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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Adesão ao tratamento para tuberculose: uma etnografia no Instituto Clemente Ferreira - São Paulo/SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-09-18) Posses, Isabela Pellacani Pereira das [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes [UNIFESP]; Matsue, Regina Yoshie [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esta dissertação visa compreender a adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose sob o ponto de vista dos pacientes e profissionais de saúde por meio de uma aproximação etnográfica em um ambulatório de atenção terciária à pessoas com tuberculose da cidade de São Paulo/SP, o Instituto Clemente Ferreira. A pesquisa de campo desenvolveu-se de junho a dezembro de 2014 e foram utilizadas as técnicas da observação participante e entrevistas. O material empírico foi interpretado pela perspectiva das ciências socias aplicadas à saúde. Os resultados deste trabalho nos possibilitou compreender um pouco da concepção de doença que os pacientes possuem, qual o impacto que a tuberculose causa no cotidiano deles, como lidam com a necessidade de realizar um tratamento, quais elementos incentivam ou impedem a adesão ao tratamento e ainda como os profissionais de saúde dessa instituição prestam assistência a esses pacientes e suas atitudes e percepções sobre aqueles pacientes que descontinuam o tratamento. Destaca-se que o processo de adesão não diz respeito apenas a ingestão diária de medicação, mas, sobretudo, ao contexto socio-cultural onde o tratamento acontece e a postura de profissionais de saúde que desconsideram a complexidade desse fenômeno e assim rotulam e marginalizam aqueles pacientes que descontinuam o tratamento.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Ayahuasca e o sagrado Feminino: a dimensão de cura no círculo de mulheres(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-01) Santos, Suevelin Cintia dos [UNIFESP]; Sales, Lilian Maria Pinto [UNIFESP]; a expansão dos centros ayahuasqueiros em centros urbanos, novos formatos de ritualística utilizando a bebida surgem no cenário religioso, entre eles estão os rituais exclusivos para mulheres, também chamado “Sagrado Feminino”. A presente pesquisa aventou a hipótese de que, por meio das cerimônias voltadas ao objetivo de cura, uma nova visão da mulher sobre si mesma emerge a partir da experiência. Através do trabalho etnográfico, abordagem antropológica e qualitativa dos rituais, utilizando ainda a noção de etnografia moral e política – que caracteriza as vivências como uma arena de troca e modos de conhecimento, a presente pesquisa analisou os elementos da ritualística e toda construção de narrativa de sua cosmologia nos círculos mulheres do centro ayahuasqueiro Reino dos Irmão, localizado em São Bernardo do Campo. A partir da construção da simbologia de sacralidade em suas práticas, confirmou-se a hipótese de que, a partir do espaço de compartilhamento de saberes do feminino, o ritual propõe a ressignificação dos tabus ligados ao feminino.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA concepção do cuidado em saúde mental a partir dos relatos de usuários de um CAPS: uma abordagem etnográfica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-07-31) Medeiros, Victor Hugo Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Moreira, Maria Inês Badaró [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThis study begins with the report of the Brazilian experience in Mental Health field, the history of closing the insane asylums and its social process called deinstitutionalization in the city of Santos, Sao Paulo. The conception and creation of community services to substitute the old structures and the incorporation of public policies which emphasizes the universal access to health services and integrality in mental healthcare are portrayed. The main goal of the research is to comprehend the conceptions of users (or citizens) of mental healthcare, and following up on how those conceptions create relations out of the experiences in a community mental health service (CAPS) in Santos, Sao Paulo, and out of the Italian deinstitutionalization works. Articles, theses and dissertations analysis with users of those services point to many strong abilities of the institution regarding the community-centered care, hospitality, liberty and advocacy in rights and guarantees. Medication, health care access and the relationship between users, professionals and services are important points of analysis, balanced between meaningful life related activities and being captured on those services. Regarding methodology, an ethnographic approach was used along with the participant observation. The field was a community health care unit and its everyday scenes, in order to be connected with the way of producing mental health care. Focus group with eight users of the service was conducted, field diaries were widely used. Those methodological approaches gathered data which were processed by thematic analysis, and revealed the therapeutic potential of the actions at the CAPS, with relevant thoughts on the a) inside/outside frontiers and barriers on the unit, b) the complexity in the user-professional relationship and c) the social mandate of the health services. We enlight the need of listening to the actual needs of the users in order to develop reasonable therapeutic projects and promote direct and meaningful participation of the users in the everyday decisions of the service. Transformation is welcome and fundamental to new experiences and inventions in Mental Health, such as hospitality.