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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Adesão ao tratamento para tuberculose: uma etnografia no Instituto Clemente Ferreira - São Paulo/SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-09-18) Posses, Isabela Pellacani Pereira das [UNIFESP]; Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes [UNIFESP]; Matsue, Regina Yoshie [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esta dissertação visa compreender a adesão ao tratamento da tuberculose sob o ponto de vista dos pacientes e profissionais de saúde por meio de uma aproximação etnográfica em um ambulatório de atenção terciária à pessoas com tuberculose da cidade de São Paulo/SP, o Instituto Clemente Ferreira. A pesquisa de campo desenvolveu-se de junho a dezembro de 2014 e foram utilizadas as técnicas da observação participante e entrevistas. O material empírico foi interpretado pela perspectiva das ciências socias aplicadas à saúde. Os resultados deste trabalho nos possibilitou compreender um pouco da concepção de doença que os pacientes possuem, qual o impacto que a tuberculose causa no cotidiano deles, como lidam com a necessidade de realizar um tratamento, quais elementos incentivam ou impedem a adesão ao tratamento e ainda como os profissionais de saúde dessa instituição prestam assistência a esses pacientes e suas atitudes e percepções sobre aqueles pacientes que descontinuam o tratamento. Destaca-se que o processo de adesão não diz respeito apenas a ingestão diária de medicação, mas, sobretudo, ao contexto socio-cultural onde o tratamento acontece e a postura de profissionais de saúde que desconsideram a complexidade desse fenômeno e assim rotulam e marginalizam aqueles pacientes que descontinuam o tratamento.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEfeito da resistência à morte celular por perda de adesão (anoikis) na expressão do sindecam-4 e no ciclo celular de células endoteliais em cultura(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2013-04-25) Carneiro, Bruna Ribeiro [UNIFESP]; Azevedo, Carla Cristina Lopes de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Tumors produce several molecules that facilitate their proliferation, invasion and maintenance, especially proteoglycans. The syndecan-4, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, can act as a co-receptor of growth factors and proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM) by increasing the affinity of adhesion molecules to their specific receptors. It participates together with integrins and FAK (focal adhesion kinase) in cell adhesion at focal contacts connecting the ECM to the cytoskeleton. Changes in the expression of syndecan-4 have been found in tumor cells, indicating its involvement in cancer. The acquisition of resistance to cell death induced by blockade of adhesion to the substrate (anoikis resistance) is a feature of neoplastic transformation and a critical step during the metastatic process. Aiming to clarify the role of sindecan-4 in the process of anoikis and in the processes of cell transformation, wild endothelial cells (EC) were subjected to transformation induced by blockade of adhesion to the substrate (Adh-EC) and studied in comparison with endothelial cells transfected with the EJ-ras oncogene (EJ-ras EC) in relation to: tumorigenic capacity, adhesive ability, cell cycle, cell proliferation, synthesis and degradation of sulfated glicosaminoglycans (SGAG), expression and localization of syndecam-4 and heparanase expression. After cycles of blocking adhesion, phenotypic changes were observed in the surviving cells. The clones obtained exhibited characteristics similar to tumorigenic cells: multilayer growth, loss of contact inhibition, tumorigenic capacity, uncontrolled cell cycle, differences at the dependence of growth factors present in fetal bovine serum (FBS), decreased adhesive capacity and a major anti-proliferative effect after treatment with specific inhibitors of PI3K/Akt e Ras/Raf/MAPK/ERK pathways. Further, an increase in the synthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) was detected in the clones resistant to anoikis. This increase is observed for both HS chains present in cells and secreted to culture medium. Structural changes in HS chains were also observed. We have seen that there is an increase in the syndecan-4 and heparanase expression in EJ-ras EC and Adh-EC cells. The data suggests that the syndecan-4 is involved in the acquisition of resistance to cell death induced by blockade of adhesion to the substrate (resistance to anoikis), contributing to neoplastic transformation.