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- ItemSomente MetadadadosCorpo e alma em "segurança, território e população de Michel Foucault: interfaces para a compreensão dos processos de subjetivação nas políticas públicas do "humanizasus"(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-09-25) Piterskih, Aurelia Maria Rios [UNIFESP]; Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The notions of body and soul, in its relations with the relations of power and knowledge, occupy a central position in the historical-philosophical work of Michel Foucault. This research studies the concepts of body and soul in the course "Security, Territory and Population" at the Collège de France (1977 - 1978), investigating the importance of the body as bio-political reality and historical, through the study of the political domination body’s process, articulated to the notion of population and socio-historically situated mechanisms, which ensure its regulation. Thus, this project presents, directly or indirectly, a number of categories of analysis in the National Policy on Humane Care and Management of SUS - National Health System -HumanizaSUS. The need for research stems from proposals for coping with the situation of extreme risk to the end of the Health System in the preventive, informative and supportive plans. It is a theoretical work, with analytical and interpretive reading of the literature of these authors and commentators. As our research is inherent interdisciplinarity, contextualization allows the integration of conceptual and methodological Philosophy with Psychology, which becomes increasingly evident the need for contextualizing about the construction not only of the psychological subject, but the promotion of the integration of the concepts of epistemology teaching and research
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A crítica das representações e a sintaxe de Foucault: subjetividade e literatura em "As Palavras e as Coisas"(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-05) Ferraz, Adriano Henrique de Souza [UNIFESP]; Fornazari, Sandro Kobol [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Segundo nossa hipótese, a literatura não é um conceito marginal no pensamento de Foucault. Há uma relação muito estreita entre a literatura e a ordem dos saberes no pensamento arqueológico. Mesmo quando os saberes modernos se voltam para o homem e o encerram no problema da finitude, a linguagem literária se apresenta como resistência e superação do paradigma antropológico legado por Kant que, com a instauração da subjetividade transcendental, enclausura, segundo Foucault, os saberes modernos na problemática da finitude do ser humano. O que se coloca em questão é a instituição da ordem dos saberes e os limites do conhecimento, bem como a própria constituição do sujeito segundo tais saberes que operam o processo de subjetivação/objetivação do indivíduo. A literatura, sob este prisma, seria capaz não apenas de contestar os saberes clássicos e modernos que buscam se consolidar, mas de possuir um poder de transgressão e resistência maior do que se fez por meio da filosofia, tanto pelo dogmatismo clássico como pela crítica moderna. O objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em proceder à leitura detida de As palavras e as coisas, atentando aos movimentos de seu pensamento com vistas ao entendimento da elaboração dos dois conceitos de subjetividade e de literatura, esclarecendo a correlação existente entre eles.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desajustados ou revoltados? A patologização da indisciplina escolar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-07-20) Severo, Júlia Teixeira [UNIFESP]; Souza, Davisson Charles Cangussu de [UNIFESP];; dizem que vivemos uma epidemia de transtornos mentais. No caso do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, segundo Frances (2015, apud AMARAL, 2020), vivemos, na verdade, uma epidemia de diagnósticos falso-positivos. Isso decorre da classificação indiscriminada por parte da classe médica psiquiátrica e da fragilidade de seus discursos, que facilmente se disseminaram produzindo o que hoje vemos, com cada vez mais indivíduos se autodiagnosticando ou recebendo esse diagnóstico erroneamente. A problematização acerca destes discursos e da produção de diagnósticos é feita neste trabalho. No entanto, temos em vista como a patologização, este fenômeno de se diagnosticar desenfreadamente, atua no contexto escolar. Por que a escola se tornou um local passível de classificação de transtornos mentais? Quais são os mecanismos escolares que induzem à desconfiança nos alunos, e os entende como desajustados (e revoltados)? Quais são as condições de opressão que os estudantes enfrentam na dinâmica escolar e ao receberem o diagnóstico de TDAH? Tais são as questões que abordaremos no presente trabalho.