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A delegacia dos fundos : uma etnografia na delegacia especializada de atendimento à mulher(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-05-05) Silva, Rosa Maria Frugoli da [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Violence against women is a complex problem and its consequences are manifested on the health and wellbeing of the women, bringing issues to coping in politics. Among the services of special attendance in this case, the Delegacia Especializada de Atendimento à Mulher (DEAM) has prominent position. Besides registration of occurrences, investigations and repressions of conduct based on the gender of configured crimes and criminal offenses, this should emphasize the reception by active listening and having a professional qualifying team towards the law 11.340/06. This qualitative study aimed to analyse the reality of a DEAM, with women suffering violent situations, and the police officers who work at the station. It consisted of an ethnography of a DEAM in the interior of São Paulo state, revealing a field of affections and interactions that showed the Station’s particularities in ways that influence people’s lives, even though they are not visible in police records. The relationships between the station’s police officers and the population revealed that these women are opposed to violence, though their relationships are sometimes antagonistic. Women victims of violence and police officers must necessarily rely on necessarily different vocabularies; while police approached women’s narratives of crimes according to precepts of law and justice, victims want public safety and health. Violence was relational, involving vocabularies of familiar relationships and interfering in women’s everyday lives, but it also appeared here as a registry, a right, or an action to be taken. This ethnography showed the DEAM’s limits, tracing the Station’s difficulties in attending to women’s needs. The DEAM revealed the anguish of individual voices, but it also emerged as a locus for conflict resolution and for negotiations beyond the logic of criminal justice; it is a space in which women speak about themselves and their experiences, and that can effectively shelter them as they claim their rights.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Descaminhos das escrituras antropológicas da dor(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-07-10) Ribeiro, Michelli De Souza [UNIFESP]; Sarti, Cynthia Andersen [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThis work seeks to present some of the particularities of ethnographic work located in ethnographic regions tensioned by the consequences of State violence perpetrated during the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) and military dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983). It took as an ethnographic field what, in the course of my master's research, I named as anthropological writings on pain, that is, the analysis of ethnographic texts that embody memories and experiences of mourning, pain and suffering experienced by victims and/or relatives of victims of state violence and witnessed by anthropologists in the field. Observing the trails, the gaps and folds of the speeches and narratives of these texts, it questioned the moral and emotional effects of these research experiences on the researchers, paying attention to the way these moral and emotional reactions to pain and vulnerabilities of others unfolded on ethical and epistemological issues for the field of anthropological research thus situated. The connections made between these texts throughout the research were thus subsidized by an analysis focused on the peculiarities of the values, feelings and moralities that cross the daily relations established between anthropologists and their interlocutors in the course of field research, and the moral agency of suffering that seems to be implicated in the possible compromises of various orders - moral, emotional and political - of these researchers in relation to the demands for empathy and recognition of those who suffer and occupy the public sphere with their suffering, claiming truth, justice and reparation for their pain.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosO desempenho escolar de alunos da periferia: elementos para uma etnografia de construção de representações sobre fracasso escolar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011) Mecena, Elizane Henrique de [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Marcos Cezar de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This paper aims to comprehend the representants parents, students, teachers and education professionals from a suburb school in a big city have concerning school failure. The chosen approach considered urban researches (VELHO and KUSCHNIR, 2003) because it is believed the school not as an institution apart from the social dynamic as a whole. In order to engage this action, a theoretical-methodological hub was taken for the social configuration study (ELIAS, 2000, LAHIRE, 2004), of the interdependencies and the social relations complexities that may exist in the phenomenon called school failure from suburb students (LAHIRE, 2004). The ethonography (GEERTZ 2008; WOODS 1987,1999 ), together with its researches sources was the