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)EFEITOS DA TELA DE POLITETRAFLUOROETILENO EXPANDIDO COLOCADA NO ESPAÇO PRÉ-PERITONEAL POR VIDEOLAPAROSCOPIA EM SUÍNOS(Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia, 1998-07-01) Brandao, Sandra Crippa [UNIFESP]; Goldenberg, Saul [UNIFESP]; Goldenberg, Alberto [UNIFESP]; Amaral, Daoiz Mendonza Do; Pias, Vicente Mariano Da Silva; Portella, Antônio Olívio; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Fundação Universidade do Rio Grande (FURG).; FURGTwenty (20) Large White male pigs (n=20) divided in groups of ten were used to observe the effects produced by the use of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) mesh, in the preperitoneal space. The operative approach was the laparoscopic transabdominal technique. On one side, in the inguinal region, the preperitoneal space was dissected and the mesh was fixed. On the other side, as a control, the same procedure has been done without the utilization of mesh. The local parietal peritoneum was approximated with a polyglactin 910 continuous suture. The animals were submitted to euthanasia at the 7th and the 21th days of postoperative evolution. In the first group, one animal presented adhesion formation where the mesh was placed and, in the second group, there was also one animal with adhesion formation but in the control side. It was concluded that e-PTFE mesh did not incited significant adhesion formation when placed in the preperitoneal space in a swine model.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Effect of photodynamic therapy on the extracellular matrix and associated components(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2007-08-01) Pazos, Marcelo de Castro [UNIFESP]; Nader, Helena Bonciani [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In many countries, photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been recognized as a standard treatment for malignant conditions (for example, esophageal and lung cancers) and non-malignant ones such as age-related macular degeneration and actinic keratoses. The administration of a non-toxic photosensitizer, its selective retention in highly proliferating cells and the later activation of this molecule by light to form reactive oxygen species that cause cell death is the principle of PDT. Three important mechanisms are responsible for the PDT effectiveness: a) direct tumor cell kill; b) damage of the tumor vasculature; c) post-treatment immunological response associated with the leukocyte stimulation and release of many inflammatory mediators like cytokines, growth factors, components of the complement system, acute phase proteins, and other immunoregulators. Due to the potential applications of this therapy, many studies have been reported regarding the effect of the treatment on cell survival/death, cell proliferation, matrix assembly, proteases and inhibitors, among others. Studies have demonstrated that PDT alters the extracellular matrix profoundly. For example, PDT induces collagen matrix changes, including cross-linking. The extracellular matrix is vital for tissue organization in multicellular organisms. In cooperation with growth factors and cytokines, it provides cells with key signals in a variety of physiological and pathological processes, for example, adhesion/migration and cell proliferation/differentiation/death. Thus, the focus of the present paper is related to the effects of PDT observed on the extracellular matrix and on the molecules associated with it, such as, adhesion molecules, matrix metalloproteinases, growth factors, and immunological mediators.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A influência de variáveis psicobiológicas na adesão e aderência a um programa de exercício físico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-03-31) Rosa, João Paulo Pereira [UNIFESP]; Mello, Marco Tulio de [UNIFESP]; Souza, Altay Alves Lino de [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Apesar do crescente número de iniciativas e facilidades para se adquirir um melhor condicionamento físico e constante acesso a informações sobre a importância da prática de atividade física para saúde, nota-se que pessoas iniciam programas de exercício físico e desistem do mesmo após pouco tempo. Estudos apontam que o nível de motivação e expectativas anteriores são aspectos relevantes para aumentar o compromisso com a atividade física. Além disso, esses aspectos não são adequadamente descritos em termos de explicações proximais (motivação/expectativas) e distais (evolutivas/ antropológicos) pela literatura. Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar se o nível de motivação (BREQ-2) e expectativas em relação ao exercício físico regular (IMPRAF-54) antes de iniciar um programa de exercícios de um ano poderia determinar a probabilidade de aderência ao exercício físico. Cem voluntários (55 mulheres) com idade de 34,03±9,01 anos foram recrutados a participar de um protocolo de exercício físico com duração de 12 meses. A escala IMPRAF-54 foi utilizado para avaliar seis expectativas diferentes associados à atividade física, e do inventário BREQ-2 foi utilizado para avaliar o nível de motivação em cinco etapas (de desmotivação para a motivação intrínseca). Os indivíduos que completaram o protocolo apresentaram maior sociabilidade e pontuações mais baixas no domínio "Prazer" de acordo com oIMPRAF-54. Um modelo de regressão logística mostrou que um aumento de um ponto no score de sociabilidade aumentou a chance de concluir o programa em 10% (OR = 1,1 [1,04-1,23]), e o mesmo incremento de um ponto na pontuação prazer reduziu a chance de completar o protocolo em 16% (OR = 0,85 [,74-,98]). Curvas ROC foram também calculados para estabelecer pontos de corte no questionário IMPRAF-54 para a adesão (Sociabilidade - 18,5 pontos - 81% de sensibilidade / 50% de especificidade) e abandono (Pleasure - 25,5 pontos - 86% de sensibilidade-20% de especificidade) do protocolo de exercício. A associação entre o exercício físico e as atividades sociais podem envolver as pessoas para serem fisicamente ativos e pode proporcionar melhores resultados de adesão e aderência em programas de exercícios físicos para a população em geral. Palavras ? Chave: Motivação, Exercício Físico, Adesão, Aderência
- ItemSomente MetadadadosMotivos para adesão e não adesão de idosos às atividades de grupo em uma unidade básica de saúde de Santos/SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-08-18) Henke, Karen Kiss [UNIFESP]; Guerra, Ricardo Luís Fernandes [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The issue of adherence to treatment is widely discussed in the literature because it is an important topic for the clinical improvement of patients with chronic diseases, especially the elderly. For this study, among the definitions of adherence, the concept of participation in healthpromotion activities and complementary practices carried out in groups was adopted. The objective was to identify the factors that interfered in the adherence and non adherence of the elderly to group activities. The method used was descriptive with retrospective and prospective design and qualitative-quantitative approach. The subjects of the research were individuals over than 60 years of age who participated in group activities - Community Therapy, Physical Education, Anti- smoking and Gerontoativação (Group "Move with Music and Dance") - developed at the Basic Health Unit (UBS) from the Gonzaga district of the city of Santos in the period between January 2014 and June 2015. Qualitative data were obtained through content analysis of semi structured interviews, in which sense nuclei were identified and later synthesized in themes. As a result of the retrospective phase, 264 enrolled in the four groups were identified, with 71 elderly people fulfilling the inclusion criteria (85.9% women, 14.1% men). In the second stage, prospective, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 elderly (20% of the sample), seven women and seven men, who answered questions of the factors that interfered in the participation of the chosen group. Among the interviewees, 46,7% were married, with an average age of 72.15 ± 7.67 years and schooling time of 8.5 ± 3.8 years. Six elderly people lived alone: one single, two widowers and three divorcees. The main source of income was retirement for 73.3% of the interviewees and five had health insurance. Dyslipidemia was identified as the most frequent pathology, followed by arterial hypertension. The sample was divided into two subgroups: Adhesion and Non-Adhesion. In both, the decision to participate was based on the encouragement of others (family members and health professionals) and the permanence was favored by the following factors: ease of UBS infrastructure (access and facilities), reception of the staff and expectation of physical well-being. For participants in the Adherence subgroup, the expectation of psychic well-being was also important through meeting with other people, new friendships and changing routine. In this subgroup, health aspects were perceived as positive interference. In the Non-Adhesion subgroup, the health conditions were not very relevant, with the main obstacles being the difficulty