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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O contraponto da República: Raimundo Nina Rodrigues e a loucura epidêmica de Canudos (1897)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-04-25) Mastrantonio, Bruno De Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Nemi, Ana Lucia Lana [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research aims to analyze the actions of the maranhense physician Raimundo Nina Rodrigues (1962-1906) on Collective Psychology’s field, in view of their political and scientific intentions. Based on the methodological proposal of the British historian Quentin Skinner, we sought to understand the meanings of Nina Rodrigues' texts from the construction of links between the author, his work and the social, political and scientific context in which he was inserted. A witness to the abolition of slavery and the proclamation of the Republic, this physician built his career around the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, surrounded by a network of relations with doctors and politicians of national projection, and was deeply concerned with the issues that involved the construction of the nation at the moment of transition from the monarchical regime to the republican. Often associated with his studies on the Afro-Brazilian population, in which racial´s assumptions are evident, Nina Rodrigues had his thesis marked by scientific racism. However, from the analysis of the articles that the doctor dedicated to the religious communities in Brazil, among them the case of Canudos, we note an attempt to relativize the influence of the racial factor as a trigger for pathologies, in explaining of the specificities' of mestizo population of the Brazil. Approaching the authors of the "social psychology", Gabriel Tarde and Gustave Le Bon, Nina Rodrigues took into account political and social factors to explain Canudos, although he did not completely abandon the importance of race in the outbreak of the disease that he believed to have reached the sertaneja population.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO debate sobre a modernização do Brasil no início da Primeira República(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011) Barros Junior, Luiz Antonio de [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Gabriela Nunes [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The debate on brazilian modernization in the First Republic is very broad and includes authors from many diffetent matrices. We have chosen to focus on two authors while political actors directly involved in the theory and in practice in the debate on the modernization of the country, namely: Rui Barbosa and Joaquim Murtinho. Rui Barbosa was an important political actor in the transition from Empire to Republic, and also the first Minister of the Republic, being responsible for economic and financial policy that would end the so-called “Encilhamento”. Joaquim Murtinho, in the other hand, was Minister of Transport, Industry and Commerce (1896) and then the Treasury during the administration Campos Salles (1898-1902). Is this monograph, we will seek to compare the two authors thinking about the most appropriate way for the modernization of Brazil between 1889 and 1902. At the same time we need to situate these two authors in the wider debate on the modernization of the country in those early years of the First Republic.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstado e Sociedade no pensamento conservador brasileiro: Alberto Torres e Oliveira Vianna(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010) Bueno, Thiago Martins Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Fernandes, Maria Fernanda Lombardi [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In this study, from the categories of “lines of thought” formulated by Gildo Brandão in his Linhagens do Pensamento Político Brasileiro (2007), we propose to examine how two authors, Alberto de Seixas Martins Torres and Francisco José de Oliveira Vianna, seen as emblematic of the “line conservative”, faced questions like: what are the ills of Brazilian society? What tools and solutions proposed to overcome these evils? More specifically, what role the state in this process, and what the state structure more suited to Brazil? In summary, our proposed research, mapping some of the characteristics of conservative thought expressed in the works of Brazilian to Torres and Vianna, it boils down to check: If you can set up an “identity of thought” between Alberto Torres and Oliveira Vianna, the from the "diagnoses" and proposed “prophylaxis” that both authors make Brazil - promoting approaches and distancing needed - which allows us to consider them part of the same lineage of Brazilian political thought, in this case, conservative which, following the arguments of Carvalho (1993) and Brandão (2007), largely dating from the Viscount of Uruguay ?
