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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Aplicativo Para Informação De Rastreabilidade Das Órteses, Próteses E Materiais Especiais.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-08-17) Nogueira, Marcela Lima [UNIFESP]; Horibe, Elaine Kawano [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) are widely used in Brazil and the high and significant values of these health expenditures attract attention from several stakeholders, who are prone to strenuous supervision to ensure good product management and traceability and avoid fraud. The lack of traceability guarantees corrupt processes and does not bring safety to the patient. Objective: to develop an application for information on the traceability of DMEPOS. Method: the application was developed using the methodology Design Thinking, which is divided into four stages: Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver. Stage 1: Discover - Desk research was carried out in the databases SciELO, Pubmed, LILACS and the search sites Google and Google Scholar. The target audience was selected, interviews were conducted. Performed "one day in life"; Stage 2: Define - the results of the Desk search were mapped, in Excel spreadsheet. Answers collected in the interviews were compiled in graphics. Processes were observed and mapped in "one day in life. The main problems were defined; Stage 3: Develop – solutions were brainstormed with users; Stage 4: Deliver - prototyping, validation and final elaboration of the tool for delivery was done. Results: Stage 1: Discover - 08 Brazilian companies that track DMEPOS were identified. 16 employees of selected Hospitals participated in the interviews. Observations in "one day in life" were mapped on a flowchart; Stage 2: Define - It was identified that 64.3% of the interviewees claimed not to have problems tracking DMEPOS. In "a day in the life" it was observed that staff keeps information on DMEPOS tracking separate from the patient’s medical record; Stage 3: Develop – characteristics of the application were defined during the brainstorming; Stage 4: Deliver - a prototype was performed for validation. After approval by potential users, the application was developed, and was made available to users. Conclusion: an application for information on the traceability of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) was developed.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)DEFI-ACCESS - Aplicativo Com Informações E Serviços De Equipes Multidisciplinares Para Pessoas Com Deficiência E Seus Familiares(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-08-17) Ribas, Cassio Roberto Urbani [UNIFESP]; Nicodemo, Denise [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: There are more smartphones in Brazil than number of inhabitants. Access to information is important, since any information can be obtained instantly, with immediate circulation, of news and services.. It is difficult to access much of the information presented on the INTERNET through analyzes, opinions are often mismatched and without any guarantee of provenance and truthfulness. Rather than grounding knowledge and assisting decision making, they eventually cause a dispersal of informational content, which can lead to conclusions and wrong decisions. Given the lack of APP for "smartphones" aimed at providing services, there is a need to create an APP, in which content, according to the professional area, inserted in the APP, which in an intuitive can access information and obtain guidance on a particular topic, problem or answers to doubts. Objective: To develop an application with information and services of multidisciplinary teams for people with disabilities and their families. Methods: An antecedent search of APP was performed in the databases: (Google and Google Scholar). For the development of APP, the Design Thinking methodology was used, which is divided in four phases: Discover / Empathy, Define, Develop / Prototype and Deliver. Test. The prototype of the APP, called DEFI-ACCESS, were produced. Results: The final APP presents all the defined functionality that was used by the Design Thinking method. Conclusion: The application was designed in WEB APP format, called DEFI-ACCESS - application for people with disabilities and their families.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Design Thinking como metodologia de aprendizagem para o Engenheiro do futuro(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-01-09) Moreira, Leonardo Rodrigues Possidonio [UNIFESP]; Dias, Marina Oliveira de Souza [UNIFESP];; dia 11 de março de 2020 foi decretado, pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), estado de pandemia mundial do vírus Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19). Com a disseminação rápida do vírus em todo mundo, muitas áreas se encontraram extremamente prejudicadas, sendo uma delas a educação. Empresas, escolas e faculdades entraram em recesso emergencial, na busca de controlar a transmissão do vírus, e para que tudo não parasse foi necessária uma mudança extrema de métodos e filosofias de trabalho, ensino e aprendizagem. Este novo cenário mundial afetou muito estudantes, profissionais e empresas, trazendo à tona o conceito de mundo BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear and Incomprehensible — Frágil, Ansioso, Não linear e Incompreensível) uma evolução do mundo VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous — Volátil, Incerto, Complexo e Ambíguo), no qual as pessoas, diante de um contexto imprevisível, precisam cada vez mais se atualizar, se reinventar e lidar com suas emoções, necessitando de competências