prioritized tool to engage an participative research (WHYTE, 2005) which would be able to unravel the representants of the involved groups had in the neighborhood, the school and in possible students profiles (KAPLAN 2009) towards the evaluations from the central state education organ. This organ states to be able to see with this evaluation the development of its schools units as a portrait (picture). Therefore, in the counter-face, the photography (DUBOIS, 1993; ADAMS, 2000; SONTAG 2003, COUTINHO, 2009; SOUTAGE 2010) was also present in this paper making it possible the analysis of an imagery speech which was shown, on the other hand, the site, the people and the school, also supplied conceptual elements where a greater approach was possible as a way to see the school used by the state organ. The use of the tools in the ethonograpical research, as well as the means brought by the camera contributed to make my approach even closer to the people who participated in this research and for me to be absorbed little by little by the community in a duality of belonging and also keeping me as a foreigner in the search to understand the found dynamics. The observations were written down in field notebooks, which were added to the applied structured and semi-structured survey questions contents and from the interviews transcriptions. I have organized groups and searched data in the files and in the school documents. This research was carried out in a suburb school that was evaluated by Saresp (Evaluation System of School Performance in São Paulo) as one the 100th worst schools from the state of São Paulo in performance in 2007. The study subjects were the groups from the morning and afternoon shifts from the 5th grade from elementary school until the 3rd year of high school , teachers, parents, students, and school professionals who participated in the research and made the analysis possible. The overall situation was analyzed according to BAUMAN (2003,2005,2008,2009); LAHIRE (2004); DUBET (2008). The analysis showed that who make the everyday school know the difficulties found in order to achieve school success, showed their feelings, their conflicts inside and outside the school to overcome the school failure.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O desempenho escolar de alunos da periferia: elementos para uma etnografia de construção de representações sobre fracasso escolar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-08-23) Mecena, Elizane Henrique de [UNIFESP]; Freitas, Marcos Cezar de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This paper aims to comprehend the representants parents, students, teachers and education professionals from a suburb school in a big city have concerning school failure. The chosen approach considered urban researches (VELHO and KUSCHNIR, 2003) because it is believed the school not as an institution apart from the social dynamic as a whole. In order to engage this action, a theoretical-methodological hub was taken for the social configuration study (ELIAS, 2000, LAHIRE, 2004), of the interdependencies and the social relations complexities that may exist in the phenomenon called school failure from suburb students (LAHIRE, 2004). The ethonography (GEERTZ 2008; WOODS 1987,1999 ), together with its researches sources was the prioritized tool to engage an participative research (WHYTE, 2005) which would be able to unravel the representants of the involved groups had in the neighborhood, the school and in possible students profiles (KAPLAN 2009) towards the evaluations from the central state education organ. This organ states to be able to see with this evaluation the development of its schools units as a portrait (picture). Therefore, in the counter-face, the photography (DUBOIS, 1993; ADAMS, 2000; SONTAG 2003, COUTINHO, 2009; SOUTAGE 2010) was also present in this paper making it possible the analysis of an imagery speech which was shown, on the other hand, the site, the people and the school, also supplied conceptual elements where a greater approach was possible as a way to see the school used by the state organ. The use of the tools in the ethonograpical research, as well as the means brought by the camera contributed to make my approach even closer to the people who participated in this research and for me to be absorbed little by little by the community in a duality of belonging and also keeping me as a foreigner in the search to understand the found dynamics. The observations were written down in field notebooks, which were added to the applied structured and semi-structured survey questions contents and from the interviews transcriptions. I have organized groups and searched data in the files and in the school documents. This research was carried out in a suburb school that was evaluated by Saresp (Evaluation System of School Performance in São Paulo) as one the 100th worst schools from the state of São Paulo in performance in 2007. The study subjects were the groups from the morning and afternoon shifts from the 5th grade from elementary school until the 3rd year of high school , teachers, parents, students, and school professionals who participated in the research and made the analysis possible. The overall situation was analyzed according to BAUMAN (2003,2005,2008,2009); LAHIRE (2004); DUBET (2008). The analysis showed that who make the everyday school know the difficulties found in order to achieve school success, showed their feelings, their conflicts inside and outside the school to overcome the school failure.