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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Actinomicose cutânea primária do pé simulando neoplasia de partes moles: relato de caso(Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem, 2003-08-01) Vieira, Renata La Rocca [UNIFESP]; Meirelles, Gustavo de Souza Portes [UNIFESP]; Turrini, Elizabete [UNIFESP]; Yamashita, Jane [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Heverton Cesar de [UNIFESP]; Fernandes, Artur da Rocha Correa [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)We report a case of a patient with primary cutaneous actinomycosis of the foot mimicking a soft tissue neoplasm. A literature review on the incidence, clinical features, pathology and imaging findings is also presented. The plain films and magnetic resonance imaging findings and the pathology results are presented. This paper reports a rare disease occurring in an atypical location, simulating a soft tissue neoplasm.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise da confiabilidade inter e intra-observadores da versão brasileira do manual Foot Posture Index (FPI)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017) Oliveira, Juliana Cassani de [UNIFESP]; Yi, Liu Chiao [UNIFESP]; Martinez, Bruna Reclusa [UNIFESP]; Buck, Isabela [UNIFESP];;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: Foot Posture Index (FPI) é um instrumento de avaliação da postura dos pés. Os resultados são fornecidos por meio da combinação de pontuações de testes, realizados com a escala Likert de 5 pontos (-2 a +2), representando pé pronado, quando a pontuação é positiva, e supinado, quando negativa. Alterações do padrão neutro para supinado ou pronado são fatores de risco intrínseco para lesões e modificações na funcionalidade dos membros inferiores. O FPI foi criado pela necessidade de uma avaliação simples, rápida e fácil para ser utilizada no ambiente clínico. Porém, quando diferentes examinadores utilizam o manual, experiências anteriores e sensações clínicas podem interferir nos resultados, já que o manual não exige treinamento prévio para ser utilizado. Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade inter e intra observadores da tradução do FPI para a versão brasileira, visando a replicação do instrumento no ambiente científico e clínico. Materiais e métodos: Foram incluídos 30 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 18 a 30 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) entre 18 e 25 kg/m² e que fossem capazes de se manterem em posição ortostática. A reprodutibilidade inter e intra-observador foi avaliada através do Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasses (intraclass correlation coeficient - ICC) e as pontuações foram utilizadas para avaliar o erro padrão de medida (do inglês SEM) e a mudança mínima detectável (do inglês MDC). Resultados: A versão brasileira do FPI demonstrou excelente concordância inter e intra-observadores (ICC≥0,75), com resultados inter-observadores de ICC=0,87 para o membro dominante e ICC=0,94 para o membro não dominante e intra-observadores de ICC=0,86 para o membro dominante e ICC=092 para o membro não dominante. Conclusão: A versão brasileira do manual FPI é um instrumento confiável para a classificação da postura dos pés, podendo ser utilizada no âmbito científico e na prática clínica
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Brazilian version of the foot health status questionnaire (FHSQ-BR): cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of measurement properties(Faculdade de Medicina / USP, 2008-01-01) Ferreira, Ana F. B.; Laurindo, Ieda M. M.; Rodrigues, Priscilla T.; Ferraz, Marcos Bosi [UNIFESP]; Kowalski, Sérgio C. [UNIFESP]; Tanaka, Clarice; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To conduct a cross-cultural adaptation of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire into Brazilian-Portuguese and to assess its measurement properties. INTRODUCTION: This instrument is an outcome measure with 10 domains with scores ranging from 0-100, worst to best, respectively. The translated instrument will improve the examinations and foot care of rheumatoid arthritis patients. METHODS: The questions were translated, back-translated, evaluated by a multidisciplinary committee and pre-tested (n = 40 rheumatoid arthritis subjects). The new version was submitted to a field test (n = 65) to evaluate measurement properties such as test-retest reliability, internal consistency and construct validity. The Health Assessment Questionnaire, Numeric Rating Scale for foot pain and Sharp/van der Heijde scores for foot X-rays were used to test the construct validity. RESULTS: The cross-cultural adaptation was completed with minor wording adaptations from the original instrument. The evaluation of measurement properties showed high reliability with low variation coefficients between interviews. The a-Cronbach coefficients varied from 0.468 to 0.855, while correlation to the Health Assessment Questionnaire and Numeric Rating Scale was statistically significant for five out of eight domains. DISCUSSION: Intra- and inter-observer correlations showed high reliability. Internal consistency coefficients were high for all domains, revealing higher values for less subjective