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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da relação entre a disponibilidade de chumbo, baixo rendimento acadêmico e agressividade em estudantes(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-02-29) Tavares, Letícia Fátima da Silva [UNIFESP]; Assunção, Nilson Antonio de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study was conducted to quantify lead in the school environment and nails of students between 11 and 15 years of the city of Diadema - SP and the correlation between this data and socio-behavioral profile of these students. The focus was the neurocognitive system, where it aimed to verify the existence of correlation between the levels of lead present in the school environment and nails of students, and low academic achievement levels and aggressiveness of the same. A control group of students from the city of Varginha - MG was also analyzed in order to compare the lead of availability at school and nails of the students, in addition to academic performance and aggressiveness thereof to academic performance and aggressiveness of Diadema students - SP, always correlating this data to lead poisoning. The lead of this analysis the environment have been carried out by Fluorescence Spectroscopy portable X-ray and biological samples (nails) collected were quantified by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy in Graphite Furnace. They were also applied social and behavioral questionnaires acquired by Achenbach System of empirically based Assessment (ASEBA) that are suitable for the needs of this study. The questionnaires were applied to students, parents and teachers of these students investigated, in order to correlate behavioral attitudes, academic performance and lead contamination levels. Lead concentrations found in the school environment were in the range 10-12089 mg kg -1 to school in Diadema - SP and in the range 0-1000 mg kg-1 for school Varginha - MG. In nails, lead concentrations were found in the range 0,11 to 16,74 ± 0,001-0,57 mg Pb / g nail in the school of Diadema - SP and 0,22 to 11,36 ± 0,00 ? 0,73 g Pb / g nail in school Varginha - MG. According to the behavioral methodology, students of Diadema - SP exhibit more aggressive behavior and poorer cognitive performance compared to students Varginha - MG. We hope, with this work, contribute to the development of public policies that assist in the elimination of lead contamination especially in children and adolescents, with lead as one of the possible causes for the low academic performance and aggressiveness of the same.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O consumo de etanol entre universitários e sua relação com transtornos ansiosos e desempenho acadêmico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-01-20) Lima, Ana Paula Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Garcia, Raphael Caio Tamborelli [UNIFESP]; Wagner, Gabriela Arantes [UNIFESP];; transtornos mentais (TM) estão ganhando cada vez mais visibilidade nos dias atuais e, consequentemente, são cada vez mais estudados. Os transtornos de ansiedade são a classe de distúrbios mentais de maior prevalência, sendo estimado a 6ª maior causa de incapacitação mundial. Caracterizado por medo, pavor e inquietação como resposta ao estresse, é considerado patológico quando essa resposta passa a ser excessiva e persistente. Muitos pacientes acabam fazendo o uso de etanol como uma forma de amenizar os problemas diários, aumentando o risco de desenvolver alcoolismo. Sabe-se que a idade com a maior prevalência de consumo de álcool é no início da vida adulta, entre 18 e 22 anos, mesma idade em que normalmente se ingressa na universidade, adquirindo maiores responsabilidades e, assim, maiores preocupações com problemas do dia a dia. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o consumo de etanol e o aparecimento de crises de ansiedade em estudantes universitários com idades entre 18 e 29 anos, correlacionando com o desempenho acadêmico dos mesmos, utilizando o instrumento de pesquisa do Google Formulários, respondido pelo próprio estudante. Notou-se que a prevalência de transtornos de ansiedade na amostra está acima da média da população brasileira, e houve um aumento de crises após a entrada na universidade. Um dos fatores de risco para a ansiedade é o período em que o aluno está matriculado, sendo mais presente no início e no final da formação – ambas épocas de importantes decisões de vida. Com relação ao consumo de etanol, observamos que as mulheres consumiram mais nos últimos 12 meses, o que pode estar relacionado ao fato de ser o gênero mais acometido pelos TM. Conclui-se que o contexto universitário pode ser um agravante para transtornos de ansiedade e, portanto, maiores investimentos e recursos na área da saúde mental precisam ser destinados para o bem-estar dos estudantes.