que vão além dos conhecimentos técnicos que normalmente fazem parte da formação profissional. Nesse contexto surgiram novas propostas e ferramentas de educação, para que os estudantes se mantivessem engajados e recebendo a formação necessária para seu futuro como profissionais. Dentre estas ferramentas se destaca o Design Thinking, que cada vez mais é utilizado em empresas, startups, governos, escolas e faculdades. Esta "forma de pensar" é inovadora e se define como aplicar uma abordagem estruturada para a resolução de problemas. Neste trabalho de conclusão de curso (TCC) foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre a abordagem do Design Thinking como metodologia de aprendizagem para o Engenheiro do futuro, por meio da apresentação de trabalhos acadêmicos que aplicaram com sucesso o Design Thinking na educação, além da própria vivência do estudante com a metodologia, tanto na graduação, como profissionalmente na área da educação. Os trabalhos mostram que o Design Thinking contribui para que o engenheiro, em sua vida acadêmica e profissional, desenvolva competências necessárias para lidar com o mundo pós pandemia, que contém diversos desafios e requer do profissional uma aprendizagem ativa e constante por toda vida, sabendo lidar emocionalmente e tecnicamente com as dificuldades do atual momento, podendo através do Design Thinking resolver e até prever possíveis problemas.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Design Thinking na tomada de decisões no contexto da segurança dos alimentos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2024-04-02) Ferreira, Ingrid Campos Miguez [UNIFESP]; Stedefeldt, Elke [UNIFESP]; Zanin, Laís Mariano [UNIFESP];;; Esta pesquisa se propôs a avaliar a aplicação do método Design Thinking (DT) nos processos de tomada de decisões no contexto da segurança dos alimentos (SA). Métodos: Foram comparados dois estudos que empregaram o DT no âmbito da SA: o primeiro no contexto da Análise de Impacto Regulatório (AIR) com o intuito de fortalecer a identificação das necessidades reais dos envolvidos na Lei brasileira sobre a doação de alimentos, nº 14.016/2020, abrangendo as fases de construção da AIR e suas ações propostas por meio da incorporação da empatia e planejamento colaborativo; no segundo foi proposto o uso do DT na transformação proativa da Cultura de Segurança dos Alimentos (CSA) em serviços de alimentação, visando auxiliar os gestores de qualidade na resolução de problemas relacionados à SA. Resultados: O método utilizado, DT baseado na tomada de decisão, permitiu a análise detalhada das alternativas regulatórias para doação de alimentos com segurança sanitária. A trajetória, realizada de forma compartilhada entre o setor regulatório, o setor regulado e beneficiário, foi a base para o relatório de AIR do órgão regulador. A opção regulatória escolhida foi a não-normativa: recomendações, que tem como instrumento, o Guia para doação de alimentos com segurança sanitária. Em relação à CSA, a aplicação do DT afetou diversos elementos, como conhecimento, comprometimento e sistemas de gestão, estilos e processos, mas não provocou uma mudança significativa na CSA predominante. A evolução da CSA é complexa, envolvendo a modificação de comportamentos e a participação de vários agentes. O DT parece ter um impacto mais expressivo no ambiente de trabalho em equipe, mas são necessárias pesquisas adicionais para avaliar sua eficácia na transformação da CSA. Conclusões: A aplicação do DT nos processos de tomada de decisões demonstrou ser um método valioso na busca por soluções eficazes, sobretudo no contexto da SA. Embora as evidências empíricas nesse campo sejam limitadas, o DT tem se destacado na resolução de problemas específicos e na obtenção de resultados concretos. Sua aplicação tem potencial para impulsionar a transformação proativa da CSA, contanto que se continue a investigação e aprimoramento de sua eficácia no contexto específico da SA.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Kryptotag: Etiqueta Baseada No Protocolo Blockchain Ethereum Para Órteses, Próteses E Materiais Especiais (Opme).(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-07-26) Fonseca Junior, Andre Luiz Torres Da [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Lydia Masako [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction:. OPMEs have been singled out as items that increasingly compromise health care costs and are sometimes among the most expensive materials. Through supply chain management is known the cost containment, and because its unique features and because its homogeneous, decentralized and interconnected platform characteristics offered, Blockchain emerges as a natural solution for supply chain management. Objective: Develop a label based on the Blockchain Ethereum protocol for OPME. Methods: An antecedent search was performed in the databases: (LILACS, Medline, SciELO, Teses USP, Google and Google Scholar). For the development of the system, the methodology was used Design Thinking, which is divided into four phases: Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver. In the Discover phase, interviews were conducted and the Desk survey was produced; in the Define phase, the main functionalities of the system were determined; in the Developing phase, brainstorming sessions were held; and in the Deliver phase, the prototype and the final version of the service were produced. Results: From the Desk survey in the databases, articles for this research were found describing traceability services in supply chain management and articles reporting on Blockchain and Ethereum . No studies were found demonstrating its application. From the interviews and research Desk of the Discover phase, the functionalities and characteristics of the system were defined. The key is the need for an online service using Blockchain Ethereum technology to provide confidence to the relevant information in the OPME value chain. The prototype was developed and improved. The final system features all the functionality defined through Design Thinking Conclusion:. The label based on the Blockchain Ethereum protocol for OPME was designed.