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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Analysis of HFE gene mutations and HLA-A alleles in Brazilian patients with iron overload(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2006-01-01) Cançado, Rodolfo Delfini; Guglielmi, Aline Cristiane De Oliveira; Vergueiro, Carmen Silvia Vieitas; Rolim, Ernani Geraldo; Figueiredo, Maria Stella [UNIFESP]; Chiattone, Carlos Sérgio; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Department of Internal Medicine; Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Blood Center; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Hemochromatosis is a common inherited disorder of iron metabolism and one of the most important causes of iron overload. The objective was to analyze the presence of C282Y, H63D and S65C mutations in the HFE gene and HLA-A alleles for a group of Brazilian patients with iron overload, and to correlate genotype with clinical and laboratory variables. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective study, in Discipline of Hematology and Oncology, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. METHODS: We studied 35 patients with iron overload seen at our outpatient unit between January 2001 and December 2003. Fasting levels of serum iron and ferritin, and total iron-binding capacity, were assayed using standard techniques. Determinations of C282Y, H63D and S65C mutations in the HFE gene and of HLA-A alleles were performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: Twenty-six out of 35 patients (74%) presented at least one of the HFE gene mutations analyzed. Among these, five (14%) were C282Y/C282Y, four (11%) C282Y/H63D, one (3%) H63D/H63D, six (17%) C282Y/WT and ten (29%) H63D/WT. No patients had the S65C mutation and nine (25%) did not present any of the three HFE mutations. Four out of five patients with C282Y/C282Y genotype (80%) and three out of four patients with C282Y/H63D genotype (75%) were HLA A*03. CONCLUSION: Analysis of HFE gene mutations constitutes an important procedure in identifying patients with hereditary hemochromatosis, particularly for patients with iron overload.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Boletim brasileiro de avaliação de tecnologias em saúde: deferasirox para o tratamento da sobrecarga de ferro(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-02-22) Silva, Marcus Tolentino [UNIFESP]; Atallah, Álvaro Nagib [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objectives: to evaluate the evidence on efficacy and safety regarding deferasirox for treatment of iron overload relating to beta-thalassemia, sickle cell disease and myelodysplastic syndrome, in comparison with other iron chelators available in Brazil (deferoxamine and deferiprone). Methods: to produce a synthesis of the evidence, a search was conducted using reports from HTA agencies and systematic reviews in Medline (March 2009). Additionally, a search for clinical trials was conducted to update the information available. Among the references identified, the study by McLeod (2009) was selected because this was a systematic review and economic evaluation produced by a highly trustworthy HTA agency. Considering the local economic context and the availability of medications and laboratory supplies, the evidence was adapted and critically evaluated. Results: the evidence found was based on three clinical trials of low methodological quality that evaluated the use of deferasirox in relation to deferoxamine. No comparative studies between deferasirox and deferiprone were found. In the clinical trials identified, hepatic iron concentration (a test unavailable in Brazil) was taken to be the primary outcome, although in clinical practice, the iron levels were monitored by means of the serum ferritin concentration. The changes in serum ferritin concentration were more favorable among patients with beta thalassemia and sickle cell disease (highest prevalence in Brazil) who received deferoxamine than among those who received deferasirox. Previous economic evaluation suggests that deferasirox may be a cost-effective strategy. Conclusions: since deferasirox was only recently introduced onto the Brazilian market and is considered to be an alternative for treatment within the public healthcare system, drug surveillance information is required, particularly regarding the risks of kidney failure, cytopenia (agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia) and gastrointestinal, hepatic, renal and blood disorders.
- ItemEmbargoConcentração de ferro hepático na hepatite C crônica: relação com ativação de células estreladas hepáticas e resposta à terapia antiviral(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-09-29) Pereira, Patrícia da Silva Fucuta [UNIFESP]; Ferraz, Maria Lucia Cardoso Gomes [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: The complex relationship between liver iron and fibrosis progression in chronic hepatitis C, possibly mediated by activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC), as well as the impact of iron depositions on sustained virological response (SVR) to antiviral therapy remain inconclusive. Aims: To evaluate the relationship between hepatic iron concentration (HIC) and HSC activation and the influence of HIC on SVR. Patients and Methods: Patients with chronic hepatitis C and liver biopsy with tissue iron quantification by atomic absorption spectrophotometry were eligible for HSC measurement. Of these patients, those receiving ribavirin and interferon based therapy (24 or 48 weeks) were included for the assessment of the relationship between SVR and HIC. Fibrosis and necroinflammatory activity were classified according to the Brazilian Society of Pathology. Activated HSC measurement was carried out by immunohistochemical test with anti-smooth muscle ¥á-actin antibody; these cells were semiquantified according to the modified Schimitt-Graff et al. score, graded in the lobular (zone 1 and zones 2-3) and mesenchymal (portal tracts/fibrous septa) compartments. Spearman.s correlation coefficient was used to identify the association of HIC, activated HSC, necroinflammatory activity and fibrosis variables. HIC was compared in patients with and without SVR by Mann-Whitney and Fisher.s exact tests; p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: HSC was determined in 73 patients. A positive correlation was observed between activated HSC and necroinflammatory activity