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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAmbulatório De Idosos Cuidadores De Idosos: A Percepção Dos Pacientes Sobre Um Serviço Especializado(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-11-30) Fiuza, Alessandra Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Lemos, Naira De Fatima Dutra [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objectives: To evaluate the impact of specialized care on caregivers, patients' satisfaction with the care provided at the ambultaory and their perception of health and quality of life, using an instrument constructed by the researcher according to Donabedian's (1978) evaluation criteria. Methods: The study was descriptive and the data were submitted to statistical analysis using R Core Team software (2016). To carry out the study, a questionnaire composed of: identification data (sex, age, follow-up time, kinship with patient care) and eight closed questions of multiple choices were divided into 2 thematic axes (quality of life and health - Q1 to Q4 and The study was carried out with a sample of convenience patients, selected from the caregiver outpatient clinic of the Discipline of Geriatrics and Gerontology of UNIFESP, in which all patients who met the inclusion criteria were invited to participate. A total of 48 interviewees, the majority of whom are women (85.42%) and children of the care patients (62.5%), mean age is 68 years, with a minimum age of 56 and a maximum of 91 years. average follow-up in the outpatient clinic is 3.5 years, with a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years. Regarding health and quality of life, most caregivers indicated that the outpatient life as a caregiver, as well as their quality of life, their health and the treatment for their health. In the proportion test, p was statistically significant (p <0.001) for questions Q1 to Q4 when grouped into the "best" or "at most unchanged" categories. Regarding questions Q5 to Q8, related to the service provided at the outpatient clinic, most considered the variables very satisfied or satisfied for all issues presented. Conclusion: The results showed that the intervention proposed in the ambulatory care, with care focused on the caregiver, with professionals specialized in geriatrics and gerontology, had a positive impact on caregivers and was very well evaluated by them. In this way, the disclosure of these data can stimulate the expansion of this type of service for other services.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosCaregiver contribution to Heart Failure Self- Care – versão brasileira: adaptação transcultural e validação de conteúdo e de face(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-04-30) Grisante, Daiane Lopes [UNIFESP]; Lopes, Camila Takao [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction: Patients with heart failure (HF) commonly rely on the support of informal caregivers for self-care. It is relevant that their contributions are measured through reliable and valid instruments. The Caregiver Contribution to Heart Failure Self-Care (CACHS) was developed in Canada, in order to measure the caregivers' contributions to self-care patients with HF, with adequate psychometric properties in the country of origin. Objective: To adapt CACHS into Brazilian Portuguese and to estimate the content and face validity of the adapted version. Method: A psychometric study of cross-cultural adaptation, content and face validation of CACHS, initiated upon authors´ permission, by following the phases: 1) Two English-Portuguese translations (T1 and T2); 2) Synthesis by a third Brazilian translator - version T12; 3) Two T12 back-translations (BT1 and BT2); 4) Review of BT1 and BT2 for conceptual consistency by the authors of the instrument; 5) Iterative review of all phases based on the authors' opinions; 6) Review by an expert committee: 6.1) Semantic, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual equivalences (-1: not equivalent, 0: undecided and 1: equivalent). Agreement was considered to be ≥80%. 6.2.) Clarity, theoretical relevance and practical relevance (1: no, 2: little, 3: quite; 4: very clear relevant/pertinent). Content validity coefficients (CVC)≥0.80 were considered acceptable. 7) Cognitive testing: Evaluation of the understanding of the items and the aesthetic aspect of the instrument by 46 caregivers. 8) Review of the aspects suggested by caregivers and a new test with six caregivers. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Protocol 2.935.525) Results: Phase 1) T1 and T2 had discrepancies related to the use of synonyms, a literal or interpretive approach and regarding the translation of the item “I call to make an appointment with a nurse or doctor”, because the lay translator was unaware of nursing appointments. Phase 2) In the T12 version, the more literal translation was preferred. Phases 3 to 5) The authors considered that BT1 and BT2 kept a conceptual consistency with the original version, therefore, there was no need for a new revision of the translations. Phase 6) In the first round, four items had a 75% agreement on semantic equivalence, seven items had a 62.5% to 75% agreement on idiomatic equivalence and one item had a 75% agreement on cultural equivalence. In the second round, all items reached 100% agreement, except for the item "I encourage him/her to get some exercise every day”", which had a 75% agreement on the equivalent conceptual. The CVCs in the first and second rounds were 0.80 to 0.90. Phase 7) The caregivers requested explanations about three items, which were reformulated. The font size was increased. Phase 8) All caregivers understood the reformulated version of CACHS, named “Caregiver Contribution to Heart Failure Self-Care – Versão Brasileira”. Conclusion: CACHS was adapted into the Brazilian culture, with adequate evidences of content and face validity. Further psychometric testing of this version is needed enable the accurate measurement of the CG contributions to HF self-care in Brazil.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Cuidando do paciente com Alzheimer: o impacto da doença no cuidador(Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.Associação Paulista de Saúde Pública., 2006-12-01) Lemos, Naira Dutra [UNIFESP]; Gazzola, Juliana Maria [UNIFESP]; Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the subjective impact of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) on the lives of the primary family caregivers of patients suffering from said disease. METHOD: A cross analysis has been carried out among 29 caregivers of patients assisted. The used tools were the CBS, and a questionnaire to carry on a social survey on the caregivers and a formulary to perform an analysis on profile of the patient. Simple descriptive statistics, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (r), T Test for independent samples and ANOVA were performed, followed by the Bonferroni method, a d 0.05. RESULTS: Most of caregivers were women (89.7%) average age 58, 55.2% elderly's children, 27.6% couples, most of them having studied for over 8 years (55.2%), and 86.2% living with the elderly. The global average impact score on the subjective impact calculated by the CBS was 2.18. The total score average of the CBS is higher in caregivers of bed-restricted patients (p=0.020). Caregivers with a lower educational level had a higher total score in the CBS (p=0.039). CONCLUSIONS: The subjective impact of AD in the caregiver was deemed significant and subject to various factors, such as caregiver educational level and patient dependency level.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Dementia caregiver burden: reliability of the Brazilian version of the Zarit caregiver burden interview(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2004-04-01) Taub, Anita [UNIFESP]; Andreoli, Sergio Baxter [UNIFESP]; Bertolucci, Paulo Henrique Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The object of this article is to examine the reliability of the Brazilian version of the Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview (ZBI). The instrument is a 22-item scale assessing the extent to which caregivers view their responsibilities as having an adverse impact on their social life, health, emotional well-being, and finances. We assessed 50 primary informal caregivers of demented patients coming from 3 different health care centers, using the test-retest method. Analysis of the results showed an intraclass reliability coefficient of 0.88, while Cronbach's coefficient alpha was 0.77 for the test and 0.80 for the retest items. The Brazilian version of ZBI shows sufficient reliability, comparable to the original version.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA família frente a realidade do idoso em morar sozinho(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-11-25) Perseguino, Marcelo Geovane [UNIFESP]; Horta, Ana Lucia de Moraes Horta [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)O crescimento da população idosa no Brasil é acompanhado pela realidade da pessoa idosa em morar sozinha. Este contingente já corresponde a uma parcela significativa da população de idosos e apresenta um acelerado crescimento, levando o Estado e família a repensarem a questão do cuidado a esta população. Objetivo: Compreender a dinâmica familiar frente a realidade do idoso em morar sozinho. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de campo, com abordagem qualitativa tendo como referencial teórico o Interacionismo Simbólico. Os dados foram coletados entre novembro de 2014 a março de 2015, por meio de entrevistas que tiveram a seguinte questão norteadora: Como vocês convivem com a realidade de ter um idoso na família que mora sozinho? Participaram do estudo quatro famílias. Os dados, devidamente transcritos pelo autor foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo, tendo como base a análise temática ou categorial. Resultados: Após a análise das entrevistas os dados foram organizados segundo o método de análise proposto, dando origem as seguintes categorias: A família se organizando ao processo de morar sozinho após os 80 anos; A família respeitando as suas tomadas de decisão; A família vivenciando a liberdade do morar sozinho; Discussão: Neste estudo pode-se identificar que a possibilidade de morar sozinho é facilitada pelo preparo da família durante seu ciclo vital familiar. O morar sozinho teve início a pós a viuvez e afastamento dos filhos pelo casamento, onde inicialmente a pessoa idosa é acolhida temporariamente pelos familiares em suas residências durante o processo inicial de luto. Após o retorno da pessoa idosa para a sua residência as famílias elegem um membro como o cuidador familiar para a pessoa idosa. A aproximação do filho cuidador e o afastamento dos demais familiares foi um fato presente em todas as famílias entrevistadas. A família se preocupa com o risco de violência e acidentes que podem ocorrer com a pessoa idosa morando sozinha e reconhecem a necessidade, da pessoa idosa morar com os familiares, mas respeitam a decisão da pessoa idosa em morar sozinha, e criam estratégias para a sua manutenção. A manutenção e reconhecimento das capacidades de independência e autonomia da pessoa idosa são descritos pelas famílias e utilizados como fatores importantes na manutenção do morar sozinho. A possibilidade de morar com os filhos se mostra a principal estratégia das famílias nos casos de dependência. Morar sozinho e poder ter seus familiares próximos traz a sensação de liberdade para a pessoa idosa e família. Tanto familiares quanto a pessoa idosa reconhecem as dificuldades, sobrecargas e riscos apresentados pelo processo de envelhecimento, mas justificam a possibilidade do morar sozinho pela presença da proximidade da família. Considerações finais: Frente a realidade discutida, a enfermagem, como ciência responsável pela elaboração de estratégias de cuidado, deve trabalhar junto ás famílias, auxiliando no planejamento de planos assistenciais baseados na realidade social familiar individual.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Ganho de peso após transplante renal em pacientes pediátricos: há influência do estado nutricional do cuidador?(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-07-16) Fidalgo, Renata Lucats [UNIFESP]; Nogueira, Paulo Cesar Koch [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Aline Maria Luiz [UNIFESP]; Pestana, José Osmar Medina [UNIFESP];;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective - The frequency of obesity in children has increased worldwide and the obesogenic environment is one of the factors suggested to explain this phenomenon. Children with chronic kidney disease have malnutrition, but after kidney transplantation (RTx) there is a significant gain in body mass. The aim of the present study is to test the existence of an association between caregiver overweight and pediatric patients weight gain in the first six months after RTx. Methods - Retrospective cohort study of a sample of children undergoing TxR from 2003 to 2017, including data up to 6 months after TxR in the ranges: M0 (closest to TxR), M3 (3rd month post TXR) and M6 (6th month post TXR). Receiver weight gain was the outcome variable and the caregiver's nutritional classification was considered as the exposure variable (binary variable representing presence or absence of caregiver overweight). Results - 96/299 (32%) of caregivers were not overweight (GI), while 203/299 (68%) were (GII). In M0, children from GII presented significantly higher BMI / I Z scores than children from GI (-0.26 ± 1.36 versus -0.63 ± 1.59, p = 0.039). The delta Z BMI score was not statistically different between groups, with GI = 0.6 (-0.1 - 1.2) and GII = 0.6 (0.1 - 1.1) respectively, p = 0.517. In the repeated measures analysis it was observed in the complete sample, statistically significant weight gain over time, but without difference between the groups. Conclusion - There is body mass gain in pediatric patients in the first 6 months after RTx. The obesogenic environment, represented by the caregiver's BMI, did not seem to play an important role in short-term mass gain. However, patients who have overweight caregivers have had a higher body mass transplantation, suggesting the influence of environmental factors on the body mass of children before transplantation.