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A dimensão da ética na pesquisa em saúde com ênfase na abordagem qualitativa(Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.Associação Paulista de Saúde Pública., 2012-03-01) Castro-Silva, Carlos Roberto de [UNIFESP]; Mendes, Rosilda [UNIFESP]; Nakamura, Eunice [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This article addresses the ethical dimension in health research, relating it more specifically to the qualitative approach, based on contributions of the social sciences and ethnography in particular, as it presupposes building a relationship of trust and respect between researchers and researched subjects that is gradually configured. The ethical aspects permeate qualitative research from the choice of the subject matter, the methodological outlines, analysis of the results, to the commitment of providing a feedback for the researched subjects regarding the obtained information. The ethical aspects presuppose the value of an interpersonal relationship in which the different interests, values and worldviews stand as a possibility or not of a joint construction of knowledge. The choice of a subject or object of study is related to a particular life trajectory in which the researcher should ask himself, at all times, how to conciliate the constitution of an ethical attitude in relation to the researched subjects with his own desires, dreams, curiosities and expectations. The article aims to discuss such dilemmas experienced by the researcher, highlighting the importance of ethics for his personal, professional and socio-political growth, and emphasizing the desire for knowledge autonomy, solidarity with social groups and with people involved in the research. Based on the report of a research process, the article intends to contribute to the understanding of how ethical aspects are inextricably linked to research, and also to the researcher, bringing elements to the conduction of qualitative research especially in public health.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)"A Divina Luz Que Ilumina As Criações": A Cultura Do Samba Autoral Na Comunidade Samba Da Vela(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-09-03) Augusto, Viviane Viola [UNIFESP]; Silva, Jose Carlos Gomes Da [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This Research Deals With The Organization Of The Samba Da Vela Community, Whose Development Was Carried Out, Above All, By The Ethnographic Register. In The Course Of The Research, We Need To Use Other Media, Interviews And Audiovisual Records. The First Factor Of Analysis Was The Selection Criteria Of The Sambas To Integrate The Community Notebooks And, Consequently, The Factors For The Composer And Other Non-Musicians To Be Considered As Members Of The Community. After Analyzing These Items, A Brief Presentation Of The History Of Samba Da Vela And The Movement Of Samba Communities In São Paulo, We Did A Survey Of The Topics Presented In The Notebooks Of The Last Four Years, With The Objective Of Verifying How The Recurrent Themes Ensure The Criteria Analyzed And The Maintenance Of The Ideals Of The Samba Wheel.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Do “de Braços Abertos” ao “Redenção”: um caminho percorrido e uma história a contar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021) Silva, Elizangela de Freitas [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes [UNIFESP]; Alves, Ygor Diego Delgado;;; 2014, no município de São Paulo, foi criado o Programa “De Braços Abertos” (DBA), baseado na estratégia de redução de danos. O Programa tinha o intuito de proporcionar às pessoas que fazem uso de crack a garantia de acesso à direitos considerados básicos, como saúde, trabalho remunerado, alimentação, assistência e moradia, por meio de intervenção não violenta. Em maio de 2017, houve uma megaoperação da polícia militar que retirou essas pessoas da região da Cracolândia. Após tal ação, o prefeito em exercício anunciou o encerramento do DBA, que deu lugar ao programa “Redenção”. Nesta nova vertente, houve a permanência de 3 hotéis sociais advindos do DBA. Essa pesquisa teve os seguintes objetivos: realizar um percurso do DBA até o Redenção; verificar como se deu o desmonte do DBA; e realizar uma comparação inicial entre eles. Para tanto, como metodologia, foi realizada uma etnografia de nossa vivência profissional em um dos hotéis do DBA, além de entrevistas abertas com exprofissionais que trabalharam no programa e com um exbeneficiário, como recurso para compreender os dois programas. Nas considerações finais, foi possível concluir que, embora o DBA tivesse as suas limitações (sobretudo por ser um programa relativamente novo e com diversas resistências na sociedade civil), cumpriu seu papel de proporcionar aos seus beneficiários a redução no consumo de crack, bem como seu acesso a serviços de saúde, assistência, moradia, alimentação e trabalho. O olhar dado pelo DBA estava relacionado com o cuidado integral do beneficiário do programa, enxergandoo como uma pessoa possuidora de direitos, e atendendoo para além das drogas. Já no Redenção, a preocupação se dá em torno do uso das drogas, dando ênfase ao tratamento em saúde.