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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da usabilidade do Guia Alimentar Digital móvel segundo a percepção dos usuários(ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva, 2014-05-01) Caivano, Simone [UNIFESP]; Ferreira, Beatriz Jansen; Domene, Semíramis Martins Álvares [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)The use of digital technology in the form of health care apps has been on the increase. In the nutrition area, apps are now available with a view to lead to behavior change, helping individuals to reflect on their food choices and identify weak points in their dietary routine. The article seeks to evaluate user perception regarding the usability of the Digital Food Guide (DFG), which is a mobile smartphone app with guidelines on healthy eating. A cross-sectional study evaluated the user perception of the app using the Likert scale, built with 24 assertions organized in three dimensions of analysis: the DFG as an intuitive and self-explanatory tool; the DFG as a promoter of healthy food choices; and the DFG as a promoter of the transition to the appropriate weight. The instrument was assessed regarding its reliability through the split-half and validity method in two stages. The 22 assertions were validated; the reliability was 0.93; the average of the assertions in each dimension was 3.10; of the 80 respondents, 58.75% considered the implementation of the DFG to be positive. The application has good usability as perceived by users, considering analysis of the dimensions relating to its performance.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O cuidador familiar e o cuidado ao adulto com doença crônica dependente de tecnologia: uma proposta de educação em saúde no contexto domiciliar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-02-27) Brondani, Cecilia Maria [UNIFESP]; Ramos, Lais Helena Domingues [UNIFESP]; Beuter, Margrid;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Diversas são as demandas de cuidados dos doentes crônicos atendidos no domicílio e essas dependem do diagnóstico médico, do grau de incapacidades e da utilização de tecnologias que monitorem e auxiliem nas funções vitais. O objeto desse estudo é o cuidado desenvolvido por cuidadores familiares de pacientes adultos com doenças crônicas dependentes de tecnologia no contexto da atenção domiciliar. O estudo está centrado na perspectiva dialógica de educação de Paulo Freire. Essa concepção amplia as possibilidades de atuação do enfermeiro no processo de cuidar e educar desenvolvido durante as visitas domiciliares. Objetivos: Investigar como é o cuidado desenvolvido pelos cuidadores familiares de pacientes adultos com doenças crônicas dependentes de tecnologia no domicílio; Implementar durante a visita domiciliar uma prática de educação em saúde com esses cuidadores; Discutir os benefícios da prática educação em saúde para os cuidadores familiares. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo na modalidade convergente-assistencial, com abordagem qualitativa. Desenvolvida no período de agosto de 2012 a fevereiro de 2013, com cuidadores familiares de pacientes adultos dependentes da tecnologia de um Serviço de Internação Domiciliar. Os dados foram coletados por meio da entrevista semiestruturada, observação participante e visita domiciliar. A prática de educação em saúde foi desenvolvida durante as visitas domiciliares, considerando as individualidades e demandas do paciente dependente de tecnologia e do seu cuidador. A análise dos dados foi realizada de acordo com as quatro etapas propostas pela PCA: apreensão, síntese, teorização e transferência. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, sob o número 05553412.7.0000.5505. Resultados: Foram estruturadas em quatro categorias: Demandas de cuidado do paciente adulto com doença crônica dependente de tecnologia; Sentimentos do cuidador familiar frente à realidade do cuidado no domicílio; A visita domiciliar e a prática de educação em saúde com o cuidador familiar do paciente adulto com doença crônica dependente de tecnologia; Benefícios para o cuidador familiar da prática de educação em saúde desenvolvida pelo enfermeiro durante a visita domiciliar. Constatou-se a preocupação dos cuidadores em relação à organização e às demandas de cuidado, a aceitação da doença e da dependência, o medo de errar e a necessidade de superação. A utilização de tecnologias no domicílio interfere na vida dos cuidadores e familiares modificando a dinâmica familiar, por outro lado, auxilia na manutenção da vida do paciente. Conclusão: A prática de educação em saúde trouxe segurança e tranquilidade aos cuidadores familiares, contribuindo para a construção da autonomia no desenvolvimento das atividades. Além de possibilitar a continuidade e a integralidade do cuidado.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Factor analysis for the adoption of nuclear technology in diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases(Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein, 2012-03-01) Sato, Renato Cesar [UNIFESP]; Zouain, Désirée Moraes; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e NuclearesOBJECTIVE: To identify and evaluate latent variables (variables that are not directly observed) for adopting and using nuclear technologies in diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases. The measurement and management of these latent factors are important for healthcare due to complexities of the sector. METHODS: An exploratory factor analysis study was conducted among 52 physicians practicing in the areas of Cardiology, Neurology and Oncology in the State of São Paulo who agreed to participate in the study between 2009 and 2010. Data were collected using an attitude measurement questionnaire, and analyzed according to the principal component method with Varimax rotation. RESULTS: The component matrix after factor rotation showed three elucidative groups arranged according to demand for nuclear technology: clinical factors, structural factors, and technological factors. Clinical factors included questionnaire answers referring to medical history, previous interventions, complexity and chronicity of the disease. Structural factors included patient age, physician's practice area, and payment ability. Technological factors included prospective growth in the use of nuclear technology and availability of services. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical factors group dimension identified in the study included patient history, prior interventions, and complexity and chronicity of the disease. This dimension is the main motivator for adopting nuclear technology in diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosGuia alimentar digital: ferramenta para incorporação de escolhas alimentares saudáveis(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-02-27) Caivano, Simone [UNIFESP]; Domene, Semíramis Martins Álvares [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)INTRODUCTION. The development of dietary guidelines next to the action planning aligned to culture and health problems related to food in each country are strategies to improve dietary intake and nutritional well-being of the population. The American food pyramid was one of the best known icons for promoting healthy eating and, since its proposition, other guides were constructed to incorporate advances in nutrition science and enhance the role of qualitative indicators of dietary intake for the prevention of chronic diseases. Nutrition education is a process that aims to help individuals and groups to adopt desirable eating behaviors as part of a healthy lifestyle. The search for languages that enhance the dialogue with the leaner is a strategy for meaningful learning, whereby the individual is invited to leadthe process. The increasing interest and access to information technology is an opportunity to promote healthy food choices. Digital language was used to house a Food Guide on mobile devices; the outcome effect of this tool, however, is not known on the eating behavior or the acceptance of its users. OBJECTIVE.To evaluate the Digital Food Guide (DFG) as a resource to promote healthy food choices. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Retrospective cohort study involving analysis of food intake and body weight was conducted with DFG users of both sexes and aged between 19 and 50 years. An Index was created to assess the Diet Quality, associated with the guide – DQI-DFG. Psychometric properties of the instrument were used to evaluate its reliability and validity. The users' perception regarding the usability of the tool, healthy choices incorporation and transition to appropriate weight was measured by a Likert scale. RESULTS.Among the 442 subjects in the sample, 31.45% showed improvement of the diet quality and 60% lost weight. The validation study of the DQI-DFG showed weak correlations between the components and the total energy of the diet (r = -0.16 to 0.09), the highest correlation (r = 0.515) occurred between the component sugars and sweets and total score; internal consistency showed an α= 0.36; answering to Likert scale, users indicatedsatisfaction of most assertives, with an average 3.10 points outof possible 4.0. CONCLUSION.The increased interest and access to technology for mobile devices is an opportunity to promote healthy food choices. The DFG helped in improving dietary patterns and the loss of excess weight. Although the internal consistency is similar to that observed in international indexes, the reliability of the instrument can be improved in order to provide greater certainty and to qualify interpretation of the data of food intake. The perception was positive for all three dimensions studied, which demonstrates an assertive technological construction.