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O infiltrado: Benedicto Galvão - a trajetória escolar e profissional de um aluno negro (1881 - 1943)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-08-29) Rodrigues, Keila Da Silva Santos [UNIFESP]; Warde, Mirian Jorge [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This is a research in the history of education about the school and professional trajectory of Benedicto Galvão-black child, born in Itu city, São Paulo’s countryside, in 1881, who attended to Queiróz Telles School Group, the Normal School of São Paulo – Supplementary Course attached– and the Faculty of Law of São Paulo, a path that was followed between the end of the century XIX and beginning of the century XX. The main objective of this study is to investigate the strategies and tactics used by Benedicto Galvão, by his family and by other actors who may have assisted him in accessing and staying in these important educational institutions by making this remarkable trajectory for the time, considering that the term of the slave regime in Brazil for more than three centuries has beheld the Negro and his descendants the stigma of color and the permanence of barriers that prevented or hinted the access of the black population to schooling. As the research of historiographical Nature, the methodology adopted includes the bibliographic review, the analysis of school documents such a medical records, minutes and other records related to the school and professional life of Benedicto Galvão. There was also the coteing with literary works, newspapers and magazines and about the period. From these sources, the reconstitution of the school trajectory of Benedicto Galvão was intended to ascertain which factors favored the "infiltration" and permanence of this black student in these spaces of formal education, enabling him to reach the exercise of Role of President of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section in 1940. The relevance of the study is also due to the opportunity to projection the protagonism of the black population in the Brazilian social and educational sphere, removing it from the margin of traditional historiography and inserting it into the category of school success trajectories na Social ascension of Black and black people like that of Benedicto Galvão.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO jornal A Plebe: militância e estratégias de propaganda anarquista no movimento operário em São Paulo (1917 a 1920)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013) Santos, Kauan Willian dos [UNIFESP]; Toledo, Edilene Teresinha [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This work seeks to analyze historically the anarchist periodical entitled The Plebe in the years 1917 to 1920 aiming his action among workers. The objective of this course aims to traverse the newspaper's treating it as an object and historical problem within changing social contexts. I aim to analyze since the initial reason of the publication of the newspaper's own speeches and ideological currents understand the real importance of this period, marked by major strikes, contributing to the study of the mobilization of the working class and anarchist militancy in the First Republic in Sao Paulo ahead the exploitation of labor and industrial city. The hypothesis that I put in my analysis, is that the journal was inserted into a transnational ideology and theoretical project and presented different strategies and tactics of propaganda aimed at the successful introduction of its revolutionary design. This fact highlights the complexity and identity of the individuals who wrote the journal adapting their theories as concrete needs. The journal aimed to reach an audience not only of anarchists, but often showed in their articles, a working language, tactics essential to the popularity and effectiveness of strikes and demonstrations in the period. The theoretical approach have their own classic historiography of the labor movement as the works of Thompson, and Brazil as Michael Hall and Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro that highlight the experiences of struggle and organization of the working class in the process of self constitution class.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosLiberalismo, Federalismo e Constitucionalismo: Rui Barbosa e a constituição de 1891(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011) Brito, Leonardo Octavio Belinelli de [UNIFESP]; Fernandes, Maria Fernanda Lombardi [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The work is based on Gildo Marçal Brandão's free teaching thesis who, taking up the concepts of “utopian idealism” and “organic idealism” originally formulated by Oliveira Vianna, proposes to think about “lineages” of Brazilian political and social thought. Within this project, we start from Vianna's own criticism of Rui Barbosa, accusing the latter of being a “utopian idealist”, which, in short, would mean giving excessive importance to constitutional models to the detriment of the socio-cultural reality. At this point, Oliveira Vianna, intending to carry out his “culturological” analysis of the country, defines himself as an “organic idealist”. The objective of the work is, therefore, to review the Oliveira Vianna's critique of Rui Barbosa. For its development, we will revisit the period of the First Republic, period in which Rui Barbosa lived and worked intensely. In this way, we will also analyze Rui's political positions, with emphasis on its contribution and interpretation regarding the 1891 constitution, which marked the transition from the monarchic to the republican period.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Saindo das sombras: classe e raça na São Paulo pós-abolição (1887-1930)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-03-15) Rocha, Fabio Dantas [UNIFESP]; Rodrigues, Jaime [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The main subject of the present master's thesis is the analysis of the class experiences of the black population of São Paulo between 1890 and 1930. For that it was necessary to understand what the ideological patterns informed their actions and the contexts of conflicts between them and white and poor populations. By examining these experiences, it was possible to understand that the years of the First Republic in São Paulo were related to a process of official construction of a Paulista identity based on the white presence in the city. And that this process, besides constantly reformulating during the republican years, inherited ideological patterns informed by the years of the slave institution's disorganization.