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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desigualdade escolar e vulnerabilidade social no território(Editora Univ Federal Parana, Centro Politecnico, 2017) Ribeiro, Vanda Mendes; Vovio, Claudia Lemos [UNIFESP]The aim of the following study is to discuss the results of studies about the influence of social vulnerability on school inequality in big cities, carried out in two Brazilian metropolises. Those studies have resorted to ECLAC literature, as well as French and American Sociology of Education literature, in order to find references to approach a phenomenon that has recently become a research problem. According to the herein investigated studies, the territory's social vulnerability affects educational opportunities. They have found mechanisms able to produce links between the territory's social vulnerability and school inequality, such as relations of competitive interdependence between schools, the lack of state investment in early childhood education, social representations unfavorable to people living in these areas, and the lack of public facilities in vulnerable territories. The studies have shown that educational policy contours may foster school inequality in vulnerable territories. More experienced and better trained teachers migrate to schools located in less vulnerable territories due to the transference program legislation. Students with less socio-cultural capital, whose parents are less aware of the type of social capital valued by the school, who are unaware of their rights, and live in the most stigmatized territories such as slums, may be passed over at school enrollment times, which may hinder their access to education. In the case of students expelled from schools, this stigma may contribute to the decision-making process, since schools seem to prefer students who are better adapted to less-troubled school environments.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O ensino fundamental de nove anos e o direito à educação(Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo, 2011-04-01) Arelaro, Lisete Regina Gomes; Jacomini, Márcia Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Klein, Sylvie Bonifácio; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This article investigates the consequences of the Federal Laws No. 11114/05, which instituted the start of the period of mandatory education at the age of six, and No. 11274/06, which increased the duration of fundamental education to nine years, keeping its start at the age of six. The analyses presented here are based on documents and empirical data of the study Avaliando políticas educacionais: um estudo sobre a implantação do ensino fundamental de nove anos no Estado de São Paulo [Evaluating educational policies: a study of the implementation of nine-year fundamental education in the State of São Paulo]. Under a qualitative approach, that study was conducted in municipal and state public school systems, and involved different segments: education workers, parents, and six-year-olds enrolled at the first year of fundamental education. The interviews and questionnaires helped to gather their opinions on various aspects of the implementation of nine-year fundamental education, and allowed the comparison with the intentions declared in the official documents in the light of three educational principles: the right to education, democratic management, and quality of education. It was observed that practices remain which disregard both the legal precepts and the importance of the participation of those involved in the education process in order to achieve quality education. Likewise, the first year curriculum reflects only a simplistic adaptation of the former first year curriculum, with minor methodological adjustments that do not incorporate the ludic as something specific to childhood. It became evident that material and financial resources are insufficient, that teachers are not being oriented, and that the future of pre-school under the new organization is not being discussed.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Novas configurações do trabalho docente na rede estadual paulista: o caso do professor mediador escolar e comunitário(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-02) Galdino, Rita de Cássia Arruda [UNIFESP]; Novaes, Luiz Carlos [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Diante de pesquisas que apontam os crescentes índices de violência, indisciplina e conflitos no ambiente escolar, o Governo do Estado de São Paulo criou o programa intitulado “Sistema de Proteção Escolar”, com o objetivo de combater a indisciplina e a violência no interior das escolas e garantir a integridade física e patrimonial dos alunos, funcionários e servidores da rede estadual paulista. No conjunto de medidas pensadas no âmbito do referido programa, a Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo – SEE/SP criou uma nova função para o professor da educação básica, qual seja, a de Professor Mediador Escolar e Comunitário, doravante denominado PMEC. Com essa pesquisa, interessou-nos investigar o contexto de surgimento deste “novo profissional” no âmbito da rede estadual paulista, desde a concepção acerca desta nova função, apresentada pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (SEE/SP), bem como as questões relativas ao processo de seleção e de atuação nas unidades escolares. Para tanto, foi realizada análise documental (textos legais, normativos, planos de trabalho do PMEC e livros de ocorrências na unidade escolar), observação do trabalho realizado pelo PMEC em uma escola estadual, durante um semestre e entrevistas semiestruturadas com as PMEC da escola selecionada e com PMEC que atuam em escolas localizadas em regiões com índices de vulnerabilidades parecidos ao da escola selecionada. Ao final da investigação comprovamos nossa hipótese de que essa nova função seja mais uma forma de reconfiguração do trabalho docente, dentre as já existentes, que altera profundamente o papel do professor no âmbito escolar e descaracteriza a profissão. Para subsidiar a nossa análise recorremos a autores que discutem temáticas como controle, intolerância, indisciplina e conflitos (ABRAMOVAY, 2005; CHARLOT, 2002; 2005; DUBET, 2004; FOUCAULT, 1996, 1997; JARES, 1997), trabalho e profissão docente (TARDIF, 2002; TARDIF, LESSARD e LAHAYE, 1991; TENTI FANFANI, 2000), bem como de pesquisadores que vêm se dedicando às temáticas apresentadas pelo programa “Sistema de Proteção Escolar”, a partir de diferentes perspectivas teóricas.