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Perfil de saúde de mães-cuidadoras de filhos com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-07-31) Nozoe, Karen Tieme [UNIFESP]; Andersen, Monica Levy [UNIFESP]; Moreira, Gustavo Antônio [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A tarefa de cuidador pode exercer diversos efeitos sobre a sua saúde física e psicológica. No entanto, o tipo de comprometimento, bem como a gravidade da doença e a fase de surgimento dependem de diversos aspectos relacionados ao próprio cuidador quanto àqueles relacionados com o paciente. Destaca-se o papel do cuidador de pacientes com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD), que em geral é a sua própria mãe, uma vez que a doença se inicia na infância. A DMD é uma doença de caráter genético com alta mortalidade em humanos. Esta doença afeta principalmente indivíduos do sexo masculino, com incidência de 1 a cada 3.500 nascimentos vivos. As principais consequências desta doença incluem a progressiva inabilidade de deambular, prejuízo do sistema respiratório e cardíaco. Assim, compromete de maneira significativa a sua qualidade de vida e principalmente a sua independência. Por este motivo, é indispensável a presença de um cuidador, em especial a sua mãe. Esta mãecuidadora passa a se dedicar integralmente ao seu filho, podendo se tornar sobrecarregada de trabalho físico e emocional. No presente estudo foi analisado o perfil de saúde de 35 mães-cuidadoras de filho com DMD (grupo caso) e 35 mães de filhos saudáveis sem nenhuma doença neuromuscular ou crônica (grupo controle), sendo todas avaliadas em relação aos seguintes parâmetros: ansiedade, depressão, fadiga, estresse, sonolência, qualidade de sono, dor, sexualidade, qualidade de vida, padrão de sono, imunológico, hematológico e bioquímico. Também foi avaliado se existe algum efeito potencializador do fato da mãe-cuidadora ser portadora do gene associado com a DMD. Ressalta que nem todas as mães de filhos com DMD são portadoras, uma vez que 1/3 desses casos são decorrentes de mutação. No presente estudo foram observadas as seguintes alterações significativas nas mães-cuidadoras independentes de serem portadoras: aumento nos níveis de ansiedade, fadiga, estresse, redução na qualidade de vida, além de disfunção sexual, prejuízo na qualidade subjetiva de sono e aumento na latência para início do sono, do estágio N3 do sono e das concentrações de cortisol, xx mioglobina e creatina quinase. Já nas mães-cuidadoras portadoras foi observado: redução da eficiência de sono e do estágio N2 do sono, aumento da latência para o início do sono, do tempo de vigília e do índice de hipopneia e do índice de hipopneia durante o sono REM e das concentrações de mioglobina e creatina quinase. Nas mães-cuidadoras não portadoras foi observado apenas aumento da concentração de creatinina. Dessa forma, nossos resultados demonstram que há um comprometimento marcante na saúde da mãe-cuidadora de filho com DMD, independente da mãe ser portadora ou não da doença, demonstrando que por si só a tarefa de cuidador exerce prejuízos na sua saúde. Ainda, a associação de portadora da doença com a tarefa de cuidadora pode comprometer alguns aspectos, em especial o sono. Os fatores relacionados com alto nível de estresse na mãe-cuidadora foi tanto em relação a aspecto com a própria mãe-cuidadora, como o alto índice de massa corpórea (IMC), quanto com fator pertinente ao filho, como o uso de suporte ventilatório não-invasivo (NIV). Já o alto nível de ansiedade, fadiga e disfunção sexual na mãe-cuidadora estava relacionado apenas com aspecto da própria mãe, como o IMC, portadora e índice de apneia e hipopneia (IAH) e queixa de sono, respectivamente. Já o prejuízo de sono na mãe-cuidadora foi relacionado com o fator do filho, como o tempo de uso de NIV. Em conjunto, esses resultados demonstram que mãe-cuidadora de filho com DMD apresenta comprometimento e que a equipe multidisciplinar de saúde precisa dar maior atenção à saúde física e emocional do cuidador, além do próprio paciente. Além disso, que a avaliação e a orientação deve ser individual, pois os desfechos e a gravidade dependem de inúmeros aspectos relacionados ao paciente e ao próprio cuidador.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosProdução de vida e cotidiano: a construção da identidade profissional dos acompanhantes de SRT(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-02-04) Tulio, Rosy Hellen Mattos Costa De [UNIFESP]; Kinker, Fernando Sfair [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThis research aims to understand the relationships built in the daily life of an srt, articulating and problematizing knowledge, having as its guiding axis the daily life and housing, seeking to name, through the location of nuclei of meaning, the effects produced in the work environment. The professionals of the therapeutic residential service, and more precisely in the srt Santo Amaro i, located in the city of São Paulo / SP, in the Santo Amaro region, understanding that such theory / practice approach promotes the qualification of work and workers. We opted for an intervention research, using as methodological resources: reflective interview, two workshops, a focus group, a field diary produced by the researcher and finally a guiding instrument of practices, called the book of experience, which was