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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desigualdades sociais e uso de serviços de saúde: evidências de análise estratificada(Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, 2000-02-01) Silva, Nilza Nunes da [UNIFESP]; Pedroso, Glaura César [UNIFESP]; Puccini, Rosana Fiorini [UNIFESP]; Furlani, Wellington de Jesus [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: The study aims to identify children who are not benefited by local health programs, looking for to characterize the excluded segment of the population in order to broaden the access to and use of the main actions provided by local health programs. METHODS: A sample of 465 children aged less than 1 year was studied, living in the year of 1996 in Embu, a city of the metropolitan area of S. Paulo, Brazil. Our hypothesis was that there is a higher availability of private health care resources among families who haven't been using the local health program. The statistical analysis consisted of stratified association analysis to study the heterogeneity between and intra four strata of families defined by different socialeconomic conditions. RESULTS: Although only 85.4% of the study children were enrolled in local health services, 91.2% of them were being benefited by main health care actions. The analysis of differences intra strata revealed that our hypothesis was only corroborated in one stratum. It is in the stratum 3, which concentrates the peripheral population, where we could find children who have not been using the local health program in Embu city. CONCLUSIONS: In the same social segment it was detected some inner heterogeneity among families related to the availability of private resources for their children health care.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Eqüidade na atenção pré-natal e ao parto em área da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, 1996(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2003-02-01) Puccini, Rosana Fiorini [UNIFESP]; Pedroso, Glaura César [UNIFESP]; Silva, Edina Mariko Koga da [UNIFESP]; Araújo, Norma Sueli de; Silva, Nilza Nunes da; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Secretaria Municipal de Saúde; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate prenatal and childbirth care interviewing mothers of infants in the municipality of Embu (Greater Metropolitan São Paulo) in 1996, according to four socioeconomic strata. A door-to-door survey included a probabilistic sample consisting of 483 infants. In all strata more than 90% of the mothers had received prenatal care, but with late access in stratum 4 (residents of favelas, or slums). Breast examination during prenatal care, reported by only 60.8% of the mothers, was the worst single indicator of quality of prenatal care in the municipality. The outcome indicator - first prenatal consultation after the first trimester and total number of consultations less than six - was associated with maternal age (less than 20 years), low per capita family income (less than one minimum wage), and lack of private health plan. As for deliveries, 97.7% occurred in hospital, of which 32.5% by cesarean section, with the latter more frequent in private health care facilities (63.2%). No population segments were identified as being excluded from the health care system, but some indicators suggest greater deficiencies in socioeconomic stratum 4. These results have supported local health system managers in redefining health measures for the municipality.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The influenece of home country on the known brands of choice: an investigation about materials mark attributes of sports.(Univ nove julho, 2016) Meirelles, Franklin de Souza; Strehlau, Vivian Iara; Lopes, Evandro Luiz [UNIFESP]This paper presents an analysis about Country of Origin effect occurring together with other brand attributes, such as brand elements (i.e. Brand Name and Brand Logo), company longevity and sponsorship as marketing and advertisement tool. Using an unknown foreign sports material brand as object of study, an online experiment with Brazilian consumers was realized in order to understand how these attributes influence purchase intention, attitude and perceived quality by the public. Country of Origin influenced decision variables partially and the other attributes were considered irrelevant, wherein consumer involvement assumed a role of moderator, reducing the Country of Origin effect towards consumer choices.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)“Minha filha não vai ser um obstáculo”: Narrativas de mães universitárias(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-01-24) Oliveira, Ana Flávia Silvério de [UNIFESP]; Cockell, Fernanda Flávia [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: A gravidez como condição biológica exclusiva da mulher também é uma condição social. Embora a gestação, o parto e a amamentação sejam possibilidades restritas ao corpo biológico feminino, é no âmbito da cultura e de uma dada configuração histórica que a mulher vai lidar com cada uma dessas fases. As experiências de engravidar, dar à luz, amamentar e maternar estão alinhadas com as relações sociais estabelecidas e vigentes. Objetivo: Compreender os fatores contextuais que influenciam a funcionalidade de mães universitárias. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, baseado no método de análise narrativa. O estudo incluiu mulheres universitárias que se tornaram mães durante a graduação. As narrativas foram analisadas individualmente e discutidas em suas semelhanças e singularidades. Resultados: Foram apresentadas as narrativas de cinco mulheres, mães universitárias, com idades entre 22 e 38 anos, com filhos entre 1 e 9 anos e diferentes estados civis. Todas vivenciaram barreiras e facilitadores, tanto no ambiente físico, social ou atitudinal em seus percursos acadêmicos. Discussão: Foram observados alguns facilitadores como redes de apoio, auxílios estudantis, leis e inúmeras barreiras como falta de políticas públicas, falta de rede de apoio, de informação, que essas mães universitárias encontraram durante o percurso acadêmico. Observamos uma diversidade de fatores pessoais e como as intersecções de raça e classe social potencializam as barreiras ambientais que precisam ser minimizadas ou eliminadas com políticas públicas capazes de garantir a equidade e reparação histórica das desigualdades de gênero, raça e classe social. Conclusão: É preciso investir em ações afirmativas que promovam o aumento da funcionalidade de mães universitárias, garantindo equidade na formação e permanência de todas.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Saúde infantil: condições de vida e utilização de serviços de saúde em área da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, 1996(Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira, 2002-08-01) Puccini, Rosana Fiorini [UNIFESP]; Silva, Nilza Nunes da; Araújo, Norma Sueli de; Pedroso, Glaura César [UNIFESP]; Silva, Edina Mariko Koga da [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP); município do Embu Secretaria de Saúde Assessoria TécnicaOBJECTIVES: to identify segments of the population excluded from the health system or requiring specific and oriented action from the health services. METHODS:household survey using a two-stage cluster sample comprised of 1.099 children under five years old, residing in the municipality of Embu, São Paulo in 1996. Living conditions were stratified into four bands; the sampling process considered two independent populations: children under one year old and children between one and four years old. Indicators of prenatal and perinatal care and child's health attention were investigated. Statistical analysis: estimates of proportions, standard errors and confidence intervals (95%) were calculated, utilizing the Csample: Epi-info 6.04 program. RESULTS: in all the bands, over 90% of the mothers had prenatal assistance, although with a tendency towards later access in band four (shantytowns). Around 80% of the children under one year old were followed up by healthcare clinics; the basic health units were principally utilized for vaccinations (97,4%) and checkups (79,0%), especially for band four, and the other healthcare facilities were utilized for medical visits without appointments. For band one (best conditions), there was a greater demand for private and health insurance services. For acute affections healthcare facilities services were the option for almost 100% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: no segments of the population were identified as being excluded from the health system; some indicators pointed towards deficiencies for all bands, some of which were more accentuated for band four.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A universalização dos direitos e a promoção da equidade: o caso da saúde da população negra(Abrasco, 2017) Faustino, Deivison Mendes [UNIFESP]This article takes the field of "health of the black population" as an object to problematize some tensions and possibilities existing around the operationalization of the concepts of universality and equity in public policies and no debate about the right to the city. The question that mobilizes it is: how to articulate the search for the universalization of rights with demands mobilized by specific groups in an unequal society. In order to respond, to approve the debates and the resistances surrounding the institutionalization of the National Policy of Integral Health of the Black Population and its relation with the prerogatives of the Unified Health System. The result is a critique of the universalization/targeting and recognition/distribution and pointing to a dialectical approach. Categories that consider a mediation between singularity, particularity and universality.