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of DSM-5 specific learning disorders in representative school samples from the second to sixth grade in Brazil(Springer, 2016) Fortes, Isabela S.; Paula, Cristiane S. [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Melaine C.; Bordin, Isabel A. [UNIFESP]; Mari, Jair de Jesus [UNIFESP]; Rohde, Luis A.Little is known about specific learning disorder (SLD) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and even less from representative school samples in small size cities outside huge urban centers. Few studies addressed the new DSM-5 criteria for SLDs. We investigated the prevalence of DSM-5 SLDs, their comorbidities and correlates in school samples of students from the second to sixth grades living in median cities from four different geographic regions in Brazil. A national test for academic performance covering reading, writing and mathematical abilities was applied. Psychiatric diagnoses were assessed by the K-SADS-PL applied to the primary caregiver. A total of 1618 children and adolescents were included in the study. The following prevalence rates of SLDs were found: 7.6 % for global impairment, 5.4 % for writing, 6.0 % for arithmetic, and 7.5 % for reading impairment. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was the only comorbidity significantly associated with SLD with global impairment (p = 0.031). Anxiety disorders and ADHD were associated with SLD with arithmetic impairment. Significant differences were detected in prevalence rates among cities, and several socio-demographic correlates (age, gender, IQ, and socioeconomic status) were significantly associated with SLD with global impairment in our sample. Careful validation and normatization of instruments to assess academic performance is a major problem in LMICs. As expected, we found a significant heterogeneity in prevalence rates of SLD according to geographic regions considering that Brazil is a country with a robust diversity. SLD with global and arithmetic impairment was significantly associated with psychiatric comorbidities.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of DSM-5 specific learning disorders in representative school samples from the second to sixth grade in Brazil(Springer, 2016) Fortes, Isabela S.; Paula, Cristiane S. [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Melaine C.; Bordin, Isabel A. [UNIFESP]; Mari, Jair de Jesus [UNIFESP]; Rohde, Luis A.Little is known about specific learning disorder (SLD) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and even less from representative school samples in small size cities outside huge urban centers. Few studies addressed the new DSM-5 criteria for SLDs. We investigated the prevalence of DSM-5 SLDs, their comorbidities and correlates in school samples of students from the second to sixth grades living in median cities from four different geographic regions in Brazil. A national test for academic performance covering reading, writing and mathematical abilities was applied. Psychiatric diagnoses were assessed by the K-SADS-PL applied to the primary caregiver. A total of 1618 children and adolescents were included in the study. The following prevalence rates of SLDs were found: 7.6 % for global impairment, 5.4 % for writing, 6.0 % for arithmetic, and 7.5 % for reading impairment. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was the only comorbidity significantly associated with SLD with global impairment (p = 0.031). Anxiety disorders and ADHD were associated with SLD with arithmetic impairment. Significant differences were detected in prevalence rates among cities, and several socio-demographic correlates (age, gender, IQ, and socioeconomic status) were significantly associated with SLD with global impairment in our sample. Careful validation and normatization of instruments to assess academic performance is a major problem in LMICs. As expected, we found a significant heterogeneity in prevalence rates of SLD according to geographic regions considering that Brazil is a country with a robust diversity. SLD with global and arithmetic impairment was significantly associated with psychiatric comorbidities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Exploring the impact of depression, anxiety, stress, academic engagement, and dropout intention on medical students' academic performance: a prospective study(Elsevier, 2025-01-01) Sinval, Jorge [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Pedro; Novais, Filipa; Almeida, Carla Maria; Telles-Correia, Diogo; Depression, anxiety, and stress (DAS) have been linked to poor academic outcomes. This study explores the relationships among DAS, academic engagement, dropout intentions, and academic performance—measured by Grade Point Average (GPA)—in medical students. It aims to understand how these factors relate to each other and predict academic performance. Methods Data were collected from 351 medical students (74.9% female) through an online survey. The average age was 20.2 years. Psychometric instruments measured DAS, academic engagement, and dropout intentions. Structural equation modeling was used to test the relationships between these variables and their prediction of GPA. Results DAS negatively associated academic engagement β ̂=− 0.501 p< 0.001 and positively connected to dropout intentions β ̂= 0.340 p< 0.001. Academic engagement positively predicted GPA β ̂= 0.298 p< 0.001 and negatively associated with dropout intentions β ̂=− 0.367 p< 0.001. DAS had a nonsignificant direct effect on GPA β ̂=− 0.008 p= 0.912. However, DAS indirect effect—via academic engagement—on GPA and dropout intention was statistically significant. Limitations The study's limitations include the use of a convenience sample and the collection of all variables—except GPA—at the same time point, which may affect the generalizability of the results. Conclusions The study supports the important role of DAS in associating with academic engagement and dropout intentions, which can predict GPA. Addressing DAS could enhance academic engagement and reduce dropout rates, leading to better academic performance.