domains. As for construct validity, each domain revealed correlations with a specific group of parameters according to what the domains intended to measure. CONCLUSION: The FHSQ was cross-culturally adapted, generating a reliable, consistent, and valid instrument that is useful for evaluating foot health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Caracterização do comportamento biomecânico do pé pronado e neutro durante tarefas funcionais, em indivíduos assintomáticos, por meio da análise cinemática tridimensional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-03-09) Ferreira, Cintia Lopes [UNIFESP]; Yi, Liu Chiao [UNIFESP]; Lucareli, Paulo Roberto Garcia;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: The three-dimensional kinematic analysis has been allowed understand the multi-segmental biomechanical behavior of foot. However, little is known about their kinematic behavior in functional tasks even the gait. Objective: Analyze and compare the kinematic behavior between neutral and pronated feet during squat phase of Anterior and Lateral Step Down (ASD and LSD) tests, and during the stance phase of stair ascent and descent cycle. Methods: Forty-two feet were evaluated. According to the Foot Posture Index, Navicular Drop and Calcaneal Angle, and subdivided into neutral foot (18) and pronated foot (24). For kinematic analysis, nine movements of squat of each test (ASD and LSD) and three cycles of stair ascent and three cycles of stair descent were collected bilaterally for each participant using a three-dimensional capture system of motion, the Oxford Foot Model, and processed by Vicon Nexus® software. The range of motion (ROM) to the four tasks and the angle and temporal values during the stair ascent and descent were analyzed in the three planes of motion for the segments: hindfoot relative to the floor (HFTFL); hindfoot relative to the tibia (HFTBA); forefoot relative to the tibia (FFTBA); and forefoot relative to the hindfoot (FFHFA). For the statistical analysis the MANOVA test was used, adopting the alpha error of 5% (p <0.05). Results: Differences were found for the step down tests for the following segments: HFTFL and FFHFA with lower plantar flexion and dorsiflexion to the pronated foot, respectively, in both tests. For the ASD, the pronated foot, in the frontal plane, showed lower ROM of pronation to FFTBA and FFHFA, while the HFTFL presented ROM of eversion for the neutral foot, and the pronated foot an excursion near zero. During LSD was observed also high ROM of dorsiflexion for the FFTBA. For stair ascent no differences were found between the groups. For stair descent, the differences were concentrated in the sagittal plane, with lower ROM for the pronated foot during the first and second double support, and high ROM during simple support. Besides in the frontal plane was observed lower angular values to the forefoot and in the transversal plane high angular values for the FFHFA and FFTBA. Conclusion: The pronated and neutral feet differ in kinematic behavior during ASD, LSD and stair descent tasks. These kinematic differences found concentrated in the sagittal plane for the three analyzed tasks and in the forefoot segment for descend stairs.
- ItemEmbargoConfiabilidade do aplicativo KnowFoot para a avaliação da postura dos pés(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020) Barros, Letícia Helena Laurentino Quintas de [UNIFESP]; Yi, Liu Chiao [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A avaliação da postura dos pés é importante para prevenção de lesões, orientações de atendimento e até para compra de calçados. Para que isso seja feito de forma acessível, o aplicativo KnowFoot foi desenvolvido para smartphone com o objetivo de tornar as avaliações rápidas e intuitivas. Objetivo: Verificar a confiabilidade inter e intra avaliador do aplicativo KnowFoot. Método: Cinco avaliadores, durante sete dias, analisaram a postura dos pés de 100 voluntários por meio de fotografias previamente capturadas, sendo 15 indivíduos por dia. Após uma pausa de cinco dias, as mesmas fotos foram avaliadas novamente por mais sete dias, porém em ordem aleatorizada. Todo esse processo foi feito a distância e nenhum dos avaliadores entraram em contato entre si, além de não possuírem acesso às avaliações anteriores por eles mesmos realizadas. A análise dos dados inter e intra avaliador foi feita por meio do Coeficiente Kappa. Resultados: Foi encontrada de baixa a moderada confiabilidade inter avaliador e moderada confiabilidade intra avaliadores. Conclusão: Foi demonstrado confiabilidade intra e inter avaliadores, entre os dois tempos do mesmo avaliador e entre todos os avaliadores, apesar de moderada a baixa. Este achado sugere que o treinamento ao longo do tempo pode levar a maior precisão da ferramenta na classificação da postura dos pés