with the schedule and the little challenging activity. It was concluded that the health conditions of the elderly did not interfere negatively in the participation in the groups and that the committed and welcoming UBS team is very important for the motivation and permanence of the elderly in group activities. It is suggested that all the team encourage and recommend to users the participation in the health promotion groups, besides the implantation of multidisciplinary activities at different times with different difficulty levels (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced), aiming to provide an active aging for a larger diversity of elderly people who seek health care with quality.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Pesquisa de polimorfismos nas proteínas EspB e EspD e seu efeito na aderência de escherichia coli enteropatogênica atípica a células HeLa(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-03-29) Santos, Fernanda Fernandes dos [UNIFESP]; Amaral, Tania Aparecida Tardelli Gomes do [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)As cepas de Escherichia coli enteropatogênica (EPEC) são subdivididas em EPEC típicas (tEPEC) e EPEC atípicas (aEPEC). Elas diferem, principalmente, em relação à produção da fímbria bundleforming pilus (BFP), que ocorre apenas em tEPEC. A proteína intimina é a principal adesina envolvida na aderência íntima de EPEC a células epiteliais, porém, enquanto BFP participa dos estágios iniciais de interação de tEPEC com essas células, pouco se sabe sobre as estruturas de aEPEC envolvidas no início do processo de colonização. Este estudo pretende investigar o papel do translocon do sistema de secreção do tipo III (SST3) como uma estrutura de aderência envolvida nos estágios iniciais do contato de aEPEC com células epiteliais e avaliar se polimorfismos em EspB e EspD, proteínas que compõem o translocon, bem como a expressão mais elevada dos genes correspondentes, além da presença de outras adesinas, poderiam resultar em diferenças na eficiência dessa aderência. Foram construídos mutantes em intimina a partir de sete cepas de aEPEC, utilizandose o vetor suicida pJP5603. Esses mutantes foram testados em células HeLa quanto a possíveis modificações na sua eficiência de aderência. Cinco desses mutantes perderam a capacidade aderente, enquanto dois permaneceram aderentes (20121 wt e 38813 wt) (p> 0,05). Esses últimos foram utilizados para gerar duplos mutantes eae/escN (genes que codificam intimina e a ATPase do SST3, respectivamente). A cepa 20121 wt, cujo duplo mutante em eae/escN perdeu sua capacidade aderente, foi também utilizada para gerar o mutante simples em espD e o duplo mutante eae/espD, empregandose o sistema de recombinação Lambda Red. Ambos os mutantes perderam a capacidade aderente, sugerindo que EspD contribui para a aderência dessa cepa. Em seguida, as sequências dos genes espB e espD das sete cepas de aEPEC foram obtidas e traduzidas em sequências de aminoácidos, as quais foram, então, comparadas entre si e com as sequências correspondentes às da cepa protótipo tEPEC E2348/69, utilizandose o software Clustal Omega. As análises preliminares dos domínios transmembrana de EspB e EspD e do domínio coiled coil da região carboxiterminal de EspD, que são importantes para ancoragem dessas proteínas à membrana de células epiteliais, mostraram que existem diferentes aminoácidos entre 20121 wt e as outras cepas de aEPEC, bem como em relação à cepa E2348/69. Interessantemente, o aminoácido 352 do domínio coiled coil da cepa 20121 wt difere, inclusive, quanto a sua carga, em relação aos aminoácidos encontrados nessa mesma posição nas outras cepas. Comparandose a expressão relativa de espB e espD por qRTPCR, demonstrouse que a cepa 20121 wt expressa 18 vezes mais esses genes do que a cepa aEPEC BA4095, cujo mutante em intimina perde a capacidade de aderência. Além disso, a pesquisa de adesinas potenciais, realizada com o software SPAAN, revelou que, o genoma da cepa 20121 wt codifica uma proteína homóloga a YadA que poderia contribuir para aumentar a eficiência da aderência dessa cepa por meio do translocon do SST3. Nossos achados sugerem que o translocon do SST3 pode desempenhar um papel adicional importante, como adesina, no início do processo de colonização. Além disso, a alta expressão de espB e espD, polimorfismos específicos nesses genes e/ou a presença de outras adesinas que atuem juntamente com o SST3 podem tornar cepas de aEPEC colonizadores intestinais mais eficientes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Respiratory epithelial cells: more than just a physical barrier to