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Discursos selvagens-disciplinados: os saberes psis na arqueologia de Foucault(Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília, 2010-09-01) Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Simanke, Richard Theisen; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de São CarlosMichel Foucault describes the diversity of systems and the set of discontinuities in the history of common sense discourses, pre-scientific and scientific, among them that of psychology. This research studies the order of Foucaut's discourse about psychology in the following works: About the Archeology of Sciences- An Answer to the Epistemological Circle, The Archeology of Knowledge and The Order of Discourse. It was verified that Foucault criticizes the assumption of a continuous, unitary and totalizing history of psychology and argues that in its developmental process, psychology was pluralized by multiple truth sets of the history of discourses. It was concluded that Foucault highlights the whiteout of the boundaries in psychology's discursive field, as well as in other discourses in the history of human thought, in an interrelated way.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosFormas de resistência e a sua relação com os dispositivos de segurança enquanto tecnologias de regulação da população(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-06-18) Lourenconi, Isabel Cristina [UNIFESP]; Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The theme resistance is an important phenomenon to be researched. It is appropriated by various media, social movements, political parties, academia, among others. In the area of Health Sciences its relevance is to open possibilities for discussion in the construction of public health policies. Thus, the objective of this research is to understand how the notion of resistance is configured, what are its forms and its relationship with safety devices in the regulation of the population. The object of this theoretical research is therefore the notion of resistance, present in the course Segurança, Território, População, taught by Michel Foucault at the Collège de France in 1978. Foucault elaborates the history of governmentality and exposes how, in the late 17th and in the mid-eighteenth century, a new form of governmentality was formed, which bears resemblance to Christian pastoral power. This new way of governing uses biopower and safety devices to regulate the population. The philosopher identifies, in the field of Christian pastorate and in the model of government aimed at the figure of the sovereign, resistances and counter-conducts that contributed to the emergence of the state. Resistance and counter-conduct resulted in the constitution of a reshaped subject. In our research we found that the possibility of resistance, as Foucault proposed, is conditional on the exercise of power / freedom. The set of technologies and biopolitics used for the exercise of governmentality, for example, led us to reflect on the possibilities of resistance and counter-conduct in relation to safety devices. Based on the way security devices are established, we discuss whether such technologies approach the exercise of power / freedom, enabling resistances or domination, not allowing resistances and counterconduct.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Foucault e a crítica à institucionalização da educação: implicações para as artes de governo(UNICAMP - Faculdade de Educação, 2014-08-01) Carvalho, Alexandre Filordi de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This paper approaches the conception of criticism in Foucault as a strategy for questioning, tensioning, acting on and transforming the government excesses in the field of education. The hypothesis is that the meaning of the criticism regarding education is relevant as long as it aims toward transforming institutional relations. To this end, the present paper takes two analytical steps. First it investigates the effects of governmentalization in educational institutions concerning three levels: the association of the school with the arts of government, the role of the teacher in the art of government and the function of official discourses while keeping the school institution under the effects of government. Secondly, it analyzes criticism in its own right and its consequences to education. It discusses the art of not being governed, of the voluntary insubordination and of the unruly reflection, and finally of the limit and experimental attitudes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Michel foucalt e a constituição do corpo e da alma do sujeito moderno no curso os anormais(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-05-23) Portela, José Ricardo [UNIFESP]; Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Michel Foucault studies the body and soul of the modern subject, interpenetrating history, as key elements in the formation of large subjective processes and historical constitution of ourselves. Foucault tells as history events and milestones of this body and thus begins to track them through a detailed study, revealing the macro impact elements ? historical processes, appropriate for a complex series of strategic articulations of knowledge and power. This research studies conceptions of body and soul and in the course "The Freaks" at the Collège de France (1974-1975), researching the genealogy of the three figures that marked the record of abnormality notion in the period corresponding to section XVI to the XIX century in France: monster, the individual to be corrected and onanist. In this sense he attempted to make a mapping of body and soul