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Escola, novo ensino médio e juventude: relatos de observação de campo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023) Moya, Giullia Petrocino [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Alexandre Barbosa [UNIFESP]; monografia, resultado de uma investigação de campo realizada em uma escola em Guarulhos, traz relatos dessa experiência etnográfica e visa descrever o cenário analisado, os atores sociais e as regras que regem aquele contexto escolar, dialogando com uma reflexão sobre juventude. Por meio da observação participante e da coleta e a análise de dados, a pesquisa debruça-se sobre as particularidades daquela instituição, documentando as interações entre os atores envolvidos - com enfoque nos jovens que frequentam aquela escola e nos docentes -, as normas que moldam o ambiente escolar, os desafios relacionados ao período pós-pandêmico, ao uso das novas tecnologias e à Reforma, que afetaram significativamente a experiência dos alunos no Ensino Médio.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A escolarização em ambiente hospitalar: o direito e a vida entre a educação e a saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-09-13) Quiroga, Fernando Lionel [UNIFESP]; Covic, Amalia Neide [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In this research, we defend the thesis that from the experience of schooling in hospital environment, specifically from the model of the mobile school, it is possible to return essential meanings to schooling. We start from the hypothesis that the notion of learning approaches, in this circumstance, the notion of vitality. The restitution of this original sense is due to the individual contact with the forms of knowledge that oppose themselves to the tradition of regular school, whose learning is mediated by structures that distance the student from learning objects - structure marked mainly by a character of impersonality. As during the treatment all dimensions of life are resized, it is assumed that the knowledges are also re-appropriated, in a different way. The main objective of this research program was to understand the experience of schooling of adolescents with cancer at the Pediatric Oncology Institute (IOP) - Support Group for Adolescent and Child with Cancer (Graacc) / Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) . From a methodological point of view, this study was divided into three work fronts: i) survey of the theoretical framework; ii) ethnographic research; iii) data analysis. This enterprise resulted in two blocks that make up the whole of this thesis. In the first part, it is discussed, in a series of articles, notions that stand in the background of this investigation. The concept of biopolitics; The perspective of interpretative anthropology as a methodological possibility for studies of this nature; The study of the interface between hospital and school institutions; And the phenomenological possibility of the study about the relationship between health and disease are the major themes that make up this first block. The second part, or second movement, consisted in the writing of seven life stories, being 4 of adolescents and 3 of teachers (one being a coordinator). This endeavor represented an effort to show how life, during the treatment phase due to neoplastic disease, not only reshapes body, ethical and psychological aspects, but also allows the re-dimensioning of meanings related to the school from the experience of its continuity in the hospital environment.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estresse e Modos de Andar a Vida: uma contribuição de Canguilhem para a compreensão da Síndrome Geral de Adaptação(Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.Associação Paulista de Saúde Pública., 2012-09-01) Santos, Maurici Tadeu Ferreira dos [UNIFESP]; Gomes, Mara Helena de Andrea [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)With the help of Canguilhem - for whom man and environment, considered separately, cannot be normal - an ethnography was undertaken in a condominium located in the city of São Paulo, having as parameter the notion of normativity, according to which the organisms, in their interactions with the infidelities of the environment, develop norms for adaptation. During six months we interviewed 16 residents about their daily life activities and their ways of interpreting and facing events considered stressful. Given the close association with the living conditions of these residents, the approach proved to be adequate to capture the multiplicity of sensations mentioned by respondents. To adapt the analysis to Canguilhem's idea that life is polarity, we translated these sensations into the categories frustrating - gratifying and considered them as manners to engender ways of walking through life. Thus, we perceived that events considered pleasurable or painful, and referred to in a diffuse and nonspecific way, may trigger adaptive disorders often interpreted as stress by those who experience them.