor de Distúrbios do Movimento; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Setor de Distúrbios do Movimento; Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro and Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual Ambulatório de Distúrbios do Movimento; Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual de São Paulo; Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal Ambulatório de Distúrbios do Movimento; Universidade Federal de Sergipe Hospital Universitário Ambulatório de Parkinson e Distúrbios do Movimento
- ItemSomente MetadadadosGlutathione but not S-nitrosoglutathione protects dopamine against peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation(Elsevier B.V., 2014-11-15) Oliveira, Marcelo G. de; Mansano Nascimento, Ana Beatriz [UNIFESP]; Teixeira Giongo, Carolina Vautier [UNIFESP]; Rettori, Daniel [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)High doses of riboflavin and the elimination of dietary red meat promote the recovery of some motor functions in Parkinson's disease patients(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2003-10-01) Coimbra, Cicero Galli [UNIFESP]; Junqueira, Virginia Berlanga Campos [UNIFESP]; Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo Setor de Neurologia; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); VITÆ Cromatografia Líquida em Análises Clínicas S/C Ltda.Abnormal riboflavin status in the absence of a dietary deficiency was detected in 31 consecutive outpatients with Parkinson's disease (PD), while the classical determinants of homocysteine levels (B6, folic acid, and B12) were usually within normal limits. In contrast, only 3 of 10 consecutive outpatients with dementia without previous stroke had abnormal riboflavin status. The data for 12 patients who did not complete 6 months of therapy or did not comply with the proposed treatment paradigm were excluded from analysis. Nineteen PD patients (8 males and 11 females, mean age ± SD = 66.2 ± 8.6 years; 3, 3, 2, 5, and 6 patients in Hoehn and Yahr stages I to V) received riboflavin orally (30 mg every 8 h) plus their usual symptomatic medications and all red meat was eliminated from their diet. After 1 month the riboflavin status of the patients was normalized from 106.4 ± 34.9 to 179.2 ± 23 ng/ml (N = 9). Motor capacity was measured by a modification of the scoring system of Hoehn and Yahr, which reports motor capacity as percent. All 19 patients who completed 6 months of treatment showed improved motor capacity during the first three months and most reached a plateau while 5/19 continued to improve in the 3- to 6-month interval. Their average motor capacity increased from 44 to 71% after 6 months, increasing significantly every month compared with their own pretreatment status (P < 0.001, Wilcoxon signed rank test). Discontinuation of riboflavin for several days did not impair motor capacity and yellowish urine was the only side effect observed. The data show that the proposed treatment improves the clinical condition of PD patients. Riboflavin-sensitive mechanisms involved in PD may include glutathione depletion, cumulative mitochondrial DNA mutations, disturbed mitochondrial protein complexes, and abnormal iron metabolism. More studies are required to identify the mechanisms involved.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Impacto de polimorfismos em genes envolvidos na toxicidade do mercúrio e selênio, em comunidades amazônicas expostas aos elementos via dieta(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-03-21) Maraslis, Flora Troina [UNIFESP]; Barcelos, Gustavo Rafael Mazzaron [UNIFESP]; Barbosa Júnior, Fernando;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Tanto no ambiente quanto nos organismos vivos, existe uma complexa relação entre as formas elementar, orgânica e inorgânica do mercúrio. O metilmercúrio (forma orgânica - MeHg) é a forma com maior potencial de bioacumulação e o consumo de peixe é a principal fonte de exposição ao ser humano. Uma vez ingerido, a maior parte é absorvida e distribuída para todo o organismo, sendo o sistema nervoso central o principal órgão afetado. Comunidades em que os habitantes consomem pescados frequentemente, como os ribeirinhos da Amazônia brasileira, estão expostos a elevadas concentrações de metilmercúrio (MeHg). O selênio (Se), um elemento traço essencial ao organismo, é conhecido por contrapor os efeitos tóxicos do Hg, em parte, por meio das selenoproteínas que têm a selenocisteína incorporada na sequência de aminoácidos da proteína. O MeHg pode interagir e prejudicar o funcionamento de diversas moléculas devido à grande afinidade por grupos tiol (-SH) e selenol (-SeH) de proteínas e moléculas de baixo peso molecular. Os efeitos da exposição ao Hg não são homogêneos, sugerindo que características dos indivíduos podem alterar o padrão de resposta individual ao metal. Com isso, este estudo avaliou a influência de polimorfismos genéticos de GLRX rs2007 (C→G), GLRX2 rs912071 (C→T), TXNRD1 rs11111979 (C→G), TXNRD2 rs5748469 (C→A), MT1A rs11640851 (C→A), MT1M rs2270837 (A→G), MT2A rs10636 (G→C), SLC6A15 rs11116642 (C→T), SLC6A19 rs9418 (C→T), rs7732589 (G→A), SLC11A1 rs17235409 (G→A) e SLC11A2 rs149411 (A→ G), rs11169654 (C→T) sobre a concentração de Hg (Hg-s) e Se (Se-s) sanguíneo e plasmático (Hg-p e Se-p), espécies químicas de mercúrio no cabelo (Hg total, Hg orgânico e Hg inorgânico) e biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo de residentes ribeirinhos da região do rio Tapajós da Amazônia Brasileira. Residentes nessa região, que assinaram o TCLE, participaram de um grande estudo interdisciplinar, dos quais 365 participantes foram incluídos no presente estudo transversal. Foram utilizadas informações obtidas através de questionários sociodemográfico e de hábitos alimentares, além de medidas antropométricas. Amostras de sangue e cabelo foram utilizadas para dosagem de mercúrio. Amostras de sangue também foram utilizadas para avaliação dos biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo e submetidas à extração de DNA para avaliação dos polimorfismos propostos por PCR em tempo real. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados estatisticamente, por regressões lineares múltiplas considerando todos os indivíduos e nas estratificações por sexo, consumo de bebida alcoólica e fumo. Diversas associações foram observadas entre os polimorfismos estudados e as concentrações de Hg e Se nas diferentes matrizes biológicas e espécies químicas, e biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo. As análises com menores valores de p (com significância mantida após cálculo considerando múltiplas análises) foram observadas na estratificação por fumo. Indivíduos tabagistas que carregam o homozigoto CC para TXNRD1 apresentaram menores concentrações de Se-s do que aqueles com genótipo homozigoto GG (p<0,00010). Já, dentre os não tabagistas, participantes que têm o genótipo homozigoto CC para TXNRD2 têm menores concentrações de Hg-p (p=0,00035). Não tabagistas que carregam o genótipo homozigoto CC para GLRX2 apresentaram menor atividade de GPX (p=0,00014). Este estudo adiciona evidencia à literatura da modulação de Hg, Se e de biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo por polimorfismos genéticos.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Influência da S-nitrosoglutationa na oxidação da dopamina, um neurotransmissor envolvido na doença de Parkinson(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2014-11-11) Nascimento, Ana Beatriz Mansano do [UNIFESP]; Giongo, Carolina Vautier Teixeira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Oxidative stress promoted by dopamine (DA) oxidation generates reactive chemical species responsible for neurological disorder such as, for example, Parkinson?s disease. Acting as a reductant in the deactivation of reactive species, glutathione (GSH) has a fundamental role in the control of in vivo oxidative stress. There is also evidence of the involvement of the main endogenous transporter/donor of nitric oxide (NO), S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), in the combat of oxidative stress in cells and tissue. Within this context, this work was aimed at the investigation, at physiological pH, of the role of GSNO in the in vitro oxidation of dopamine mediated by oxygen (autoxidation) and peroxynitrite, the latter being an endogenous oxidant formed under pathological conditions. It has been observed that both, GSNO and GSH, are able to inhibit the autoxidation of DA by the complete suppression of formation of dopaminochrome (an intermediate of the oxidation of DA). This complete suppression lasts a certain period of time, called induction time, and it is proportional to the concentrations of either GSNO or GSH. However, GSH inhibits the autoxidation of DA more effectively than GSNO, and in order to observe equivalent induction times, concentrations of GSNO have to be two orders of magnitude higher than that of GSH. In the presence of GSNO, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments show a reduction in the concentration of semiquinone intermediates during the autoxidation of DA. Oxymetric studies show a GSNO dose-dependent increase in initial consumption of oxygen during DA autoxidation. Taken together, these results allow us to propose that the inhibition of dopaminochrome formation by GSNO occurs via an oxygen dependent formation of a conjugate between DA-semiquinone and GSNO, in which the nitrosothiol S-NO bond is kept intact. During peroxynitrite mediated DA oxidation, on the one hand, a GSH dose-dependent inhibition of the oxidation has been observed at GSH concentrations below those of peroxynitrite. This inhibitory effect can be rationalized considering that peroxynitrite oxidizes GSH with the formation of nitrite and a sulfenic acid intermediate (GSOH), the latter reacting further with a second molecule of GSH to form oxidized glutathione (GSSG). On the other hand, at the same conditions, no inhibitory effect has been observed in the presence of GSNO. Considering that the mechanism of GSH inhibition involves a nucleophilic attack of the thiolate anion (GS-) to the peroxo oxygen that is bond to hydrogen in peroxynitrous acid, with NO2- as a leaving group in the process, it is plausible to attribute GSNO?s incapacity to prevent the peroxynitrite mediated oxidation of DA to it?s inability to undergo oxidative denitrosation to form the thiolate. Finally, the results obtained in this work show that, despite the fact that GSNO can totally inhibit the formation of dopaminochrome during DA autoxidation, this nitrosothiol, contrary to GSH, doesn?t inhibit the peroxynitrite mediated oxidation of dopamine.