fungal infections(MDPI, 2022-05-24) Barros, Bianca Carla Silva Campitelli; Almeida, Bruna Rocha; Barros, Débora Tereza Lucas [UNIFESP]; Toledo, Marcos Sergio [UNIFESP]; Suzuki, Erika [UNIFESP];;;;; respiratory epithelium is highly complex, and its composition varies along the conducting airways and alveoli. In addition to their primary function in maintaining the respiratory barrier and lung homeostasis for gas exchange, epithelial cells interact with inhaled pathogens, which can manipulate cell signaling pathways, promoting adhesion to these cells or hosting tissue invasion. Moreover, pathogens (or their products) can induce the secretion of chemokines and cytokines by epithelial cells, and in this way, these host cells communicate with the immune system, modulating host defenses and inflammatory outcomes. This review will focus on the response of respiratory epithelial cells to two human fungal pathogens that cause systemic mycoses: Aspergillus and Paracoccidioides. Some of the host epithelial cell receptors and signaling pathways, in addition to fungal adhesins or other molecules that are responsible for fungal adhesion, invasion, or induction of cytokine secretion will be addressed in this review.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosScratch testing for micro- and nanoscale evaluation of tribocharging in DLC films containing silver nanoparticles using AFM and KPFM techniques(Elsevier B.V., 2014-12-15) Vieira, L.; Lucas, F. L. C.; Fisssmer, S. F.; Santos, L. C. D. dos; Massi, M. [UNIFESP]; Leite, P. M. S. C. M.; Costa, C. A. R.; Lanzoni, E. M.; Pessoa, R. S.; Maciel, H. S.; Univ Paraiba Valley; Technol Inst Aeronaut; Univ Fed Rio Grande do Norte; Natl Nanotechnol Lab; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Scratch testing is a fast and effective method for the measurement of critical loads in order to determine the adhesion properties of coatings and their behavior in tribological applications. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) provides a means of monitoring electrostatic charging on the surfaces of materials. in this paper, we describe the use of a combination of scratch testing and KPFM analysis to evaluate the electrostatic effect induced by silver nanoparticles incorporated as clusters in diamond-like carbon (DLC) films, as well as its correlation with the rubbing process. KPFM was used for mapping of the potentials on the surfaces of DLC-Ag films subjected to nanoscale scratching. the procedure was also conducted at the microscale in order to analyze the way in which silver nanopartides were spread in the track. After scratching, the track was analyzed using backscattered electrons (BSE) and energy dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDX). the BSE images highlighted bright domains of metallic nanopartides dispersed in the amorphous coating and EDX confirmed the presence of silver nanopartides in the scratched track. Micro Raman spectroscopy was used to check the DLC signature. the electric potentials of DLC films with and without silver nanoparticles were also analyzed. the results indicated that the incorporation of silver nanoparticles in amorphous materials could offer new option for electrostatic energy storage on the surfaces of materials. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Si-based thin film coating on Y-TZP: Influence of deposition parameters on adhesion of resin cement(Elsevier B.V., 2013-10-01) Queiroz, Jose Renato Cavalcanti; Nogueira Junior, Lafayette; Massi, Marcos [UNIFESP]; Silva, Alecssandro de Moura; Bottino, Marco Antonio; Silva Sobrinho, Argemiro Soares da; Oezcan, Mutlu; Univ Potiguar; São Paulo State Univ; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Technol Inst Aeronaut; Univ ZurichThis study evaluated the influence of deposition parameters for Si-based thin films using magnetron sputtering for coating zirconia and subsequent adhesion of resin cement. Zirconia ceramic blocks were randomly divided into 8 groups and specimens were either ground finished and polished or conditioned using air-abrasion with alumina particles coated with silica. in the remaining groups, the polished specimens were coated with Si-based film coating with argon/oxygen magnetron discharge at 8:1 or 20:1 flux. in one group, Si-based film coating was performed on air-abraded surfaces. After application of bonding agent, resin cement was bonded. Profilometry, goniometry, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy and Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy analysis were performed on the conditioned zirconia surfaces. Adhesion of resin cement to zirconia