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Etnografias de infâncias calungas: um estudo sobre o cotidiano de crianças de um bairro periférico em São Vicente/SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-08-06) Rodrigues, Breno Ayres Chaves [UNIFESP]; Borba, Patrícia Leme de Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Understanding childhood as a social construction in a time-space and children as subjects of rights that actively participate in this social construction, that is, they produce cultures. In this way we followed up the daily life of 4 children "calunga" (term with African root naming who is born in São Vicente coast of São Paulo) living in a outskirts of the city of São Vicente-SP and attending the "Camará" (a non-governmental organization). Our objective was to increase knowledge about their lives so that this study can subsidize public social policies, in relation to the construction of future actions and projects in line with the reality, language and wishes of this public. For this, a qualitative study was carried out with theoretical and methodological basis on ethnography. The children followed up two girls and two boys, aged between 9 and 12 years. The children acted as coauthors of the present research, that is, they expressed the meanings of their lives and the researcher was the mediator of the organization of these expressions. These same children allowed the access and the sociability in their houses, the circulation in the neighborhood in playful adventures, being in institutional spaces of the NGO, in more serious conversations about dating, violence, culture and others subjects. All these experiences were recorded in field diaries and were organized into categories of analysis, namely: importance of the street to their lives; playful ways of children occupying the neighborhood and the city; its relations with the traffic and the police; sexuality and gender differences; the relationship of children with the NGO involved; and, finally, art, culture and funk dances. The main results were in relation to the inventive and playful ways of moving around the neighborhood they called "missions". In these adventures, they claimed a less "adult-centric" city, transgressing and inventing their own rules of use or practice of spaces. From their collective organization and imagination, which was not neutral to stereotypes and capitalistic signs, they produced new contours and functionalities to the spaces, opening the possibility of resistance to situations that is invisible to the State, such as the lack of spaces for children. The technical product of this research was a children's book that tells a "mission" of 4 black children in a peripheral neighborhood, being accessible material for children, adults, educators and other interested parties.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)"Eu tomo essa bebida" - Etnografia em uma coletividade de Daime(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-03-13) Bordião, Fernando Feital [UNIFESP]; Pompa, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP];; escrita é resultado da minha forma de viver com Daime e dos afetos por ela criados. Afetos que foram se dando também, e ao mesmo tempo, com as Ciências Sociais na Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Então, além de seguirem um percurso acadêmico - principiado como Iniciação Científica -, as observações presentes nesta escrita tratam também da jornada esotérica em curso. Jornada que anima a descrição a seguir: uma etnografia tão densa quanto possível - e por isto tornada objetivo e não método -, que está em diálogo com os saberes compartilhados ao longo dos últimos 7 anos com Daime, Unifesp e as amizades e saberes que nestes lugares sigo colhendo. O uso de substâncias psicoativas acompanha as transformações de grupos humanos ao longo de pelo menos 15 mil anos. Relações inter-reinos bons à penser e que estão presentes ao tomar a bebida originária de povos humanos e além-de-humanos da floresta Amazônica que, a partir dos anos 30 do século XX, extrapola as práticas originárias e começa a ocorrer entre outras coletividades, e tem, nos anos 90 do mesmo século um novo movimento de expansão. Desta vez para áreas urbanas adensadas do Brasil, seguido do fenômeno de internacionalização de seu uso. É no desenrolar dessa diáspora que Daime chega também a Pindamonhangaba, no Vale do Paraíba, com a coletividade do Céu do Vale, onde vivo a experiência aqui descrita. Expansão que borra fronteiras e incorpora novos significados. Entre eles, os que dizem respeito ao tema das identidades do sistema sexo-gênero, tão marcado no universo daimista que está baseado em relações ‘tradicionais’ de gênero. O tema se manifestou logo nas minhas primeiras experiências com a bebida, dada minha natureza viado. Aos poucos deixei-me conduzir para além de “para fora da varanda”, em direção ao Reinado onde estão um cipó masculino e uma planta feminina - declara a experiência nativa. Ao longo dessa condução, na esteira do binarismo feminino/masculino, somaram-se outros como natureza/cultura, hegemonia/pós-colonialidade, educação/saberes, fim-de-mundo/nova era, formando uma malha de conhecimentos: a proposição metodológica aqui apresentada como Ciência Antropofágica. Conto para estas reflexões com a contribuição de um conjunto de produções antropológicas recentes que, por um lado, apontam para a centralidade do etnógrafo-autor na produção da escrita e, por outro, enfatizam a multivocalidade do campo etnográfico. Multivocalidade que se faz ouvir com saberes do pensamento pós-colonial, conhecimentos ancestrais, com a oralidade, vozes vegetais e a participação na coletividade daimista. Saberes que se revelam como uma via possível para compreender as relações com a bebida na contemporaneidade e seus temas emergentes. O caminho percorrido ao longo dessa jornada até aqui é o resultado a ser apresentado.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Experiências de vida de pacientes esquizofrênicos e seus familiares: uma perspectiva cultural da doença(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-04-28) Guimarães, Patricia Neves [UNIFESP]; Coviello, Denise Martin [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A esquizofrenia é um dos principais transtornos psiquiátricos, cujas causas são ainda amplamente desconhecidas. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever as concepções socioculturais relacionadas à experiência subjetiva de pacientes esquizofrênicos e seus familiares, nos seguintes aspectos: a) estudar modelos explicativos e significados formulados por pacientes, familiares e comunidade para entender a esquizofrenia; b) descrever comportamentos e práticas populares de familiares utilizadas no processo do cuidado do paciente esquizofrênico; c) explorar a interação entre a família, o paciente esquizofrênico e a comunidade próxima. Foi realizada uma etnografia utilizando a observação participante e entrevista semiestruturada em profundidade, abordando questões referentes às experiências e crenças de pacientes crônicos com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e seus familiares, em tratamento no Ambulatório de Saúde Mental da cidade de Montes Claros. Foram entrevistados 46 indivíduos: 16 pacientes, 23 familiares e 07 membros da comunidade. Familiares e pacientes vivem em precárias condições socioeconômicas. Pacientes, familiares e a comunidade compartilham crenças semelhantes quanto à etiologia e curso da doença. A esquizofrenia, para pacientes e familiares, não é reconhecida como uma doença; ela é um transtorno de causa espiritual e tem como principais modelos explicativos o resguardo quebrado, os espíritos, o encosto e os feitiços. Os espíritos geracionais são vistos como responsáveis pela transmissão e manifestação da doença por hereditariedade. A doença passa de um membro para o outro por maldição. Pacientes e familiares buscam ajuda terapêutica, principalmente nos “curandeiros”, no espiritismo e nas igrejas evangélicas, o que nem sempre resulta em melhora. As “vozes” que os pacientes ouvem são interpretadas pelos familiares como vozes espirituais, possibilitando a perspectiva de um aspecto positivo na relação entre familiares e pacientes. A loucura, para pacientes, familiares e comunidade, está associada à inconsciência dos acontecimentos e atitudes em torno de si. Ser “louco” está relacionado ao uso de medicação antipsicótica, o que é uma barreira para a adesão ao tratamento. Não poder participar socialmente do mundo é uma fonte de sofrimento para os pacientes. O relacionamento familiar é permeado de agressividade e violência de ambos os lados. As famílias usam a violência: a) por medo; b) como defesa das agressões recebidas; c) para controle do comportamento do paciente; d) por acreditarem que as agressões dos pacientes são premeditadas; e) por não compreenderem o que acontece com os pacientes. O comportamento violento do paciente é visto como um problema de caráter moral. Na perspectiva da comunidade, o paciente esquizofrênico é perigoso e ameaçador. O contexto sociocultural deve ser considerado ao se pensar políticas de intervenção que priorizem a melhoria de vida para pacientes e familiares. As políticas públicas de saúde mental precisam lidar com os desafios das realidades locais, da dinâmica familiar e da violência, que estão inseridos no contexto do cuidado terapêutico. A etnografia realizada com pacientes, familiares e vizinhos mostrou a complexidade do cuidado do paciente esquizofrênico e necessária articulação de várias áreas do conhecimento para se ter uma aproximação mais realista da vida cotidiana dos participantes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Famílias de crianças autistas questionam o Atendimento Educacional Especializado: contribuição da pesquisa etnográfica para um debate (in)tenso(Revista Horizontes, 2024-06-01) Freitas, Marcos Cezar de; analisar a expectativa de familiares de autistas em relação ao Atendimento Educacional Especializado no Ensino Fundamental. Apresenta-se a pesquisa etnográfica em escola pública que possibilitou registrar o diálogo utilizado para expor seu argumento central. Como método expositivo, o diálogo é tratado como achado etnográfico, pois mostra o ponto de tensionamento entre familiares e docentes do Atendimento Educacional Especializado. Os resultados mostram que familiares questionam especificamente a ausência de procedimentos terapêuticos especializados em autismo no Atendimento Educacional Especializado. Discutiu-se com base na antropologia da expertise. Outros achados etnográficos indicam que a expectativa descaracteriza a educação especial na perspectiva da educação inclusiva. The objective of the article is to analyze the expectations of families of autistic people in relation to Specialized Educational Service in elementary school. The introduction presents ethnographic research in a public school that made it possible to record the dialogue that is used to present its central argument. As an expository method, the dialogue is treated as an “ethnographic finding”, as it shows the point of tension between family members and AEE teachers. The results show that family members specifically question the absence of specialized therapeutic procedures for autism in the AEE. The discussion was based on the anthropology of expertise, and in the conclusion other ethnographic findings indicate that the expectation mischaracterizes Special Education from the perspective of Inclusive Education.