built from research participants collectively: the 8 community companions who support the residents daily and 1 nursing technician. It is a collective record about the effects produced in the daily work, being revisited over the months in which the research took place. During the workshops and in the focus group, reflection-triggering activities were developed, encouraging professionals who accompany residents to reflect on their practices. We found a great need on the part of these professionals to put themselves to produce knowledge in spaces where oral communication was more possible, and we identified difficulties in the use of graphic resources to express their opinions and feelings. The analysis of the results was made by identifying nuclei of senses, separated by themes that were discussed and problematized, articulating the bibliographic review the practice experienced in the research. This research results in the finding of the need and emergence of building a place for srt workers. The most discussed issues were: professional recognition, and the meaning of the work. It was possible to observe changes in the automated roles of these workers, the awareness of their importance for srt residents' production of life, as well as the appropriation of their supporting role within the brazilian psychiatric reform. In addition, this study contributed to the production of knowledge and research in the field of mental health.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSleep pattern and spectral analysis of caregiver-mothers of sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and an examination of differences between carriers and non-carriers(Elsevier Science Bv, 2017) Nozoe, Karen Tieme [UNIFESP]; Kim, Lenise Jihe [UNIFESP]; Polesel, Daniel Ninello [UNIFESP]; Hirotsu, Camila [UNIFESP]; de Souza, Altay Lino [UNIFESP]; Hachul, Helena [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio Brasil [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Andersen, Monica Levy [UNIFESP]; Moreira, Gustavo Antonio [UNIFESP]Objectives: Sleep is essential for physical and mental well-being. However, poor sleep is a common complaint among caregivers. The aim of the present study was to determine sleep patterns of caregiver-mothers (CM group) of sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and also to examine the differences between non-carriers and carriers of the gene related to DMD within the CM group. Methods: Observational case-control study. Participants: The CM and control (CTRL) groups were matched for age, body mass index and social class. Polysomnography was conducted in a sleep laboratory for one night. The discrete fast Fourier transformation method was used to calculate the electroencephalogram (EEG) power spectrum for the entire night and sleep stages. Results: The CM group presented higher sleep latency and N3 sleep stage compared with the CTRL. When carrier and non-carrier CM subgroups were analyzed, increased sleep latency and time awake, as well as reduced sleep efficiency and N2, were observed in the carrier group. Regarding respiratory parameters, carriers demonstrated higher hypopnea index values compared with non-carriers. Spectral analysis showed that carriers compared with non-carrier DMD caregiver-mothers presented lower spectral power in fast waves, mainly beta, during REM sleep in some EEG derivations. Conclusions: There was an impairment of sleep pattern in the CM group compared with CTRL mothers
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Sleep quality of mother-caregivers of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients(Springer Heidelberg, 2016) Nozoe, Karen T. [UNIFESP]; Polesel, Daniel N. [UNIFESP]; Moreira, Gustavo A. [UNIFESP]; Pires, Gabriel N. [UNIFESP]; Akamine, Ricardo T. [UNIFESP]; Tufik, Sergio [UNIFESP]; Andersen, Monica L. [UNIFESP]Background Sleep disturbance is a common problem for caregivers. In general, patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) use noninvasive ventilation to maintain quality of life and improve survival. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the sleep quality of caregiver-mothers of sons with DMD and factors that are associated with their sleep quality. Methods We evaluated 32 caregiver-mothers of sons with DMD and 32 mothers of sons without any neuromuscular or chronic disease (control-CTRL group). The evaluation of quality of sleep was made using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results Caregiver-mothers had poor sleep quality, specifically longer sleep latency and reduced sleep efficiency. The impaired sleep quality of the caregiver-mothers was associated with the length of time of noninvasive ventilation used by their sons. Conclusions Our results suggest that caregiver-mothers of sons with DMD have poor quality of sleep, and the length of use of noninvasive ventilation of their sons is associated with better sleep of caregiver-mothers.