was tested using shear bond test and debonded surfaces were examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy. Si-based film coating applied on air-abraded rough zirconia surfaces increased the adhesion of the resin cement (22.78 +/- 5.2 MPa) compared to those of other methods (0-14.62 MPa) (p = 0.05). Mixed type of failures were more frequent in Si film coated groups on either polished or air-abraded groups. Si-based thin films increased wettability compared to the control group but did not change the roughness, considering the parameters evaluated. Deposition parameters of Si-based thin film and after application of air-abrasion influenced the initial adhesion of resin cement to zirconia. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSíntese e caracterização de adesivos acrílicos sensíveis à pressão (PSA) obtidos via copolimerização em emulsão: efeito da concentração do 1,3-butadieno nas propriedades coloidais e de aplicação(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-07-01) Lepkoski, Jessica [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Mauricio Pinheiro De [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) market is broad and relevant whereas it comprises several sectors of the economy and a variety of industrial applications. Therefore, the present research work aims to understand the effects of 1,3-butadiene (BU) monomer incorporation on colloidal and application properties, replacing the traditional acrylic monomers used in PSA tapes and other adhesive materials of industrial interest. This investigation intends to define the impacts that BU monomer will cause on adhesive and cohesive properties of adhesive tape produced by emulsion polymerization of n-butyl acrylate (BA), 2-ethyl hexyl acrylate (2-EHA), styrene (Sty) and methacrylic acid (MAA) in semi-continuous process. Due the fact that BU is a diene, when the monomer polymerizes, it inserts an instauration into the polymer chain, allowing crosslinking, which support cohesive forces. The latexes were evaluated for solids content, overall conversion, viscosity, pH, coagulum concentration, particle size, zeta potential, stability, volatile organic compound concentration (VOC), surface tension and rheological behavior. Polymer films were analyzed for infrared spectroscopy, gel content, water absorption, glass transition temperature, thermogravimetric analysis and film hardness. Adhesive tapes were produced with biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) as backing and were evaluated for 180° peel adhesion, static shear, loop tack and rolling ball, with and without aging study. Increasing BU caused a decrease in particle size and, consequently, an increase in latexes viscosity. With BU, copolymers increased their gel concentration, their hardness and glass transition temperature. BU caused a significant increase in cohesion, but jeopardized adhesion forces and tack as its concentration increases. The use of 2% BU in the formulation showed a good balance between the adhesive and cohesive tape characteristics. This work was developed with technical support from BASF S.A. in the stage of application and characterization of adhesive tapes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The use of low-cost brewery waste product for the production of surfactin as a natural microbial biocide(Elsevier, 2020-10-07) Nazareth, Talita Corrêa; Zanutto, Conrado Planas; Tripathi, Lakshmi; Juma, Abdulaziz; Maass, Danielle [UNIFESP]; Souza, Antônio Augusto Ulson de; Souza, Selene Maria de Arruda Guelli Ulson de; has potential as next generation antibiofilm agent to combat antimicrobial resistance against emerging pathogens. However, the widespread industrial applications of surfactin is hampered by its high production cost. In this work, surfactin was produced from Bacillus subtilis using a low-cost brewery waste as a carbon source. The strain produced 210.11 mg L-1 after 28 h. The antimicrobial activity was observed against all tested strains, achieving complete inhibition for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, at 500 mg mL-1. A growth log reduction of 3.91 was achieved for P. aeruginosa while, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis showed between 1 and 2 log reductions. In the anti-biofilm assays against P. aeruginosa, the co-incubation, anti-adhesive and disruption showed inhibition, where the greatest inhibition was observed in the co-incubation assay (79.80%). This study provides evidence that surfactin produced from a low-cost substrate can be a promising biocide due to its antimicrobial and anti-biofilm abilities against pathogens.