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Influência de alterações do sono, transtornos mentais comuns, Síndrome de Burnout e qualidade de vida no desempenho acadêmico de estudantes de medicina: um estudo multicêntrico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-08-19) Medeiros, José Givaldo Melquiades de [UNIFESP]; Citero, Vanessa de Albuquerque [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: sleep alterations, quality of life impairment and other psychological distress in medical students have been described in the literature with higher rates compared to the population at large. Objective: the present study aimed to assess the direct and mediated effect of quality of life, common mental disorders and burnout syndrome, and sleep alterations (excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep quality) on self-perceived academic performance of Medical students. Method: a sample of students of four Medical schools in the North East region of Brazil was used. Students from the first, fourth, eighth and twelfth semesters answered the scales and one demographic questionnaire. The statistics were calculated by SPSS and AMOS, using structural equations modelling to test the relations between the variables. Results: the paper 1 shows a literature review on sleep alterations, common mental disorders, including anxiety and depression and burnout syndrome in Medical students. On paper 2, the relation between quality of life of medical students with burnout syndrome and common mental health disorders and demographic data was studied. It was confirmed the relation between these variables and with female students, older students and the ones in more advanced periods of the course, with poorer quality of life, more burnout and common mental health disorders. On paper 3, the results pointed out to a moderate effect on sleep alterations on academic performance, with complete mediation of quality of life. The paper 4 points out that poor sleep quality has impacted positively on TMC; and this has impacted positively in emotional exhaustion (Burnout) and negatively on selfperceived academic performance. Low quality of sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness have impacted negatively in self-perceived academic performance. Conclusion: it was highlighted that quality of life, burnout and common mental disorders interfere in the relation between sleep alterations (sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness) and self-perceived academic performance.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Nível socioeconômico, desenvolvimento de funções executivas e aquisição de leitura em crianças do Ensino Fundamental I(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2020-12-20) Hirata, Camila Neves Assunção [UNIFESP]; Mello, Claudia Berlim de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)INTRODUÇÃO: A leitura é um ato de comunicação complexa, sendo influenciada por fatores cognitivos, como funções executivas, e socioeconômicos, renda familiar e nível de escolaridade dos pais. Para uma melhor compreensão da influência de fatores socioambientais sobre a leitura, especialmente entre crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem, entretanto, outras variáveis precisam ser consideradas. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre variáveis relativas aos recursos do ambiente familiar e estresse parental, e bem como as relativas ao desenvolvimento de funções executivas, sobre competências de leitura em crianças do Ensino Fundamental I com e sem queixas escolares. METODO: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, observacional, do tipo caso-controle. A amostra foi constituída por 43 crianças entre 7 e 11 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos (60,4% meninos), regularmente matriculadas em escolas públicas, distribuídas em dois grupos: com e sem queixas escolares. Todas foram submetidas a medidas de desempenho intelectual (Escala Matrizes Coloridas de Raven), provas de leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras (PROLEC), de controle inibitório (Flanker) e de memória operacional (Digitos ordem inversa; List Sorting test; Corsi ordem inversa). Os responsáveis responderam a escalas de estresse percebido e de recursos do ambiente familiar. RESULTADOS: Os grupos não diferiram quanto ao desempenho intelectual. As crianças com queixas escolares eram mais jovens e foram expostas a maior interação parental, e apresentaram pior desempenho nas provas de leitura e nos testes de controle inibitório em comparação às demais. Não foram evidenciadas correlações significantes entre as variáveis ambientais e as medidas dos testes cognitivos nos dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Queixas de dificuldades escolares entre alunos de escolas públicas nos primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental podem estar mais justificadas por fragilidades cognitivas, predominando em controle inibitório, do que socioambientais.