- ItemSomente MetadadadosFrom treatment to preventive actions: improving function in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy(Wiley-blackwell, 2016) Sacco, Isabel C. N.; Sartor, Cristina D. [UNIFESP]Diabetic polyneuropathy is an insidious and long-term complication of this disease. Synergistic treatments and preventive actions are crucial because there are no clear boundaries for determining when health professionals should intervene or what intervention would best avoid the consequences of neuropathy. Until now, most therapies to any diabetic individual were applied only after the patient's limb was ulcerated or amputated. The loss of muscle and joint functions is recognized as the main cause of plantar overloading. However, if foot and ankle exercises are performed following the early diagnosis of diabetes, they can enable the patient to maintain sufficient residual function to interact with the environment. This article summarizes the current knowledge about the musculoskeletal deficits and biomechanical alterations caused by neuropathy. It also describes the potential benefits of foot and ankle exercises for any diabetic patient that is not undergoing the plantar ulcer healing process. We concentrate on the prevention of the long-term deficits of neuropathy. We also discuss the main strategies and protocols of therapeutic exercises for joints and muscles with deficits, which are applicable to all diabetic patients with mild to moderate neuropathy. We describe further efforts in exploiting the applicability of assistive technologies to improve the adherence to an exercise program. Following the contemporary trends towards self-monitoring and self-care, we developed a software to monitor and promote personalized exercises with the aim of improving autonomous performance in daily living tasks. Initiatives to prevent the complications of functional diabetes are highly recommended before it is too late for the patient and there is no longer an opportunity to reverse the tragic consequences of neuropathy progression. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosInfluência Da Função Da Musculatura Intrínseca Do Pé, Dos Estabilizadores Da Coluna (Core) E Do Quadril, Na Mobilidade Do Arco Longitudinal Medial, No Equilíbrio E Nas Capacidades Funcionais Em Corredores Com Fasciíte Plantar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-03-21) Buck, Isabela [UNIFESP]; Yi, Liu Chiao [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Plantar fasciitis (PF) is one of the main injuries caused by running. It is known that weakness of the plantar intrinsic musculature (IM) of the foot may be a potential cause of PF and little is known about its contribution to the medial longitudinal arch (MLA). The core stabilizing muscles of the spine and hip are associated with the alignment of upper body, hip and lower limbs during the run. Therefore the weakness of these muscles could influence the functionality of the lower limbs distal segments, leading to the development of PF. Objective: To verify the influence and association of the function of the IM, CORE, posterior side hip muscles on MLA mobility, balance and and functional capacity in runners with PF. Methodology: 56 with PF (20 acute – APF, 23 subacute – SPF, 13 chronic – CPF) and 20 runners without lesion (control group – GC) were evaluated. The function of the hip stabilizing muscles, MI, core, ALM mobility, dynamic balance and functional tests were evaluated. The groups were compared using the Mann Whitney test, correlated by the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple correspondence analysis was used for the associations of categorical variables. The level of significance considered was p <0.05. RESULTS: Correlations obtained at APF: IM with MLA mobility (r-0,54; p 0,01) and functional capabilities (r-0,46; p 0,04); core with functional capabilities (r-0,57; p 0,00), and balance (r 0,47; p 0,03). In the group SPF: IM with MLA mobility (r-0,42; p 0,04); hip stabilizers with functional capacity (r-0,56; p 0,00) and MLA (r 0,47; p 0,02); core with MLA (r 0,46; p 0,02 e r 0,51; p 0,01) and EVA with MLA. In the CG, the Core correlated with MLA (r 0,47; p 0,04 e r 0,45; p 0,04); and the IM function correlated with functional capacity (r 0,46; p 0,03). Associations were found with the poor function of IM with the FP groups. FPA showed greater association with worse MLA mobility, CPF with worse function of the hip muscles. The core (ventral) was the same for all groups. Conclusion: The worst function of IM in FPC and influence the mobility of MLA in APF and SPF, and functional capabilities in APF and CG. Core in the CG is similar to FP groups and the worst function is APF, being that the core influences the mobility of MLA in SPF and CG, balance and functional capabilities in the FPA. Hip stabilizers worse in CPF; influence MLLA mobility and functional capacity in SPF. Pain influences the mobility of MLA in the SPF group.