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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Cartografia Participativa: uma estratégia de aproximação de outros atores na gestão de resíduos secos no distrito Cachoeirinha/SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023) Lima, Nunes de Souza [UNIFESP]; Smith, Pedro Cardoso; Semensatto Junior, Décio Luis [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This article brings an association between Participatory Cartography and Entities/Services, which work in the Management of Dry Waste (Recyclables) within a spatial section of the territory, having its approach in the school context. Participatory Cartography, also known as Social Cartography, in addition to contributing to traditional models, presents new perspectives on the various issues in cities, breaking paradigms about the use and elaboration of these materials, representing a social role in society, seeking to encourage citizens produce their own maps, with the aim of identifying their problems, weaknesses, potentialities and thereby empowering and developing the individual's desire to act and transform their territory. This work aims to present this tool as a way of approaching and involving the actors involved with waste, as well as an attempt to raise awareness and rethink the amount of waste we produce and the impact generated by the lack of separation of dry waste (recyclable) and waste. organic. The materialization of this proposal takes place through the creation of a map constructed collectively using technology (cell phone), addressing the problem in workshops in schools and the importance of seeing alternatives that enable the reduction of waste sent to landfills, making the student the protagonist, belonging to the problem and the territory. With this, treating the issue in schools as something more comprehensive and decentralized, looking at Cooperatives, Non-Governmental Organizations-NGOs, collectors, recycling bins, among other alternatives as partners. Stimulating behavior change goes beyond Environmental Education, social participation within environmental education is a challenge, as it requires articulation between different entities with different interests and desires, yet these interactions are necessary. Waste Management is a challenge for cities, it requires increasing participation and attention from civil society, public authorities and the private sector in the development of feasible strategies, as well as ways to sensitize and make everyone involved aware of the importance of the individual role. Thinking about its approach within a context, EMEF Prof. Gilberto Dupas works with students in elementary school I and II, grades where the environment theme is a frequent topic in the curriculum.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Cooperativismo, crédito e economia solidária na Central Única dos Trabalhadores (1983-2006)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-02-26) Nadotti, Vanessa Xavier [UNIFESP]; Jorge, Janes [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The purpose of this work is to study the role of credit and cooperatives in the structuring of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (Unified Workers' Central) during the period from 1983 to 2006. Cooperatives and credit are ideal within the CUT linked to the concept of Solidarity Economy. The research identified that from 1983 to the mid-1990s the trade union agenda focused on defensive and claiming strategies with strikes and deadlocks at the heart of the political struggle. We begin to elaborate and press for credit policies and cooperatives when we see in these the ideal alternative to unemployment and the growth of informality in the world of work. At that moment, with the exhaustion of the strike strategy, the CUT begins to formulate propositional policies. The creation of the Solidarity Development Agency (ADS) is the result of this new orientation of the trade union agenda. It represents a milestone in the course of the new union elaborations that sought at one and the same time to preserve one's own existence in a framework of unemployment and a growing sector of informality, and also to appease the ills provoked by this scenario, proposing a new model of development based essentially on the coming conceptualization solidarity economy. Under the principles of self-management, solidarity and democracy, they developed within the ADS a program to train workers and initiate them in the practice of cooperativism and struggle for credit. Our hypothesis is that this training process also served to link the cooperative to the union in a way that would guarantee its continuity and importance as one of the largest trade union centrals in the country. Since 2002, in the first year of the management of the Workers' Party, a specific government sector for the Solidarity Economy has been officially established, which reconfigures the financing policies of joint ventures. In this new political framework, the CUT sees its proposals reach the level of public policies, endorsing once and for all the tactic of encouraging a national network of credit cooperatives. Increasing the number of cooperatives would increase, therefore, the power of contribution and of its union base. It is a central hypothesis that the clashes, consensus and speeches formulated in this process produced a set of practices that pointed to the expansion of credit as a promoter of citizenship. While the expansion of the cooperative made possible by this, it has the capacity to signify both citizenship and interests that serve the business and employers sector that is free of employment links.