categories in practical-discursive processes that formed the unusual notion. From these tools, we tried to reflect and discuss the impact of these discursive practices in contemporary times. It starts with the assumption that questions which contribution of body and soul elements on course for understanding the formation of the modern subject process. thus assumes a hypothetical prospect that such elements with its tangible-animistic properties have contributed to the production of abnormal individual. It was this research the soul body elements in its various manifestations for the constitution of the modern subject. In this sense it was registered the following elements: the subject, the examination, the monster, the onanist, the incorrigible and abnormal. The subjects of divisive practices with its various discursive demarcations that made possible the development of new technology of the soul and the reorganization of modern punitive mechanism. The examination stood out as a soul technology, key player in the production of these subjects and the establishment of a new mechanics of power to punish. In its different conformations constituted positive abnormal technology in the nineteenth century. The monster in its many forms and different embodiments that defied natural laws, divine and civilians. Yet at the same time offered new parameters to a punitive or mechanical control technology that took their monstrous representations as an investment object. The onanist target of tests of technologies with their regulation effects on the bodies of the witch, the possessed and the masturbatory child. The catalyst cross anti masturbation constitution of the nuclear family and the medical intervention on intra-family relations. The onanist body stood out as field clash power standards on sexuality. The incorrigible individual a universal figure who escapes family modulation. However awakens from the indocile body a set of techniques and docilely surrounding disciplinary institutions practices. Standing out even the incorrigible individual in connection with the technique of hospitalization. Finally the Freak ? Charles Jouy crossed by technical examination. The abnormal that from the permanent state of concept will integrate different embodiments stigmatized in the constitution of an abnormality. The abnormal that anchored in childhood will allow the generalization of psychiatry as a science of abnormal and technical public hygiene.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosMichel foucault e a constituição do corpo e da alma do sujeito psicológico no curso o poder psiquiátrico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-02-27) Robles, Fernando Luis Pereira [UNIFESP]; Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)O trabalho histórico-filosófico de Michel Foucault destaca as noções de corpo e alma enquanto elementos de embate das complexas relações de saber e poder. Para Foucault, o poder sempre se exerce sobre o corpo, por fim, a alma seria os discursos que atravessam a constituição deste corpo no processo de individualização (conceito de corpo como prisão da alma). Esta pesquisa vem ressaltar do curso ministrado no Collège de France: O Poder Psiquiátrico (1973-1974), aspectos relativos ao corpo e à alma nele presentes, investigando suas articulações no contexto peculiar deste trabalho. Como também, em suas interfaces aos discursos psicológicos e psiquiátricos – e assim à episteme dos saberes psi, sempre em estrita correlação a deslocamentos análogos da natureza do poder, nos contextos histórico-culturais desde o século XVIII até dias atuais. Tal análise se propõe a entender os mecanismos táticos e estratégicos do estabelecimento de um poder anônimo, disperso, asséptico, difuso descrito e conceituado como disciplinar por Foucault, a partir do curso supramencionado, poder este não mais representado por um sujeito forte – o rei - mas no enfraquecimento e docilidade esperado pela obediência voluntária dos indivíduos, estruturados como tal ao serem perpassados pelos discursos formativos dos corpos e almas desde a infância e instituições de disciplina como o exército, escola e etc., assim como de punição e retificação, como os asilos e as prisões, em especial o primeiro e seus desdobramentos, neste estudo. Esta pesquisa, ao estudar o processo de subjetivação a partir do recorte binomial corpo e alma, visa repensar estas relações de poderes e saberes nos trabalhos, práticas e discursos teóricos da área da saúde - ao se tratar dos corpos e ao oferecer cuidado e atenção ao sofrimento psíquico associado às almas. Parte-se da hipótese de que tais práticas arraigadas e incorporadas no corpo e na alma do profissional de saúde implicam na execução - com uma roupagem de boas intenções – de um papel reprodutor e mantenedor de mecanismos de disciplina, segundo a perspectiva foucaultiana, na análise da configuração do poder em suas inserções sobre os saberes psi. É um trabalho teórico, com a leitura analítica e interpretativa da bibliografia destes autores e comentadores, visando à constituição de instrumental teórico-metodológico para aplicação, teórico e prática, no contexto interdisciplinar da UNIFESP – Baixada Santista e perante a comunidade e região de Santos, com especial destaque, na área da saúde (CNPq).