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosInhibition of bacterial and fungal pathogens by the orphaned drug auranofin(Future sci ltd, 2016) Fuchs, Beth Burgwyn; RajaMuthiah, Rajmohan; Souza, Ana Carolina Remondi [UNIFESP]; Eatemadpour, Soraya; Rossoni, Rodnei Dennis; Santos, Daniel Assis; Junqueira, Juliana C.; Rice, Louis B.; Mylonakis, EleftheriosBackground: We identified auranofin as an antimicrobial compound utilizing a high-throughput screen using a Caenorhabditis elegans-Staphylococcus aureus infection model. Results/methodology: Treatment of infected nematodes with auranofin resulted in a prolonged survival rate of 95%, reached with 0.78 mu g/ml. Further investigation of the antimicrobial activity of auranofin found inhibition against S. aureus, Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis. Importantly, the fungal pathogens Cryptococcus neoformans was also effectively inhibited with an MIC at 0.5 mu g/ml. Auranofin appears to target the thioredoxin system. Conclusion: This work provides extensive additional data on the antibacterial effects of auranofin that includes both reference and clinical isolates and reports a novel inhibition of fungal pathogens by this compound.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosMulti-target detection of oxidative stress biomarkers in quercetin and myricetin treated human red blood cells(Royal soc chemistry, 2016) Maurya, Pawan Kumar [UNIFESP]; Kumar, Prabhanshu; Nagotu, Shirisha; Chand, Subhash; Chandra, PranjalQuercetin and myricetin are important dietary flavonoids with potential health benefits and interfere with reactive oxygen species metabolism. The objective of this study was multi-target spectroscopic analysis of oxidative stress biomarkers (malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH) and sulfhydryl (-SH) groups) in quercetin and myricetin treated red blood cells (RBCs) during human aging. The study was carried out on clinically relevant blood samples obtained from 105 healthy subjects between the ages of 18-82 years. The subjects were divided into three age groups, young (18-35 years), middle (36-60 years) and old (>60 years). Oxidative stress was induced in vitro by incubating RBCs with 10(-5) M tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP). The effects of flavonoids were evaluated by detecting MDA, GSH and -SH groups by co-incubating the RBCs in the presence of flavonoid (10(-8) M to 10(-5) M final concentration) and t-BHP. The GSH/GSSG ratios were estimated to demonstrate the antioxidant power of the RBCs. The results showed elevated MDA levels (p < 0.001) after incubation with t-BHP as compared to a control. The GSH and -SH groups significantly (p < 0.001) decreased when incubated with t-BHP. In vitro administration of both flavonoids significantly attenuated the deleterious effect of oxidative stress in erythrocytes from all age groups. We showed a significant (p < 0.0001) negative correlation (r = -0.8334) between GSH/GSSG during human aging. We believe that these findings are novel and will help in the fast screening of new chemical molecules which may help against oxidative stress in RBCs, and thereby have tremendous scope in medical diagnostics and therapeutics.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosQuercetin-modulated erythrocyte membrane sodium-hydrogen exchanger during human aging: correlation with atpase's(Hindawi Ltd, 2016) Kumar, Prabhanshu; Chand, Subhash; Maurya, Pawan Kumar [UNIFESP]Content: Quercetin uptake by erythrocytes is rapid. The sodium-hydrogen exchanger (NHE) is a secondary active transporter, regulating intracellular pH, Na+ concentration and cell volume. Objective: The aim of present study was to investigate NHE as a function of human age and effect of quercetin on its activity. The NHE activity was correlated with erythrocytes ATPases. Materials and methods: We analyzed normal, healthy subjects of both sexes (20-82 years). NHE activity was estimated in terms of amiloride-sensitive H+-efflux from acid-loaded cells. Results: A significant age-dependent increase in NHE activity was observed during aging in humans. Concentration (10(-3) M to 10(-8) M)-dependent in vitro treatment with quercetin causes inhibition of NHE activity. The Na+/K+ -ATPase (r = 0.8882) and Ca2+-ATPase (r = 0.9540) activities positively correlated with it. Discussion and conclusion: The present data show an additional mechanism where dietary flavonoids may exerts beneficial effect during aging.