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- ItemSomente MetadadadosComportamentos dos pais em relação à alimentação dos filhos e comportamentos alimentares de crianças com dificuldades alimentares, obesas e eutróficas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-05-30) Silva, Maria Luiza Blanques Petty da [UNIFESP]; Escrivao, Maria Arlete Meil Schimith [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Eating problems in childhood, such as a child who eats too much or eating poorly or poorly, are common in pediatric practice. The behaviors of parents in relation to their children's diet, as well as the eating behaviors of themselves play a key role in the etiology of these problems. Scales and questionnaires can be used as tools to try to measure these phenomena. Objective: To investigate the associations between parents' behaviors in relation to feeding and the eating behavior of eating disorders (AD), obese (Ob) and eutrophic. Methods: three groups of parents of children aged 5 to 10 years (n = 88) with the following characteristics: obesity, food difficulty (ambulatory assisted specialized) and eutrophic (assisted by learning difficulties). The behavior of parents and children were evaluated, respectively, by the validated for Brazil by the Parent Mealtime Action Scale and Children's Eating Behavior Questionnaire, with cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric characteristics performed in this same study. For this purpose it was an expanded sample (total = 191) was used, with 103 parents of children enrolled in a School of Early Childhood Education. The GLM test was used to identify the between groups. The association analyzes were done by linear regression. For the determination of the factorial structure and the the following tests were performed: exploratory factor analysis, α of Crombach (internal reliability) and intraclass correlation coefficient (reproducibility). Results: Ob children presented higher scores in the behaviors related to eating for external and minor reasons in the "response to satiety "and" slowness to eat. " Children with AD had the lowest scores in the areas of interest in food and higher in those of food avoidance. Parents of the Ob children reported making fruits and vegetables available and doing more more frequently than the others. Parents of children with AD reported insist more on their children to eat and offer more special meals than others. Children with a food avoidance profile had parents who limits on the consumption of sweets and more often offered special, they used rewards and insight for them to eat. It also between the model of consumption of goodies by parents and the responsiveness children. The factorial structure of the Children's version for Brazil Eating Behavior Questionnaire maintained the same number of original questionnaire and presented few changes in its composition. The analyses of this version presented satisfactory results. Conclusions: There were differences in the behaviors of obese, eutrophic and difficulties. In addition, a number of parental behaviors were associated with the behaviors of their children.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Psychometric properties of the sixth version of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI-6) in Brazil(Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP, 2012-03-01) Kessler, Felix; Cacciola, John; Alterman, Arthur; Faller, Sibele; Souza-Formigoni, Maria Lucia Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Cruz, Marcelo Santos; Brasiliano, Sílvia; Pechansky, Flavio; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Center for Drug and Alcohol Research; University of Pennsylvania Treatment Research Institute (TRI) and Department of Psychiatry; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Psychiatric Institute; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)BACKGROUND: There are few research tools in Brazil to assess more broadly the alcohol and other drug related problems. OBJECTIVE: To test the psychometric properties of ASI in its sixth version (ASI-6). METHODS: A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in four Brazilian state capitals. Four research centers interviewed 150 adult inpatients or outpatients, and one research center interviewed 140 patients. A total of 740 substance abusers were selected. Training and supervision of interviewers were performed to assure the quality of dada collected. RESULTS: Most areas of the ASI showed good reliability between the instrument and the interviewers, with no statistically significant differences between the ASI-6 Summary Scores for Recent Functioning (SS-Rs) of both interviews. Cronbach's alpha for ASI-6 subscales ranged from 0.64 to 0.95. Correlations between the ASI-6 Alcohol and Drug scores and the concurrent instrument (ASSIST) were high (0.72 and 0.89, respectively). There was a significant negative correlation between the scores in psychiatric, medical and drug areas and the scores of WHOQOL. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the psychometric properties of ASI-6 both in outpatients and inpatients in Brazil indicate a good reliability and validity of this instrument for the Brazilian culture. The development of this instrument in Brazil is an important advancement, which will certainly have implications for the prevention, clinical research, and social rehabilitation fields.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Tradução da escala Learning Desabilities Quality of Life (LD/QOL15) de qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com transtornos de aprendizado com prejuízos da leitura para o português brasileiro(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-11-22) Lima, Kléber Bezerra [UNIFESP]; Avila, Clara Regina Brandão de [UNIFESP]; Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho;;;ção: É notável a interseção entre os transtornos de aprendizagem e a dinâmica familiar. A família pode oferecer um ambiente seguro e de apoio emocional, que é essencial para o bem-estar emocional e psicológico do aprendiz com transtornos. O impacto emocional da família diante do desafio em auxiliar o portador de um distúrbio não completamente compreendido por ela é um fator importante. Embora se reconheça a importância do ambiente familiar no desenvolvimento cognitivo, ainda há uma lacuna na compreensão dos padrões parentais relacionados aos transtornos de aprendizagem. Objetivo: Traduzir e adaptar para o Português Brasileiro a escala Learning Disabilities/Quality of Life 15 (LD/QOL15) de qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com transtornos de aprendizado com prejuízos da leitura. Método: Projeto submetido ao CEP/UNIFESP e aprovado sob o nº 1019/2022. O estudo seguiu o fluxo: Etapa I – elaboradas duas traduções iniciais do Inglês para o Português Brasileiro; Etapa II – Síntese realizada por uma terceira pessoa tradutora; Etapa III – Retrotradução realizada por indivíduo bilíngue, cuja língua materna é o Inglês americano; Etapa IV – Revisão do Comitê de Especialistas; Etapa V – Pré-teste que avaliou a usabilidade do LD/QOL15. Resultados: As traduções elaboradas foram sintetizadas resultando em uma única versão do questionário. No total, 13 questões passaram por alguma modificação com base nas sugestões dos especialistas. Essas modificações incluem mudanças na redação para melhorar a compreensão, ajustar o vocabulário ao contexto brasileiro ou garantir consistência na tradução. A aplicação no pré-teste ajudou a identificar e corrigir problemas antes de aplicar o questionário final ao público-alvo. Conclusão: A escala LD/QOL15 traduzida para o Português Brasileiro, mostrou-se adequada para avaliar a qualidade de vida de indivíduos com dificuldades de aprendizagem e o impacto desses transtornos no ambiente familiar.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Tradução, validação e adaptação cultural da escala de atividade esportiva(Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, 2007-01-01) Gonçalves, Camila Carvalho Krause [UNIFESP]; Peccin, Maria Stella [UNIFESP]; Almeida, Gustavo Jerônimo De Melo [UNIFESP]; Cohen, Moises [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de Pittsburgh Departamento de FisioterapiaOBJECTIVES: to translate and adapt the Sports Activities Scale as well as to check its measurement, reproduction and validity properties. METHOD: the translation, cultural adaptation and validation were made by reviewing the work by Guillemin et al. For statistical analysis, we used descriptive analysis, t-test, inter-class correlation coefficient and Spearman correlation coefficient, with significance level equal to 5% (alpha = 0.05). RESULTS: the translated questionnaire showed to be understandable and culturally equivalent for 95% of Brazilian patients after some modifications were made; an excellent reproducibility (alpha = 0.01, rho < 0.001) when correlating intra- and inter-interviewers; a significant correlation with the SF-36 questionnaire on the following items: functional capacity, pain, general aspects and social aspects, a weak association with SF-36 questionnaire on vitality, emotional aspects and mental health; a significant correlation with Lysholm (alpha = 0.01, rho > 0.001); and a moderate negative correlation with the visual analog scale for pain (alpha = 0.05, rho = 0.0013). CONCLUSION: The Brazilian version of the Sports Activities Scale questionnaire is an easily-manageable, reproducible and valid parameter for a specific evaluation of knee's symptoms and restraints during sports activities, in Brazilian patients.