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Influência do índice de massa corporal no equilíbrio e na configuração plantar em obesos adultos(Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte, 2014-01-01) Yi, Liu Chiao [UNIFESP]; Neves, Ana Lidia Soares; Areia, Mariana; Neves, Juliana Maria Oliveira; Souza, Tayla Perosso de; Caranti, Danielle Arisa [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)INTRODUCTION:Obesity is a multifactor chronic degenerative disease that can lead to changes in the musculoskeletal system, such as changing the center of gravity and mechanical loads on the lower limbs.OBJECTIVES:To correlate the body mass index (BMI) with the body balance and verify the association between BMI and foot conformation.METHODS:Thirty obese men and women were evaluated, with BMI greater or equal 30 kg/m². Initially, the volunteers underwent assessments of anthropometric measurements to calculate BMI value. Then the individuals were tested for static body balance by Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) and plantigraphy for identification of footprints. Through the Viladot method, the volunteers were classified into groups: flat foot (GPP/FFG), cavus foot (GPC/CFG) and neutral foot (NFG). The correlation between the variables BESS and BMI was calculated using the Pearson's linear coefficient analysis and association between BMI, and the plantar conformation was performed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). For all analyzes, the level of significance was p<0.05.RESULTS:The values of the correlation between BMI and BESS were r=-0.1, p=0.59. The values of the association between BMI; GPN/NFG-GPP/FFG; GPN/NFG-GPC/CFG; GPP/FFG-GPC/CFG were respectively: p=0.76, p=0.001, p= 0.07.CONCLUSION:The body mass index of obese adults does not influence the body balance, but influences the plantar conformation.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Translation and cultural adaptation of the revised foot function index for the Portuguese language: FFI-R Brazil(Associacao Paulista Medicina, 2017) Yi, Liu Chiao [UNIFESP]; Camacho Cabral, Ana Carolina [UNIFESP]; Kamonseki, Danilo Harudy [UNIFESP]; Budiman-Mak, Elly [UNIFESP]; Vidotto, Milena Carlos [UNIFESP]BACKGROUND: The revised foot function index (FFI-R) is used to evaluate the functionality of patients with conditions that affect the feet. The objective here was to produce the Brazilian Portuguese version of this index. DESIGN AND SETTING: Translation and validation study conducted at the Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: The translation and cultural adaptation process involved translation by two independent translators, analysis by an expert committee, back translation into the original language, analysis by the expert committee again and a pretest. The Portuguese-language version was administered to 35 individuals with plantar fasciitis and metatarsalgia to determine their level of understanding of the assessment tool. RESULTS: Changes were made to the terms and expressions of some original items to achieve cultural equivalence. Terms not understood by more than 10% of the sample were altered based on the suggestions of the patients themselves. CONCLUSION: The translation and cultural adaptation of the FFI-R for the Portuguese language were completed and the Brazilian version was obtained.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O uso de palmilhas versus fortalecimento da musculatura intrínseca do pé no tratamento da fasciite plantar: uma revisão sistemática(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-08-04) Souza, Thiago Melo Malheiros de [UNIFESP]; Yi, Liu Chiao [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction: The foot is composed by active, passive, and neural structures. The medial longitudinal arch (MLA) is held by the interaction of these components and the intirinsic foot muscles (IFM) has an important part on this process. In recent years it is been observed a relation between the weakness of the IFM and plantar fasciitis (PF). PF is defined as an inflammatory process at the fascia. Its symptoms are pain on the plantar fascia, especially on the first steps in the morning and palpation of the calcaneus and plantar fascia. There is a lack of patronization on the literature about how to execute IFM strengthening, nor there is indications of its use for the treatment of PF, isolated or comparing with other gold standard treatments, such as the use of insoles. Objective: To analyze the information regarding the IFM strengthening and its use on the treatment of PF, comparing with foot insoles. Methods: Two Systematic Reviews (SR) were made. The first was to access the adequate training volume to generate changes in the IFM and MLA. The second was to compare the effects of the IFM strengthening training with foot insoles as treatment for PF. Both SR were made following the PRISMA statement, using the PICO strategy. The searching process was carried on the following databases: Cochrane Central, Pubmed, PEDro, LILACS, Scielo, Embase, Cinahl e Science Direct. The inclusion criteria and key words were chosen for with each RS objective. For methodological quality of the selected studies the Cochrane risk of bias table and PEDro scale were applied. Results: Four RCTs were included in the first RS. The IFM strengthening showed increase on the MLA height and medium term, and significant effects on functionality at short term and medium term. For the second RS, three RCTs were included. The resistance training showed more effect for changings in pain and function outcomes. However, there is no sufficient evidence to affirm witch IFM training is the best option. Conclusion: The intrinsic foot muscle strengthening training influences on the medial longitudinal arch height in the medium term and has better dynamic response in the short and medium term. The IMF strengthening can be an alternative to the application of foot insoles on the treatment of PF with satisfactory results for pain.