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Melhorias No Atendimento Em Clínica Privada De Cirurgia Plástica, Com Foco No Paciente(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-07-26) Coronel, Eugenio Alfonso Sempertegui [UNIFESP]; Gomes, Heitor Francisco De Carvalho [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Medical textbooks, in general, neglect a very important aspect: the administration of a private clinic. That happens, in part, due to limitations in scoppus and ambition, and in another, by lack of official information on the subject. After years of professional training, many surgeons find themselves under capacitated, not only to deal with the daily commercial matters of the practice in their own clinics, but also, with their patients satisfaction. So, they do not become well succeeded. A constant and continuous ambition, in order to achieve excellence in business and marketing, should be a main part in all Plastic Surgery practice. Objetive: To improve the care in a established private Plastic Surgery clinic, with focus on the patient. Methods: The initial fases of the Design Thinking were used: Immersion and Ideation. After literature revision about management of business and surgical clinics, questionaries of the “Hero“ patients and of the clinic’s Staff were elaborated. Brainstorming meetings followe. Results: Many improvement suggestions were obtained, by means of the Design Thinking method, some of them were immediately incorporated. Conclusion: The Design Thinking, that foccus on patients’ experiences, allows the improvement in the care in a established private Plastic Surgery clinic.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Oncode: um web app para pacientes oncológicos, para facilitar o gerenciamento e acesso de sua própria história médica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-11-26) Solano Junior, Paulo Eduardo Krauterbluth [UNIFESP]; Horibe, Elaine Kawano [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction: The number of cancer patients is increasing, they may have a vast and complex medical history, which makes it difficult to store, manage and access this information. Objective: To develop and validate the ONCODE WebApp where cancer patients can store, manage and access information about their medical history. Method: The Design Thinking methodology was used, which is divided into four phases: Phase 1 - Discovery: Desk research was carried out through review of literature and existing technologies, interviews with selected patients. Phase 2 - Define: data from phase 1 were analyzed to define the ONCODE format; Phase 3 - Develop: Brainstorming sessions were held among researcher, co-supervisor, advisor and program developer. Phase 4 - Deliver: The prototyping was carried out and the prototype was evaluated by the patients. Results: Phase 1 - Discovery: Through Desk research and review of literature and existing technologies, the current panorama of Personal Health Records was defined. Interviews conducted with cancer patients uncovered their difficulties. Phase 2 - Define: data from phase 1 were analyzed to define the difficulties faced by cancer patients in storing, managing and accessing their medical history. Phase 3 - Develop: The ONCODE prototype was developed. Phase 4 - Deliver: The ONCODE prototype was delivered, a responsive Web App that cancer patients can use to store, manage and access their medical history information. Conclusion: The Web App ONCODE was developed, a digital solution for cancer patients to facilitate management and access to their own medical history.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Priori - Aplicativo De Gestão De Filas De Pacientes Para Cirurgia Plástica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-02-15) Guimaraes, Guilherme De Castro Greco [UNIFESP]; Gomes, Heitor Francisco De Carvalho [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: In the Brazilian Health System - SUS, patients are treated in poorly structured institutions that doesn’t meet their psychosocial needs and health demands. They often have to wait in long queues and wait for elective surgeries , with no method of determining priorities and flow sequence for surgeries of these patients. Objective: Develop a patient management application for elective plastic surgery patients from Júlia Kubistchek Hospital (HJK). Method: For the development of the application, the methodology was used Design Thinking, which is divided into four phases: Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver. In the "Discover" phase, interviews and research desk were done; in the "Define" phase, queue priorities were determined; in the "Develop" phase, brainstorming sessions were held; and in the "Deliver" phase, the algorithm and application functionalities were developed. Results: A database was created and a priority algorithm to allocate patients, obeying the criteria of Brazilian legislation and the evidence obtained through Design Thinking. Developed an application for the desired functionality in collaboration with a technology company. Conclusion: PRIORI, an application to manage patient queues awaiting elective plastic surgeries in HJK, was developed.