- ItemSomente MetadadadosMichel Foucault e a constituição do sujeito viril na sociedade grega antiga(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-06-14) Campos, Claudia Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Michel Foucault studied the historical constitution of the individual of sexuality. At the end of his work, he felt the need to rescue antiquity and analyze existing practices around sex in Greco-Roman society, seeking to understand the desire and desiring being as a sexual individual, producer of history, beyond the normalizing precepts of society Modern. Medical care in the form of prescriptions, which aim to keep the body in balance, are of great interest for this study, as well as the practices of caring for oneself, through the production of multiple forms of real discourses, among them: the feeding, the physical exercises and the regulation of a sexual conduct directed to the procreation. We also analyzed the issue of virility in food, household management, marriage, and love for boys. It is hypothesized that virility is not restricted to a male and female gender issue. The general aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between the use of pleasure and the constitution of the manly individual in classical Greek society - specifically in Athens in the fourth century B.C.. We propose to problematize the Greek referential on virility in its possible implications And reflections on a stylistic of existence in contemporary society, in its imbrications, both of genres - masculine and feminine; As well as ontological. For this, we carry out bibliographical research, through the narrative review of literature. We use as a central work The History of Sexuality II - The use of pleasures, and other related works. We analyze, in the course of this dissertation, virility from a gender identity being inserted in an aristocratic and masculine society. It is hypothesized that virility is not restricted to a male and female gender issue. It has been found that, although it may have departed from a prejudiced conception of feminine nature while structurally more fragile, and unstable, it has detached itself from the constitution of a stereotype, associated with an ontological virtue, which radiates to all individuals, In addition to its genre. We propose, further, to problematize the Greek reference on virility in its possible implications and reflections on a stylistic of the existence in contemporary society, in its overlaps, both of masculine and feminine genres; As well as ontological.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Michel Foucault e a construção discursiva do corpo do sujeito moderno e sua relação com a psicologia(Departamento de Psicologia - Universidade Estadual de Maringá, 2008-12-01) Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Michel Foucault investigates the history of the relations between thought and truth and how the correlation between the two factors is established. The body's enunciation is a fundamental discursive element on the modern subject's truth game. Foucault's bibliography, commentators and other modern philosophers foreground current research which studies the issue of the body in the French philosopher's archaeological phase, mainly in The Order of Things. The discursive constitution of the body, life and man in their subjectification effects are highlighted, with special reference to the psychological subject's discursive constitution. In fact, Foucault de-naturalizes the body and presents it as a key concept (specification grade) in the production of discourses on modern man. Psyche is thus understood not as emanation or as the body's metaphysical essence, but as a discursive instrument, singularly emergent in the history of modern thought (FAPESP).
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Necropolítica e o romance "Assim na terra como embaixo da terra": como a literatura pode nos ajudar a pensar no atual sistema prisional brasileiro(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-09-10) Paim, Julia de Castro,; Teixeira, Ana Lúcia;; presente trabalho busca apresentar a obra Assim na terra como embaixo da terra (2017) da escritora carioca Ana Paula Maia e analisá-la sob a ótica de necropolítica teorizada pelo filósofo camaronês Achille Mbembe e, além disso, traçar um pequeno parâmetro com o conceito de biopolítica formulado por Michel Foucault, conceito este importante para o entendimento da ideia de necropolítica presente na teoria do Mbembe. Após isso, este trabalho estabelecerá um comparativo entre ideia de necropolítica dentro da obra com as relações de poder existentes nas prisões brasileiras. A metodologia usada neste trabalho é pautada na teoria literária e nos debates levantados dentro desta sobre a importância da literatura no fomento das discussões sobre as relações sociais vividas cotidianamente e como ela pode nos ajudar a entender a maquinaria do mundo no qual vivemos, além de um apurado levantamento bibliográfico sobre os conceitos aqui apresentados.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A psicologia em História da Loucura de Michel Foucault(Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Psicologia, 2009-04-01) Silveira, Fernando de Almeida [UNIFESP]; Simanke, Richard Theisen; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de São CarlosMichel Foucault investigates the history of the relations that the thought keeps with the truth and disnaturalizes body, soul and psiqué as historical and discursive inventions, which have meaning only if included into the epistemique arrangements productions of truths, in the case, the emergence of modern thought, specially about the human sciences, in general. This research studies the Foucault's order of the speech on Psychology, in his book História da Loucura, with the aim of providing allowances for understanding the history of the speeches of Psychology, about the building of psychological subject and object and its subjectivateurs effects.