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosRemuneração, condições de trabalho e perfil dos professores do Estado de São Paulo comparado ao dos professores do Brasil de educação básica: análise dos dados do Saeb/ Prova Brasil (1995 – 2007)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011) Carnaval, Marilya Mariany [UNIFESP]; Minhoto, Maria Angélica Pedra [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The objective of this research was to analyze the evolution of the remuneration of teachers of basic education in the period from 1995 to 2007, in Brazil and in the State of São Paulo, through the data collected in a contextual questionnaire, present in the tests of the SAEB and Prova Brazil, aimed at teachers and dealing with their working conditions. The goal was to explore the possible relationships between remuneration and the qualification and experience of the São Paulo teacher. A bibliographic survey was carried out in this research regarding the remuneration and working conditions of basic education teachers, such as: cost-student-quality; the National Professional Salary Floor (PSPN); appreciation of the teaching profession; Career Plan incentives and salary structure; limits of merit and performance pay principles; teaching work and contradictions of professionalization. Research shows that among the main components responsible for the quality in education and for the growth of a teacher's remuneration in public schools are the professional experience and the level of teacher training, therefore, this research had the following central hypothesis: the main variables that influence the salary differences among São Paulo teachers, observed in the SAEB/Prova Brasil databases, are the length of service and the teacher's level of education. In other words, our hypothesis was that the longer teachers have professional experience and the higher their level of education, the better their salary. In addition, we also analyzed the existence of a relationship between salary fluctuation and other variables, such as the teacher's employment relationship, the administrative dependency where he works, in order to better understand this variation. After selecting the variables from each of the databases, we performed a comparison of the results obtained in each year, to observe the variations over time, for example, in the “Gross Salary” of the teachers, in the proportion in terms of sex, age etc. In the case of some variables, it was necessary to reorganize the data, as they were not always standardized throughout the historical series. The frequencies of responses were calculated for the following variables: Administrative Dependency, Location, Stage of education, Gender, Age, Employment status, Education, Teaching experience and Salary. Regarding the definition of salary ranges, we tried to relate it to the minimum wage (MW). Four ranges were defined, respecting the following intervals whenever possible: Range 1 - up to 4 SM; Range 2 - from 4 to 6 SM; Band 3 - from 6 to 10 SM and Band 4 - more than 10 SM. In addition to describing and comparing the frequency of variables throughout the editions of the SAEB/Prova Brasil, the salary variable was related to the other variables in order to show more accurately the teacher's remuneration situation, for example, when differentiating the remuneration of teachers according to the administrative dependency in which they work or their employment situation. With this, it was possible to draw a more accurate profile of the situation of teachers in Brazil and in the State of São Paulo. We basically arrived at two profiles of teachers: those who earn up to 4 SM and those who earn more than 10 SM. The first consists of women between 30 and 40 years old, who work in the 1st cycle of PE, in the State network, with experience between 6 and 15 years, licensed and statutory. The second is made up of men over 40 years old, who work in the EM, in the private network, are CLT workers, licensed and have more than 20 years of experience.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Repercussões das orientações de organismos internacionais para o trabalho dos diretores de escola : um estudo comparado entre Brasil (São Paulo) e Colômbia (Manizales)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-07-26) Londono, Johanna Sanchez [UNIFESP]; Novaes, Luiz Carlos [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present study focused on the analysis of the implications of international organisms for the work done by the school principal at Brazilian and Colombian institutions. The actions of school principals are subjected to the numerous normative determinations, which many times execute a strong regulation of the work and reinforce false polarizations between ?paperwork? and ?pedagogical work?, as whether these dimensions were not, by themselves, constitutive of the subject action. In view of this, the interest of the research was to investigate how the work of the school principal in two different context (the Colombian and the Brazilian) may be impacted by orientations and determinations issued for all Latin America, and as which orientations are incorporated or appropriated locally, owing to national-specific characteristics. For analysis, were considered the documents produced under the ?Principal Project of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean?, during the period 1984 to 2001 and its continuation as ?Regional Project of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean? during the period 2002 to 2011, of the Program to Educational Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean (PRELAC), as well as the World Bank and the Economical Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL), what concerns to school management and school principals role, further on the official documents produced in the Brazilian and Colombian contexts. Moreover of the documental analysis, school principals in both countries were interviewed aiming to investigate the nature of the work accomplished by them and the perception about the influence of the legal determinations about such work. That fact allowed to analyze the type of predominant management, highlighting issues related to autonomy, rationalization and to the centralization-decentralization binomial, as well as the alignment guidelines directed to the region. For the interviews analysis we rely on the contributions of Bardin (1977) and on the documents of educational policy of the contributions of Ozga (200). To guide the discussions we worked with an ?approach of the policy cycle? for the analysis of educational policies formulated by the sociologist Stephen Ball and collaborators (Bowe; Ball; Gold, 1992; Ball, 1989, 1990, 1994, 1997, 2001). Given the narratives of Colombian and Brazilian school principals and collated with the content of the analyzed documents, the investigation found that the requirements of international organizations, influence the work of school principals, and more intense among Colombian principals, under a greater alignment of Colombia to a managerial perspective of scholar management, favored because it is a decentralized unitary state