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosImpactos do suicídio testemunhado no centro da metrópole de São Paulo: uma etnografia no hotspot Viaduto do Chá(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-06-17) Cornejo, Elis Regina Souza Peito Urtubia [UNIFESP]; Marquetti, Fernanda Cristina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Suicide is a multidetermined phenomenon that has distinct socially constructed meanings. historically. These conceptions, in turn, institute the way society deals with the suicide. It is a taboo theme and a kind of death that subverts the ways of dying in the West, a fact that increases sociocultural prejudice around the theme and makes it difficult to express from the grief and grief of the people who were impacted by a suicide: the survivors. Addressing the suicide that occurs on public roads, this research aimed to know what are the experiences of survivors witnessing suicide around the Tea Viaduct hotspot, place that is often used for suicide attempts in the center of the metropolis of São Paulo. Understanding the viaduct as a place of sociability, the use of ethnography in the city was the method chosen to unveil the symbolic processes of these survivors facing the act. As research instruments were used the participant observation, the field diary, the open interview with witnesses and photography as an audiovisual resource. The analysis was guided the contributions of Interpretive Anthropology in the dialogue with Suicidology authors to grasp the meanings, understandings and impacts of suicide in narratives and memories of those passers by. From the narratives of the survivors belonging to that place, four categories of analysis were built in order to list their different experiences in witnessing suicide: manifestation of interdiction, understanding of the suicide phenomenon, reactions to hotspot testimony and insights. The results show that the experience of the testimony of suicide on public roads explains the significance of this exposure in life of the surviving witnesses, especially when lived in the metropolis. Despite the similarities found in the experiences of survivors bereaved by suicide in general, the testimony of a suicide on public roads reserves its uniqueness, especially as regards the extent of the impacts and their collective meanings.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Itinerários de sujeitos no contexto do cracke as variações do cuidado(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-04-14) Heise, Maira [UNIFESP]; Castro-Silva, Carlos Roberto de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The use of drugs is characterized as present practice since the beginning of mankind and currently its abuse achieved worrying dimensions, setting a picture as a public health problem. Care becomes one of the major axis driversof public policies aimed at people who use crackand its driving gains a variety of meanings that comes to the scene. The theme of this research is inserted in this context which investigated and analyzed the intinerary of the individuals who are crackusers and care demonstrations from their experience in the streets. This is a qualitative research using the ethnographic method using the document research and the participant observation as tools for recognizing the reality and valuation of the marked individuals through meetings held within five months of observation. Also, evaluations were prepared targeting deepening the knowledge of individuals. The field diaries were the main drivers of the entire analytical process using the analysis and interpretation of the information used to Depth Hermeneutics. The information was organized from the three levelsof analysis: social and historical analysis, formal analysis andinterpretation / reinterpretation. From this methodological reference emerged three axes which contribute to a better understanding of the itineraries: path of life and care, experience and office in the streets and the subjective production of care. It was noticed that the itineraries of those who use crackare a complex phenomenon to be subsumed into generality. The itineraries are simultaneous and natural resulting of life trajectories, variations in care expressions and contexts of different relationships which involve people as well as communities and institutions. Daily follow-up also allowed us an enlarged view of health care aiming promoting actions of life and the valuation of good meetings in micro political spaces.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Letalidade Policial na Capital Paulista (2013 – 2023): a participação do 16° BPM/M(CAAF, 2024-06) Azevedo, Desirée de Lemos [UNIFESP]; Silva, Ariel Moreira [UNIFESP]; análise a seguir antecipa resultados parciais da pesquisa referente à segunda etapa do projeto de extensão "Os 9 que Perdemos: Apoio técnico-científico à atuação da Defensoria Pública no Caso Paraisópolis/Baile da DZ7", que se dedica à contextualização socioantropológica do massacre. Este relatório analisa a versão mais atualizada da base de dados de Mortes Decorrentes de Intervenção Policial (MDIP) da Secretaria de Segurança Pública (SSP) do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, que apresenta um recorte temporal de uma década (2013 –2023). O objetivo é encontrar os números relativos à letalidade policial na área do 16° Batalhão de Polícia Militar Metropolitano (BPM/M), unidade responsável pelo massacre, e analisá-los na série histórica em relação aos números da capital e de outras áreas operacionais, bem como avaliar a distribuição territorial e temporal das mortes na area do mencionado batalhão, com intuito de encontrar subsídios para a compreensão da violência policial no território de Paraisópolis.