and fibrosis, when analyzed in zone 1, portal tracts/septa and total activated HSC score. The strongest association was observed in the portal tracts/septa: r=0.63 and p<0.001 for periportal activity; r=0.56 and p<0.001 for staging. There was no association between activated HSC and HIC in the different compartments (zone 1: r=-0.10 and p=0.40; zones 2-3: r=0.08 and p=0.49; portal tracts/septa: r=-0.22 and p=0.59). Fifty patients were included in the study of the relationship between SVR and HIC, with mean age of 46¡¾10 years; males 60%; genotype 1 in 70%; median HIC 459 ¥ìg/g. Only one patient (2%) had HIC above physiological thresholds. SVR was obtained in 18 of the 50 patients (36%). There was no HIC difference in patients with and without SVR (median of 556.8 ¥ìg/g and 444.3 ¥ìg/g, respectively, p=0.37). In the analysis of different HIC thresholds, it was observed that of the 39 patients with HIC ¡Â 800 ¥ìg/g, 28 did not respond to therapy, therefore establishing this cutoff value as a negative predictive value of 72%. The difference in SVR rates according to HIC ¡Â or > 800 ¥ìg/g reached statistical significance, p=0.04. Conclusions: HIC was not associated to greater HSC activation despite of the association of HSC activation with greater liver histological damage. In addition, HIC had a positive impact on SVR. Thus, in the context of physiological thresholds, there must be an optimal iron concentration range, which is beneficial for the host in relation with hepatitis C virus infection.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Sequenciamento genético em pacientes com sobrecarga de ferro primária(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-06-05) Alvarenga, Aline Morgan [UNIFESP]; Santos, Paulo Caleb Júnior de Lima [UNIFESP];; hemocromatose é uma doença autossômica recessiva, causada por uma diminuição na concentração de hepcidina ou uma redução na ligação entre hepcidina e ferroportina. A principal variante genética associada à hemocromatose é a p.Cys282Tyr em homozigose no gene HFE. Outras variantes nos genes HJV, HAMP, TFR2, SLC40A1, BMP6 e FTL também têm sido associadas à sobrecarga de ferro. Este projeto possui dois objetivos, sendo o primeiro deles efetuar o sequenciamento, através de metodologia de Sanger, nos éxons dos genes citados, em amostras de pacientes com sobrecarga de ferro cujas causas secundárias foram excluídas e não possuem a variante p.Cys282Tyr em homozigose no gene HFE. O segundo objetivo foi realizar divulgação científica sobre hemocromatose através do Grupo Brasileiro de Hemocromatose (GBH). O sequenciamento dos genes BMP6 e FTL foi realizado e após a análise foram encontradas duas variantes patogênicas e uma variante de significado incerto (VUS) no gene BMP6, sendo que duas delas não foram descritas em literatura. Estes resultados renderam a publicação de um artigo científico. Para o gene FTL foi encontrada uma variante patogênica já descrita e a partir deste resultado foi publicado um case report. O gene HFE foi sequenciado em todos os pacientes, mas não foram obtidos resultados concretos, e devido à falta de financiamento não foi possível sequenciar os demais genes (HJV, HAMP, TFR2 e SLC40A). Além dos artigos citados, também foi publicada uma revisão a respeito da hemocromatose e um trabalho sobre qualidade de vida em pacientes com hemocromatose. A identificação de variantes patogênicas no gene BMP6 e FTL podem contribuir para a compreensão genética da sobrecarga de ferro e projetos no modelo do GBH são de extrema importância para a educação em saúde, contribuindo para a democratização da informação, prevenção da doença e qualidade de vida.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Sobrecarga de ferro no pós transplante de células tronco hematopoéticas: uma análise da relação com a dislipidemia e doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-02-02) Mancilha, Elaine Maria Borges [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, José Salvador de [UNIFESP];; avaliar a relação da ferritina e da saturação de transferrina com a dislipidemia e a Doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica (DECHc); com enfoque em especial no impacto da Sobrecarga de Ferro (SF) na sobrevida global. Materiais e métodos: foram estudados retrospectivamente, 199 transplantes de células tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH) alogênicos com doador HLA- idêntico ou haplo idêntico, com idades entre 18-65 anos, que ocorreram no período compreendido entre os anos de 1996 a 2018 na Casa de Saúde Santa Marcelina e Hospital São Paulo. Resultados: Foi observado um pico da mediana de ferritina (>1000 microg/L) e de Saturação de transferrina (>50%) concentrados entre os 100 dias e 1 ano após transplante, com queda progressiva da mediana da ferritina (p<0,001) nos momentos após 3 anos pós TCTH, 5 anos pós TCTH, maior que 5 anos pós TCTH. A incidência de DECHc na amostra foi de 62%, sendo o fator predisponente o uso de células periféricas CD34+ com uma Odds ratio 5.401(p<0.001 e 95% CI= 2.568-11.360). Não foi constatada maiori ncidência de DECHc nos pacientes com hiperferritinemia pós transplante, porém foi observada maior gravidade do DECHc nestes indivíduos. Ainda foi mostrado, que o maior número de transfusões recebidas tem impacto na hiperferritinemia pré transplante, não havendo relação direta com a sobrecarga de ferro (SF) pós transplante, sendo este apenas o fator adicional predisponente para SF. Não houve impacto da dislipidemia na incidência de DECHc ou na maior prevalência de SF, porém foi constatado aumento do colesterol total e suas frações, além de aumento do triglicerídeos no 100 dias pós TCTH, o que acarreta maior risco cardíaco dos pacientes pós TCTH. Uma hipótese levantada após a análise de todos os resultados, é que há uma enxertia deficiente associada reconstituição imune disfuncional no individuo com SF, retroalimentada pelo estimulo as citocinas, perpetua o DECHc; foi então evidenciado que a quelação do Fe leva a diminuição da prevalência de formas graves de DECHc. Conclusão: A SF no pós TCTH tem nítida implicação na diminuição da sobrevida global pós TCTH, leva a atraso na enxertia neutrofílica e proporciona maior gravidade de DECHc, portanto é importante o screening precoce da SF nos candidatos ao Transplante e a monitorização constante dos níveis séricos da ferritina e da Saturação da Transferrina com o objetivo de prevenir essas complicações e diminuir a Mortalidade Relacionada ao Transplante.