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Das artes tradicionais à economia criativa: a pintura indígena da Austrália e sua inserção no sistema das artes(Unisinos, 2017) Goldstein, Ilana Seltzer [UNIFESP]; economia contemporânea, marcada por uma intensa globalização e pelas novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, tem assistido a um incrível aumento da competitividade. Foi nesse cenário que os valores intangíveis e os significados culturais agregados aos produtos se tornaram tão ou mais importantes que sua funcionalidade. Particularmente nos setores que compõem a chamada economia criativa, como o design, as artes visuais, a música, a moda, a gastronomia, etc., os bens e serviços passaram a se destacar por sua singularidade e por terem, simultaneamente, valor econômico e valor simbólico. Tendo esse cenário como pano de fundo, o presente texto apresenta um estudo de caso ancorado na Austrália, que revela como o segmento da arte indígena se tornou parte da economia criativa naquele país, possibilitando uma ocupação culturalmente significativa e economicamente viável para comunidades tradicionais em situações de contato. Por fim, sugere-se a relevância de abordagens interdisciplinares para a análise de práticas artístico-culturais.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Determinação de cádmio, crômio e mercúrio por espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X em cooperativas de reciclagem da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2015-05-15) Vieira, Willian de Oliveira Novais [UNIFESP]; Assunção, Nilson Antonio de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Throughout history humans have been exposed to various elements present in nature and substances derived from their activities, with the technological advances and the possibility of electronic purchase this exhibition became pronounced, especially in recycling cooperatives where the amount of such equipment It is high. For lack of information handling them inappropriately collectors materials and also do not use the proper protective equipment which enhances exposure to toxic waste. The amount, the route and the exposure period are decisive factors in determining the risk that each element is to the health of workers and can cause acute or chronic poisoning. We evaluated the concentration of metals: cadmium, chromium and mercury in 18 recycling cooperatives in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. These elements were chosen because of their impact on the environment; particularly industrialized regions like the city of Diadema and present a major risk to human health. Analyses were carried out in partnership with the GEA Institute - Ethics and Environment, and the elements were determined by fluorescence spectrometry X-rays, using portable instrument. The metals were determined in soils, workspaces and public contact sites in cooperatives, and their concentrations ranged from 7 ± 1-5706 ± 811 (ppm). In some analyzes it was observed standard deviations above average, suggesting occasional contamination. In general, the concentrations of metals in the samples are above the levels permitted or recommended by national and international standards, and in some cases, there are differences between the regulatory agencies as the maximum tolerable limits, but there is agreement on the potential risk exposure the metals poses to human health and the environment.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Experiência da vida de cooperativa: reflexões psicossociais sobre interações solidárias(Daniel Maidana, 2020-10-17) Esteves, Egeu Gómez [UNIFESP]; Andrada, Cris Fernández; Svartman, Bernardo Parodi; artigo recorda a experiência dos autores como membros de uma cooperativa de trabalho com objetivo de contribuir para a reflexão sobre aspectos das interações solidárias neste contexto. Realizamos um exame retrospectivo por meio do diálogo entre as memórias do fenômeno da autogestão por quem o viveu cotidianamente. A análise das lembranças mais significativas da participação nas atividades da Verso Cooperativa amparou a reflexão sobre a experiência de solidariedade nas relações de trabalho. Conforme discutiremos, as interações solidárias tornam-se solo fértil para o incremento da criatividade nas experiências de trabalho pois aproximam os espaços de trabalho e o das experiências comunitárias dentro e fora do espaço laboral. Este texto também vale, em alguma medida, como uma contribuição para pesquisas sobre a história da Economia Solidária no Brasil, na perspectiva de seus participantes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A importância do e-commerce na sobrevivência e na sustentabilidade da Coopergran(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-02-10) Andrade, Paulo Felipe [UNIFESP]; Venturini, Fabio Cesar [UNIFESP]; Motta, Antônio Carlos C Roxo [UNIFESP];;; estudo contempla uma análise de estudo de caso do uso do E-commerce pela Coopergran, uma Cooperativa de Consumo fundada em 1959 no Município de Osasco, na grande São Paulo, pelos funcionários da empresa COBRASMA, utilizando os dados fornecidos pela Cooperativa para avaliar a importância deste canal de vendas para a Cooperativa na atualidade. O trabalho apresenta uma abordagem histórica sobre o desenvolvimento do Cooperativismo no mundo, explica o que são as cooperativas e conta a história da Coopergran. O estudo apresenta também as principais características do comércio eletrônico e sua evolução ao longo do período dos últimos anos no Brasil. O foco central do estudo é a importância do comércio eletrônico para a sobrevivência da Coopergran nos dias atuais.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Panorama geral da reciclagem de vidro no Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-12-06) Pacheco, Rodrigo de Novaes [UNIFESP]; Trichês, Eliandra de Sousa; trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um levantamento de dados sobre a reciclagem de vidro embalagem no Brasil, também um panorama geral de vidro plano. O trabalho irá apresentar os fundamentos da reciclagem do vidro e seus aspectos econômicos e sociais, além do trabalho das cooperativas e seu papel na reciclagem. Atualmente, a sustentabilidade é um tema amplamente discutido, devido à escassez dos recursos naturais somado à poluição, nesse aspecto o vidro, como material que pode ser reciclado em sua totalidade, tem um papel fundamental para o assunto.